he Zebra Ceramics uses only the highest quality, environmentally responsible and safe products available on the market today. There is a broad list of manufactures, whose products we have been using in our projects: Iberia Tiles, Zumpana, Senergy, Finestone, Acrocrete, Daltile - just to mention a few. On numerous occasions we order products directly from Italy...
Our team of experts will use their experience and strong background in product knowledge to choose the products which best suit your stone, marble, tile needs.

These may include:

Grout Cleaners & Protectors
Intensive Cleaners
Grout Film Removers
Polish Preservers
Strippers/Stain Removers
Refinishing Compounds

Our products can be used for marble, granite, limestone, terrazzo, agglomerates and other natural stone as well as ceramic and porcelain tile.

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