 "Song About MP3"


Song About MP3  
Song Lyrics Story Behind The Song
When the sun sits down
On the rocking chair of paradise,
And the wind is a greeting card,
The horizon paints your picture---
As dorky as the sea
But although corny is a friend to me.

Life's hard as a rock song
In this carnival of pop songs.
We're spinning like broken records,
We're singing like cuckolds.

Is this all a daydream
When everyone's gone to the rush hour?
Am I acting for the mirror?

I remember a time
When watches stopped underwater,
When planes crashed like television,
And the movies showed 'em Shakespeares---
As funny as a tree
But although serious is a god to me.

Life's soft as a pillow
In this carnival of blankets---
We're dreaming of tall ferris-wheels
And wet our cotton candies.
The song was written in 1990 originally with the title "Waiting for Jobs". The original was a song about unemployment and Steve Jobs. Although the current construction refers to the social/cultural significance of the MP3 format, it can still be elliptically read as a song about unemployment and, oh yes, even Steve Jobs.


Copyright © 2000 Vicente-Ignacio Soria de Veyra. All rights reserved.



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