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Central African Rep.
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Postal Data 
The Central African Republic was a part of French Equatorial Africa known as Ubangi-Shari-Chad. It became a autonomous republic with in French community in 1958 and independent in 1960. Postage stamps have been issued since 1877.

CIA Data: Location: Central Africa, north of Democratic Republic of theCongo. formerly called: Central African Empire. Independence: 13 August 1960 (from France). National holiday: National Day, 1 December (1958) (proclamation of the republic)


Postal Contact:

Malte says:
Office National des Postes et de L'épargne
Chef du Service philatélique

and from Linn's:
Service Philatelique des PTT
Bangui, Central African Republic

UPU Customer Relations Data:
Office national des postes et de l'épargne
M. Antoine Bekouanebandi
Chef du service de l'exploitation postale
et de gestion des établissements postaux
Téléphone (+236) 61 10 56

Inter Governmental Philatelic Agency Online - for over 55 countries (dealers only)

Catalogs ...

Central African Republic Stamp New Issues.

Download Central Africa (incl: 'Empire') Album Pages:  - $5 a year for all the countries you can eat!


Last update March 1, 2000

