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  1. Latvian Philately - Juris Mors
  2. Latvian Philately - Bill Apsit, .us

  1. Lebanon and Middle East Countries - Zaher Kanafani, Lebanon
  2. Lebanese Philatelic Archives - Elie I. Mourad, .us

  1. Libyan Boy and Girl Scouts Stamps - Ibrahim Ighneiwa, Libya - posted 0308org.htm

  1. Lithuanian Philatelist's Site - Kestutis Mikoliunas, .lt
  2. Philately of Lithuania - Kestas (nickname 'Vasaris' ). .lt
    old: http://puni.osf.lt/~vasaris/e_pzenkl.htm ('404' c.2009)
  3. Philately of Lithuania - Jan Kaptein, .nl
    http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/5218/ ('404' c.2009)
  4. Lithuania Philatelic Society (in Engl. & Latvian)
  5. Lithuania, Philatelic Tour of - Ron Yankowski, .us
    http://members.aol.com/RYankowski/index.html ('404' c.2009)
    cite: ajward.tripod.com/stamps/lithuani.htm

  1. Lombardy-Venetia - Andrea Rossignoli
    http://www.regnolombardoveneto.com ; '404' c.2009

    See Also : Italy

  1. Lundy - Alan Rowland, .uk; stamps.html

  1. Luxembourg - Gary Little, .us
    & his: Luxembourg Stamp Forgeries
    old: http://luxcentral.com/stamps/index.shtml '404' c.2009
  2. Luxembourg - Ungeheuer Serge, .lx
    http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Serge_Ungeheuer/ '404' c.2009
    note: on July 6, 2009, CompuServe OurWorld was shut down
  3. Luxembourg: Juvalux 98 - World Philatelic Exhibition For Postal History and Youth Philately (Luxembourg, June 18-21, 1998
    http://www.juvalux.lu/ '404' c.2012
  4. Luxembourg 1852-1999 - piratboy
    http://members.nbci.com/Luxem/index.htm '404' c.2001

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