's World Stamp Directory

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Greater London County
(1965 to 1986 & 2002 onwards)


Royal Philatelic Society of London (R.P.S.L.) Ltd.
41 Devonshire Place
London W1N 1PE, England

  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 7486 1044
  • Fax: +44 (0)20 7486 0803
    Affilate: AIEP : Expertization: Worldwide Issues
    Their online catalogue.

  • Philatelic Traders Soc. (PTS)
    Sec.: Lucie Warren (c.2015)
    P.O. Box 981 • Southsea • Hampshire • PO1 9PG • United Kingdom
    Tel.: 023 9283 2289
    [email protected], [email protected]

    old: P.O. Box 139 • Brighton
    Hampshire • BN41 9DH
    • Tel.: +44 (0)1273 594110
    • Fax: 01273 595379

    old?: PTS ASDA-11
    c/ J. Michael Czuczman
    P. O. Box 371
    Fleet GU52 6ZX

  • Tel +44 (0) 1252 628006
  • ...runs the Spring and Autumn STAMPEX*.

  • The National Philatelic Society
  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 7336 0882
  • Fax: +44 (0)20 7490 4253
  • E-mail


  • A. L. Garfield Philatelics
    A. L. Garfield PTS-06, SADPA-11, APHV-06, IPTA-06
    39 Malford Grove, South Woodford
    London E18 2DY, UK
  • Mobile Phone: 07973 387 978
  • Tel./Fax: +44 208 989 6417
  • Fax: +44 208 504 9137
  • [email protected]
  • VAT: 248 2286 48
    Since 1959. Cyprus, Malta, South Africa, .ma, .sl, .gi, .pk ...
    "I have probably the largest and most extensive stock in the WORLD of this group"

    old?: www.GarfieldPhilately.Com

    Richard Allan
    & Richard Allan Online Bidding
    aka: Richard Allan Postal Sales
    Richard Allan
    2 Savoy Court, Strand, London WC2R 0EZ *
  • Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7379 5439
  • Fax: 0207 379 9263 *
  • @-mail
  • blog
    For online & postal auctions: "BUYERS PREMIUM NOW ONLY 5%" (c.2009)
    See Also: Malcolm Sprei *

  • Simon Andrews Stamps
    aka: The Cecil Court Stamp Shop
    6 Cecil Court, (Charing Cross, London) WC2N 4HE
  • Tel: 44 (0) 20 7240 1051), Fax: 020 7137 91477
    Specialization: China, Hong Kong, China PRC, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, South East Asia.(ca.2011)

    NOTE: "Unfortunately Mr Andrews passed away earlier this year . . ." (c.2015)

    old: www.SimonAndrews.Com '404' c.2008

  • Argyll Etkin Limited DGrp-10
    / The Mayfair Philatelist

    Eric Etkin (cf.) SAPDA-06, APS-06
    Patrick J. Frost APTA-07, ASDA-07 APS-11
    Ian Shapiro NZSDA-10, SAPDA-11
    Michael Goldsmith PTS-06

    4th Floor, 17 Waterloo Place, London SW1Y 4AR (ca.2011)

  • t: +44 (0) 20 7930 6100, f: +44 (0) 20 7930 6109
  • e: [email protected], [email protected]
    "Postal history and stamps and Royalty memorabilia and historic documents."
    Worldwide Postal History, Proofs, Essays, Rare Stamps, Auctions, Anguilla, Virgin Islands
    (online bidding via DGrp above c.2010)

    old: 27 Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus - 2nd Floor, London SW1Y 4UA (c.2005)
  • Tel +44 (0) 20 7437 7800, Fax +44 (0) 20 7437 1060
  • @btconnect.com, @Googlemail.com

    www.argylle-etkin.com '404' c.2008
    old?: Ramillies Building, 1-9 Hills Place, London W1R 1AG
    older: 48 Conduit Street, New Bond Street, London W1R 9FB c.1995
    (0171) 4377800), Fax: 0171-434-1060, "Philaret, London"={Telex} c.1995


    Antonio Torres UK Ltd

    AKA: Torres On Line
    / Philaton

    Antonio M. Torres ASDA-07, APS-11, PTS-11, ACOFIL-06
    P. O. Box 46092
    London W9 1UZ

  • Tel./Fax: +44 (0)20 7266 4924
  • [email protected],
  • [email protected],
  • [email protected]

    82 St John Street
    London EC1M 4JN

    (Accountant's address?)
  • VAT Registration # GB 810487932

    Physical address:
    36 Southampton St., Strand - 3rd Floor
    London WC2E 7HE
  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 7240 9970
  • Fax: 44-20 7266-4924
  • In English and Spanish
    Private Treaty Sales, Public Auction firm, Online Auctions. Specialties: Spain, Spanish Colonies, Portugal, Portugese Colonies, Worldwide Postal History.
    Note: "Philaton defines its activity as an interactive internet portal for professional stamp auctioneers." (with an almost identical format as PhiLatino, Argentina.)

    old: 402 The Strand, 4th Floor, London WC2R 0NE - Tel.: 0171 2409970, Fax: 0171 2664924
    older: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3XX (c.1999)
    c.1995: c/ Mayor 22-5 (enter Coloeeros 1), Madrid E-28013, Spain - Tel.: +31-1-365-5510 cf.

  • Bonhams Auctions
    aka: Phillips Auctioneers Ltd
    Graham Childs PTS-06, SAPDA-11
    101 New Bond St., London W1S 1SR
  • Tel: +44-20-7468 8373, +44 (0)20 7468 8219
  • Fax: 44-20-7409 3466

    The Stamp Department - Bonhams
    Montpelier Street, Knightbridge, London SW7 1HH

  • Tel.: +44 20 7393 3890, Fax: +44 20 7393 33893

  • [email protected]
  • [email protected]
  • VAT: 239 5023 66 (Phillips?)
    Since 1796. Auctioneers "of fine art and antigues, approximateles 35 philatelic auction each year". (PEISDD-1996:077)

    old: www.phillips-auctions.com  

  • Bushell & Wright
    P. O. Box 3788, London SE1 5NE
  • Tel/Fax +44 (0) 20 7232 0944
    Michael Chipperfield
    ASDA-06, PTS-06
    Manfield House, 1 Southampton Street, WC2R (ca.2006)
  • Tel.: 0171 240 9179 (44 (0)20 7240 9179 ca.2006)
  • Fax: 0171 240 1626 (020 7240 1626 ca.2011)
    fine, rare & unusual GB, including postal history

    old: Manfield House, 376 Strand, WC2R (ca.1996)

    Communitie.com Ltd
    399 Strand, London WC2R 0LX
  • Tel +44 (0)207 836 8444, Fax +44 (0)207 836 7342
    The AIM listed holding company started trading in September 2000, and is known better as Stanley Gibbons.
    They operate several .com's related to stamps:
    All World Stamps (Gibbons' online catalog; now defunct c.2007)
    Stamp Café
    Stamps At Auction
    Collector Café
    Fraser's Autographs ...
    and, of course, Stanley Gibbons
    and Gibbons Stamp Monthly magazine.

    " Upon the Demerger becoming effective, Communitie.com will be the holding company of Collector Cafe which in turn will own the Stanley Gibbons Group." c.2000 from AIM documentation; see Stanley Gibbons website (c.2012)  

    The Covent Garden Stamp Shop (forwards c.2008 to:)

    Rowan S. Baker.com PTS, APS, ASDA
    28 Bedfordbury, Covent Garden, London WC2N 4RB

  • Tel +44 (0) 20 7379 1448, Fax +44 (0) 20 7836 3100
    P. O. Box 65814, London EC1P 1NR (c.201008)
  • Tel./Fax: +44 020 7812 1030
  • @btopenworld.com
  • @ eBay
    "1000's of illustrated definitive sets plus better singles."

    And his: rowanbaker.com site notes:

    "This is my holding page for all the websites I manage. As new websites go live you will be able to click a link straight to the site. All websites feature a "shopping cart" and a secure online payment system."

    c.201008 "Over 34,000 different items available to view at the following websites":

    british-stamps.com (online)
    commonwealth-stamps.com (online)
    commonwealth-minisheets.com (forwards)
    foreign-stamps.com (online)
    mint-stamps.com (coming soon)
    rare-stamps.co.uk (coming soon)
    definitive-sets.com (forwards)
    definitives.co.uk ("under const.")
    usa-stamps.com (online)
    usa-stamp.com (forwards)
    usa-stamps.biz (forwards)
    usa-stamps.net (forwards)
    stamps-usa.com (forwards)
    us-stamps.com (forwards)
    us-stamps.net (forwards)
    us-stamps.us (forwards)
    united-states-stamps.com (forwards)

    united-states-stamps.net (forwards)
    british-stamp-auction.com ('404')
    british-stamp-auctions.com (forwards)
    britishstampauctions.com (forwards)
    britishstampauction.com (forwards)
    british-stamp-auction.co.uk ('404')
    british-stamp-auctions.co.uk ('404')
    britishstampauction.co.uk ('404')
    britishstampauctions.co.uk ('404')
    english-stamps.com (forwards)
    english-stamps.net (forwards)
    english-stamps.co.uk (forwards)
    great-britain-stamps.com (forwards)
    great-britain-stamps.net (forwards)
    great-britain-stamps.co.uk (online)
    coventgardenstampshop.com (forwards)
    rowanbaker.com (online)
    (comments in parenthesis are mine - ajw)

    Cover Story Ltd.
    Daniel Mirecki PTA-07, PTS-06
    Philip Newby APS-06
    P. O. Box 38262, London NW3 2YX
  • Fax: +44 (020) 8446 4557
  • Daniel: +44 (020) 7795 0133, +44 (0) 7801 867 548 {Mobile}
  • Philip: +44 (020) 7722 3630, +44 (07710) 499188 {Mobile}
  • eBay® ID: NEWBY101
  • Daniel: @-mail
  • Philip: @-mail
    Retail Specialties: All World Postal History & postcards with emphasis on Europe & Colonies pre-WWII: notably Portugal, France, Balkans & Russia incl. pre-stamp areas.  

    Dragoljub Jovanovic APS-06
    17 A Newton Road
    London NW2 6PS
  • Tel.: +44 (020) 8208 9007
  • Fax: +44 (020) 7240 9283
  • @-mail
    Specialties: Balkans, Russia, Austria, Germany

    Formerly?: 402 Strand, London WC2R 0NE - Tel.: +44 020 7240 9281

    Trevor Davis '404' c.2007 (NOTE: AIEP notes Travor passed from this vail in April 2008 - ajw)
    P. O. Box 727, London SW20 0RP
  • Tel +44 (0) 20 8946 4489
  • Fax +44 (0) 20 8944 2063
  • E-mail
    Member AIEP:
    Expertization Australia and Australian States: stamps and postal history
    And with Chris Rainey, Swindon, kept Stampshows in the UK (they - now Chris - organize(s) Philatex, a biannual show on the Strand and the York racecoure bourse.)

    In May of 1973 Trevor "left the employ of Desmond Chamberlain to set up his own business." - PE mag May 2007.

    (Typo seen : www.stampshow.co.uk ('404' c.2008))
    (s/b : www.stampshows.co.uk but this too is now '404' c.2008; see 'Swindon' link.)

    Deverell & MacGregor

    Michael Deverell SAPDA-11
    (& Alan Macgregor {@} in South Africa)
    1501 Landmark East Tower
    24 Marsh Wall, London E14 9BT
  • Tel : +44 (0)787 404 6212
  • [email protected]
    Michael is a specialist dealer in all aspects of Rhodesian philately and postal history as well as Rhodesiana books.

    old: P. O. Box 5104, Cape Town 8000, South Africa, Tel. +27 (0)21 4244 609
    [email protected]
    older: P. O. Box 200, Harare, Zimbabwe (c.1999)

    Eric Etkin (cf.) APS-05, APTA-05, PTS-06
    Ramillies Building, London (c.2001 APTA)
  • Tel.: +44 (020) 7437 7800, Fax: +44-20 7434-1060

    Moved to: 3 West Farm Court, Gatcombe Way, Barnet, Hertz EN4 9TT (c.2006)
  • Tel.: +44 (020) 8441 6323

    Then back to Argyll Etkin Ltd (see 'cf.)

    old: 1-9 Hills Place, Oxford Circus, London W1R 1AG (c.2005) (Argyll?)

    Worldwide Postal History, Proofs, Essays, Rare Stamps, Auctions

  • Feldman, Tony CNEP-12
    The Business Centre
    20 Mortlake High Street, SW14 8JN London
  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 8392 6781, Fax: +44 (0)20 8392 6792

    old: (c.2006) (020) 8392 6781, fax: (020 8392 6792
    older (c.2000): Tel.: (020) 8876 6497, (020) 8392 6791

    Dave Freer
    85 Lucey Way, London SE16 3UD

    Ze'Ev Galibov
    48 Portland Place, W1N 3DG London (c.1996; several Google listings c.2011)
  • Tel.: 020 7636 4193 (c.2011); Fax: 0171 323 0392
    Holy Land, Palestine, Israel, Middle East, GB

    Garni Stamp & Album Co. (c.2000)
    Vartan Hovsepian
    P. O. Box 1204, London W4 3ZY
    5 Elmwood Rd., Chiswick
    London W4 3DY, England
  • Fax (44-1) 81 994 9788, Tel +44 181 994 6081
    Agent for Armenia

    Grosvenor Philatelic Auctions Ltd.
    Nigel (Nick) J. E. Mansell SAPDA-11, PTS-06
    399 - 401 Strand (3rd Floor), London WC2R 0LT (c.2006)
  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 7379 8789, Fax: 44 207 379 9737
  • E-mail
    Auctioneers & valuers: Ask for James Grist, Andrew Claridge or Nick Mansell.

    old: 22 Woodstock St., New Bond St., London W1C 2AR

  • Tel. +44 (0) 20 7629 9399, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7629 9799

  • Harmers of London Stamp Auctioneers Ltd.
    G. Giangiacomo Orlandini ASCAT-96, PTS-11, ASDA-11
    Caron de Vica SAPDA-11
    111 Power Road, Chiswick, London W4 5PY
  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 8747 6100, Fax 020 8996 0649
  • [email protected]
    Stamp Auctioneers since 1918 - "... one of very few auctioneers that (for the most part) make no charge for catalogues."

    John & Mark Taylor
    John Taylor SAPDA-11
    35 Canonbury, Islington, London N1 2JW
  • Tel.: +44 207 226 1503
  • Fax: +44 207 359 7456
  • [email protected]
    Specialists in all fields of the 19th Century and Rarities of the 20th Century

    Wilmington House, High Street, East Grinstead, Sussex  

    K & C Philatelics
    P. O. Box 5003, Brentwood CM14 5QY
  • Tel +44 (0) 1277 374870, Fax +44 (0) 1277 374364  
    Anthony Lawrence
    P. O. Box 20935, London W2 6ZA  
    Jean Lancaster
    20 Milner Road
    Kingston upon Thames KT1 2AU
  • Tel.: +44 (0) 181-547-1220, Fax (44) 181-547-3739 - -
    Auction Agent
    cf. Surrey address.

    London Stamp Exchange Limited
    Ted Proud PTS
    38 Greyhound Road, London W6 8NX
  • Tel.: +44 (0) 20 76101387, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7610 0078
    Auctioneers of fine Worldwide Postal History
    "twice a year in May and November at The Guild Hall, Salisbury, Wilts -
    and lots are available to view in our Salisbury or our London office."

    old: http://www.londonstampex.com/
    old: 5 Buckingham Street, London WC2N 6BP - Tel. (0171) 8394942 / (020) 7839 4942
  • old: E-mail

    With offices in Heathfield, E. Sussex, and Salisbury, Wiltshire


  • M & S Stamps, Ltd.
    aka: Malcolm Sprei 1840-1936
    Malcolm Sprei PTS-06
    2 Savoy Court, Strand, London WC2R 0EZ *
  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 7379 9264
  • Fax : 0207 379 9263 *
  • @-mail
    Great Britain 1840-1936. (appointment suggested.)
    See Also Richard Allan *  

  • Oceanic Stamps (Philaton Profile)
    Donald Squibb
    27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3XX
  • Tel: +44 (0)208 3437198
  • @-mail
    "We are British Commonwealth specialists."  

    Suite 8533, 16/18 Circus Road
    London NW8 6PG
  • Tel/Fax +44 (0) 20 7722 8112
  • E-mail
    GB, Canada, WW ...  

    Postal History of the World
    (Alan Berman)
    1 Crabtree Lane, London SW6 6LP
  • Int'l Tel/Fax: +44 20 7385 4496
  • UK tel/fax: 020 7385 4496
  • E-mail
    Auctions: (sic) - wonderful! (cf. Jon Berman, Cornwall)

    Ross-Shiells Ltd
    4 Eldon Street, London EC2M 7LS
  • Tel +44 (0) 20 7247 8011, Fax +44 (0) 20 7247 1563
  • Member PTS
    The Stamp Centre
    79 Strand, London WC2R 0DE
  • UK only Freephone: 0800 975 4571
  • Overseas: +44 (0) 20 7836 2341, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7240 5419
  • E-mail
    Features several vendors inclucding a bid or buy board, Malcolm Sprei GB issues, monthly auctions from Richard Allan, authographs, Steven Scott FDC's (incl. Red Dwarf and Dr. Who), The Royale Stamp Co. - GB issues. "Possibly the Worlds Largest Stamp Centre - Stamps from 1840 to Stamps of today."  

    Spink & Son Ltd (Alt URL) CNEP-12
    David Parsons SAPDA-11 * (@)
    Richard Watkins PTS-06 (@)
    69 Southampton Row, Bloomsbury (in the old Post Office)
    London, WC1B 4ET
  • Tel.: +44 20 7563 4000, Fax +44 20 7563 4066
  • Auction Bids Fax: +44 (0)20 7563 4037
  • Tel.: +44 207 563 4072 *, Fax: +44 207 563 4085 *
  • E-mail
    "Spink and Son Limited Registered at the above address No. 4369748 England"
    About 70 Auctions a year and you can bid live or absentee online using their Spink-Live software!

    Special Commissions and Medal Services
    Spink was established in 1666 as a firm of silversmiths. In 1880 we entered the Medal business with the purchase of the Soho Mint and in 1897 produced the commemorative medals for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, being awarded the Royal Warrant in 1900. We still retain this Warrant and are Royal Medallists to HM Queen Elizabeth II, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, and HRH The Prince of Wales.
    For over a century Spink have had the honour to be of service to more than seventy nations world wide, designing and manufacturing Orders, Decorations and Medals as well as official regalia and state gifts. We are considered by our clients to be the world's leading medal specialists, maintaining a tradition of unrivalled quality and excellence.

    Founded "by James Christie, Christie's conducted the greatest auctions of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, and today remains a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie's offers over 600 sales annually in over 80 categories…"
    "Spink is the world's leading auctioneer of coins, stamps, medals, related books and banknotes..."
    "The Spink Stamp Department has historical links to the name of Robson Lowe, one of the great 20th Century philatelists (and 'the father of postal history' - ed.), whose business was bought by Christie's in 1980 and integrated into Spink in 1995."
    & "is based in Bloomsbury in the heart of London, very close to the British Museum."
    & Auctioned the Royal Collection
    Stamp Sells for £1 Million at Auction (c.2011)
    "The world's most famous stamp, the elusive "Post Office Mauritius", was sold for a record breaking £1,053,090 at Spink in London."

    With: "Locations: London (sic), York, Dallas, New York and Singapore"

    Overseas Representatives (c.2009)
    Australasia (Queensland): Ray Kelly (tel: +61 754 471 021)
    "Macray Stamp Sales was founded by Ray Kelly, the Australasian agent for Robson Lowe Ltd (later Christies Robson Lowe, now merged with Spink & Sons). Background to Prestige Philately c.2010
    Australasia (NSW): Mike Downey (@-mail ; tel: +61 408 215 404)
    Italy: Adriano Landini (@-mail ; tel: +39 024801 9449)
    North America and USA: Spink Shreves Galleries:
    South Africa: Juliet Lomberg (@-mail ; tel: +27 21 761 2676)
    Spain: Rocio Tasser (@-mail ; tel +34 93 4878746)

    Stanley Gibbons Ltd
    399 Strand, London WC2R 0LX
  • Tel + 44 (0) 207 836 8444, Fax: + 44 (0) 207 836 7342
  • E-mail
    New Beta site c.2014: marketplace.stanleygibbons.com
    auctions, stamps.. - See Also: Stanley Gibbons Publications, Hampshire for catalogs, albums etc. and see Index for {former?} offices worldwide) - (Stanley Gibbons is untimately owned by Communitie.com Ltd; see listing this page)
    Our publishers' business, with its world-wide ramifications, was begun by young Gibbons putting a few sheets of stamps in his father's shop window. The father was a chemist, and it was intended that the lad should follow in his father's footsteps; but the stamps elbowed the drugs aside, and eventually yielded a fortune which enabled this pioneer of the stamp trade to retire and indulge his globe-trotting propensities to the full. He sold his business for £25,000, and, still in the prime of life, retired to a snug little villa on the banks of the Thames. The business was converted into a Limited Liability Company, and the Managing Director may be said to be a product of the original business, for it was a present of a guinea packet of Stanley Gibbons's stamps that first whetted his appetite for stamp collecting, and eventually for stamp dealing. Mr. Gibbons had for a great many years conducted his business from his private house. The new broom changed all that, and opened out in fine premises in the Strand, W.C., where the Company now occupy the whole of one house and the greater part of the adjoining premises. In every room busy hands are at work all the day long endeavouring to keep pace with a world-wide business which began with a few sheets in the corner of a chemist's shop window in the town of Plymouth.
    Edward J. Nankivell, Stamp Collecting As a Pastime, c.1902
    NB : They now feature Philatelic Exporter, The Stamp Trade Journal. Graham Phillips, Editor

    The Strand Stamp Fair (x)
    Information: Chris Rainey & Kate Puleston, Swindon, Wilts.
    Kate Puleston +44.020.8946.4489
    Chris Rainey +44 (0)1793 513431

    Venue: The Edward VII & Alexandra suite at the Royal National Hotel

    Bedford Way - London, WC1H 0DG
    With 20 - 30 Dealers every month: usually on 2nd Wednesdays (1st in Apr. & July 2012)
    "And of course, entrance is free!"

    Tilbury Editions
    Moonraker Media
    Mr. Paul Elmes IPDA-15
    PO Box 63188, London, SE14 9BJ
  • Tel.: +44 (0)20 7639 1513, +44 (0)7973 223496
  • [email protected]
  • facebook.com/TilburyEditions
  • pinterest.com/tilburyeditions

    A new company producing commemorative covers for philatelists and collectors.

  • UniversalMail United Kingdom Limited
    Suite 410 - Southbank House
    Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SJ
  • Phone: +44 (0) 20 3176 0541
  • Fax: +44 (0) 20 3176 0542
  • [email protected]
    "UniversalMail United Kingdom Limited was established through the deregulation of the UK postal industry in 2006. UniversalMail United Kingdom is the premier producer of scenic generic and personalised postage stamps in the UK. UniversalMail United Kingdom’s postage stamps can be used to send postcards or envelopes to any destination worldwide."

    "Our stamps are produced by specialist security printers" ( Royal Joh. Enschede Security Printers , The Netherlands ) "to the highest possible standards. We are always looking to add more stamps to our collection so be sure to check back for updates."

    See Also: Universal Mail New Zealand  

    Vera Trinder Ltd NZSDA-10, SAPDA-11
    Keith & Jonathan Butt PTS-06, APTA-07
    38 Bedford Street, Strand, London WC2E 9EU
    +44 (0)20 7257 9940 = {New 2006} (Vera Webster has retired c.2006)
    Fax : 020 7836 0873

    Since 1969, Comprehensive Philatelic Literature and supplies. Retail, Wholesale.

  • www.londontown.com
  • Stamp Dealers in London - London Yellow Pages
    London » London Yellow Pages » Sports & Leisure » Leisure » Hobbies » Stamps » Stamp Dealers
  • Stamp Dealers near Piccadilly Circus Tube - 56 RESULTS (C.2011)

    UK StampShows   U.K.'s Postal Authority   Add Data 

      Introduction  ©AJWard  Indexes

    London UK

    Old UK: (644707659 ; 2/6/2008) LO=2003
    Free counters provided by Honesty.com. London Est. 2001 ; UK reset 1/2008
