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Titles Such as found here

  1. Specialised Stamp Catalog of Iceland online+ (Engl) - Thomas Graungaard, @
    Ledavej 11C, DK-9210 Aalborg SØ, Denmark
    Phone: +45 9814 0660
    old: /home1.stofanet.dk/thomas-g/ ; '404' 5/2002
  2. Icelandic Stamps Web - Vigfus Palsson, .is
    c.2010 Leads to Iceland's postal authority
  3. The Iceland Pages - Roland Daebel, .DE
    (Roland also provides expertization & good philatelic links to .is)
  4. Iceland Post Offices - Photos and Postmarks by Al Gruber
    Cite: Postal Authorities : Iceland
    now (c.2010) leads to 'Scandanavian Collectors Club' which has preserved the article.
    now (c.2014) is '404' at SCC: www.scc-online.org/iceland_pos.html (root is good.)
  5. Iceland 1873-1999 - piratboy
    dead: members.nbci.com/icestamps/index.htm ; 9/1

  1. Se-tenant Stamps of India, Shrikant Parikh, .in
  2. Dakshina Kannada Philatelic and Numismatic Association, India (a c.2008 copy)
    Original URL: www.geocities.com/dakshina_kan_pa/ '404' c.2009
  3. Indian Stamps - '/koch/'
  4. Mr. Sudhir Jain, India (as preserved by us; not found at geocities.ws!)
    [email protected]
    Social Worker, Writer, Philatelist
    Includes original URLs:
    Home page: www.geocities.com/mrsudhirjain/
    His Currencey Collection : www.geocities.com/currency_collection/home.html
    Jainism in Philately : www.geocities.com/sudhir000in/
  5. Stamps of India - Madhukar Jhingan, .in
  6. Indian Philatelists' Forum (a YaHOo! Group)
  7. Indian Postage Stamps [EN] - Mehul Shah, .us
    www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/6286 '404' c.2009 @ .com; got ya! ; as .ws (mouse over it!)
    alt: www.geocities.com/mjshah.geo '404' c.2009 @ .com; got ya! ; as .ws (mouse over it!)
    But be careful as many internal links are still pointing to .com; just change them to .ws - aj c.2012 (x)

    Geocities quit free sites c.200910
    (Try: Internet Archive: Geocities,
    or: Geocities.ws web archive; the 'got ya!' above
    or: oocities.org:
    Which includes GeoCities.com/username/, us.geocities.com, uk.geocities.com, au.geocities.com, ca.geocities.com)
  8. India Post: Postal Training Centre, Madurai
    New Indian Stamps, E-cards With Stamp Images, Philately Quiz, etc.
    Note: site 'under construction' c.200910, c.201201

    Specialized India . . .
  9. The Native Stamps of Portuguese India. Some Considerations, Joaquim Leote; a free e-book
    "We thought it best that this book should be written in two languages - Portuguese and English - so that it could be appreciated abroad, where the stamps of India and studies into them are much sought after."
  10. Os Selos Nativos da Índia Portuguesa. Algumas Considerações, Joaquim Leote
    "Entendemos por bem que a obra agora editada fosse bilingue (português e inglês) para poder ser apreciada no estrangeiro, onde os selos da índia e seus estudos são muito procurados."
  11. India's Princely States Report [EN] by Ron Rice, @ [PWO], .us-__
  12. The Court Fee and Revenues Stamps of India (Princely States) - Ing.: Jiri Cerny, .CZ
    old: http://ikanek.artcenter.cz/ '404' c.2012
    older: members.nbci.com/ikanek ; '404' c.2000
  13. Postage Stamps of India Used Abroad - Robert J.B. Wilson (@), .us?, .ca?
    old: http://www.island.net/~rjbw/IndiaUA.html '404'
  14. Postage Stamps of India Used in Aden - Robert J.B. Wilson
    Registrant: (@) Graham Wilson, 44 Bonnyview Drive, Toronto, Ontario M8Y 3G6, Canada

    In The Past . . .
  15. Portuguese India Stamps - Benegal (Benny) Pereira, .us
    www.empire.net/~cammot/pereira/acollect.htm '404' c.2008
  16. Stamp Bank India - Navin Lobo, .in
    http://stampbankindia.hypermart.net '404' c.2012
  17. Stamps of India - Bijoy Sinha (ref.), .in
    http://welcome.to/indian-stamps '404' c.2012

  1. Indonesia Stamps History
  2. Indonesian Postal History - Harry Julsing, .nl
  3. Indonesian Stamp Catalog - Eldi Philately World, Lucky Daniel Krompis, .id
  4. Indonesian Stamps - Gert de Boer, .nl
    Iran (aka: Persia)

  1. Persia - Rainer Fuchs
  2. Tambr : Persian/Iranian Stamps: First Pahlavi Stamp Series - 1926 (1305) - , .ir
  3. IPSC Philatelic Guide to Iran - Dave Armacost, .us
  4. Persiphila : Persian/Iranian Philately .us-CA
    PersiPhila Philately of Iran - Mehrdad Sadri, .us-CA; alt. URL
    ------Authors.htm ver.:
    ? author ? - [email protected]
    Article: Persiphila (The Philately of Iran)
    Commnet: Basic to forgeries- with offers of stamps, books, albums ...
    -----Article.htm ver.:
    Persiphila (The Philately of Iran)
    Author PersiWeb - E-mail
    Commnet: Basic - with offers of stamps, books, albums ... - uncited
    Iraq (aka: Mesopotamia)

    "Mesopotamia is a Greek word which means in English 'The Land Between Two Rivers' and these two rivers are the Tigris & Euphurates" *
  1. Iraqi New Issues : 2003-2008 (cc), [email protected] *
    East Stamps House, Mosul , Iraq
    He provides: Iraqi stamps (a search at eBay)
    Ireland (aka: Erie)

  1. Irish Airmail 1919-1990 - Bill Murphy (now an ad for his book c.2011)
    5813 Castano Drive, San Jose, CA 95129, USA
    e-mail to: [email protected] (cite)
    "Bill took more than eight years to assemble the information contained in this fine reference work. It covers all known mail-carrying flights to and from Ireland since the first successful non-stop trans-Atlantic flight of Alcock and Brown in 1919."
    old: members.aol.com/irishairs/index.htm
  2. Forschungs und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ireland e.V. (FAI) Irish Collecting Society in Germany - Klaus Stange, .de
    old: www.fai-germany.org/ '404' c.2011
    older: members.aol.com/irlandphil/fai.htm
  3. University of Notre Dame : Wolf Collection of Irish Postage Stamps - George Rugg, .us
    Irish forerunners & overprints.
    old: http://www.rarebooks.nd.edu/stamps/irish/
  4. ABC's of Irish Philately - Michael Connolly, .us
    old: www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Corridor/1290/philatel.html '404' c.2009
  5. Irish Postage Stamps, Richard M. Gahagan
  6. Irish Stamps - Jay Gregg (c.2011)
    old: www.umr.edu/~greggjay/irstamp.html
  7. David Laraway's Gallery of Irish stamps & images
    "This is the jumping off point for viewing the extensive gallery of Irish Stamp Varieties." (c.2011)
  8. Eire (Irish) Philatelic Association

    In the past . .
  9. Irish Philately ('404' c.2010) - James O'Brien, .uk (ref. c.2011)
    old: members.aol.com/jjjobrien/stamps/stamps.html
  10. Censorship of Irish Mail in WWII ('404' c.2011) - Karl Winkelmann (Google him)
    old: members.aol.com/ww2censor/
  11. Irish Postage Stamp Collection
    old: www.wombat.ie/collect/stamps/ie (interesting root)
  12. Irish Stamps: Effects of the Partition of Ireland on the Postal Service (1920-1922) - Arwel Parry, Wales
    old: http://www.cartref.demon.co.uk/eng/stamps/eire01.htm '404' c.2011

    A Postal History of Refugees from Nazi Germany

  1. Famous Portraits on the Stamps of Israel - Sam Zwetchkenbaum, .us
  2. Localities of Eretz Israel: Towns, Kibbutzim, Moshavim
    "This page was derived from material in a German yearbook of Zionism, "Israel Der Juden-Staat: Das Jahr Der Zionisten", by Georg Herlitz (published by Ullman-Verlag, 1949). It contained a long table of basic details about Jewish settlements in Israel on the eve of Statehood. For the benefit of philatelic collectors searching locales of franks, or enthusiasts trying to research information about documents I put this page together. ...", by Alex Ben-Arieh, The Historama, Israel
  3. Stamps of Israel ('404') - Hy Cohen, .us-FL
    cf. Hy Cohen Stamps
    (Now, c.2011, Israel Philatelic Agency of North America)
  4. Rubin's Stamps (Israel's Klussendorf and Phosphor Varieties) -Rubin Meidan, .IL
  5. J-Stamps - Mike Frost, @ (articles)
    "Featuring the writings of Jewish historian and philatelist Dr. Murray Frost ..." (deceased)
  6. Posta Judaica (club), Bruxelles, Belgium

    See Also:
    Wikipedia's Postage stamps and postal history of Israel
    A Short Introduction To The Philately Of Palestine, Dipl.-Bibl.(FH) Tobias Zywietz (c.2009, 2011)
    Collectors' Societies and Other Organisations - a concise list of collectors' societies, study groups, journals, and websites, covering the broad field of stamps and the study of postal history of the Holy Land and Palestine.
    Simply the Best - ajw
    From Amazon.de

    Posta v ghettu Terezin. Die Post im Ghetto Theresienstadt.
    (Mail Service in the Ghetto Terezin. 1941 - 1945.; in German)
    ill. Original-Pappband (Hardcover), farbig (color) ill. O.-Schuber.
    Frantisek & TOSNEROVA, Patricia BENES (Autor)

    See also: A Brief History of the Ghetto of Terezín, Dr. Detlef Mühlberger, Oxford 1988

    In the past . . .
  7. Israel - Israel Filatelic Service
    www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2508/ '404' c.2009
  8. Israel - KKL Stamp Album (from Jewish National Fund)
    www.kkl.org.il/gifts/hebrew/bulim.htm (root is good.; no album c.2011)
  9. Israel Klussendorf Postage Labels - Evyatar Chelouche, .il
    www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/2352/index.html '404' c.2009

  1. Republica Italiana   (Alt URL) - Domenico de Fabio
    "..collecting stamps since I was twelve .. a good collection of the Italian Republic"
    " collezionare francobolli da quando avevo dodici anni ... adesso ho una discreta collezione della Republica Italiana"
    &: http://web.mclink.it/MC6364/

  2. The Italian Philatelic Bulletin (in Engliah c.2015)
    Dedicated to encourage Stamp Collecting

  3. Italian Stamps Discussion Group (in Italiano) - Marco Negrì, .it
    He sells and trades on Delcampe, eBay ...

  4. Stamps of the UK and Italy - by Tony Clayton, @
    I.e. catalog #'s SG" vs "Sassone" covering:
    the Kingdom, Social Republic & Republic to 1999

  5. Unificato (catalog: Italy & Western Europe)

  6. Sassone (Italian area stamp catalogue), Italy

  7. Cronaca Filatelica - from publisher Editoriale Olimpia SpA, Italy
    Sito della omonima rivista con articoli e novità filateliche.
    Site of the homonymous philatelic magazine with articles and news.
    fromerly from Eder s.r.l. (c.2000)

  8. Vaccari, Italy (known dealer)
    Editore e libraio specializzato in filatelia e storia postale. Pubblica una rivista dedicata con molte informazioni utili.
    Publisher and bookseller specializing in stamps and postal history. Publishes a magazine with useful information. (Google translation)

  9. Philweb - Italian Philatelic News
    ... Philweb was founded in 2005 as the first Italian news magazine entirely dedicated to philately, postal issues and written communication. "
    Direttore Editoriale*: Francesco De Carlo PWO-10
    www.geocities.com/Athens/3619/index.html '404' c.2009; his old philately website
    xRef: Research : Regions : Europe (PhilWeb EU)
    See Also: TariffePostali (.it)
    *&: ForumFrancobolli (.it)
    &: PhilWeb EU (Europe); in English!

  10. ForumFrancobolli (online stamp forums from stamps to postal history)
    "Most users ever online was 74 on Mon January 29, 2007"
    © 2005-2008 Philweb

  11. TariffePostali.it
    Tutte le tariffe postali della Repubblica Italiana dal 1945
    (All postal rates of the Italian Republic from 1945 ; Google translation)
    "Copyright © 2007-08 Philweb.." (.it) News di Filatelia, Francobolli e Poste.

  12. Storia Postale italiana 1861 1961 - 100 anni di "Posta e Società"
    ( 'History of the mail and users, from 1861 to 1961, with postal items, stamps, cancels, services, regulations, etc. )
    [email protected]

  13. Francobolli: storie di uomini e di mondi, di Antonio Panichelli
    Sito dedicato alla filatelia, alla passione per i francobolli, all'informazione storica e agli eventi filatelici.
    (Site dedicated to philately, the passion for stamps, philatelic information and historical events.)

  14. il postalista (Alt URL)
    La rivista nasce con lo scopo di sviluppare e diffondere la filatelia e la storia postale nel web, senza il perseguimento di alcun interesse commerciale. (Sito molto interessante fondato da Roberto Monticini. ) c.2010
    Cite: "The magazine was founded with the purpose of developing philately and postal history on the web, without pursuing any commercial interest.",
    Roberto Monticini, Tel: 057.523101, 328.6128499
    Via San Domenico n. 1 - 52100 Arezzo

  15. ibolli
    Catalogo on-line con riproduzione di tutti i francobolli delle emissioni d'Italia
    Online catalog with reproductions of all the stamps of emissions of Italy

  16. Filatelia e Francobolli ([email protected])
    " Il sito dei collezionisti per i collezionisti." (The site for collectors to collectors.)
    Includes a Forum, a Market ... online.

  17. Antichi Stati (aka: www.italianstates.com/ ( [email protected] )
    An FIP (International Philatelic Federation) 3 star site! (English & Italian)
    Sito specializzato con riproduzioni di tutti i francobolli emessi dagli "antichi stati" prima dell'unità d'Italia
    Specialized site with copies of all stamps issued by the "old states" before the unification of Italy

  18. Francobolli della Repubblica Sociale Italiana , by Giorgio Bifani (in Engl. & Italian)
    Sito monografico delle emissioni della R.S.I. (Repubblica Sociale Italiana) con immagini e notizie relative al periodo.
    Site Monograph: (the Italian Social Republic) with pictures and news related to the period.
    old: www.giorgiobifani.cjb.net : Italian Social Republic - Giorgio Bifani, Italy

  19. i bolli delle colonie, di Saverio Pascazio @
    "Il catalogo online dei francobolli per le colonie del Regno d'Italia"
    Specialized for identifying and cataloging stamps of the Kingdom of Italy for its colonies :
    e.g. Somalia, Ethopia, Eritrea, Libya (incl.: Tripolitania, Cyrenaica & Fezzan) and the Agean Islands

  20. bollionline.net, di Mariagrazia De Ros
    Sito di filatelia dedicato alle giovani leve. (filatelia tematica)
    Philately site dedicated to youth development. (Thematic philately)

  21. perfin.it - [email protected]
    Sito specializzato dei collezionisti di francobolli perforati dalle aziende e dalle banche per personalizzarli e prevenire furti.
    Specialized site for collectors of stamps perforated by companies and banks to customize and prevent theft. (Perfins / SPIFS)

  22. filateliaspecializzata.it
    Catalogo online delle serie ordinarie del "REGNO" e della "REPUBBLICA".
    Online Catalog of the Kingdom of Italy and the Italian Republic

  23. Associazione Italiana Collezionisti Posta Militare (club), Italy

  24. Giuseppe Marchese - Philatelist
    Un esperto (è perito) sia di posta militare che della posta dei prigionieri di guerra del primo e del secondo conflitto mondiale.
    Expert on military mail and prisoners of war of the first and second world wars. (Italian); articles online!!
    Via Nino Bixio n.85 - 91100 TRAPANI
    Tel.: 0923-29711 Tel: 0923-29711
    Offers: Certificates and appraisals on Italian Postal History (Incl. airmail); see 'Perizie'.

  25. Centro Italiano Filatelia Resistenza
    (Italian Center for Resistance Philately)
    Centro specializzato in filatelia e storia della resistenza. Pubblica una rivista dedicata con molte informazioni utili.
    Center specializing in philately and the history of resistance. Publishes a magazine with much useful information. (Google translation)

  26. Unione Stampa Filatelica Italiana (USFI.EU)
    (aka: Italian Philatelic Press Union), Italy
    via Google translation, " ...And it is this spirit that continues to animate members of USFI: use the pen (now the computer) better, without fear of speculation, and discredit those who offend the taste of collectors, for the benefit of philately. Buona navigazione! Happy surfing! "

  27. Club Filatelia d'Oro
    I soci, tutti medaglia d'oro, promuovono lo sviluppo della filatelia e la tutela degli interessi dei collezionisti
    (The members, all gold medals winners, promote the development of philately and seek to protect the interests of collectors)

  28. Associazione Italiana Collezionisti di Affrancature Meccaniche
    (Italian Association of Meter Stamp Collectors)
    Sito dell'associazione dei collezionisti di affrancature meccaniche
    Website of the collectors of mechanical postage (meter stamps)

  29. Accademia Italiana di Filatelia e Storia Postale
    ... "ed autori della omonima rivista come "speciali di Cronaca Filatelica".
    Site of the 'Italian Academy of Philately and Postal History "and authors of the homonymous magazine as" special stamps Chronicle.

See Also: Lombardy-Venetia

..In The Past:

  • La Tribuna del Collezionista
    Rivista di cadenza mensile con argomenti di attualità culturale e di cronaca filatelica e numismatica.
    Monthly magazine with topical cultural and stamp and coin collecting news.
    http://www.latribunadelcollezionista.it '404' c.201008
  • Italy - Regno Lombardo-Veneto
    regnolombardoveneto.com/index.html '404' c.201008
  • Italian Philately and Postal History
    geocities.com/Athens/3619/index.html '404' c.201008
  • Exchange Collectors Association: Italian Collecting - Daniele, .it
    - Stamps, Postal History, Coins, etc.
    acs.gfc.net '404' c.201008
  • Old Italian States - , .it
    geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9883 '404' c.200910
  • Italian Stamps Featuring Birds - Maudoc Birding, , .it
    web.tiscalinet.it/maudoc_birding/stamps.html '404' c.201008
  • ilfrancobollo.net
    Sito con notizie sui francobolli moderni e consigli filatelici.
    Site with news on modern stamps and philatelic advice.
    http://www.ilfrancobollo.net/ '404' c.201008  

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