These are pictures of the PBHS get-together at the Okeechobee Steak House in WPB October 13, 2005.
(52 attending).

Pictures taken by Russ Kartrude...
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Mrs. Klaire Markham.

Carl Christoff & Sheila Smith Bone

Barbara Oltmer Halliday, Monte Markham & Rev. Jack Delaney

Dr.Joe Eassa & Richard Burrer

Frank Cote

Betty Sue Hammond, Marlene Haupt Bromley & Mrs. Kartrude.

Richard Burrer & Rose Marie Lamantia.

Sue Brunson Tapp

Dot Adair Tidmarsh.

L-R: Dorothy Strickland Kinsaul and Edith Moore Bonner.

Deloros Messer Hughes.

Ellen Francisco VanSant , ......

Mrs. Kartrude & Ron Cagle

Carl Christoff & Mrs. Kartrude.

Mrs. Kartrude & Ron Cagle

David Platz, Klaire & Monte Markham

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