Humorous Postal Parodies and Satirical Artistamps

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Print out this Order Form:  


Mailing Address:

City, State, Zip:

e-mail: (in case I need to contact you about your order)

Tell me which stamps you'd like.

Single artistamp sheet $50 US
I pay postage & handling for stamp sheets mailed to the US, Canada and Mexico.
Other foreign countries add $5 for postage & handling.
Florida residents must pay 7% sales tax.
Do the math, send me a check and we'll get your order to you ASAP.

Make checks in US dollars payable to ART GONE POSTAL
and mail lots of them to:

PO BOX 5172

Affidavit: Although none of my images are pornographic, some of them do feature innocent nudity - Therefore I must require that each order be accompanied by a note attesting to the fact that the purchaser is at least 21 years of age. "I am at least 21 years of age and I won't be offended by little pictures of teeny genitalia."

Thank you.


Questions And Answers: Limited Editions / Artistamps? / Specifications / Mail Play / At the Post Office / How's he do it? / About the Artist / Home / Site Map / Order Stamps