

Bananaland consists of two islands; Motherland, out of which the Fatherland emerged. The Bible got it all wrong. It was the female that came first. When the Motherland was split by a enormous volcanic eruption, her surface skin of land peeled back and the fatherland, shot forth in one long stream of lava, landing in the ocean beside Motherland, a fully formed island the shape of the Motherland before she split and erupted. The peoples of these islands live peaceful, creative lives, cultivating bananas and other tropical fruits and vegetables. The women live on Motherland, the men on Fatherland. Their annual Fertility Festival celebrates their fortuitous history, during which the women visit the Fatherland to re-enact the original conception of that island, and bring their children to meet or get reacquainted with their fathers. They then return to the sacred Motherland for another year of song and dance. When male children, raised by their mothers, reach the age of puberty, they are reunited with their fathers, with whom they take up residence.
by Anna Banana
Banana Post
Canada, 2002

Two artistamps, 5.2 x 3.5cm each.

From a full sheet (13.9 x 20.7cm.) of a block of four stamps.

Permanent Collection
Gift of the artist

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