AJ's Encyclopedia of Stamps
& Philatelic Links

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Index : Dealers : Topics : E
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See Also: Titles - Philatelic Topics

eBay Sellers I have known (bought from or appreciate.).
See Also: Online Stores, Retail Shops

  1. Marilyn Stamps (WW; eBay), .us-NH
  2. Loranger
    [email protected]

    See Also:

    TBR Stamps (319 items {Definitive specialist} & several 'eBay Guides' (1, 2) to stamp collecting - c.20150214)

Education Opportunities

  • Don Tocher, U.S. Classics (U.S. Classics, p/h, Civil War), .us-NH
    Hosts pages on the ASDA Mentor Program c.2011
  • Stamps International (A/Asia) Pty. Ltd. - Andrew H. McEachern, .au-QLD
    offers a 'Dealer Correspondence Course'

  • Egypt (.eg)

    1. Nile Post, The - Mrs. Barbara J. Ammel (Egypt, Palestinian Authority: new issues), .us-CA

    Employment Opportunities

    US : .NV : Jim Forte's Postal History (US, Military & WW P/H; eBay)
    'Help Wanted' (scanning)
    Cite: Topical Index : Post Offices, Army (APO's); article

    FR : Philately.net (Club: WW, Kiloware, Topicals, books), (active c.2012)
    aka: Philnet.fr
    Uncle Phil says, "250 Mega Bytes of informations and images".
    ...looking for a representative in your country .. ; cf /summary.html '404' c.2012

       England - See 'Great Britain'


    US : CA : Mark Baker Enterprises (US Western Covers & Ephemera, US, WW, Collections, p/h)
    US : I L : Schaeffer, Edwin ( World Fairs/Expositions, Ephemera, Discount Postage)
    US : MA : Britannia Enterprises - Michael Mead (ww, p/h, Ephemera)Collecting Printed Ephemera
    US : PA ; Tom & Cindy Stone (Stampless Covers, Advertising Covers, Ephemera, 19th Century; eBay)

    Eras, Times . . .

    John & Mark Taylor (19th Century; all fields, 20th Century rarities), .uk-LO
    Northeast 207 - Brett Strout (U.S. Classics, Revenues, 19th Century), .us-ME
    Sam's Stamp Shop - Lydia Loving (19th Cent., Air Mails, Coils, Plate Blocks & Singles), .us-MA

    Errors, Freaks & Oddities (EFO's)

      AU :
      VIC : Michael Eastwick & Associates Pty Ltd (Australia EFO's, KGV, ww)
      UK : SU : Mark Brandon ('Investment Advisors', Expertization/sales KG VI, QEII, Errors)
      US :
      NH : Stuart Katz Stamp Company (US, Disney, Di, EFO's, Entertainment; PayPal)
      US :
      M I : DuMouchelle Art Galleries (Inverts {EFO's}, Zeppelin Covers, U.S., WW)
      US :
      NY : Bellmore Philatelics Inc. - Marvin Frey (BC, lots, ww, Errors, Freaks & Oddities),
      US :
      NY : Markest Stamp Co., Inc. - Mark S. Eastzer (.us, Asia, ww, Collections/Lots/Accumulations, EFO's),
      US :
      OH : Hatton, William (Bill) H. (U.S., Literature, Postal History, EFO's)
      US :
      TX : Steve Crippe, Inc.'s Error Stamps on the WEB (EFO's),

      old?- NO!! talked to him today: 20150224:
      Goldfarb, Stan - Error Stamps
      8520 Atwell Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854, USA
      Ph 301-279-0754 (good c.20150524)/ Fax 301-279-9490
      [email protected] (c.2015)
      " I am the largest (have you ever heard this before?) exclusive dealer of error stamps with over 1,500 different items . . "
      www.geocities.com/Eureka/Enterprises/6481 '404' c.2008, rescued c.2015 (data c.2001).

    Essays & Proofs

    US : I L : James E. Lee (US: Essays & Proofs, p/h, fancy cancels, literature)

    Europe & Europa

    AU : NSW : Krzysztof (Chris) Ceremuga (WWI & WWII Occupations. Expertiziation: .au & New Guinea-PNG)
    AU : Qld : Euro-Yu Oz Pty. Ltd. - Dragan Udovicic (Balkan & Baltic States, Germany & Italy Occupation issues)
    FR : Agnoletto & Fils - Francis Agnoletto (.fr & colonies, Europe, topicals)
    FR : Atzeni, Sylvain (ww, Topicals; polar, Europa)
    FR : Collectionneur Cevenol, Le - Elisabeth Daude (.fr & colonies, Europe, covers)
    FR : Editions La Rose des Vents - Mme Simone Isnard (.fr, .mc, Europa, Europe)
    FR : Editions Philateliques Europeennes - Jean-Luc Staedel (Europe)
    FR : Molinel Philatelie - Edy Demeyer (Timbres d'Europe)
    FR : Philarama - Eric Avenel (Europe et Thématiques. Supplies)
    FR : Salvi Philatelie - Marie-Madeleine Salvi (.fr & colonies, Europe, letters)
    FR : Timbre Europeen, Le - Michel Dumora (.eu)
    I T : Partenophil di Gennaro Todisco (auctions: .it, .eu)
    UK : Scotland : McLean, B. (GB, Scandinavia, Europa CEPT)
    UK : Scotland : Chad Neighbor (.eu, p/h, p/c, approvals, wants)
    UK : Scotland : A.T. Wishart - Postal Historian (p/h: Europe: Pre Stamp to 1870)
    US : CA : A Keith Kaufman Phil. (BrC'wealth, Mid East, Western Europe: .fr/Col., .it/Col, .pt, .ch, .es/Col.)
    US : CA : Marcel Philatelic (.cn, fdc's, Ducks, >Europa Cept, .fr, .hk. .mc, .us)
    US : CA : Stamp Store, The - Henry M. Leer (United States, Bénélux, Germany)
    US : CO : Interphilia Stamp Agency - Andy Wacinski (Europe, topicals, P/H)
    US : I L : Liberty Stamp Shop, Inc. - Steve Eaton (British Commonwealth, Europe, U.N., U.S.)
    US : FL : Dick, Richard H. (Europa (CEPT), NATO, Joint Issues, Lighthouses, Global Warming & Braille)
    US : MA : Hungaria Stamp Exchange - Alan Bauer (Eastern Europe)
    US : M I : Arbor Stamps - Michael Homel (BrC'wealth, .eu, ww. wants)
    US : M I : Northmont Books & Stamps - Nicholas Altwerger (.ca, .eu, G.B.)
    US : MO : Stamps Plus - Roger Grider (Austria, Scandinavia, Europe)
    US : NC : Aardvark Stamps - Bert S. (& Brenda) Forsythe (Worldwide, British Commonwealth, Europa),
    US : NC : Frank Geiger Philatelists (Asia, Europe (incl. SMOM), .jp, .mx, .un, Topicals)
    US : NY : Blue Ribbon Stamps - Irving Tesmer (Want Lists, Worldwide, Europe, U.S.)
    US : NY : Leo Constantinides (Western Europe 1840-1960, .gr, .de)
    US : W I : No Limits Stamps - Steve Spoerl (Australia. .eu: Baltics, Ireland, Scandinavia. WW; Used US)


    Expertization - See: Terminology
    Includes resources - Note: those offering this service are too numerous for individual listings in this section but are listed in the regular Dealers Directory and associated Sub-Index.
    See Also:
    Index Term: Authentication, Valuations
    International Society of Appraisers, .us-WA

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