launched April 14, 1999


Forty-eight ninety-four!

is indeed your NEW and FREE online alternative
Philippine poetry wall!

Just what the masthead says it is.



Hey "punk," "leper," "upstart," "moron," "ignoramus," or whatever! Were you born between 1948 and 1994?

So you don't yet have a book of poems published by the presses controlled by what you probably think are either the "establishment" or this establishment's taste or old standards, or by what you think are cliques of the usual Filipino "family"-sense. And you have a piece about poetry that says something against establishment rules, or a sample poetry piece or two you feel has a style, language, angle on a theme, or a theme present Philippine poetry editors can't or won't touch. Or do you simply feel you don't have connections in the workshops culture to ever be considered for a gathering of voices? Well, maybe you've found the right forum to submit your stuff to---whether this involves an "ugly" (or "bad" or "wrong" or "prosaic" or "vague") poem of yours, your weird poetics, or your alt comments to certain establishment authors' own poetics that you feel you just have to make (as long as you mention the source of the fragment you'd like to bash). Originally designed as an ongoing online quarterly journal, Forty-eight ninety-four! is here for you. The only thing you have to be is serious with it.

Otherwise, could you be an "established" author who've felt some "reservations" or fear about certain pieces of yours? Let us see those sources of your trembles.

comment! suggest! protest!
Comment? Suggest? Protest?

Or maybe what you have in mind is just a prank, from the establishment or the scum area of your head, not serious at all then, just out to try our judgment with what in your judgment is a bad piece of yours. What we have to say to you is readers often enjoy certain works their writers can't. You might say, for example, Freud meant his tracts as a joke. So? We happen to believe in values/effects of works, not in their authors' intents. Their authors could be Nazis or complete morons for all we f-----g care. So just f-----g send them in, you stupid f--k. We'll see.

Still, rules exist even in the alternative zone---

Submit via e-mail
(but read rule 2 below before sending)!

 Quality is still a requisite spirit. After all, alternative poetry outlets are here as an "alternative" only in terms of having---or so the claim goes---a wider field and appreciation/respect for a multiplicity of schools of poetic thought (well, at least with this alternative outlet).
    Therefore, pieces our editors feel we have to reject---despite the above hope of having the widest possible mind-space for a tolerance towards all esthetic philosophies---will have to be deleted from our files (both electronic and hardcopy). In this regard, we're sorry to say we can't return any snail-mailed hardcopy unless provided with a SASE, so we advise you (as if it's needed) to keep a nice copy of your God-forsaken thing. As a matter of old-fashioned courtesy, however, we may find time to e-mail you a "so sorry" note in case we can't find space for your entry.

 Submit your stuff electronically (in either e-mail format or Word document attachment only) to The 4894 Editors. In case your e-mailed submission is considered for our wall, the editors may provide you with a format by which to confirm the page appearance of your piece/s in terms of lines and page-space text locations.

 The rights to the individual pieces published by Forty-eight ninety-four! will remain with their respective authors. All rights to Forty-eight ninety-four! pages and the name "4894!", however, belong to the publisher.
    In this regard, all contributors must also agree to the publication of their entries both on this site, specifically within the pages of this online literary wall, and to possible inclusion in any future printed version (by a book publisher) of this same wall, without demand of remuneration from
Forty-eight ninety-four!'s publishers and editors.

 Each contributor is also enjoined to submit a brief note about him/herself, preferably with info on his/her work/profession/job or business, his/her present base, and sex if necessary (this last more for the editors, who need to decide on the use of "he" or "she" for certain unisex names like Christopher, JoJo, Lee, etc.).





Why "4894!"?


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