Nothing's Happening in the Great Indoors...

A few people have asked me recently if I have any new songs to stick online: well, the answer, sadly, is no. I haven't written as much in the last year as I have in the past (which is odd because technically I should have had a heap more time on my hands than I ever did before) and I still have the same problem of not being able to produce much on my own, except with a lot of synthesised assistance. I am working on this issue however. :)

So, if you're still reading this after finding out that I currently have nothing more to offer my listeners, I hope that some totally unrelated snippets of my life are enough to sustain your interest in my page.

At this point I am looking back at some of the things I have already uploaded to this site, and I'm wondering if maybe I was a little too hasty on the Upload button. I've always been torn between the writers' adage that you never write anything that you wouldn't want to see on your own tombstone, and the idea that stream-of-consciousness off-the-top-of-your-head rambling does a more honest version of life than careful thought and clever words. (But didn't it take Joyce eleven years to write Ulysses?)

So once again, as with Musicalis, I'm not going to look back at anything on this site and think, well I didn't mean to say that (*delete delete delete*). As long as it makes sense to have it here, I'll give it a nice home, free board and hopefully continually improving neighbours.

Don't hold your breath for too long though -I temporarily gave up being creative when it clashed horribly with the class timetable (and sterile general atmosphere) of my most recent hallowed tertiary halls. But that was over a year ago and I'm starting to remember how it's done. Maybe I will manage to recapture that wonderful feeling of "what I write may be crap but can you believe I'm making myself think?!". Or maybe I'll just sit in front of my computer and wonder why I keep promising to get interesting soon when frankly I haven't given the matter a whole lot of thought.

Not much happening in front of my computer, not much happening in my head, not much happening in my life that would be interesting to anyone that hasn't met me - well honestly not even to those who have. I guess not much happens in the great indoors anymore.

But stay tuned. :)

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