Coral Nightwing

Coral Nightwing (Scorpio, born 1964) grew up in rural south-western Georgia in a a mostly non-religious Lutheran and Methodist family. Dissatisfied with the Christianity he saw practiced around him, Coral developed a keen interest in other religious paths beginning in his early teens. Coral’s first contact with Witchcraft and Paganism was through a series of magazine articles he stumbled across while still in High School. Intrigued by the philosophy, he sought out more information and eventually found a book on Witchcraft by Gavin and Yvonne Frost. The book proved to be unsatisfying, so Coral moved on, shallowly exploring several other spiritual paths.

Settling into atheism for a while, Coral’s interest returned to Witchcraft while he attended Friends World College in New York, and he began to “dabble” in paganism with simple rituals in honor of the Goddess. He would be strongly influenced by Feminist Dianic Witches he met while doing political work in support of Women’s Liberation. A feminist friend eventually gave him the book “The Spiral Dance” by Starhawk. Reading it, Coral had one of those “this is what I am” moments, and never looked back!

After studying and practicing as a more-or-less serious solitaire for a few years, Coral met too other solitary Witches while attending the (then-named) Gay Student Union's "Rap Group" at the Florida State University. The three began to Circle together and, along with other Gay men, in 1991 founded the group that was to become Spiraling Heart Coven.

Today Coral identifies as a Revolutionary Queer Feminist Witch. His dedication to the Goddess includes a commitment to work for radical social change. He is also dedicated to defining, refining, and building the Spiraling Heart tradition.

Coral’s other interests include gardening and hiking, neither of which he does often enough. He works as a computer software support analyst, and lives in Quincy, Florida with his partner Dean (17 years!) and their three cats.

You may email Coral at [email protected]

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Webmasters: Earthdancer and Coral Nightwing
Spiraling Heart Coven
This page was last updated February 6, 2003
Copyright Spiraling Heart Coven 2003

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