October 14, 2023 || Nashville, TN || Capacity: 500

" Race to the Top "

Commentators - Russell Smith, Hacksaw Anderson, and Lance Gordon

Fade in.

The SWF logo flashes across the screen.


500 or so fans fill up our screen as the camera pans up and down, getting glimpses of their signs and screaming faces. A few of the fans are even dressed up in their Halloween costumes even though it's a couple of weeks away. Spotlights and some generic rock music add to the aesthetic, showing a subtle increase in production value compared to the last few shows, but still not on par with a lot of the larger promotions.

We cut to the announce booth where Halloween is in full force! Russell Smith and Hacksaw Anderson greet us, completely out of character for them. Russell is wearing the mask from The Phantom of the Opera while Hacksaw is dressed up as a policeman. The set behind them also sports some Halloween decor to get us all in the mood.


Russell Smith: Welcome to another edition of Championship Wrestling From Nashville! Happy early Halloween, everyone! Do not adjust your television sets, we're in the spooky season spirit! I'm Russell Smith and beside me is the legendary Hacksaw Anderson.. Or should I say OFFICER Hacksaw Anderson!

Hacksaw Anderson: I'm only wearin' this for the opening segment and then we're going to forget it ever happened! Nelson Hammer refused to let me come out here and DO MY JOB AS A REGULAR PERSON!

Russell nervously adjusts his tie while keeping a bright and smiling face.

Russell Smith: Hacksaw's in the Halloween spirit, ladies and gentlemen! We're just a few short weeks away from Trick or Treating, but tonight, we have ALL TREATS for you great fans of the Southern Wrestling Federation! We're fresh off of the wildly-successful Jokers Wild Cup and we have new SWF Tag Team Champions! Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater will be in action here tonight. Also in action will be the reigning SWF World Champion, Charlie Hooker, defending the championship for the first time ever against the partner he left out to dry at the Jokers Wild, Ace Sky!

Hacksaw Anderson: That main event is going to be a damn car crash, Russ! Six men vie for the North American Championship in a ladder match! I didn't even know the SWF had ladders!

Russell Smith: Thanks to Bud's Hardware and Key Shop, we have a plethora of brand new ladders!

Hacksaw Anderson: Hammer's spendin' money. Unbelievable.

Russell Smith: If you want to become a destination, you have to invest the time and energy into the product, which is exactly what Nelson Hammer is doing! We have superstars calling daily trying to get booked, but it's the great roster we've assembled so far that's taken us to new heights!

Hacksaw Anderson: If you've slept on this SWF to this point, that's on you!

Russell Smith: Speaking of Nelson Hammer, the SWF Promoter has promised to name the challenger to the SWF Champion in Respect is Earned's main event later tonight. The competition is lining up, as Spencer Adams has already called out the champion, not to mention the match later tonight of Jason Ryan taking on Slamsley McBody to see who takes on the World Champion on the next show.

Russell turns to Hacksaw.

Russell Smith: But what about it, Hack? Are you ready to get this show on the road with a Halloween Street Fight? Archer Banks, Jacky Sweetwater, and the debuts of Ryan Johnson and Noah Stroud will duke it out in a hardcore match. The winner gets to take on Rone Gargan for the SWF Hardcore Championship!

The camera shot switches to ringside where plastic skeletons and pumpkins line the ring. There's a couple of tables and some steel chairs lining the outside. We also see a big bowl of candy on top of one of the tables.

We go to the ring for our first match of the evening!


MATCH ONE - HARDCORE MATCH (Referee: Mike Stout)

The four men in the match occupy the four corners of the ring. Referee Mike Stout stands in the middle and signals for the bell, as all he's here to do in this match is count the pin fall or register the submission. The four men look around at their surroundings, trying to comprehend some of the choices for weapons.

Russell Smith: This is going to certainly be a unique match.

Hacksaw Anderson: We have a Hardcore Champion fighting people in Bloodsport matches and yet, the men fighting to be the number one contender are doing so in a match involving bowls of candy and pumpkins!

Russell Smith: A great combination for a hardcore match if there ever was one!

Archer Banks runs outside and grabs one of the pumpkins and realizes the top has been cut, allowing the stem to be easily removed. He comes back in and sees Jacky Sweetwater punching away on Ryan Johnson. Sweetwater sees this and grabs Johnson's arms. Banks runs towards Johnson, who slips out of the grip of Sweetwater, and Banks SMASHES THE PUMPKIN OVER SWEETWATER'S HEAD! HE'S WEARING IT AND CAN'T SEE! Noah Stroud looks on as Sweetwater throws wild punches to nobody in particular, until he grabs Sweetwater from behind - RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!

Hacksaw Anderson: This guy is a beast!

Russell Smith: A huge German Suplex from Noah Stroud!

Stroud goes to the outside and digs under the ring, pulling out a stop sign. He slides it into the ring and before he can get back in and retrieve it, Ryan Johnson has gotten a hold of it. Johnson raises it over his head and folds the sign over Noah Stroud's! Stroud no-sells it and rips it out of Johnson's hands and pops him right in the face with it before spearing Johnson in half!

Hacksaw Anderson: Gonna' need more than a stop sign!

Jacky Sweetwater still has the pumpkin on his head and gets tossed to the outside by Archer Banks. Sweetwater finds himself in front of the guard railing and headbutts it! This smashes the pumpkin enough to where he can rip the remains off of his head. BANKS DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO SWEETWATER! Noah Stroud picks up Ryan Johnson and TOSSES HIM ONTO ARCHER BANKS ON THE OUTSIDE, CAUSING BOTH MEN TO SMASH INTO THE GUARD RAIL!

Russell Smith: Big collision on the outside! Noah Stroud is wrecking everyone in sight!

Hacksaw Anderson: The other three are going to have to join forces to bring 'em down.

Archer Banks clutches his left hand and wrist, the impact mashing it between the railing and Ryan Johnson's dead weight. He doesn't get a chance to recover, as Noah Stroud meets the three men on the outside, slinging Ryan Johnson like a rag doll into the ring steps! Jacky Sweetwater goes under the ring and BLASTS NOAH STROUD WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER! With Stroud trying to shake off the residue of the extinguisher, Sweetwater kicks him low and SUPLEXES NOAH STROUD THROUGH THE TABLE, SENDING THE BOWL OF CANDY FLYING EVERYWHERE! Sweetwater picks up a handful of the candy and shoves it in Stroud's mouth and goes for the cover, but Banks breaks it up.

Hacksaw Anderson: I think Sweetwater is primed to win this, Russ. Any man with balls big enough to taunt Noah Stroud and shove candy in this mouth is a man crazy enough to do whatever it takes to win.

Russell Smith: The co-Tag Champion looks to add more gold to his collection!

Still favoring his left wrist, Banks sees Johnson and picks up one of the chairs lining the ringside area. He swings for the fences like he's Barry Bonds and FOLDS A CHAIR OVER RYAN JOHNSON'S HEAD, HITTING HIM SO HARD THAT THE CHAIR REMAINED AROUND JOHNSON'S HEAD! Banks screams in agony and clutches his left wrist. He looks down at Ryan Johnson and screams, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Jacky Sweetwater rolls Noah Stroud back into the ring and goes over to where Archer Banks is, blasting him from behind. He covers Ryan Johnson, but only gets a two count. Unsatisfied, Sweetwater drags Johnson's legs through the rings of the guard-railing and pins him again, giving his opponent less of an opportunity to kick out. However, Archer Banks stomps on Sweetwater to break the count.

Russell Smith: You can really tell how badly that wrist is bothering Archer Banks, Hack. It looks swollen from here, which makes me think it's possibly broken. Regardless, he continues fighting.

Hacksaw Anderson: Archer is someone I've enjoyed watching thus far in SWF, Russ. He just needs to get some wins under his belt.

Banks rolls Sweetwater into the ring and quickly follows him. He picks up the Tag Team Champion and hits ROLLING ROCK! The Rolling Cutter plants Sweetwater face first on the mat and Banks goes for the pin. Noah Stroud pounces on the apron in one swoop and dives into the ring to break the count! Ryan Johnson makes his way up to the apron and Stroud hip checks him off, sending him flying backwards through a table! Jacky Sweetwater rolls out of the ring and flips the apron up. He has a lead pipe and cracks it on the back of Stroud's head! Stroud falls forwards into the arms of Banks - COLT .45! Banks shakes his left hand upon impact, slowing down the pin attempt by a few seconds. This allows Sweetwater to get back in the ring with the pipe and floor Sweetwater with it like he was swinging a golf club! "THAT'S FOR SMASHING A PUMPKIN ON MY HEAD, PAL!"

Hacksaw Anderson: I can now say that I've seen TWO pumpkins be used in a wrestling match in my forty years in this business!

Russell Smith: History!

Sweetwater goes to the outside and grabs one of the pumpkins. He rolls it into the ring and lifts it over his head, waiting for Banks to get up. Bleeding from the top of his head, Banks makes it up to his feet and gets blasted with the pumpkin, exploding on impact! Sweetwater lines him up for the Kick Shift, but Noah Stroud grabs Sweetwater from behind - Dragon Suplex! He picks Sweetwater up again for another Dragon Suplex! Sweetwater tumbles end over end on impact, resting in the corner of the ring, his legs sideways on the bottom rope.

Russell Smith: Sweetwater with a rough landing there!

Hacksaw Anderson: They're going to have to take Stroud's legs away. That's where his power is.

Banks rolls to the outside and Stroud follows. Ryan Johnson has a steel chair, having come alive from going through the table, and swings at Stroud but misses! Stroud catches him - THE SILENCER! The F-5 sends Johnson spiraling in the air and right into the ring post next to them! Johnson bounces off of the post like a spring. Banks wipes the blood from his eyes and grabs the fire extinguisher, blasting Stroud with it! Banks throws Stroud over the railing and security frantically goes to the crowd to get people out of the way.


Russell Smith: This could potentially NOT end well for anyone involved, Hack! This is dangerous!

Sweetwater hops the railing and joins Banks to sling Stroud into the bleachers. He grabs Banks and spins him around, kick to the gut, EASY RIDER DRIVER ON THE BLEACHERS! ARCHER BANKS IS DONE FOR! Stroud viciously clotheslines Sweetwater over the railing back to the ringside area.

Russell Smith: Sweetwater is disposed of after murdering Archer Banks with that Death Valley Driver!

The resilient Archer Banks low blows Stroud and cross chops Stroud's throat. He steadies himself on top of the guard railing and dives, BUT STROUD CATCHES HIM AND SNATCHES HIM UP ONTO HIS SHOULDERS! Banks gouges at Stroud's eyes and begins elbowing him in the side of the head to allow himself the ability to get off of his shoulders. Banks hits a Snap DDT on Stout on the first bleacher!

Hacksaw Anderson: Good God!

Among a sea of bodies, Archer Banks jumps over the railing, clutching his left wrist, visibly in pain. He sees an unconscious Ryan Johnson and quickly covers him! Referee Mike Stout is there to make the cover in the midst of broken tables, bent chairs, and destroyed candy. One.. Two.. Three! The Gunslinger wins!


While Noah Stroud is kicking chairs and flipping over tables at ringside, Archer Banks rolls back into the ring and gets his right hand lifted in victory. He cradles his left arm against his chest, looking to be in agony. Jacky Sweetwater is on his knees on the outside, shaking his head. He knows he was so close to getting the win, even having given his finisher to the eventual winner.

Russell Smith: It's finally clicked for Archer Banks! He got a big time "W" here tonight and now has a date with Rone Gargan for the SWF Hardcore Championship in December.

Hacksaw Anderson: I could've sworn Noah Stroud was the sure fire winner in this one. Hell, you could've even convinced me Jacky Sweetwater was about to get a chance to get double gold! Archer has been grinding since day one and looks like he fought through injury. Much respect to him.

We get a final shot of Archer Banks celebrating before sending it over to Lance Gordon.

Lance Gordon has his left hand on top of his head, his eyes closed tightly, and a look of distraught on his face. The camera pans out to reveal Slamsley McBody standing next to him. After a few moments of self-dread, he opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. Like a switch flipping, Lance Gordon is flashing a big smile and is down to business.

Lance Gordon: Welcome in to the show, ladies and gentlemen! What an opening match that was, huh? Halloween. Crazy stuff.

Lance slaps the massive Slamsley McBody on the back and then points to him.

Lance Gordon: Speaking of crazy stuff, here's Slamsley McBody. Slamsley, tonight is the biggest match of your career. Probably.

Slamsley nods.

Slamsley McBody: Biggest match since the Cracker Barrel Kickball Tournament of 2019.

Lance can only blink at Slamsley. Completely ignoring the response, he continues speaking.

Lance Gordon: You and Jason Ryan were both impacted directly by Summer Jo's poor officiating at the Gauntlet and Nelson Hammer is giving you two an opportunity to make it right. The winner of your match tonight gets to take on Charlie Hooker next month here in the SWF Studio for the World Championship.

Slamsley McBody: Charlie Hooker or Ace Sky. They have a title match after ours.

Lance sighs.

Lance Gordon: Like I said, the winner of your match will be taking on Charlie Hooker next month for the championship.

Slamsley McBody: Tonight's gonna' be a big night for Slamsley! No bad referee is jacking around me around tonight! No dumb woman is leaving the kitchen to pretend to be a referee and keep me from becoming the World Champion tonight! Nah-uh! SLAMSLEY RULES THE WORLD AND TONIGHT HE TAKES THE CROWN IN SWF!

Hunter Boyd comes out to a nice pop from the fans with a few boos scattered within. He stomps right up to the podium and cuts Slamsley off

Hunter Boyd: Slamsley, no disrespect, but your time is over. This interview segment now belongs to The Outlaw.

Slamsley refuses to yield.

Hunter Boyd: Now, get lost.

Slamsley McBody: You get lost, Outlaw! This is MY time! I'M the next number one contender to the strap!

Hunter Boyd: Laughable.

Boyd mentions something being laughable but doesn't change his stoic expression. He remains in Slamsley's face.

Hunter Boyd: If you have a problem with me coming out here, then we can settle this dispute in that ring on the next show like men. I do not respect you, I think you're a joke, and you have no shot in hell of winning tonight.. So, for your safety, remove yourself from this situation and let a grown man handle business.

Boyd looks dead center into the camera and motions for it to zoom in on him.

Hunter Boyd: Right here is where the camera needs to lie because I have something to say. Last month in Memphis, an arena I watched shows in many times, a place I hold dearly to my heart, hosted the most unjust tragedy in my entire career. I understand the concept of the show. I know it was a blind draw and it was my own doing when I chose the card of The Big Kahuna.

He can't believe the words left his lips.

Hunter Boyd: The Big Kahuna. Gone and forever forgotten. Once those words left my lips just then, they'll never be spoken in this company ever again. I was again robbed of winning a championship in this company because I was forced to rely on the help of an incompetent party and in the end, he cost me.. But as you all saw, that man paid dearly.

Boyd strokes his thick mustache and then his chin.

Hunter Boyd: Tonight, my hunt for championship gold ends when I climb that ladder. No more excuses! No more relying on those unworthy to be in the ring with me! Nothing stands in my way but five other men who do not have the ability to lace my boots let alone have the worth to be able to call themselves the first SWF North American Champion.

This draws a nice response from the fans, which takes Boyd off guard being so used to being booed for his actions.

Hunter Boyd: Ladder matches are a cruel mistress. They shorten careers and almost always come with an injury, but for the right to call myself the North American Champion and have my name forever etched in the history books of the Southern Wrestling Federation, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make the goal of championship gold come to fruition here tonight.

This brings out Donny Hollywood and his entourage. Robert Pittman and Mac Redford flank either side of the former television star and the trio approach the podium. Slamsley McBody still lurks in the background, refusing to leave the scene completely. Hunter Boyd slams the podium in anger.

Hunter Boyd: This is MY interview time!

Smacking gum obnoxiously, Donny Hollywood wags his finger back and forth.

Donny Hollywood: From where I stand, it's Slamsley McBody's time.

Slamsley McBody: THANK YOU!

Ignoring Slamsley, Donny continues.

Donny Hollywood: But now it's MY time! Because, ya' see, Outlaw, I can't let you stand out here and run your mouth like you're doing.

Hunter Boyd: That right?

Donny Hollywood: Nobody in our match but YOU deserves to be the North American Champion? Who died and made you Donny Hollywood? Because the only man in that ladder match with a chance in hell of winning it.. is ME!

The two stare one another down.

Donny Hollywood: We both had rotten partners at Jokers Wild, but you don't see me complaining. We both didn't get the World title in the Gauntlet, but you don't see me complaining. That's what you're doing.

Lance Gordon: Just momentarily stepping in here - Archer Banks is pretty dang good. The Big Kahuna may as well not even have existed. All he was good for was eatin' that pin like it was a got damn pizza.

Donny shakes Lance's interruption off.

Donny Hollywood: You pride yourself on being this big and bad hoss, wanting to fight the toughest men in the company.. But I don't see you backing up your talk when titles are on the line. I only see choking.

Hunter Boyd: You'll think choking when I wrap this hand around your throat and squeeze the life out of you until your eyeballs pop out of their sockets!

The crowd roars as Pittman steps in front of Hollywood, almost pleading with Boyd to make a move. A "BOYD! BOYD!" chant begins to break out, causing Hollywood to try his best to quiet them down.

Hunter Boyd: It's rich that the man who hides behind a bodyguard and his agent comes out here and throws descriptions at me as though he's not talking to himself in the mirror. You are nothing more than a spineless little man, Donny. You allowed Archer Banks to do all of the work and you tried riding his coattails throughout that tournament. When the well ran dry, you dumped him to take the fall to protect yourself.

Donny Hollywood: Uh, yeah. Duh.

Hunter Boyd: Tonight, you won't have that luxury. It's every man for himself. Nelson Hammer also said last month that Pittman and Mac are banned from ringside as well.. So we're going to see how big your balls are, son! Do you have the guts to fight for something you want without relying on others to get it for you? When you're out there with nobody to save you, do you have the ability to dig deep and find another gear? It's either that..

Boyd is right in his face.

Hunter Boyd: Or will I bury you six feet in the dirt just like I'm going to do to Malachi and the others before ascending that ladder and grabbing that championship for my own?

Donny Hollywood: Trust me, buddy. I always have a plan.

Donny smirks, almost acting like he knows something Boyd doesn't.

Donny Hollywood: When I'm finished with you tonight, you'll be seeing double.. And I'll be seeing myself with nothing on but the North American title around my waist!

Boyd cocks an eyebrow in curiosity.

Donny Hollywood: You're one of the baddest men in the SWF, no doubt about it. But we're going to see tonight who wins out.. Brawn.. Or brains.

Donny winks at Boyd and leaves the interview podium. Quickly following behind him are Mac and Pittman, leaving Hunter Boyd behind with Lance. Something doesn't feel right, but Hunter Boyd simply cannot put a finger on it.

Lance Gordon: Well ladies and gentlemen, that was ominous as all hell. Nevertheless, it's not a one-on-one affair for the North American Championship, it's a six-man battle! We've heard from two of the competitors, and we'll hear from the other four as the night progresses and we get closer to our big time main event! Let's get back to Russell and Hacksaw for our next bout!

We go to the ring for our next match!


MATCH TWO - TAG TEAM MATCH (Referee: Dennis Roberts)

The bell sounds and Collins and Donovan waste no time, jumping their opponents before they know what hits them. The fans are booing the debuting team loudly for their antics Collins is slugging away on little Bobby Chaos while Shane Donovan is laying in stiff chops and thigh kicks to the larger Ricky Nitro.

Russell Smith: Collins and Donovan were the second team to interrupt Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater's celebration last month at the Jokers Wild. We've heard a lot about them as a duo and are getting our first taste here tonight.

Hacksaw Anderson: They got lucky with their booking, Russ. I wanted to see them take on real competition.

With the camera focusing on Collins in the corner, we see him deliver brutal knee strikes to the gut on Chaos, each one driving him further and further into the corner. Collins spins out of the corner and comes charging back at Chaos - Systematic Breakdown 2.0! The high knee strike is immediately followed by a running bulldog out of the corner. The impact causes Chaos's legs to fly over his head, almost kicking himself in the back of the head!

Hacksaw Anderson: He's dead!

Russell Smith: Referee Dennis Roberts hasn't even gotten a legal man from each team yet! I'm not even sure if the match has officially started.

In the center of the ring, Donovan grabs Nitro and gives him a back elbow, hits the ropes and hits him with a running knee lift to the jaw! Donovan plants him with a short-arm clothesline for good measure! Wasting no time, he immediately rushes to the corner and floors Bobby Chaos with a running Cannonball Splash! Lex Collins runs over to Ricky Nitro and hits a knee drop to the back of the head and mounts the larger opponent. He begins alternating between forearm strikes and literal punches to the back of the head. This draws the ire of the fans in the Studio.

Russell Smith: This crowd HATES these two!

Collins hops up to his feet and joins Donovan, who is soccer kicking Ricky Nitro in the side of the head! At this point, things are getting really uncomfortable inside the ring, with Dennis Roberts encouraging the two to just finish this thing and show some mercy. Donovan and Collins drag Bobby Chaos to his feet, hook their hands underneath his arms and HIP TOSS HIM OUT OF THE RING AND INTO THE FIRST ROW OF FANS!


Hacksaw Anderson: I know he's only a hundred pounds soaking wet, but my Lord!

Donovan picks Nitro off of the mat while Collins goes to the middle turnbuckle, DIVING DDT! Donovan is quick to follow up, slapping on The Clincher! Donovan can't get his legs wrapped around the massive frame of Nitro, but the submission is still incredibly effective as Dennis Roberts instantly calls for the bell!


The fans are throwing debris in the ring as Lex Collins and Shane Donovan have their arms raised in the air. Bobby Chaos crawls out of the crowd and tries getting back to the ring before his crawl turns into face planting on the ground.

Russell Smith: I've called wrestling matches since 1987. It's the only job I've ever had in my life. And that right there was the damndest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Hacksaw Anderson: Just by lookin' at Donovan and Collins, you wouldn't think they were capable of such.. violence.. But those two were absolutely disgusting menaces in that match! They knew they had to come out firing on all cylinders to live up to their debut last month at Jokers Wild.. And they've done just that!

Lex Collins gets the microphone from Samantha Sims and brings it into the ring, the long cord resting on the bottom rope. Donovan stands next to him as they prepare to address the unruly crowd in the SWF Studio. Dennis Roberts and a ringside medic help escort the losing team away from ringside.

Shane Donovan: It wasn't an hour after Jokers Wild that the SWF's social media team spit out all of the graphics about the signing of the Gangsters of Christ. The long-awaited decision of where the hottest free agent acts in the business would sign came down to them interrupting the winners and shocking the world.

Scattered boos for the Gangsters.

Shane Donovan: Everywhere you turned, the hype was on the Gangsters of Christ and on Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater. It's all anyone could talk about, gossip about, or focus on.. But there was a third team involved at the end of that show.

Collins takes the microphone from Donovan.

Lex Collins: And you're lookin' at 'em! We signed right after the Jokers Wild bracket went out and missed our opportunity. We didn't get the fanfare or the social media hype. We didn't get the parade and spotlight. I've worked SWF Saturday Night against enhancement pieces of shit like what was in the ring with us tonight. And it stops!

The fans boo and Donovan leans over the top rope, mouthing to one fan in the front row.

Lex Collins: When Shane signed up for the SWF, I knew I had to join him. I knew the tag division was ripe for the taking. Here we are. Give us a shot at the champs!

The Preacher man says it's the end of time..
And the Mississippi River, she's going dry...

"A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams, Jr. hits and the fans pop for an all-time classic southern song.. Until they see who it brings out. The Gangsters of Christ - Michael Dawson and his sons come out, the IIW Tag Team Championships around their waists. They take an extra microphone and step into the ring, just a foot or two away from Lex Collins and Shane Donovan. Their father, Michael, dressed in his Sunday best, clutches a thick Bible against his chest and begins speaking into the microphone held by his free hand.

Michael Dawson: Congregation! We are gathered here today to put a stop to the blasphemous venom oozing out of your mouths!

Dawson speaks loudly and confidently with his sons of either side of him.

Michael Dawson: My boys got the publicity they got because they are THE REAL DEAL! They left IIW FOREVER the Tag Team Champions! They've beaten the best teams in this business and every promotion out there wanted them! XWF, TPW, all of 'em! And they settled on the Southern Wrestling Federation.

He raises an eyebrow.

Michael Dawson: And you know why?

Shane Donovan: Why?

Michael Dawson: 'Cause we were told about the emphasis that was being put on the tag team division. We saw the all-tag team show. Nelson Hammer showed us footage of the teams that are already here like the Titan Dragons. Then we heard about you two having signed shortly before us. See, we've been contracted to SWF for quite a while. We just had to wait for the right time to make our debut.

Dawson stares down Collins and Donovan.

Michael Dawson: That moment belonged to my boys. And you took that from them.

Lex Collins: Whoops.

Michael Dawson: We knew adding you two to the mix in the tag division along with what was already here would make this division go over the top once we signed on.. We just didn't figure you two would be glory hounds and try to hog the moment for yourselves. But hey, my boys here are the ones fighting REAL competition tonight while you two whipped up on the last two un-booked slobs from a SWF Saturday Night house show. And that alone is why we deserve to be first in line to fight for those titles!

"Badass" by Saliva hits and out come the new SWF Tag Team Champions, Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater. The two get a deafening amount of boos. Sweetwater is fresh off of competing in the opening bout of the night while Mac Bane has on his ring gear and looks ready to compete. They pace around the ring and finally roll in, forming a triangle of teams.

Mac Bane: Jacky, am I hearin' things right? Are there two teams in this ring who haven't pinned a soul already mapping out when they're going to fight us for these titles?

Jacky Sweetwater: That's how I heard it, Mac.

Mac Bane: I know you boys are new around here, but see these titles around our waists?

A quick zoom in on the SWF Tag Team Championships.

Mac Bane: These mean more than the ones you two are wearin'. One, because SWF is open and IIW isn't.. And two, 'cause they're around our waists, which gives them INSTANT credibility!

The fans are booing, not wanting to hear anything from ANY of the three teams in the ring.

Mac Bane: Pope, Jethro, as you know, I was in IIW just like y'all were. I know you're credentials. I know you're tough as hell.

He turns to Collins and Donovan.

Mac Bane: And fellas, I've seen you two around the block as well. I know what you're capable of.

Jacky Sweetwater: Basically, we know you two are legitimate teams, but you AIN'T THE CHAMPS! Which means you DON'T GET TO CALL THE SHOTS! WE DO!

Bane looks irritated that Jacky stole the mic from him but allows his new partner to continue.

Jacky Sweetwater: We went through fourteen teams and came out the other side with championship gold and cash.. Cash that Mac and I didn't get any of, by the way.. And by that alone, the fact that we've WON MATCHES, means nothing happens in this division unless we allow it!

Mac Bane: I'm sure there's going to come a day where we do battle with each of you. I'm even willing to bet that the day comes sooner rather than later, but we're not a charity. These belts won't be put on the line against just anyone, no matter how much Twitter clout they have!

Just about on cue, this brings out The Titan Dragons! The place ERUPTS as big time fan favorites, Mason Levis and Rodney Tannenhill, emerge from the curtain and play to the fans. Dressed in flannel shirts and jeans, the two enter the ring and immediately tower over everyone inside.

Mason Levis: All of y'all are new so you may not fully understand how it's gonna' go around here, so let me spell it out for everyone real clear.

Levis points to himself and then to Tannenhill.

Mason Levis: Seth Warner cost this man and Snake Malone those straps. Sure, Mac and Jacky, y'all made the pin, but had it not been for Warner's chair shot to wear down Rod's knee, we would've had a whole 'nother story. Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater wouldn't be doing anything important, and we'd have the straps while talking to you five.. And trust me when I tell you, Seth Warner's day is comin'. Tell 'em, Rod!

Rodney Tannenhill: Seth Warner, you're livin' on borrowed time, brother.

Tannenhill still walks carefully but is able to put a lot more weight on his leg than the last time we saw him in a ring.

Rodney Tannenhill: From chair shots to handcuffs to all of the B.S. you can think of, we've been here since day one and since day one, we've dealt with roadblock after roadblock.. That ends NOW!

The fans chant "TI-TAN-DRAG-ONS! clap clap clapclapclap TI-TAN-DRAG-ONS!"

Rodney Tannenhill: We want a shot at the belts! You wanna' talk about how important the tag division is? We signed our names on the dotted line to an unknown entity and trusted Nelson Hammer. We MAIN EVENTED the first show - a three team match for the belts! We've put in the work month after month to make SWF what it is while you guys waited to see how the waters were before diving in.

Mason Levis: That's why Gangsters, Collins, Donovan.. Y'all just need to stand back and let us be the team who steps up and ends this title reign before it even gets started!

All five-hundred fans in the SWF Studio are on their feet, rattling the camera with their cheers! A lot of arguing away from the microphones begin, with a lot of egos and personalities in the ring clashing. A few chest bumps and shoves are even beginning to transpire. The inside of the ring is more of a powder keg ready to blow at this point.

Russell Smith: There's six men in this ring who want first dibs on Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater! The SWF tag team division is THE top division in any promotion!

Nelson Hammer comes power walking from behind the curtain, making no delay about where he's going. He marches up the steps and snatches the microphone from Mason Levis. Holding court in the middle of the ring, Hammer speaks with a sea of people surrounding him in a semi-circle.

Nelson Hammer: If there's a tag team out there watchin' that isn't in SWF, your loss.

Hammer surveys the teams in front of him and it brings a smile to his face.

Nelson Hammer: At Jokers Wild, I sure as hell didn't expect Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater to leave with the belts, but that's the beauty of the blind draw for partners. I also didn't expect you four to show up like you did and steal the moment away from my new champions. Destroyed my trophy, threw cash out in the audience. That wasn't supposed to happen.

His attention focuses on Donovan, Collins, and the Dawson Boys.

Nelson Hammer: You all were big time signings. Game changers. I know you come with attitudes as much as you come with all the talent in the world. I love a surprise debut.. But you didn't listen to what I said. You didn't follow my orders. What could've been a perfecting ending to our biggest show yet, ended with chaos and bullshit.

Michael Dawson: Merely the price you pay when you allow people like Lex Collins and Shane Donovan to mingle with your top shelf talent, Brother Hammer.

Nelson Hammer: Stop it.

Lex Collins: What did you just say?

Before they can even start a skirmish, Hammer pulls Collins back and stands in between them.

Nelson Hammer: Nah, hold on.. Hold on.. We're not goin' to do this again.

He looks around at the competitors in the ring and strokes his chin. After a few moments of thinking it over, he continues.

Nelson Hammer: Respect is Earned, December 16th. Sold out event. More tickets sold to it than any event in SWF history at this point..

The fans are buzzing knowing that something is about to happen.

Nelson Hammer: I wanted to put an emphasis on this division because I love tag team wrestling. So let's make Respect is Earned one of the biggest events ever with two big time tag team matches, shall we?

He slaps Lex Collins on the back and turns to the Dawson Boys.

Nelson Hammer: In a match for the number one contendership to the titles, Lex Collins and Shane Donovan will take on The Gangsters of Christ, the Forever IIW Tag Team Champions! First time ever! We ain't easing y'all into it, we're throwing you out into the deep end and seein' whose going to swim to the shore! Who wants it? Huh? Y'all wanna' both claim to be the best team around, PROVE IT! I brought y'all in with a lot of hype and potential, let's see who wants those belts!

The Gangsters of Christ and Lex Collins and Shane Donovan stare one another down, mouthing back and forth at one another. The capacity crowd is all about this match announcement.

Russell Smith: Nelson Hammer is getting right down to business!

Nelson Hammer: And if my math is correct, that leaves two teams. Mac Bane, Jacky Sweetwater, let me introduce you to your opponents at Respect is Earned.. if you two make it to December with those titles.

Unfazed, Bane and Sweetwater shake their heads at the sights of the beastly Titan Dragons.

Nelson Hammer: The Titan Dragons have been so damn close and crap gets in their way. Not this time. Just a classic tag team match with no outside parties, no weapons, none of that. Let's find out who the better teams are. Let's find out who's able to separate themselves in the best tag team division in professional wrestling! Rodney, Mason, if you two don't win this one, I can't help you anymore. Get the job done or go back to the end of the line. Got me?

Rodney and Mason nod in agreement with Hammer's stipulation, then they bump fists while Jacky Sweetwater and Mac Bane strategize amongst themselves, definitely not pleased with how this has gone.

Nelson Hammer: Any other promotion would've done a bunch of tomfoolery with stipulations and probably even set a man on fire to book some of these matches, but that's not how it works around here. This is PRO WRESTLING! This ain't sports entertainment! I don't know how it's been done anywhere else lately, but here, shit's handled in the ring. We're not teasin' and drawin' out dream matches for the hell of it. We're stacking Respect is Earned! Four teams claim they're the best, prove it. Settle it right here in this squared-circle the old fashioned way!

Hammer points to the ring steps.

Nelson Hammer: Now, we've been out here talkin' long enough. I ain't Oprah. We ain't interviewin' for 60 Minutes. We're here for wrestling matches! Men, you've been given your assignments for Respect is Earned. Dragons, go get ready for your six-man. Donovan and Lex, hit the showers and be thankful Nitro and Chaos will live to see another day after what y'all did to 'em. Gangsters, you two are at match number eight later on. You have some time, but you'd best start getting your shit on and gettin' taped up.

Mac Bane takes the microphone and smirks.

Mac Bane: Yeah Dragons, y'all go on and get ready for your six-man match. Maybe you can win that one because you sure as hell ain't gettin' these from us at Respect is Earned. All you two do is knock on the door. When it comes time to kick it down, you can't man up and get the job done, can ya'?

The fans boo.

Mac Bane: And there's always an excuse, too. Handcuffs, chair shots, the temperature, what you ate for supper.. All of the reasons why you can't get it done. Hell, I showed up here on night one and drug Jacky Sweetwater to gold! It ain't that hard.

Rodney Tannenhill: If it's not that hard, forget December, let's do it now!

Jacky Sweetwater: Hold on, hold on, holllllddddddd on!


Jacky Sweetwater: I've already wrestled once! I had a pumpkin put on my head! No!

Mac Bane: Fellas, I don't think you understand what you're saying. You're not in ring gear. You're not stretched and ready to go. Nelson Hammer literally just told your dumb asses that if you lost again, you'd be outta' luck. And you REALLY want to risk it all right now? Get lost.


The capacity crowd of the SWF Studio's cheers rumble the camera ever so slightly. The stomping of feet and clapping of hands at the possibility of the match makes it sound like thunder is echoing throughout the intimate setting. Mac Bane realizes his back is against the wall and the massive men known as the Titan Dragons are refusing to yield.

Mac Bane: Sorry guys. I have a match next. Now, go on and get lost. Scram. Go find Snake Malone and see if Brusier Bedlam's still kicking.

Nelson Hammer's been in deep thought while the back and forth was ongoing, stroking his chin and nods, coming to some sort of conclusion inside his own head. He interrupts the dueling war of words.

Nelson Hammer: You know.. I feel a little crazy tonight. Let's go outside the box for a minute. Mac, you know, you do have a match against DeMarco Cole scheduled for right now.. But I think the Dragons have a point. Let's not wait for Respect is Earned! GIVE ME A GOD DAMN REFEREE AND LET'S DO THIS MATCH RIGHT NOW! TITLES ON THE LINE!

Stevie Starks rushes out from the back and slides into the ring. The Gangsters of Christ and Lex Collins and Shane Donovan exit the ring, leaving it to the Titan Dragons and the SWF Tag Team Champions! Jacky Sweetwater is pleading with Nelson Hammer to change his mind, but Hammer brushes him off.


IMPROMPTU TAG TEAM MATCH (Referee: Stevie Starks)

Mac Bane is fired up, ready to go! The Titan Dragons aren't even in their ring gear, but they're also ready to fight. The only one not interested in this impromptu match AT ALL is Jacky Sweetwater, having just went through hell in the opening bout.

Hacksaw Anderson: I can't believe this is happening!

Russell Smith: This match was set to be held at Respect is Earned, but Mac Bane got so fired up by the Titans Dragons' talk that he's thrown all caution to the wind! This isn't like him. The usual cold and cunning Bane always keeps his head. Plus, Hack, he's scheduled to have a match NEXT against DeMarco Cole!

Stevie Starks reluctantly calls for the bell and Jacky Sweetwater drops off the apron and waves Bane off. "I don't want to do this! I've fought once tonight!"

Russell Smith: Jacky Sweetwater wants no part of this! Much to Mac Bane's surprise, his partner is walking out!

Bane turns around - running Enziguri from Mason Levis! Rodney Tannenhill grabs Bane and kicks him in the gut - CAN CRUSHER POWER BOMB! One! Two! Three! New Champions!


The new Tag Team Champions have their arms raised in the air and the crowd loses their minds. Mac Bane remains out on the canvas as Jacky Sweetwater looks on from the curtain, shaking his head after watching his title reign end unceremoniously. Tannenhill and Levis "clink" their title belts together and then celebrate towards the fans.

Hacksaw Anderson: What a shocker! We have new Tag Team Champions!

Jacky Sweetwater picks up a microphone and is joined by his cousin, Jacky. Mac is still laying on the canvas.

Jacky Sweetwater: Did I walk into the Studio tonight expecting to get a friggin' pumpkin spiked on my head? No. Did I walk into the Studio tonight expecting to have the legendary Mac Bane speak FOR ME and put MY TAG TEAM TITLES on the line in an impromptu match against my will? HELLLLLLLL NO! You're not my boss, Mac! You are nothing to me!

Sweetwater snarls, slapping the hair out of his face as he looks down at his former partner.

Jacky Sweetwater: I made an executive decision on the fly just then. I chose to sit back and watch you end our title reign before it even got started. Why? Ever since we met, it's been all about you. Mac Bane is the biggest signing in SWF history! Mac Bane all over the promotional materials, whoring his image out to hype up SWF! Mac Bane is the Tag Champ as if there's not a second man who made a team! And you, you had the gall to speak for me and accept a match..

Sweetwater is disgusted. He slaps Mac across the face, yelling at him.

Jacky Sweetwater: I hope you're happy, Mac. You lost our belts by getting pinned to a team with the name of the TITAN FREAKING DRAGONS! It's a name that came from a random name generator! I'm sure WGWF or whatever dumpster company you still work for will be THRILLED that one of their main guys looked like a horse's ass tonight in Nowhere, Tennessee and got pinned without even having his regular singles match! By the way, I told DeMarco in the back not to bother comin' out because it was canceled. You deserve more than what I did to you, but lucky for you, I didn't have time to hatch a real coup. Jody liked ya', Mac. He doesn't have many friends, so it's a damn shame it's gotta' end like this..

Jody picks Mac Bane up and PRESS SLAMS HIM TO THE OUTSIDE! The fans boo and someone throws a half-eaten pretzel into the ring, hitting Jacky across the back of the head.

Jacky Sweetwater: I listen to NO MAN! I follow NO MAN! I am Hell's Heartthrob.. And I'm now a singles competitor! No more dead weight. Nelson, baby, put me in that Fatal Fourway for the World Title contendership, 'cause it's time to get singles gold around my waist! I'm finished being a tag team wrestler with people like this FRAUD!

The camera zooms in on Jacky and Jody Sweetwater as the fans are booing loudly.

We cut to the back.

Cutting from the ring, a shaky camera is backstage in a small room that's been converted into a training room of sorts. Archer Banks is seated in a chair with his left hand resting on a table with a medic cautiously taping it up.

Medic: Mr. Banks, you're going to need a cast for this. I think your wrist is broken.

Banks grimaces in pain as the medic finishes applying a soft cast.

Medic: This soft cast will keep is stable until you're able to get to Vanderbilt ER. They'll fix you up and you should be a new man in eight weeks or so.

Archer Banks: EIGHT WEEKS?!

The news doesn't sit well with him at all.

Archer Banks: In eight weeks, it'll be Respect is Earned. I don't HAVE eight weeks! I'm just starting to get things going here and that idiot had to break my wrist. Nah, I'm gonna' have to get a second opinion or something. There's no way.

Ryan Johnson walks in and looks concerned upon seeing the soft cast.

Ryan Johnson: I'm sorry about what happened out there, man. It's my first real match back in a while and I don't normally do hardcore stuff.

Banks stands up and cradles his left arm against his chest.

Archer Banks: You don't belong in this company. You're some old man chasing a dream so that your kids can see what you're capable of?

Banks shows him his wrist.

Archer Banks: You kids now know that daddy is just a reckless fool and belongs back at the house readin' 'em bedtime stories more than he belongs inside the ring.

Ryan Johnson: Hey, calm down. This isn't ballet, right? Stuff happens out there that's out of our control.

Archer Banks: Sure.

Johnson can't believe Banks' reaction.

Ryan Johnson: I don't know what else to say. I said I was sorry. It was a hardcore match with pumpkins and shit ringside. Things happen.


Ryan Johnson collapses into a heap on the floor from a stiff shot of the soft cast from Archer Banks! Banks yells out in agony from the impact and grabs his arm with his right hand. He looks down at the fallen Johnson and snarls.

Archer Banks: You're right.

He half-shrugs.

Archer Banks: Stuff happens.

Banks walks out of the training room, leaving the medic to tend to the fallen Ryan Johnson. We cut back to the ring for our next match where our participants are already in the ring.



Senor Count calls for the bell and immediately, both Kang and Murdoch gang up together to try to take down the larger man. Two basement dropkicks and a Dragon Screw cause the Final Boss to drop to a knee in agony.

Russell Smith: Sound strategy here by the two smaller men to try to take the legs from the larger opponent.

Hacksaw Anderson: I wouldn't trust Dave Kang. We saw the hell he raised last month throwin' that birthday cake on the ground, ridin' his four-wheeler around ringside like a damn heathen!

Russell Smith: It was Charlie Hooker's celebration cake.

Hacksaw Anderson: I do not care.

Dave Kang begins celebrating as if he did all of the work himself. Marty Murdoch runs up behind up and rolls him up for a quick two count! Kang takes exception to this, shoving Murdoch. Murdoch pie faces Kang, who pie faces Murdoch in retaliation!

Hacksaw Anderson: Hey! Look! The two little fellas are fighting it out.

BAM! Double clothesline from VLADISLAV! He picks Marty Murdoch up - RED SCARE! The fans gasp in horror of how Marty Murdoch landed and is folded into a pretzel upon impact. Dave Kang spins around and eats a big boot for his troubles. The Final Boss wastes no time, picking Kang up - THE IRON CURTAIN!

Russell Smith: Oh good Lord!

VLADISLAV drags the hapless body of Marty Murdoch and carelessly slings him on top of Dave Kang. VLADISLAV then places his right boot onto Murdoch's chest, pinning both men at the same time! Senor Count looks on in disgust at the lack of respect, but has no choice but to begin counting! One.. two.. three! A light night at the office for The Final Boss!


VLADISLAV's father wastes no time in grabbing and microphone and bringing it into the ring and handing it to his son. The fans are booing loudly as "O Fortuna" plays in the background. Stanisław Kowalski motions for the music to stop, giving a stern stare to the camera.

VLADISLAV: <My reign of dominance in SWF continues.>

The southern crowd is having NONE of the foreigner's conversation, unable to understand a word of it.

VLADISLAV: <Mac Bane's brass knuckles cost me and my partner victory at the Jokers Wild Cup, but I was not pinned, nor do I submit. Cheating might have given Mac Bane and Jacky Sweetwater championships and money, but it did not make them legitimate men in my eyes. Look at what happened to them tonight.>

Kowalski shakes his head back and forth.

VLADISLAV: <I am here to bathe in gold. I cannot do that by continuously being in the ring with people such as my opponents tonight. I want REAL competition! I want the best of this company! I am here to prove that I am the Final Boss of the Southern Wrestling Federation, and that all roads go.. through.. ME!>

Rone Gargan appears through the curtain and stops at Lance Gordon's podium, taking the microphone off of the table top. He walks a few feet away from the ring, but still at a safe distance from VLADISLAV.

Rone Gargan: You know, VLADISLAV, you intrigue me.

Gargan adjusts the Hardcore Championship on his shoulder.

Rone Gargan: Well-trained, highly-disciplined, a true embodiment of living up to your name.. The Final Boss. You wrestle with respect, with honor.

Gargan removes his sunglasses and hangs them from the neck of his black tank top.

Rone Gargan: So do I.

A mixed response from the crowd as Gargan pays them no mind.

Rone Gargan: I know what you're capable of. I witnessed your brutality first hand at Jokers Wild. I want to fight you.

This gets the fans' attention as well as VLADISLAV and his father.

Rone Gargan: In other promotions, the Hardcore Championship gets a bad wrap. It's the low card belt. It's a throwaway, meaningless championship. Not here. This is the most-defended championship in SWF. I have been given a mission to mold this championship into my image, and I am doing just that. Later tonight, it is John Blade's turn.. But VLADISLAV, I want our paths to cross.

VLADISLAV: <Big mistake!>

Rone Gargan: There was a stupid gimmicky Halloween match to determine my challenger at Respect is Earned, and that's fine.. It gives you time. You want a run for championship gold? I'm giving it to you. When you're finished chasing hurt feelings and want to go for gold, I'll be waiting.

Gargan flips the microphone back to Lance Gordon and walks back through the curtain. Kowalski explains things to his son as the fans cheer for the idea of these two going at it!

Russell Smith: The SWF Hardcore Champion is ISSUING challenges instead of receiving them!

Hacksaw Anderson: And I respect the hell out of that, Russ. He's not going to let this Hardcore title be the low title on the totem pole. He's looking to make it valuable, and by challenging The Final Boss, he's doin' just that! But hey, he has to get past his newly-minted number one contender first!

The scene quickly switches.

Cutting away from the ring, we're at the interview set with Lance Gordon and Ace Sky. Ace is in his ring gear and a SWF t-shirt with the sleeves cut out of it.

Lance Gordon: We're keeping this show rolling, baby! Ain't trying to make it ten hours long like the Jokers Wild. Fourteen damn matches. This is about getting stuff in the ring and getting the hell outta' here.

Ace Sky shrugs.

Ace Sky: Efficiency is key, I suppose.

Lance Gordon: Ace Sky is my next guest, ladies and gentlemen. This man challenges Charlie Hooker for the SWF World Championship in tonight's semi-main event. Ace, you've been in countless championship bouts in your career, but tonight will be the first defense of the SWF World Championship. How are you approaching it?

Ace doesn't even hesitate with a response.

Ace Sky: Exactly how I do each and every match, Lance. I treat every match I have in any promotion around the world like it's a World title match.

Lance rolls his eyes.

Lance Gordon: Oh, brother.

Ace Sky: It's true. This business is about preparation. It's about taking everything thrown at you seriously and adapting. Charlie Hooker wasn't a very good teammate in the Jokers Wild Cup. He spent time running me down and saying that I was the weak link in the chain.

Boos come from the fans at the mention of the champion.

Ace Sky: And now he's been on Twitter ever since running his mouth, and Lance, it's doing nothing but bringing the wrong kind of publicity to the SWF Championship. I was the one who did ALL of the work in our first round match. All Charlie did was stir up the hornet's nest and leave me behind to pick up the pieces. That's not a champion. That's a CHUMP!

Lance Gordon: Them's fighting words!

Ace Sky: He can say whatever he wants about me. He can throw me into the ring post. But when the bell rings tonight, it's just him and I inside that ring. He'll have to answer for all of the trash he's talked, and SWF will have a World Champion it can be proud of.

Ace looks at Lance.

Ace Sky: I know what people say about me. I even saw what you said about me getting this title shot. I encourage everyone to keep on doubting Ace Sky, because time and time again, I've proved the doubters wrong and shocked the world. And tonight will be no different! I'm not fighting people online like Charlie Hooker wanted to. I'm going to do all of the talking in that ring!

Ace throws up double "peace" signs to the fans in attendance, getting a strong reaction from them in response. He walks away from the set and the cameras immediately cut to the ring for our next match. Can Ace Sky do the impossible and claim the SWF World Championship later tonight?!


MATCH FIVE - SIX-MAN TAG MATCH (Referee: Mike Stout)

The fans are STRONGLY behind Snake Malone and the Titan Dragons in this one. Mike Stout goes over some final instructions as it looks like Jimmy Jack Tees and Snake Malone will start us out as the bell rings. Bruiser Bedlam is on the outside, slapping on the ring apron and it causes the fans to begin clapping along in unison. Jimmy Jack and Snake Malone pace around one another an engage in a tie-up.

Russell Smith: I'm really excited about this one, Hack. I think it'll be a great showcase.

Hacksaw Anderson: Nelson Hammer's kicked the tires of adding a Six Man title division and this right here would be two of teams you'd expect to see in the title picture if it transpired.. Not to mention the NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS are in this thing! Heck of a start to the show.

Tees applies a side headlock out of the tie-up and then switches to an arm lock. Snake rolls on the mat and spins sideways, turning the leverage back onto Jimmy, quickly getting back to his feet and pushing Tees back into the corner. Snake steps back, allowing Jimmy to exit the corner. Jimmy comes for Snake, but Snake hits a hip toss! Another hip toss! A body slam! Back up, Tees is whipped into the ropes, BIG BACK BODY DROP! Snake shakes the top rope, fired up, and Jimmy Jack crawls to the corner and tags in one of his larger teammates, Jon Tees, who effortlessly steps over the top rope.

Hacksaw Anderson: Now let's see what Snake Malone can do with the leader of The Syndicate. Jon Tees is making his in-ring debut here.

Malone shows no fear and delivers three stiff right hands to Tees, who absorbs him and slams his hip and thigh into Snake's midsection. He picks Snake up onto his shoulders - SNAKE EYES IN THE CORNER! Tees hits the ropes and clotheslines Malone to the ground. Tees then goes to the apron and begins climbing the top rope?



Tees spins his hands around one another and steadies himself - BRUSH WITH GREATNESS MISSES! THE FANS, COMMENTATORS, AND MEN ON THE APRON ARE ALL IN SHOCK AT JON TEES ATTEMPTING A PHOENIX SPLASH! Snake Malone rolls out of the way at the last possible second, saving his life in the process. Malone dives for the corner and tags in Rodney Tannenhill. Tannenhill greets Tees as he gets to his feet and blasts him with right hands to the ribs. Tees backs into the corner and Tannenhill mounts him and begins hitting right hand after right hand as the fans begin counting along. About six punches deep, Tees reaches his right hand into the front of his tights and endures the last handful of punches. Once Tannenhill drops down, Tees puts that hand into Tannenhill's mouth - SWEATY BALL CLAW!

Hacksaw Anderson: Good God! This maniac has messed up now!

The move doesn't stay applied for no more than two seconds, but it's enough to infuriate Tannenhill, who immediately belly-to-belly suplexes Tees and then spits on him as he lays on the ground. Tannenhill tags in Levis and Levis hits the ropes, back senton! The two men pick up Tees for a double Gorilla Press Slam and carelessly drop him to the mat! Levis picks him up and shoves him into the corner.. And then hits a huge hip toss, sending him flying halfway across the ring. Levis tags Tannenhill back in and hits a running senton. He goes for a pin but lifts Tees' shoulders off the mat at two, not finished with him yet.

Russell Smith: Safe to say he wants revenge for that Sweaty Ball Claw.. Disgusting.

Tees rakes Tannenhill in the eyes and sees an opening. He takes in King Kong Brophy, and now things are going to get interesting. The giant steps over the top rope and spears Tannenhill to the mat, wasting no time! Brophy hits the ropes and comes down with a running knee drop for a two count. Snake Malone comes in and gets a chokeslam for his troubles, but it allows Tannenhill to tag in Levis. Levis chop blocks the big man and body slams him to the mat. Levis goes to the middle rope and hits an elbow drop for a two count of his own. Levis comes off the ropes and goes for a Sling Blade, but Brophy catches him and plants a sidewalk slam variation with his own momentum. King King Brophy roars in the middle of the ring, causing the fans to boo loudly. He tags in Jimmy Jack and the masked man simply goes for a pin, but Levis bench presses him into the air before a one count is administered.

Hacksaw Anderson: Trading out a giant for a smaller competitor might prove to be costly for the Syndicate. However, they ARE working well together, so what do I know? Brophy proved very effective.

Russell Smith: Both teams are doing an excellent job of tagging in and out tonight.

Jimmy Jack DDTs Levis, but Levis pops right back up! He grabs Tees by the goozle and lifts him in the air with both hands, high over Levis' head for a big choke! He backs into his corner and allows Malone to blind tag in. Levis slams Tees to the mat and here's Brophy and Jon Tees in the ring. On the other side, Snake Malone and Rodney Tannenhill join in, with Tannenhill going straight for Jon Tees, head butting him right between the eyes and sending a stiff forearm to his jaw!

Russell Smith: Payback for that mandible claw from earlier!

Jon Tees and Rodney Tannenhill are tangled up in the corner and both tumble over the top rope to the outside! Snake Malone bounces off the middle rope and hits a flying European Uppercut on Brophy, sending him into the waiting arms of Mason Levis for a Boss Man Slam - But Brophy gets right back up! The two trade chops, but Malone dumps Brophy over the top with the help of Levis! Levis quickly follows him outside where we now have four men battling.

Hacksaw Anderson: There's a lot of beef surrounding our announce table, Russ.

Russell Smith: Keep one eye on the ring and one eye out for whatever happens around here!

Jimmy Jack Tees spins Malone around - snap DDT! He quickly picks Malone up for a suplex, but Malone slips out of it in mid-air, finding himself behind Jimmy Jack. Seeing an opportunity, Malone hits SNAKE MOUNTAIN! The Scorpion Death Drop came out of nowhere and Malone quickly pins! One.. two... three! The shock finisher from Snake Malone wins it for his team!


King Kong Brophy grabs Jimmy Jack by the legs and slides him out of the ring, draping him across his shoulders. Rodney Tannenhill and Mason Levis slide into the ring and high five Snake Malone as the fans are roaring loudly. The three men get their hands raised in victory as the camera pans over to The Syndicate on the floor, irritated at how close they were and Jimmy Jack getting caught by Malone, shifting the momentum on a dime.

Russell Smith: Snake Malone hit Snake Mountain and ended this match completely out of nowhere, Hack! Snake looks as healthy as he ever has and that move could be one that becomes a hot finisher here in SWF as we progress. Bruiser Bedlam is healthy, Snake is on a tear, and we could have ourselves a big time show down looming at Respect is Earned between them and the Allied Powers!

Hacksaw Anderson: Then you have the Titan Dragons becomin' the new champs earlier tonight. I'm pumped for these three men and Bruiser, Russ. It seems like finally things are turning their way.

Russell Smith: Let's not ignore The Syndicate. They came to SWF after IIW closed its doors and we weren't sure what to expect out of the trio, but they fought hard and gave it their best try. Rumors of their SWF future speculate that it's in doubt, so that'll be something to watch.

The camera zooms in on Malone who points right at us and mouths, "BRING US THE ALLIED POWERS!" We cut quickly backstage as the celebration continues inside the ring.

Myles Wilkins leans back into his locker and closes his eyes, listening deeply to the music coming out of the white headphones he has tucked inside his ears. He breathes deeply and lets out a sigh to control his nerves. Once he opens his eyes, he sees John Blade standing right in front of him, startling him momentarily.

John Blade: Come help me. We have to get Dave Kang out of this locker room.

Wilkins shakes his head, unable to make out what Blade is talking about. He removes his ear buds and throws his hands up at Blade.

Myles Wilkins: I'm trying to get ready for a match, Blade. Not now.

John Blade: Hey, I have a match to get ready for myself, but you don't see me ignoring the world as it burns.

Myles Wilkins: What are you talking about?

Wilkins shakes his head.

Myles Wilkins: Goofy ass mother fu-

Wilkins looks and sees Dave Kang setting a SMALL FIRE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LOCKER ROOM!

Myles Wilkins: What are you doing, bro?!

Dave Kang has collected some pizza boxes and random pieces of debris and has strategically stuffed it inside of a garbage can and lit it on fire! Flames burst out of the plastic can, which is beginning to melt from the bottom. Kang looks at Wilkins and Blade, grabs his crotch and yells out.


John Blade: You're bad news, Dave Kang!

Noah Stroud busts through the locker room and slings a chair halfway across the room. He looks on at the chaos unfolding in front of him.

Noah Stroud: WHAT IS THIS?

John Blade: You see-

Stroud doesn't wait for an explanation. He snatches Dave Kang and GIVES HIM THE SILENCER ON THE FLOOR! Dave flops around like a dying fish upon impact!

Noah Stroud: I was robbed out of the match tonight and all you idiots can do is set fires and bullshit around?!

Stroud grabs Myles Wilkins and rams his head into the wall! Wilkins falls backwards, clutching his nose as Stroud turns to John Blade.

John Blade: I have my own troubles tonight, Noah Stroud. I have -

Stroud goozles Blade by the throat and lifts him into the air. Blade's face begins turning shades of red in front of our eyes.

Noah Stroud: I. Do. Not. Care. I don't like you, I'm not going to like you, and I will leave this room having forgotten that I even crossed paths with you three.. But you three will FOREVER remember what I did to you on this night. Send a message to Gargan. It should've been me facin' him next. And tell 'em I'll be comin' soon.

Stroud turns the goozle into Blade being hoisted onto his shoulders - THE SILENCER INTO THE BLOCK WALL! John Blade bounces off of it like a basketball, spinning sideways in the air on his way to the ground! Noah Stroud roars to the ceilings, looking like an absolute un-caged animal!

We go to the ring for our next match.


MATCH SIX - SINGLES MATCH (Referee: Dennis Roberts)

The bell sounds and El Masko shows no near in confronting his larger opponent. Caos Ortiz's hair hangs in front of his face, water slowly dripping from it down onto his chest. He flips his hair back and unleashes a deep roar, which causes El Masko to wave his hand in front of his face and hold his nose, bringing laughter from the fans.

Russell Smith: The big man's breath must smell!

Hacksaw Anderson: I'm expecting this to end poorly.

Masko stomps on Ortiz's foot. When that doesn't work, he steps on the other. Ortiz does sell either stomp, so Masko jumps into the air and stomps down on both of Ortiz's feet! Ortiz doubles over and Masko applies a headlock, to which Ortiz picks him up and slams him down with a back drop! Ortiz tries to stomp Masko but he rolls out of the way. Ortiz tries again, and again, Masko continues barrel rolling out of harm's way until he's out of the ring and on the outside. Masko points to his temple and the fans cheer loudly.

Russell Smith: If he's smart, Hack, he'll run while he has a chance! Mark Storm was supposed to be here tonight, but he hear he has not made it to the arena.. So Masko is on his own against Lovemoney Enterprises!

Hacksaw Anderson: Ortiz doesn't need the Enterprise, he IS the Enterprise tonight!

Ortiz steps over the top rope and grabs Masko from behind, sending him flying over the timekeeper's table! Ortiz goes to get Masko, but Masko comes from behind the table swinging a chair! Ortiz grabs it out of Masko's hands and slings it over his head, landing into the ring. Masko runs and slides into the ring, with Ortiz hot on his trail. Inside, Masko elbow drops Ortiz's back and begins stomping away on him, looking to take advantage of this opening.

Russell Smith: This is El Masko's best shot right here. He needs to wear down the bigger opponent and hit to hit some of his signature moves.

Wisely, Masko grabs Ortiz's left leg and begins giving him Spinning Toe Hold after Spinning Toe Hold, spinning in a nonstop circle, while Ortiz reaches for the ropes in visible discomfort. Masko grabs Ortiz and lifts him to his feet and puts him in a headlock.. Big punch! Masko hits a basement dropkick, sending Ortiz down to one knee. Masko punches Ortiz and then chops him in the chest before hitting another dropkick. He covers and Ortiz kicks out at two.

Hacksaw Anderson: I respect the fight Masko is showing! This is a man who has been on the receivin' end of some bad beats from this group for months.

Masko goes to the middle rope and dives, landing on his feet..

And then hits a standing splash on Ortiz! One, two, Ortiz bench presses Masko into the air for a kick out!

Russell Smith: That.. Was certainly a move.

Hacksaw Anderson: There's not time to be funny, Russ! He has to give this guy everything he has.

Masko waits for Ortiz to get up and slaps on the Crossface Chicken Wing! Ortiz struggles momentarily and flips Masko over his shoulder, sending him crashing hard to the mat! BIG BOOT TO MASKO TURNS HIM INSIDE OUT! The momentum has shifted in this one, turning on a dime. Ortiz picks Masko up and Masko pokes Ortiz in the eyes! Kick to the gut, HONOR BOMB! MASKO IS GOING TO DO IT!


Russell Smith: El Masko almost did it!

Ortiz is right back up and big boots Masko again! The Caos Kick has Masko on the mat clutching his jug. He stomps away with Furia Stomps and picks Masko up by his tights. He whips Masko into the corner and runs in with a big elbow! As Masko staggers out of the corner, Ortiz hits a sidewalk slam for a two count. Ortiz grabs Masko with both hands by the neck and raises him into the air. Masko breaks free and goes for a Small Package! One, two, kick out! Back up, Ortiz catches a charging Masko with a Spinebuster!

Hacksaw Anderson: The Spinebuster nearly sent El Masko through the canvas!

Ortiz picks Masko up for a powerbomb, but Masko slips over and turns it into a sunset flip! Ortiz doesn't go down, though and goes for a stomp. Masko gets out of the way and finds the steel chair in the ring from earlier. Out of desperation, he SMACKS THE CHAIR UPSIDE ORTIZ'S HEAD, DENTING IT IN THE PROCESS!  The referee calls for the bell, signaling for a disqualification!

Hacksaw Anderson: Sickening chair shot!

Russell Smith: El Masko could see the writing on the wall and went into desperation survival mode and I don't blame him! I would've used that steel chair a long time ago!

BAM! Masko cracks the chair over his head again and sends Ortiz staggering back. BAM! A third shot folds the chair in half and Ortiz slaps it out of Masko's hands! EL MARTILO LARIAT! Masko is down and Lovemoney is on the apron, barking orders for Ortiz to get out of the ring and leave him laying.


Caos Ortiz dips out of the ring, joining Jonah K. Lovemoney on the outside. Seth Warner comes out and stands next to them. Warner gives Lovemoney a solemn nod and says, "it's finished." Ortiz looks ready to get back into the ring, but Lovemoney holds him back and grabs a microphone as El Masko is slow to his feet.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: El Masko, you IDIOT! It could be rainin' soup and you'd be outside with a fork!

He's proud of himself for that one.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: El Masko, if your brains were fuel, you wouldn't have enough to power a flea's motorcycle around a raindrop!

The fans are drowning Lovemoney out with boos, but he continues on with his rant.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: You may think you're a genius for getting yourself disqualified with a steel chair to take down the giant, but I'll have you know.. Seth Warner has just informed me that Mark Storm is FINISHED! He had a bad meeting with a dumpster out back and we'll never see him again! That leaves you with no allies.

El Masko slams the chair against the mat and motions for them to come in and fight.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: Now that Mark Storm is wiped out, it's time to end this joke that is El Masko once and for all! I'm sending my men onto bigger and better things and not wasting any more time with you. It's time for them to live up to their potentials and chase championships, not linger around the dumpster with you and the cowboy. So I've found the perfect opponent that will end your SWF career once and for all..

He flashes a big smile.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: My mother bought me a conch shell at the fair many years ago. She told me, "J.K., this shell is magic. You can have any wish that you want granted if you believe hard enough." So later that night, I sat on my bed with that conch shell and I wished for a real life friend. One who'd want to play video games and watch movies with me.

Russell Smith: That's kind of sad.


Hacksaw Anderson: I'm sorry, but what did he say?


A hazy photo of Jonah K. Lovemoney clutching a long chain with some sort of.. creature.. appears on the screen. The crowd is in shock as Lovemoney's devious laughter echoes in the background of the photo.


Hacksaw Anderson: What in the fuc-

Russell Smith: Let me stop you right there before you say something that'll get us kicked off the air.

The screen shot fades out and we're back at ringside. El Masko looks on, confused, while Jonah K. Lovemoney cackles like a cartoon villain.



El Masko gets a microphone and shakes his head.

El Masko: You don't call the shots, Seņor Lovemoney! I will fight your bizarre creature..

Lovemoney nods, frothing at the mouth.

El Masko: I will also be curious as to why I was the embarrassing signee while SWF was promoted as "serious" professional wrestling and now we have a Sea Creature.. I also worry about how many men have succumbed to trash receptacles thus far in SWF. It seems as though it's the only way to rid this company of the men once and for all. Very dangerous!

He continues.

El Masko: But I will only fight this creature with my SWF career on the line under one condition... That you put something on the line as well.

Lovemoney raises an eyebrow.

El Masko: If I survive your Sea Creature and emerge victorious, then you must fight El Masko in the ring without interference from your men for five minutes at Respect is Earned!

The fans pop loudly as Lovemoney strokes his chin. Caos and Seth both whisper in his ears, offering pieces of advice.


Lovemoney points to El Masko.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: Now, to ensure there's nothing but scraps for Sea Creature.. Caos, Seth.. Finish this man off once and for all! Send him to the dump with his buddy, Mark Storm!

El Masko, chair still in hand, braces himself for a fight as Caos Ortiz and Seth Warner enter the ring, backing him into a corner. HERE'S JONNY JACKOBIN! Jackobin slides into the ring and goes right for Seth Warner!

Russell Smith: Seth Warner gets blasted by Jonny Jackobin! He's still angry at Warner for costing them the match in the Jokers Wild last month!

Hacksaw Anderson: This is the first time I've ever been happy to see Jonny Jackobin. God granted us mercy to end this segment.

El Masko swings the chair wildly, missing Caos Ortiz, but startling him just enough to cause him to take a powder on the outside next to Jonah K. Lovemoney. Warner is down from a clothesline and El Masko stands next to Jackobin.

Russell Smith: El Masko and Jonny Jackobin are side by side! They have Lovemoney Enterprises on their heels!


Hacksaw Anderson: I don't even know what's going on anymore.

Jackobin picks up the microphone that Masko dropped inside the ring.


Hacksaw Anderson: Did Jonny Jackobin just use wrestling terminology to describe himself?

Russell Smith: THAT is what caught your attention? Not the awful, possibly problematic, Spanish?

Hacksaw Anderson: I understood everything he said!

The bell sounds and the match is on!


MATCH SEVEN - SINGLES MATCH (Referee: Stevie Starks)

Jackobin lines Warner up, who is still discussing things with Lovemoney during the chaos of it all. This match started on such a whim thanks to Jackobin's running down to the ring.

Russell Smith: This should be a good one here, Hack.

JACK OUT OF THE BOX! Seth Warner took a stiff clothesline straight to the jaw and the roof has blown off of this place!

Hacksaw Anderson: He took Warner's head off! All of these months later and Jackobin still looks unsafe as hell at times! Tell him to work a damn SWF Saturday Night event or somethin'!

Jackobin wastes no time in picking Warner up - JACKIN' IT! Warner lands right on the crown of his head on that Spike DDT and he looks OUT! Jackobin looks around, in shock that he hit his two finishers back-to-back without any resistance!

Russell Smith: What in the world?! THIS ONE COULD BE OVER!

He crawls on his knees over to Warner and covers him: One! Two! Three! Jonny Jackobin has won in record time!


Jonny Jackobin can't believe how quickly he won and neither can the fans! Quickly, Jackobin rolls out of the ring and is greeted by Jane, who herself can't believe what just happened. "LOOK AT ME, JANE! I'M AN ATHLETIC FREAK!"

Russell Smith: I'm in shock!

Hacksaw Anderson: Shock doesn't even begin to describe it! Seth Warner may never have feeling below his shoulders ever again after that!

Lovemoney and Caos Ortiz step into the ring and stand over Seth Warner, who remains on the mat trying to gather his senses. Lovemoney demands a microphone. Upon getting one, he hovers over Seth Warner, his face blood red with rage.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: Seth Warner, my mother didn't give me all of this money to buy the most average stable of all time! My mother didn't sacrifice the cost of one Sunday brunch at the country club to buy out your contract for me just to sit back and watch you lose in THIRTY SECONDS TO JONNY JACKOBIN! This is Threat Level Midnight. All hands on deck. We got rid of Mark Storm and all that's left if that masked freak and you can't even hold your own for us to get the job done!

Lovemoney looks to Ortiz and gives him a thumbs down.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: You know what has to be done, Caos.

Caos grabs Seth Warner by the throat and lifts him square off the mat to a standing base! EL MARTILO! Seth Warner is turned inside out with The Hammer lariat of Ortiz!

Russell Smith: Oh my God! J.K. Lovemoney just turned on Seth Warner!


Unsatisfied, Lovemoney tells Ortiz to pick Warner up and finish the job. Ortiz picks Warner up and bends him over.. CAOS REIGNS! The Spinning Powerbomb leaves Seth Warner doubled over like an accordion, his knees pressed against his forehead. El Masko looks on from the arena floor, in disbelief at what he's witnessed.

Hacksaw Anderson: Seth Warner was one of the initial stars of the SWF and now he's a folded up, broken man! Lovemoney has lost his damn mind! He's turning on the only people who TOLERATE him!

Lovemoney leans over the ropes and stares down the masked man.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: I'll have a new member of Lovemoney Enterprises in NO TIME, so don't worry about this bum! But El Masko.. I hope you watched what happened. This is how badly I want to ruin you. If I'll cut off the dead weight of a bad investment, just imagine what I'm going to have in store for you!

Lovemoney snarls at the sight of Seth Warner.

Jonah K. Lovemoney: Someone take out the trash. I'll have him replaced by the end of the night.

Lovemoney spikes the microphone on the canvas and raises Caos Ortiz's arm in the air and boos rain down on what's left of Lovemoney Enterprises. This man has lost the plot, so obsessed with El Masko, that he just ousted his "crown jewel" member of Lovemoney Enterprises for losing to Jonny Jackobin! Jonah K. Lovemoney

Cutting to the back of the SWF Studio building, we see Bruiser Bedlam and Snake Malone in jeans and tank tops, exiting the arena with their gear bags over their shoulders. The two men are deep in conversation with one another as they make it out into the gravel parking lot of the Fairgrounds.

Snake Malone: Felt good gettin' back out there with Rod and Mason tonight. Also glad that they're getting that title shot at Respect is Earned. Gonna' be a helluva match.

Bruiser Bedlam: And when they get those straps off Bane and Jacky, we'll be ready. Until then, we have us some bigger fish to fry.

As they walk out of the gravel lot and into the paved asphalt lot where the wrestlers and staff park, Malone points over to their two Harley-Davidson bikes and the duo begin walking in that direction..

And a red, white, and blue tour bus with Mark "Danger" Zohn's logo plastered on the side of it next to the bikes. On the windshield is one of the sun blockers with the Allied Powers' faces on it to make it look like they're driving the bus.


Snake Malone: I'd like to punch the shit out of those faces.

Russell Smith: What in the world is this?!

Hacksaw Anderson: That's Zohn's stupid "Danger Express" bus!

With no one behind the wheel and the engine still rumbling loudly. Bedlam marches over to the door and begins beating on it, punching it with all of his might.


Bedlam cracks the glass on the door with one of his stiff haymakers and rears back for another until Malone grabs Bedlam by the arm and leads him away from the bus.

Snake Malone: Let it go, brother. You got one up on them at Jokers Wild to the point that they protested and refused to show up tonight and fight. You did serious damage to 'em. I'm willing to bet they're not even on that bus.

Bedlam looks around, surveying the surroundings.

Bruiser Bedlam: There's nobody out here but us, Snake. Those S.O.B.s are on that bus!

Bruiser goes back to doing everything he can to pry the Danger Express' door open while Snake watches on. After a few more attempts, Bedlam gives up and spits on the bus before kicking a sizeable dent in the quarter panel as he walks away.


Bruiser Bedlam: SHIT! KID, MOVE!


Russell Smith: OH MY GOD!


The car spins around and races back towards Malone and Bedlam, who lie on the pavement with scattered pieces of their motorcycles surrounding them. The car stops beside them with the passenger side window rolling down.. SIR BOLIVER TURNBUCKLE STICKS HIS HEAD OUT!

Sir Boliver Turnbuckle: The Allied Powers send their regards.

The car squeals tires again and speeds out of the parking lot, drifting into traffic at a break-neck speed, and disappearing into the sunset just as quickly as it appeared and caused the damage!

Russell Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to have to get some help out in the parking lot for Snake Malone and Bruised Bedlam! They don't seem seriously injured, but their bikes have seen better days.

Hacksaw Anderson: The Allied Powers have taken this to a whole new level, Russ. From day one, they've had it out for Snake and Bruiser, down to the point of TRYING TO COMMIT VEHICULAR HOMICIDE! They lost fair and square at Jokers Wild and this is how they wanna' react? It's time to let these four settle the score once and for all.

Russell Smith: You're right, Hack. You're absolutely right. We're going to get back to the action in the ring right after this commercial break.

Malone and Bedlam are slow to get up on their feet, dusting themselves off, and surveying the destroyed remains of their motorcycles. Malone grabs his left knee, grimacing in pain from the impact. A few members of the SWF medical staff burst through the exit doors to check on them. Bedlam shoves one away from him and looks to the road, knowing the Allied Powers are long gone by now. Bedlam reaches into the saddlebag of his now-destroyed bike and pulls out a pocket knife. Without hesitation, he marches over to the Danger Express and stabs it right into the driver's side front tire!

Air escapes from the tire, causing the bus to slump without the front tire balancing it. The camera gets a final shot of the flat tire with the brown, wooden knife handle sticking out of it as we cut to a quick commercial break.

Russell Smith: Fans, don't miss the Southern Wrestling Federation on tour for the remainder of 2023!

We're back and ringside. Inside the ring is the SWF World Champion Charlie Hooker and Cameron Fuller. "Do Ya' Wanna' Taste?" plays over the Studio's PA system while Hooker, sporting dark hair tonight, dances around the ring with a microphone in hand. Cameron Fuller stands next to a podium that holds the SWF World Championship on it. In the background, a large sign on a wooden frame stands against the backside ropes that reads, "HOOKER'S HANGOUT."



The fans begin relentlessly booing the World Champion. He pays them no attention and stays on point.

Charlie Hooker: I need all of you Nashville MORONS to sit down and shut your mouths while THE CHAMP is talkin'!

This only makes the booing worse. Hooker huffs, frustrated, and covers his ears. Cameron Fuller mouths off at a fan in the front row until Hooker finally steps up in front of her and guides her back to her spot next to the championship.

Charlie Hooker: Ever since I won this belt back in August, there's been next to no attention on me and how amazing I am or how Herculean of an effort I had to exert to win the most prestigious World Championship in this business! We immediately turned the page to the Jokers Wild Cup and "Hot Stuff" had his glory put on the backburner by that stupid trophy and how much we all hate Bruiser Bedlam and Snake Malone!

Hooker looks into the camera.

Charlie Hooker: Cool origin story, bro.

Hooker rolls his eyes.

Charlie Hooker: So what we're doin' tonight is TAKIN' BACK THE POWER! The spotlight, the attention, and all of your eyes.. They belong right here where the Champ is! Forget Spencer Adams! Keep dreamin', Mac Bane! Kiss my ass, Ace Sky! There's only one top guy in the SWF and you're lookin' at 'em! I tried having an innocent celebration last month and that dick, Dave Kang, spiked my cake on the ground for no reason! So forget the party, I decided to host my own talk show! Trust me, one way or another, I WILL GET MY FLOWERS!

Hooker paces around the ring before stopping and admiring his reflection in his World Championship.

Charlie Hooker: It's annoying, though. You have all of these people who suddenly stake claims on this beautiful belt. Guys who wrestled a couple of times, guys who have zero wins under their belt, John Blade who just wants a shot at anything.. These people are all coming for me. And while all of these bums are beggin' and pleadin' for title shots, I'll be drowning out their trash talk and their pleas. See, I can't hear all of that noise and static..

Hooker takes the belt off the podium and raises it in the air.


While the boos are overwhelming Hooker's promo, he places the belt back onto the podium and admires it one more time.

Charlie Hooker: I outlasted the entire SWF roster to win this and trust me when I tell you all.. That title isn't going anywhere! Bring on Ace Sky and Jason Ryan or Slamsley McBody and tell the others to scram. Let Nelson Hammer's old ass come down to this ring and announce some nobody as my opponent for Respect is Earned. I. Do. Not. Care!

A LOUD "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" chant breaks out in a small section of the audience. Hooker leans over the ropes, pretending to lunge at them, and is reeled back in by Fuller.

Russell Smith: Some SPICY language from the SWF crowd tonight.

Hacksaw Anderson: I can't make out what they're chantin', Russ. Tell me what they're sayin'?

Russell Smith: Stop it!

Charlie Hooker: All of these j-brones are doin' nothing but yapping their jaws about how great they are and there's not a single person in this company worthy of facing me for this strap!

"Whiskey River" hits and out comes Nelson Hammer! He slaps hands with the fans on the front row of the bleachers before circling the ring. He stops by the timekeeper's table and gets a microphone and walks up the steel ring steps. Entering the ring, he waives to the adoring fans and looks around at Charlie Hooker's props.

Nelson Hammer: Nice set you have here, champ.

Charlie Hooker: Made it myself. UPS Store.

Hammer nods, impressed. He wasn't exactly expecting an answer, but Hooker is proud of his handy work.

Nelson Hammer: So, I let you have your moment in the sun. You got to run down some of the members of the SWF roster, show off your fancy set. You've had your fun and now it's time to get down to business. Indeed, you are the World's Champion. And indeed, there are quite a few people clamoring for a shot at your title, with good reason.. And indeed, like you said, most of them aren't worthy.

Hammer holds up one finger and pauses briefly.

Nelson Hammer: Yet.

Hooker looks for an explanation.

Nelson Hammer: I'm big on people earning their title shots. I gave Ace Sky a shot tonight because of what you did to him last month. Jason Ryan or Slamsley McBody will get a shot next month to atone for the referee blunder at the Gauntlet for the Gold. I want the World's Championship to be the most prestigious and sought after title in the business, and I think we're doing just that. So at Respect is Earned, I'm going to book a Fatal Fourway match. The winner gets a shot at you or whomever the World Champion is after Respect is Earned.

He pauses.

Nelson Hammer: Spencer Adams, KC Glenn, Scotty Adams, VLADISLAV, Noah Stroud, Caos Ortiz, so on and so on. There's so many guys who have caught my attention thus far. So what we're goin' to do is see who impresses the most tonight and next month in their matches and find four guys to compete for the title shot from there. Hell, I think they can even main event Grand Slam Spectacular if they win it.

Charlie Hooker: Good luck booking into 2024, boss.

Hammer smirks.

Nelson Hammer: Sure, it's hard to book that far in advance because of how things change. Hell, this show alone was shuffled more than a deck of cards.. But what isn't hard to do is picking your opponent for Respect is Earned. I spoke to that gentlemen before comin' out here and I think you two are going to have a helluva main event in two months if you can survive your title defenses to even get to December 16.

'Supernature' by Cerrone hits and out comes Jonny Jackobin! Jackobin is in a custom looking suit, looking fresh and suave, with Jane Frederiksen reluctantly by his side. He snarls in disgust at the fans reaching their hands out wanting to high-five him. He enters the ring and stares down the World Championship on the podium.

Nelson Hammer: Jonny Jackobin checked all of the boxes. He's won every singles match he's had in SWF since day one. He's beaten Jason Ryan and Chip Mahoney in competitive matches. He was a finalist for the Gauntlet for the Gold, and that's not mentioning his deep run in the Jokers Wild Cup with the newly-released Seth Warner.

Charlie Hooker: Jonny Jackobin?! THIS is who you lined up to face me?

Jonny Jackobin: I was just as surprised as you! I'm not ready to win the World Championship yet! I have this whole character arc I have to get established and that'll take a minimum of six more months.

Charlie Hooker: Then you'll be easy pickings. Thoughts and prayers.

Jonny Jackobin: Anything but, man! Just because I wasn't expecting to be champion so early doesn't mean I'm not walking into Respect is Earned to do anything else but win that title from you! You and I did the dance in the finals of the Gauntlet for the Gold. I think it's time to go one more round.

Nelson Hammer: Next month in the Studio, we're going to have a contract signing for the biggest main event in SWF history. Now, I know contract signings are boring and not a lot goes on, but I want to commemorate the sold out event with two of the biggest stars in the Southern Wrestling Federation going at it!

Hooker and Jackobin stare one another down with Nelson Hammer standing in between the two.

Jonny Jackobin: You all saw what I did to Seth Warner tonight! Thirty-one seconds! I'm advancing in the ring each and every time out, and I'm gonna' take everything you have, Hooker.

Jackobin shakes his head with a look of trauma smeared across his face.

Jonny Jackobin: Not the first time I've ever said that.

Cameron Fuller, Jane Frederiksen, and Nelson Hammer all cringe. Hooker is in the zone and doesn't register.

Charlie Hooker: Hammer, if THIS is the best you have to put against me, then I hope you plan on me holding this championship forever.

Hooker scoffs at Jackobin.

Charlie Hooker: Tell me this, Jackobin.. Can you even sign your name on a contract?

Puzzled, Jackobin responds.

Jonny Jackobin: What kind of question is that? Of course I can! Can you?

Charlie Hooker: That's for me to know and you to find out.

Hooker snatches the title belt off of the podium and tucks it under his left arm.

Charlie Hooker: Now, if you'll excuse us, I have a WORLD TITLE MATCH to go prepare for. Hope you're able to wash off the stench of being remotely involved in that shitty Lovemoney feud earlier, Jackobin. See you at the contract signing. It's going to be hot.

Hooker and Cameron Fuller exit the ring with the fans booing loudly. Jackobin and Hammer are left in the ring as the ring crew, which are simply members of the SWF Saturday Night enhancement talent roster, come into the ring and start breaking things down. The camera pans over to the announce table.

Russell Smith: What a main event this is going to be at Respect is Earned, Hack! If Charlie Hooker can retain his title in his defenses tonight and next month, he'll stand across the ring from the man he narrowly defeated to capture the World Championship in the first place!

Hacksaw Anderson: If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now. First, Nelson Hammer mentions booking a four corners match to determine a contender and then he brings out Jackobin!

Russell Smith: Who is absolutely the right choice! Nelson listed his credentials and they line up to what you'd want in a top contender. Besides figuring out who the four men selected will be for the contender's match, next month is going to be a wild show with this contract signing!

Hacksaw Anderson: The World Champion left his own stupid talk show and, thankfully, cut this thing short! Ace Sky is a big time underdog, but I'm hopin' he does the Lord's work here tonight and pins Hooker for that title.

Russell Smith: We look ready for our next match, ladies and gentlemen. With Charlie Hooker defended the title later tonight, we go right now to two teams making their SWF debuts. It's Chip Mahoney returning to the SWF with a partner, and they're taking on big time newcomers, the boys from Lizard Lick - the Gangsters of Christ!

We go back to the ring for our next match.


MATCH EIGHT - TAG TEAM MATCH (Referee: Seņor Count)

Michael Dawson parades around the ring, clutching a Bible tightly in his hands. He stops in front of the fans opposite of the hard camera and trades verbal barbs with a group of older women on the front row. One woman shakes her cane at him and is intercepted by security.

Russell Smith: A lively audience we have here tonight, Hack!

Hacksaw Anderson: Is that your mama swatting Dawson with her cane?!

Russell Smith: You know my mother is at the assisted living facility, Hack. You KNOW that!

The bell sounds and the debut of the Gangsters of Christ has began! Chip Mahoney and Pope Dawson start us off, with the fans begrudgingly getting behind Chip. Lilly Evans slaps the apron at a beat that the fans begin clapping along to. The support from the fans catches Chip off guard, who turns to them and points to himself, asking them, "FOR ME?!"

Hacksaw Anderson: Has this man never been cheered for or encouraged in his entire life?

Russell Smith: Chip Mahoney would probably never leave the house if it weren't for Lilly.

His questioning is short lived, as Pope Dawson blasts him from the side and begins laying the boots to him on the ring mat, causing a chorus of boos to escalate from the fans in attendance. He picks Chip up in a body slam position and hangs his legs in the corner into a Tree of Woe. He backs up and hits a baseball slide dropkick right to the face! He covers but Chip kicks out. The offense continues as Dawson pops Mahoney with an European Uppercut and quickly hits a Reverse STO. Pope tags in his brother and the two are starting to go for the Spike Piledriver, but here's Rene McRea in to break it up! A running knee strike to the back of Jethro forces him to drop Chip. Rene turns his attention to Pope on the top turnbuckle and sends him flying off with a slam!

Russell Smith: Rene McRea is the X-Factor here tonight!

Senor Count forces Rene back to the corner and scolds him for coming in without being tagged. All this does is give time for the Gangsters of Christ to recover and go right back to their double teaming of Chip Mahoney. They both lay down the boots, a little worse for wear than they were moments ago. A double snap suplex drives Chip down hard and Jethro covers just in time for the referee to turn around. One, two, and a kick out. Jethro applies an armbar and places his knee in the ribs of Chip to force labored breathing.

Hacksaw Anderson: Here's where things get interesting, Russ. The Gangsters of Christ have contrasting, yet complimentary styles. Jethro is the technician of the two and moves like this wear on you the longer a match goes.

Russell Smith: Chip really needs to make a tag here.

Chip is reaching for the corner but he's six feet or more away from Rene. Jethro, the technician of the two, begins trying to turn the armbar into an Anaconda Vice, but Chip is using his length to keep Dawon's arms at bay, finally scooting his way to the ropes to force a break. Back up, Jethro whips Chip into the ropes and misses with a back elbow attempt. Chip comes from the other side of the ropes with a spinning heel kick! Renee leans forward as far as he can with his left hand while his right clutches the tag rope. The fans encourage Chip to get the tag.. But Jethro grabs Chip's legs and pulls him away from the corner. He then applies a one-legged Crab in his own corner before tagging in his brother. Pope comes in and leg drops Chip on the back of the head and quickly goes for a cover, but Chip somehow gets a shoulder up after a one count.

Russell Smith: Near fall!

Hacksaw Anderson: I think the Gangsters thought they were going to cakewalk all over this one, but we've had a very competitive match. The Gangsters' quick tags are keeping things going on their end.

Pope quickly tags Jethro back in, who goes up top. Pope kicks Chip in the gut and sets him up for a piledriver, but Chip turns it into a makeshift hurricanrana! He sends Pope flying into the ropes, knocking Jethron crotch-first onto the turnbuckle for a huge pop from the fans! Chip sprints for the corner, but the Dawson Boys grab his legs. In a desperation move, he dives with everything inside him and MAKES THE TAG! HERE COMES RENE!


Clothesline to Jethro! Body slam to Pope! Body slam to Jethro! Choke slam to Pope! Rene is a casa en fuego and roars towards the fans after the series of moves from the hot tag. Rene sends Jethro into the corner and whips Pope into it right after him.. BIG SPLASH ON BOTH MEN IN THE CORNER!

Hacksaw Anderson: Rene McRea is a bad, bad man!

This draws Michael Dawson to the apron to begin yelling at Senor Count, demanding that Rene step aside and let his boys out of the corner. Rene sees this and goes over to him and grabs him by the collar of his jacket! Rene rears his fist back and threatens to punch the patriarch of Lizard Lick but the Dawson boys recover in enough time to jump Rene from behind. This brings in Chip Mahoney, who is immediately cut off by Senor Count, demanding that he go back to his corner. The Gangsters hit Rene with stiff forearms. Pope plants Rene with a face first bulldog while Jethro immediately applies an ankle lock! Rene looks for the ropes but he's too far away. Jethro wraps his legs around Rene's leg and continues wrenching away! Chip comes in, bypassing the referee, and dives on Jethro, hitting a legdrop and rapid fire punches. This brings in Pope Dawson and all four men are going at it in the ring!

Hacksaw Anderson: It's breaking down in the ring, Russ!

Russell Smith: This is getting to where Senor Count struggles to maintain order.

The Gangsters send Chip into the ropes and he ducks a double clothesline attempt, coming off the ropes for a flying clothesline of his own! He runs to his corner, grabs the tag rope, and gets the tag from Rene! He clotheslines Jethro over the top and hits a super kick on Pope! Chip grabs his legs, SHARPSHOOTER! Senor Count informs him he's trying to defeat the illegal man! Chip slumps his head and shakes it. He breaks the hold and goes outside to get Jethro, but Michael Dawson clocks him with the Bible! Jethro looks at his father and shakes his head. "I don't need help! I got this" Michael ignores his son's pleas for a fair fight and demands he sends Chip in the ring and finishes this.

Russell Smith: What a dastardly move by the father of the Gangsters! You can see his son isn't pleased with his decision to hit Chip Mahoney, but Michael barks orders, telling him to go finish it.

While Senor Count is trying to restore order inside the ring, Michael Dawson catches the ire of Rene McRea, who hops down and chases after him around the ringside area! Back inside, Chip is feeling the effects of the attack on the outside, and it's made worse when Pope hits a Springboard Diving Knee, sending Chip right into the waiting arms of Jethro, who snatches him into a T-Bone Suplex!

Russell Smith: The end looks near.

Hacksaw Anderson: Damn, Russ. The Gangsters' double team moves are deadly. They kept going for that Spike Piledriver early on, but they managed to get in some nice combinations here at the end. Chip and Rene have done an excellent job avoiding anything disastrous.

The Gangsters settle in and make a tag and quickly send Chip into the ropes - VOX POPULI VOX DEI! The Flapjack into the Double Knees rocks Chip Mahoney!

Hacksaw Anderson: Well, never mind.

A cover is made and Rene McRea realizes what's going on when it's simply too late! One! Two! Three! The Gangsters of Christ win in commanding fashion!


Senor Count raises the arms of the Dawson Boys in the air as their father quickly enters the ring to get away from Rene McRea. He applus his boys and shoves the referee out of the way. Michael embraces each of his sons, hands them their IIW Tag Team Championships, and raises their arms in the air, mouthing off to the sea of fans in front of him. This draws a large contingency of boos in response, but he shrugs them off.

Russell Smith: Another impressive debut here tonight as The Gangsters of Christ showed exactly why they were one of the top signings in SWF and looked primed to square off against the SWF Tag Team Champions! But first, they have a date with Lex Collins and Shane Donovan at Respect is Earned!

And here's Shane Donovan and Lex Collins from behind! They blast the Dawson brothers, knocking them down to the mat. Michael goes to help his sons up, but is forced to the outside by the attacking team.

Russell Smith: Lex Collins and Shane Donovan refused to just have a competitive match for contendership. Here they are trying to soften up their Respect is Earned opponents!

Collins and Donovan pick up the IIW Tag Team Championships and raise them in the air.. But here's the Gangsters back up! They each spin Collins and Donovan around and the four men begin trading right hands. We have a melee on our hands and the fans are rooting for nothing but violence! After a few moments of fighting, referees hit the ring and finally manage to separate the four men. Michael Dawson demands that his sons exit the ring and join him on the outside. With everyone separate and tensions boiling over, the camera gets a final shot of the two teams before quickly swapping over to Lance Gordon.

Lance Gordon takes center stage at the interview set, and for once, he looks completely prepared and not distracted. He flashes the viewers at home a big smile and motions towards the entrance curtain.

Lance Gordon: What a show we've had so far! That was a great debut by the Gangsters of Christ, the Forever IIW Tag Team Champions, until Shane Donovan and Lex Collins jumped them from behind. That match right there is going to make Respect is Earned worth it, let alone the other title matches we have set up! Let's shift gears and talk to a man who made his SWF debut last month in Memphis at the Jokers Wild Cup. He's making his SWF Studio in-ring debut here tonight.. Here's "Badmon" Spencer Adams!

The fans cheer loudly as the "Badmon" himself appears through the curtain flanked by masked men. The opening baseline of "No. 99" blasts through the PA system in the SWF Studio. Spencer Adams walks in front of the podium and faces the 500 or so fans in attendance, throwing his arms in the air, screaming out "WHAT'S MY NAME?!"

Russell Smith: These SWF fans have really taken to the "Badmon" Spencer Adams!

Spencer turns from the fans and walks back over to Lance Gordon, shaking hands with the Voice of Nashville Wrestling.

Lance Gordon: God bless, what a response for Spencer Adams!

This causes the fans to get even louder.

Lance Gordon: Spencer, welcome to the SWF Studio!


The crowd responds back in unison with "BADMON!"

Spencer Adams: Lance, it's an honor to be here. I watched the Southern Wrestling Federation get off the ground back in June and July, and to see what it's transformed into now is something to be proud of. It all goes back to the roster Nelson Hammer's assembled and to all of these fans!

Cheap crowd pop.

Spencer Adams: And, not to toot my own horn, but toot-toot.. It also helped getting some people like myself, the Gangsters of Christ, Mac Bane, and VLADISLAV to come down south and give this place a completely new set of eyeballs. Fresh blood means fresh opportunities, Lance. And like you saw at Jokers Wild, I tried to make the most of my opportunity.

Lance Gordon: Speaking of opportunity, that's why I wanted to talk to you tonight. At Jokers Wild, you had Dave Kang as a partner, having never worked together before.. And you two were able to get a first round victory over a well known star in Ace Sky, a man who works all around the world.. AND the SWF World Champion, Charlie Hooker!

Spencer Adams: Absolutely right, we did.. And that's just the beginning of Spencer Adams in SWF. See, I'm a winner. I've been to the top in every company that I've worked for, and that's not going to be any different here. Ace Sky got pinned, but that's still a big "L" on the record for the World Champ. So, far as I'm concerned, that puts yours truly in line for a shot at Charlie Hooker.

Spencer pauses and smiles into the camera.

Spencer Adams: So, what about it, Champ? After I bulldoze ol' KC Glenn, let's set somethin' up for the big gold.. If you can survive Jason Ryan and Jonny Jackobin, that is.

Without fanfare or entrance music, KC Glenn comes from behind the curtain in his ring gear and a black t-shirt. He walks up to the podium and shows no fear as he stands across from his opponent for the evening.

KC Glenn: What did you say, Spence? You're going to "bulldoze" me?

Spencer nods, confidently.

KC Glenn: You mentioned all of these new guys debuting, you didn't mention me. That's fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.. But you may exclude me before our match, but understand one thing, I'm not afraid of you. I know you're famous on Twitter. I know your accomplishments are a mile long.

Spencer removes his sunglasses and tucks them in the pocket of his black hoodie.

KC Glenn: But I didn't come here to get a participation trophy. No disrespect to you, Spencer, but I also didn't come here just to be able to say I was in the ring with Spencer Adams, either. I'm here to win.


Spencer takes the microphone from Lance Gordon and stares his opponent down. His expression is a mixture of shock and respect for the guts that the younger Glenn is showing.

Spencer Adams: Look at the guts on the new cat! I wanted a challenge to prove myself and get one step closer to the SWF Championship, and it sure seems like you're ready to step up.

He pauses.

Spencer Adams: But don't you think for one second that I'm not going to do what I have to do in that ring to get the job done.

Glenn snatches the microphone from Spencer and lifts it up to his lips.

KC Glenn: Give me your best shot. Let's do this!

Glenn drops the mic onto the podium and the two head to the ring for our next match!


MATCH NINE - SINGLES MATCH (Referee: Mike Stout)

With tensions high between these two, Mike Stout wastes no time signaling for the bell and getting this one started. The fans are firmly behind the established Spencer Adams, rocking the SWF Studio with loud chants of "BADMON!" KC Glenn gets some support himself, but it definitely feels like a home game for the star that is Badmon Adams.

Hacksaw Anderson: Huge reaction for Spencer Adams! We have a star on our hands here, Russ.

Russell Smith: This was a huge coup by Nelson Hammer to get "Badmon" to work dates for SWF. Instant credibility.

A tie-up starts and KC Glenn pushes his way out of it. Spencer motions for him to bring it on and Glenn gets right in his face, going forehead-to-forehead with Adams, showing no fear whatsoever. The fans "oooh" and "ahhh" in disbelief of what they're seeing, quickly respecting the gusto of the newcomer. Spencer shoves Glenn and Glenn fires back, shoving Spencer against the ropes. Spencer pushes Glenn and Glenn fires back with a open-handed slap!

Russell Smith: Whoa! KC Glenn is refusing to back down!

Spencer rubs his jaw and laughs. "Okay. We doing it this way, huh?" Spencer claps his hands and hits three jabs on Glenn without him even seeing them coming! Spencer sends Glenn into the ropes, CLOTHESLINE! Adams quickly hits a Standing Moonsault and covers - one, two, kick out! Glenn kips up to his feet and arm drags Spencer! Dropkick on Badmon and Adams goes to the outside. Here comes KC Glenn- TOPE SUICIDA! Glenn goes to roll Spencer back in the ring, but he puts a boot up and blocks Glenn's advances. He elbows Glenn in the gut, and SUPLEXES HIM ON THE FLOOR! Adams hops into the apron - SHOOTING STAR PRESS OFF THE APRON ONTO GLENN!

Russell Smith: Shooting Star!

Hacksaw Anderson: There's no way they can sustain this the entire match!

The fans are on their feet applauding the back and forth they've seen so far. Adams is the first to his feed and picks Glenn up, rolling him back into the ring. Adams hops onto the apron and climbs the top turnbuckle. KC Glenn springs to the top! BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPE! THEY COLLIDE HARD ON THE CANVAS! Glenn drapes an arm over Spencer's shoulder - One! Two! T- kick out! How?!

Hacksaw Anderson: They're dead! How did Spencer do that?!

Glenn grabs his chest, having the air knocked out of him on that impact. He sees Spencer still down and hits the ropes for a Tumbleweed Leg Drop! He again pins Spencer and Spencer gets a shoulder up at two this time. Glenn slaps the mat and gets back up to his feet. He grabs Spencer by the hair, guiding him up to his feet and Spencer tosses Glenn into the nearby corner and rams his shoulder into Glenn's chest repeatedly! A Spinning Backfist rocks Glenn and Spencer catches him stumbling out of the corner for a Fireman's Carry Slam! Spencer covers but Glenn gets a shoulder up at two himself. The fans are fired up and into this match!

Russell Smith: Listen to this crowd, Hack! They have them eating out of the palms of their hands!

Hacksaw Anderson: That backfist is going to cause KC Glenn to eat out of a straw!

Spencer stays on the newcomer, hitting a running knee to the gut and a Koppo Kick. He springs to the middle turnbuckle and dives off when Glenn gets up for a crossbody block! A basement dropkick sends Glenn down to one knee and Adams snapmares him to a seated position. Adams circles around and goes for a Dragon Sleeper but Glenn rolls back and grabs Adams' head with a headscissors and flips Badmon over! Back up, Glenn hits a drop kick! Glenn grabs Spencer for a Tornado DDT, but Adams reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count! Both men are on the mat as a "THIS IS AWESOME!" chant fires up.

Hacksaw Anderson: This chant is rotten but it's true! KC Glenn is giving Spencer Adams everything he wants tonight!

Russell Smith: We didn't know what to expect out of KC Glenn in his debut, but my Lord, Hack, he's made himself tonight regardless of the outcome!

Both men work their way back to their feet. Adams hits Glenn with a stiff forearm shot right under the jaw. Glenn hits back with one of his own. The fans scream "YAY!" after each return fire strike, rooting on both men at this point. Spencer backs into the ropes and comes for Glenn, who swings for a clothesline and Spencer ducks, instead hitting a running neckbreaker! Back up, he kicks Glenn in the gut - Enziguri! Spencer whips Glenn into the corner and hits a big splash, sending Glenn to a seated position. Spencer goes across the ring and climbs to the top rope. Spencer motions for the fans to get on their feet as he steadies himself.

Russell Smith: Looking like Southside to Outside is incoming! Could be the end right here coming up.

Before he can attempt Southside to Outside, KC Glenn pops up from the corner, sprints to the other side of the ring and flat footed jumps to the top to join Spencer Adams! They battle back and forth with right hands, each man jockeying for position to avoid a nasty landing. A headbutt staggers Spencer long enough for Glenn to hook him - OH MY GOD! A SPANISH FLY OFF THE TOP ROPE! KC Glenn rolls to his side while Spencer gasps for air on his back. The referee begins a standing ten count, waiting for either man to show a sign of life.

Russell Smith: My God!

Hacksaw Anderson: Count to ten, Mike! There's no way either of these men can finish!

Glenn crawls towards Spencer, inching ever so closely. He hovers on top of Spencer, who reaches and snatches him in a headlock! Spencer uses his bodyweight to flip on top of KC Glenn and rears back violently with a Bulldog Choke that he calls 40 Acres! The fans are floored by how quickly this thing has shifted and plead for Glenn not to tap. Glenn is reaching for the ropes with his hands and feet, desperately aiming for anything to get him out of this choke. After seeing Glenn refusing to tap, Adams releases it and picks Glenn up by the back of his tights. Koppo Kick! Adams goes for the Back Fist but Glenn collapses to the mat. Spencer shakes his head and screams, "STAY DOWN!"

Hacksaw Anderson: That Bulldog Choke would've made Glenn pass out had Spencer held onto it, but I think he's too exhausted at this point to keep the tight grip necessary to do so.

Russell Smith: Excellent point, Hack. I think Spencer knows 99 Problems can finish this off.

He walks over to Glenn, who is playing opossum! Small package! One! Two! Thre- Spencer barely kicks out! Back up, Spencer floors Glenn with a Back Fist, getting ALL of it! And another! Glenn is down on his knees and Spencer Adams sizes him up.. 99 PROBLEMS! The impact of the move causes KC Glenn to fly backwards on his head, flipping over in the process! Spencer Adams falls down on top of Glenn back-first and drapes his arms out to the sides.. One! Two! Three!

Russell Smith: Match.. of.. the.. year. Insane!

What a damn match!


As the referee raises Spencer Adams' hand in the air to a great reaction from the crowd, KC Glenn rises to his feet. He's visibly frustrated in himself, but can accept the loss. He walks over to Spencer and extends his hand out. The crowd's chanting of "THIS IS AWESOME!" drowns out the commentary team momentarily.

Hacksaw Anderson: A great show of respect from KC Glenn to Spencer Adams after a great match, Russ.

Russell Smith: These two really put on a show here tonight!

Spencer returns the sign of respect back, shaking the debuting Glenn's hand. The two nod at one another and KC Glenn hops through the middle rope to give the spotlight to "Badmon." Spencer waves to the crowd, knowing he survived KC Glenn's best shot as we cut to commercial break.


Russell Smith: Don't adjust your televisions, that IS a Sea Creature hooked up to a chain being held by Jonah K. Lovemoney! Desperate to rid the Southern Wrestling Federation of El Masko, Lovemoney has reached to the depths of Percy Priest Lake and brought out the Sea Creature!


MATCH TEN - BLOODSPORT MATCH (Referee: Dennis Roberts)

Before Samantha Sims can even begin her ring introductions for the first main show defense of the Hardcore Championship, Rone Gargan blasts John Blade on his blindside with a running forearm strike! Down on the mat, Gargan begins stomping on Blade's shoulder and neck until Blade rolls to the outside of the ring.

Russell Smith: The SWF Hardcore Champion is wasting no time getting this thing started!

Gargan quickly follows to the outside, where John Blade HITS HIM WITH THE RING STEPS! Staggering back, Gargan clutches his face and this allows Blade to catch an opening. He grabs Gargan and hoists him up on his shoulders for an Attitude Adjustment on the outside! Blade pins him right there on the spot but Dennis Roberts refuses to count.

Hacksaw Anderson: Blade isn't going to get the win that way. This is a Blood Sport match, a creation of Rone Gargan's. No pins. You can only win by submission, knockout, or referee stoppage.

Russell Smith: He isn't going to understand.

Hacksaw Anderson: Then may God have mercy on his soul.

Blade gets up and begins arguing with the referee, unable to comprehend the rules of the match. Gargan rolls up and low blows Blade! Gargan pushes Blade face-first into the ring post and GIVES HIM AN X-PLEX ON THE RING APRON!

Russell Smith: That's the hardest part of the ring!

The crowd begins chanting "WE WANT TABLES!" much to the irritation of Gargan. Gargan looks at them, cupping his ear. "YOU WANT TABLES, EH?" He then flips the audience double birds, "THIS ISN'T A HARDCORE MATCH!"

Russell Smith: But.. This IS for the Hardcore Championship, Rone! Give them what they want!

Hacksaw Anderson: Tables?! You want a table spot? Rone Gargan says he wants to beat people using his only weapons - his fists! My kind of fella'.

Gargan rolls Blade back into the ring and rips the top turnbuckle pad off of the nearby corner and slings the pad into the audience. He smashes Blade's face on the exposed corner and then gives him and German Suplex! With Blade on the ground, Gargan quickly pounces with a Deadlift German Suplex - FROM THE GRAVE! Gargan then begins stomping on the hamstring of Blade's left leg, weakening it. He picks the left leg into the air and drives it down hard against the canvas!

Russell Smith: Could Gargan be setting up for the Hook and Line or Montreal Calling? We see him utilize the Fujiwara Armbar quite often, but a true professional like him has plenty of submissions in his arsenal.

Hacksaw Anderson: It's why he picked these match stipulations for his defenses, Russ. It's his specialty.


Russell Smith: John Blade had this thing applied on perfectly!

Gargan desperately grabs Blade's grip and manages to break the hands away from one another. He then rolls over on top of Blade and drives a forearm to the bridge of Blade's nose. Gargan quickly picks him up and hits a Butterfly Suplex and again quickly picks Blade back up. Blade elbows Gargan in the gut, but a headbutt sends Blade woozy. Gargan smashes Blade's face into the exposed turnbuckle once again, and now blood is gushing from his nose.

Hacksaw Anderson: It's not lookin' good for John Blade.

Gargan chop blocks Blade to the mat and applies the Heel Hook! Blade reaches for the ropes but there's no rope break in this type of match! Gargan encourages him to tap, warning him that it's going to be much worse if he doesn't. Blade doesn't listen, and actually manages to use his strength to pull himself up the ropes and to one foot. He spins around and hits Gargan with an Enziguri! Gargan is sent back against the ropes and Blade catches him! He goes for the Attitude Adjustment but his left knee buckles under the weight!

Russell Smith: Blade went for the Attitude Adjustment and his knee gave way. Gargan smells blood in the water now!

Gargan quickly grabs Blade's legs and wraps him up in the Montreal Calling! The Sharpshooter in the center of the ring spells disaster for Blade, but he refuses to give up! The fans were behind Rone Gargan in this one initially but have began respecting Blade's refusal to give up time and time again in this match! Realizing that Blade is refusing to quit, regardless of how much damage is being done to his knees, Gargan breaks the hold and pounces on Blade's back as he lies face first on the mat. Gargan begins driving MMA elbows to the back of the head and temple of John Blade, who is now motionless in the ring! Dennis Roberts flies in and covers Blade up, stopping this match! Rone Gargan has retained with a display of brutality!


Rone Gargan stomps on the back of John Blade's head with the referee signaling for the bell again and again, doing nothing to stop the Hardcore Champion down. HERE COMES ARCHER BANKS! With a cast on his left hand, he slides into the ring and takes a swing at Gargan, who immediately bails out of the ring. He grabs his championship from the timekeeper's table and looks on with a snarl on his face.


Archer leans over the rope and motions for him to get back in the ring and fight him, but Gargan gives Banks a middle finger, yelling, "I'LL SEE YOU AT RESPECT IS EARNED!"

Not in the SWF Studio tonight is Scotty Adams. Adams is somewhere unknown, leaned against a white block wall with chipping paint all over, exposing the gray blocks underneath. He looks up, piecing together his words that'll break the silence in the air.

Scotty Adams: I guess this is it, huh? Full-time SWF signee. Jokers Wild went well enough that I decided to give the south a whirl.

He smirks while still contemplating his words.

Scotty Adams: Now that it's time to hit the ground running, I just want to let all of the Southern Wrestling Federation's roster know that it's time to pay attention. It's easy to sit around and just come to the Studio once a month, have a match, and just exist. Just be glad to be there and collect a check... But that's not me.

Scotty shakes his head back and forth.

Scotty Adams: I've done this at a high level for too long to do anything other than be at the top of this company. I'm not here to exist, I'm here to win championships. I'm here for main event matches and to prove why I am the best at what I do. So starting right now, SWF, get ready.

His voice is filled with conviction as he doesn't break eye contact with us.

Scotty Adams: You got a small sample of what I'm capable of at the Jokers Wild Cup. It didn't end with Tag Team gold or ten grand, but it opened the door to new opportunities. I heard Nelson Hammer mention wanting to put four impressive individuals in a match at Respect is Earned to determine the first challenger to the World Champion in 2024.. I've already been on the phone with him and I've got myself booked for the next Championship Wrestling From Nashville.

He pauses.

Scotty Adams: It's time to show the world what a motivated and fully focused Scotty Adams can do. I know what I'm capable of. I know what it takes to get to the top of a company.. And I'm ready to do it here in the SWF. And it starts next month.

He points to himself with his thumb.

Scotty Adams: Nelson Hammer, give me the best you have to offer because I'm going to be one of the four in your Fatal Fourway. Bank on it.

The camera switches back to the ring for our next match.


MATCH ELEVEN - SINGLES MATCH (Referee: Stevie Starks)

Referee Stevie Starks gives each man instructions on the match, going over the rules and encouraging a clean contest. After each man agrees, he signals for the bell and the fight is on!

Russell Smith: Big stakes in this one, Hack. The winner is the new number one contender and faces the World's Champion next month back here in the Studio.

Hacksaw Anderson: This match is two-fold for Nelson Hammer. First and foremost, it shows him as a fair and honest man. Both of these competitors had issues in their matches with bad refereeing. He's been big on givin' folks title opportunities early on here in the SWF's rebirth. Secondly, it puts the spotlight on two men who show up and show out in SWF.

Russell Smith: Good points. The Charlie Hookers, Rone Gargans, and Allied Powers get a lot of the notoriety around here, and with good reason, but Jason Ryan is no slouch. Same goes for Slamsley.

Slamsley and Jason Ryan pace around one another, neither man wanting to make the first mistake and give their opponent an advantage. Slamsley lunges for a tie-up, but Jason Ryan ducks through the top and middle rope, demanding McBody keep some distance. The crowd boos, but Ryan mouths off to them and enters back in the ring. McBody goes for another tie-up, but again, Ryan ducks his head through the ropes and causes McBody to have to give him some space.

Russell Smith: McBody is trying to engage and get this match started, but all Jason Ryan wants to do is stall!

Hacksaw Anderson: Someone has been watching old Memphis tapes.

Frustrated, McBody tries going after Ryan, but the referee prevents him from doing so with Ryan still between the ropes. McBody begins arguing with the referee, simply wanting to start the match. Seeing an opening, Jason Ryan charges at Slamsley, kneeing him in the gut! He hits the ropes, but Slamsley catches him for a T-Bone Suplex! Back up, Ryan walks right into a Gorilla Press Slam from McBody! Ryan is back up and now Slamsley hits him with a Chokeslam! Jason Ryan rolls out of the ring and is on all fours on the floor!

Russell Smith: A flurry of offensive from Slamsley McBody opens this thing up!

Ryan paces around the ring as Stevie Starks begins his ten count. McBody motions for Ryan to re-enter the ring. As the count approaches seven, Ryan rolls back in the ring and shoves McBody. McBody shoves Ryan down, sending him down to the mat! Ryan dives for McBody's legs, taking him down. He mounts McBody and begins firing off lefts and rights until the referee pulls him off. When McBody rolls over, Ryan hooks his arms - Crucifix Pin! One, two, Slamsley kicks out! Ryan grabs the ropes and awaits McBody to get back up. SPRINGBOARD CUTTER OFF THE ROPES! Jason Ryan slaps his hands and "dusts" his shoulders off. "Too easy!" he yells to the crowd.

Hacksaw Anderson: This guy hits TWO moves and thinks he's the man. Unreal.

He pulls McBody back up to his feet and uppercuts him. He hits the ropes, FLIPPING SPEAR! Ryan pulls Slamsley back up immediately, PAYDIRT! ONE, TWO, KICK OUT! Ryan whips Slamsley into the corner and charges, but Slamsley gets a boot up! Clothesline out of the corner! Ryan is back up and Slamsley hits an arm drag! And another! He hoists Jason Ryan on his shoulders and begins spinning wildly around in a circle for a big time Airplane Spin! The fans pop loudly and begin counting the spins. Slamsley drops Ryan back on his feet and both men stagger around as though they're drunk. Ryan swings right hands at no one in particular while Slamsley manages to steady himself on the ropes.

Russell Smith: You might be right about the tape study, Hack. We've have classic stalling and now an Airplane Spin! We're a Sleeper Hold away from finishing this match.

Ryan spins around right into the waiting arms of Slamsley McBody - SLAM-oan DROP! He covers: One, two, kick out right before the referee's hand slaps the mat for the third time. Ryan gets to his knees and pokes McBody in the eyes as he reaches down for him. Ryan is favoring his back but is back to his feet and V-Triggers McBody! And another! DESTI-KNEE! He covers and hooks the leg: One, two, McBody kicks out! Ryan pounds the mat in frustration.

Russell Smith: Another kick out! What an even match we have here.

Hacksaw Anderson: Both men want that World title shot badly, Russ! They're digging down deep!

Ryan and McBody are back up and Ryan charges at McBody, who bends down, BAAAACK BODY DROP! Ryan is back up and swings but McBody ducks. He grabs Ryan around the waist, but Ryan runs for the ropes and grabs them, hoping to shake McBody's grip on him. McBody holds on and the two fight back and forth for position. The referee comes over and begins counting for the rope break, out of position. This allows Jason Ryan to mule kick McBody low. McBody breaks the hold and spins around, groaning in pain.

Russell Smith: A low blow! Jason Ryan's dirty tactics knows no depths!

Ryan picks McBody up and Snake Eyes him on the corner and follows up with a rebound big boot! He covers but Slamsley kicks out at one! The fans erupt as Slamsley is on his feet, shaking his fists and his head, firing himself up!

Russell Smith: Slamsley is on fire!

JONAH K. LOVEMONEY runs down to the ring and hops up on the apron, distracting the referee?

Hacksaw Anderson: What's he doin' out here? And to distract the referee at that!

Jason Ryan is in shock! Every right hand he throws at McBody, McBody endures and shakes off like it's nothing! Ryan even kicks him low again right in front of the referee and McBody no sells it! He kicks Ryan in the gut - POWERBOMB! McBody immediately picks Ryan up again, but Ryan flips over his shoulders into a Sunset Flip! One, two, kick out!

Hacksaw Anderson: Shocked that wasn't the ending!

Desti-Knee! Jonah K. Lovemoney grabs McBody by the ankles from the floor, holding McBody steady. Here comes Jason Ryan with a sickening V-Trigger! Jason Ryan rolls Slamsley McBody up and as Stevie Starks begins counting, Ryan grabs the ropes for leverage! McBody is trying to squirm out of it to get his shoulder up but the count is on.

Russell Smith: C'mon Stevie, he has the ropes!

 One.. Two.. Three! Jason Ryan has stolen a victory in the same manner that one was stolen from him in the Gauntlet For the Gold - with the referee out of position! What a hypocrite!


Jason Ryan jumps out of the ring and snatches the microphone out of Samantha Sims' hand before she can even announce the winner. Jonah K. Lovemoney points to the announce table and tells him to "TELL THE WORLD, JASON!" He stands on top of the announce table, showing no regard for any of Russell or Hacksaw's belongings or monitors.

Hacksaw Anderson: Son of a bitch! Kicked my coffee onto my notes!


Russell Smith: It looks like Jason Ryan is the newest member of Lovemoney Enterprises!

Jason Ryan slaps the top of the microphone while catching his breath. Still winded, he begins speaking into the microphone while the fans are booing. All eyes are on him as he stands above everyone else with Lovemoney standing on the ground next to the table.

Jason Ryan: While you all celebrate the main event announcement for Respect is Earned, I stand here in front of you all as the number one contender to Charlie Hooker's title! I stand here as the NEXT SWF WORLD CHAMPION AND NEW CROWN JEWEL OF LOVEMONEY ENTERPRISES!

The crowd boos loudly but Lovemoney applauds obnoxiously.

Jason Ryan: From day one, I joined this company with one goal.. To become World Champion.

Ryan looks round the SWF Studio.

Jason Ryan: Everyone is planning ahead without even giving me a chance to win that title. So what should I do about that? I guess I'm going to RUIN NELSON HAMMER'S PLANS! His girlfriend tried screwing me over two months ago and now he's announcing future matches without even giving me my shot to face Hooker!

Russell Smith: That's why the cards always say "card subject to change!"

Jason Ryan: So fine. Plan ahead. Discredit me. Cast me to the side. That's why I've aligned with Jonah Lovemoney. I'm evening the odds and using his power and influence to get me over the top! Next month in that very ring in front of me, I'm going to beat the life out of Charlie Hooker or Ace Sky and claim that SWF Championship just just I should have at the Gauntlet for the Gold! And once that beautiful belt is around my waist, there's not going to be anyone who will be able to stop The Dreamkiller!

He pauses.

Jason Ryan: Hooker, I know you're up next. Trust me, I'll be watching every move you make, scouting you like my life depends on it. SWF, your new champion awaits..

Ryan drops the mic on the floor and jumps off of the announcer's table. Lovemoney wildly shakes the hand of Ryan and lifts it high into the air, celebrating this newfound partnership. The fans are booing loudly as he walks in front of them to head towards the entrance curtain.

Russell Smith: Jason Ryan looks very motivated after defeating Slamsley McBody. Can he add another World Championship to his tally next month against the winner of our next match? You have to wonder how much of an X-Factor that Lovemoney now plays in this! Out with Seth Warner, in with Jason Ryan!

Hacksaw Anderson: Lovemoney is just chasing winners, Russ! He can't make people into winners, so he joins 'em after the work is done!

We cut to the backstage area.

An crashing sound explodes as the screen is still black. Once we're focused and backstage, we see Rene McRea kicking trash cans and slapping drinks and plates of food off of tables in the catering area of the arena. Chip Mahoney and Lilly Evans are doing their best to try to calm down the big man.

Lilly Evans: C'mon, Rene! You're acting irrational!


Rene responds to Lilly's slander by flipping over a table, sending food flying everywhere. Lilly snaps her head back at Chip and purses her lips.

Chip Mahoney: Rene, pal, c'mon, let's not cause a scene.

Lilly Evans: We're beyond that.

Chip Mahoney: Let's no cause any more of a scene?

He looks to Lilly for reassurance, to which she offers none.

Chip Mahoney: We gave it our best shot tonight and I mean, we looked good out there. Not even loss is a loss.. Or something.. Let's just get out of here and let these nice people enjoy their meals.

Chip surveys the catering scene and sees The Syndicate.

Chip Mahoney: See, look at those guys. They came up short tonight also! You don't see them burning the house down even after the news broke that they're no longer getting booked by Nelson Hammer.

Jon Tees slowly gets up from the table, slides his chair underneath, and makes a beeline towards the group. Following him are Jimmy Jack and King Kong Brophy.

Lilly Evans: Look at what you've done, Chip!

Jon Tees: Do we have a problem over here or something?

Chip shakes his head.

Chip Mahoney: Not a bit of one.

Jon Tees: I think we do.

King Kong Brophy comes to the left side of Tees, towering over the men in front of them.

Jon Tees: Me and the boys were minding our own business when jughead over here comes in wanting to raise hell. We let that slide. Then Timid Timmy over here wants to try to calm down his buddy by comparing him to us.

Brophy smashes his fist into his open palm.

Jon Tees: You think you're some sort of comedian?

Chip Mahoney: Definitely wasn't suggesting that. I was just trying to calm down my friend. You know how it goes, right?

Jon Tees: No. I don't.

Rene, foolishly, steps up to Brophy and Tees. Jimmy Jack looks ready to go at the drop of a hat while Chip stands behind Lilly.

Chip Mahoney: Well, consider yourself lucky. So yeah, we're just gonna' head on out. Sorry about you guys losing your jobs and all of that.

Tees brushes Chip off.

Jon Tees: I ought to make you eat a sandwich off the floor for the crap comedy you're trying to pass off.

Lilly Evans: Why would he have to eat a sandwich off the floor?

Chip looks to Lilly.

Chip Mahoney: I've heard of the sandwich off the floor thing. You NEVER come back from that.

Lilly Evans: What?

Jon Tees: One second.. What did you say about us losing our jobs?

Chip flippantly responds without a second thought.

Chip Mahoney: Yeah, I overheard Nelson talk about no longer booking you three. Can't win a match, had no idea how y'all succeeded in IIW. All of that stuff. Real bummer.

Tees takes a swig from a water bottle and then dumps the remaining part onto Chip Mahoney's shoes. He then hands Rene the bottle.

Jon Tees: You know what, boys?

Jon Tees turns and looks to Brophy and Jimmy Jack.

Jon Tees: We quit.

The Syndicate walk out of catering and down a hallway, never to be seen again. Chip Mahoney looks down at his soaking wet feet and sighs.

Chip Mahoney: My socks.. Are soaking wet.

Rene McRea: So many men written off here tonight. A tragedy!

Chip Mahoney: Why couldn't someone have just escorted them out of the building if they knew they were letting them go? Why did it have to resort to water being dumped on my shoes and me almost having to eat a sandwich off the ground?!

Rene McRea: Remember when he got prank called by "Weird" Al?

Rene shakes his head.

 Rene McRea: That's the Syndicate's legacy.

Rene shrugs.

Rene McRea: Still better off than Mac Bane and Seth Warner.

He then looks down at Chip's wet shoes.

Rene McRea: And you.

We go to the ring. The World Championship is on the line - NEXT!

Inside the ring, Charlie Hooker and Cameron Fuller stand in one corner while Ace Sky stretches on the ropes in the other. Standing between them is the referee and Samantha Sims. The lights in the SWF Studio dim and a small spotlight is on the ring announcer.

Samantha Sims: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is scheduled for one fall with a special thirty minute time limit. It is the first defense of the SWF World Championship!

The fans applaud politely.

Samantha Sims: Introducing first, to my left, is the challenger.. He stands at 5'6, sometimes 5'8, apparently, and weighs 165 pounds. Hailing from Sugar Land in Houston, Texas, this is the legendary ACE SKYYYYYYYYY!

Ace throws up two "peace" signs to the fans and they respond with a thunderous ovation for the challenger.

Samantha Sims: And to my right is a man who hails from here in Nashville, Tennessee! He weighs in at 260 pounds while standing at 6'4. This is the first-ever SWF World's Heavyweight Champion.. "HOT STUFF" CHARLIE HOOOOOOKKKKKEEEEERRRRRRRR!

LOUD boos rain down on the champion, who unhooks the title around his waist and raises it in the air while taunting the fans. He hands the title over to Senor Count and leans against the ropes, continuing to trash talk a specific section of the fans. The bell sounds and our title match is on!



Ace Sky rolls Charlie Hooker up from behind and bends backwards, creating more leverage as he pins the champion! One, two, thre- Hooker BARELY manages to kick out! Sky and Hooker stand up at the same time, and Sky hits the champion with a spinning heel kick, sending Hooker to the outside! Hooker slams the apron in anger and kicks the steel ring steps.

Russell Smith: We were so close to seeing a new World Champion literally SECONDS in this match, Hack!

Hacksaw Anderson: There's just something unexplainable about Charlie Hooker and his knack for getting pinned seconds with matches. Makes no sense!

Hooker turns around and sees Ace Sky diving over the top rope and he collides into the champion, sending them both colliding into the guardrail! Some fans on the front row slap the backs of Hooker and Sky as Sky picks Hooker up and immediately ushers him back inside the ring.

Hacksaw Anderson: The challenger knows he has to get Hooker inside the ring to beat 'em and get the title. Smart strategy to not engage in a fight on the outside.

Russell Smith: Ace Sky and Charlie Hooker went back and forth on social media earlier in September, Hack. It was heated to the point that Charlie Hooker said he would kiss Ace Sky's.. ahem.. backside.. if he lost the title to Ace Sky here tonight! So we're seeing the challenger fight with a little more motivation than normal.

Sky Irish Whips Hooker into the corner and kicks his feet out from underneath him, sending the champion down to a seated position in the corner. Ace turns around and shoves his ass in Hooker's face! The fans go wild as Hooker frantically fights to get out of the corner. Sky turns around and yells at Hooker, "GET READY TO KISS MY ASS AND LOSE YOUR BELT!" Sky runs out of the corner and spins around, darting back towards Hooker, METEORA KNEES! Hooker rolls out of the corner and Ace Sky goes up top - MAN ON THE MOON-SAULT! One, two, Hooker barely kicks out again!

Hacksaw Anderson: This match is insane so far, Russ! I figured Sky would fight with some oomph, but I didn't expect us to be this deep into it without Hooker hitting ONE offensive move.

Ace Sky hits a standing tuck moonsault and a snap legdrop. He quickly pins Hooker, who kicks out at one. Hooker reaches out for Cameron Fuller, but Sky grabs Hooker and lifts him up to the mat. A standing kick to the chest blisters Hooker and the standing knee strike sends Hooker staggering backwards. Sky quickly jumps to the middle rope and dives off - Moonsault Tornado DDT! He catches Hooker mid-flip and plants the champion!

Hacksaw Anderson: My God! What the hell is Hooker doin' in there?

Russell Smith: He's talked a lot of smack and now he's struggling to back it up! This is a star-making performance for Ace Sky!

Sky goes up top and presses his palms together in a praying motion. GALAXY LEAP! NO! HOOKER GETS KNEES UP, CAUSING SKY TO CRASH HARD! Hooker pulls himself up with the ropes and grabs Sky. Sin Twisted (Fisherman's Neckbreaker)! Hooker lays on his back and looks up at the Studio's lights, trying to catch his breath. He rolls over and drapes an arm over Sky, but Sky kicks out at two. Hooker and Sky are back up and Hooker kicks Sky in the gut. He goes for a bodyslam, but Sky floats over Hooker's shoulder to his back and hits a German Suplex! One, two, Hooker kicks out! Sky grabs Hooker's leg, and Hooker leans up - Small Package! One, two, Sky kicks out! Back up, Hooker hits a back elbow and picks Sky in the air - Manhattan Drop! Clothesline!

Russell Smith: The Champion finally with some offense on that combination right there.

Hooker hits the ropes and hits the Sex Pistol! The flying forearm knocks Sky down. Hooker jiggles the crotch of his gear, licking his lips in the direction of Ace Sky.

Hacksaw Anderson: What is that maniac doin'!?

"ACE SKY! IT'S TIME FOR YOU.. TO KISS.. MY.. ASS!" Hooker grabs the waistband of his tights but Sky springs up! Standing hurricanrana! Another hurricanrana! And another! Hooker is disheveled as Sky is back up. He grabs Hooker - ROTATION ROVER! Hooker is back up and Sky kicks Hooker in the right leg. Shinbreaker! Dragon Screw Leg Whip combination! Sky pumps his fists and looks confident.

Russell Smith: Every move Charlie Hooker hits on Ace Sky, Ace Sky has a comeback for. We're moments away from crowning a new World's Champion if this continues!

Hacksaw Anderson: Ace has won championships all over the world, but if you had told me he was lookin' like the betting favorite to win the SWF World title, I'd eat my hat!

Hooker gets up and swings wildly, but Sky leaps in the air for a head scissors! He then applies a Triangle Choke! Hooker's arm is locked in with Sky's legs wrapped around Hooker's head with the champion having nowhere to go! The fans in the SWF Studio begin chanting "TAP! TAP! TAP!" in unison, with the pleas getting louder and louder. Hooker uses his free arm and desperately tries reaching for a rope, ANY rope, to try to break this hold!

Russell Smith: Charlie Hooker made it all the way through the Gauntlet for the Gold to win the championship. He thought Ace Sky wasn't good enough to team with in the Jokers Wild and left him out to dry last month.. And now we could be seconds away from Hooker TAPPING OUT to Ace Sky!

Wait a second! Who is this?! Some bearded man hops the guardrail and climbs up on the apron.

Hacksaw Anderson: Is this Santa Claus or somethin'?!

Russell Smith: Hold on! That's Marty The Mouth! That's Cameron Fuller's father!

Senor Count turns his attention to Marty The Mouth on the apron and begins demanding that he get down and return to his seat. Ace Sky breaks the triangle choke after seeing the referee distracted and joins Count, telling Marty to get lost.

Russell Smith: He needs to get out of here. We have an excellent semi-main event going on.

HERE COME TWO UNKNOWN MEN FROM UNDERNEATH THE RING! DEATH ROLL (K.R.S. O.N.E.) ON ACE SKY! One of men is missing teeth and wears a bandana on his head while the other unknown man has a trucker hat cocked sideways on his head. The one missing teeth picks Charlie Hooker up to his feet while the second man lays the boots down on Ace Sky, who is still reeling from that double team maneuver!

Hacksaw Anderson: Look at this! Who are these two that just laid Ace Sky out?!

Russell Smith: I can't believe my eyes! That's Boon Crowe and Wash Cooley! These are the Gator Boys!

Hacksaw Anderson: The who?!

Hooker lifts Ace Sky off of the mat - HOT AND HEAVY! The belly-to-belly suplex plants the challenger and Hooker drapes an arm across Ace Sky's chest as the two men disappear underneath the ring as quickly as they appeared.

Russell Smith: Dammit! No! Not like this!

The fans groan as Hooker's arm rests on top of an unconscious Ace Sky. The referee begins counting, oblivious to anything going on inside the ring. One! Two! Three! Charlie Hooker has retained the championship in his first defense with a little bit of help! Hooker stumbles to his feet, reeling from the offensive onslaught he endured from his challenger. He cradles the arm that was locked in the Triangle Choke and pumps his other arm in the air.

Hacksaw Anderson: Ace Sky pulled out every big move in his arsenal and was on the verge of ending Charlie Hooker's reign until all of this crap!

"Do Ya' Wanna' Taste?" hits and the fans erupt in boos. The fans were desperate for a title change and these debuting allies of "Hot Stuff" Charlie Hooker changed the match on a dime!


Charlie Hooker hops outside and is handed the SWF Championship by Marty The Mouth. Boon Crowe and Wash Cooley flank either side of the champion. Someone in the stands throws a half-empty bucket of popcorn at the group, hitting Marty in the shoulder, causing kernels to explode everywhere like a bomb went off.

Russell Smith: If "Hot Stuff" Charlie Hooker has had reinforcements called in to protect him courtesty of Cameron Fuller, then the rest of the Southern Wrestling Federation is in trouble! The last thing Hooker needed was men doing his bidding to ensure he kept that championship!

Hacksaw Anderson: Cameron Fuller knew she had to protect her investment. The rehabilitation of "Hot Stuff" has been very impressive, and she couldn't risk losin' her cash cow after Nelson Hammer started lining up title defenses. Hell, he was close on several occasions tonight of losing the title!

Russell Smith: He survived Ace Sky tonight and now has a date with "The Dreamkiller" Jason Ryan! If he survives that, then he has an epic show down awaiting at Respect is Earned on December 16 against Jonny Jackobin!

Hacksaw Anderson: Jackobin's a shitty wrestler engaged in a toxic relationship where both will likely meet their demise in a murder-suicide, but he's our only hope to get that belt off of Hooker, I'm afraid!

Russell Smith: ....That was very grim.

Hacksaw Anderson: Happy Halloween.

Hooker, Marty, Cameron, and the Gator Boys celebrate at the curtain with the crowd's boos sounding so thunderous that it feels like the roof could collapse in the SWF Studio at any moment.

The scene switches quickly to Lance Gordon's podium

Lance Gordon stands in between Shinjiro Yamamoto and Malachi, two of the six men in tonight's ladder match.

Lance Gordon: Can y'all believe someone asked what my name was the other day? I looked that man right in his beady little eyes and said, "You son of a bitch, I'm Lance GOD DAMN Gordon! The Voice of Nashville Wrestling! I owned two restaurants with my face on the sign, a bowling alley with my face on every pin, and a car wash that didn't have my face on it at all to prevent sexual innuendos. This was all until a series of bad investments in said businesses led me to Chapter 13 bankruptcy and a new beginning with everything I own being signed into my wife's name. How dare you not know who I am?"

Things get uncomfortable quickly as Malachi has no idea how to respond to that and Shinjiro's English isn't strong enough to completely comprehend.

Russell Smith: What?

Lance Gordon: So anyway, what a show we've had so far huh? Lord have mercy!

It's like a switch has flipped with Lance doing a complete one-eighty from the man ready to kill someone for not knowing his name to being the bubbly voice of the SWF.

Lance Gordon: We've seen the Hardcore and World Championships defended for the first time here tonight, we're about to crown our first ever North American Champion, and these two men are one-third of the field. Malachi and Shinjiro Yamamoto!

A polite response for the two from the crowd.

Lance Gordon: Shinjiro, give us your back story. You came from Japan with a lot of buzz upon signing with the SWF. You debuted with El Masko at Jokers Wild and impressed enough to get invited to join this ladder match by Nelson Hammer.

Shinjiro Yamamoto: I come from a family of wrestlers. This sport is.. in my blood. My grandfather, The Dragon. My father, Hahn, also The Dragon.

Malachi rolls his eyes.

Shinjiro Yamamoto: My brother and I formed a tremendous tag team, won many titles.. I came to America and worked in other promotions.. But SWF caught my eye. I wanted to be part of what is being built here. I wanted to prove myself against some of the best competition in the world. I look forward to winning the North American Championship.

The crowd cheers, causing Yamamoto to take a pause and nod to them in gratitude.

Shinjiro Yamamoto: I understand that I might not 'fit' into this company on paper, but once the bell sounds, The Golden Dragon will prove to be difficult to defeat.

Malachi: Alright, that's enough.

The fans begin booing Malachi as he cuts off The Golden Dragon.

Malachi: Thanks for the history lesson, Hiroshima. Really appreciate that.

He scoffs as Lance begins reconsidering his position between the two men.

Malachi: You didn't advance in Jokers Wild because both you AND your partner are rubbish. While myself and VLADISLAV, we did not advance due to means beyond our control. But alas.. On to bigger things. More important things.

Malachi flashes a bright smile that could light Vegas up for a week.

Malachi: Once I win the North American title tonight, someone can tell ol' VLAD to come find me if he wants to chase gold so badly. Wasting time with Rone Gargan when he needs to step up and be the Final Boss he claims that he is. Brass knuckles didn't help the cause for us last month, but VLADISLAV's lack of passion certainly didn't help.

Yamamoto leans in.

Shinjiro Yamamoto: Nobody.. Cares.

Lance holds the microphone for Yamamoto.

Shinjiro Yamamoto: Once I capture the North American title, I will turn my attention to Charlie Hooker. I am here to be the best. Ichiban! What you do after tonight does not affect me.

Malachi: Oh, but this will-

BAM! Malachi headbutts Yamamoto and the two begin scuffling on the interview set, knocking the podium over! It hits the ground and breaks into three pieces as the fight continues on. Lance drops to his knees and begins trying to reassemble the set the best that he can.

Lance Gordon: You broke my podium!

Malachi and Yamamoto begin trading right hands back and forth.. HERE'S NIGHTHAWK! He grabs the microphone from Lance Gordon and screams into the camera.


Defending himself, Lance hops to his feet and grabs the microphone out of Nighthawk's hand. Heartbroken and standing among the rubble of his interview podium, he snaps back.

Lance Gordon: Hell, we didn't know if your ass was showing up or not so we really didn't plan anything for you!

Nighthawk: You cannot plan for someone like me, Lance. You can merely hope to survive me.

He pauses while the fight is still ongoing behind them.

Nighthawk: Tonight, six men enter the ring with ladders surrounding the area.. All for the hope in capturing the North American Championship. While these fools fight, I will be waiting. Picking my spot. Doing whatever it takes to capture that championship for myself.

Lance Gordon: Unless you have some wood glue, I honestly do not care. Either go stand in the ring or go fight the two fellas over there.

Choosing wislely not risk it and get involved, Nighthawk looks on as SWF security and referees work to break Malachi and Yamamoto up. The fighting is getting intense even though their match is coming up next. The fight spills away from the interview set, past the two floor cameras and near the crowd. As security tries its best to keep the two men away from the crowd, the camera cuts back to a panicked Lance Gordon.

Lance Gordon: We're gonna' have to take a quick commercial break for an ad about Respect is Earned!

We go to our final commercial break of the evening!


Russell Smith: After the success of Jokers Wild and the momentum that's picked up as of late, we're proud to announce that our next super show event in December, Respect is Earned, is SOLD OUT! War Memorial Auditorium has been a great home to us in the past, and there's consideration of moving the show to the Municipal Auditorium and opening up more seating!



After restoring order during the commercial break, all six men have found their way into the ring along with senior official Mike Stout. Ladders surround the ringside area as the SWF North American Championships hangs high above the ring on a black hook. The six men look around, seemingly forming a strategy in their minds. Stout signals for the bell and the first-ever SWF Ladder Match is ON!

Russell Smith: This is the fourth SWF show since the revival, and I'd put these four main events against any other promotions' in a heartbeat, Russ. This is our fourth title match main event and what a doozy it's going to be here tonight with a ladder match!

Hacksaw Anderson: I've never participated in one, but I admire men who are willing to risk it all in the name of capturing a championship. Means the title is worth more than their physical health!

And immediately, all six men rush out of the ring and head for ladders that are spread around the ringside area. Nighthawk is the first one to get a ladder and slide it into the ring. He quickly sets it up and begins climbing. Shinjiro Yamamoto sees this and slides into the ring. He scales the ladder quickly, meeting Nighthawk at the top. The two men begin trading right hands back and forth and slapping one another's hands away from the dangling championship.

Russell Smith: While the other four men are fighting on the outside, we have two men looking to finish it early!

While the back and forth is ongoing, Myles Wilkins sets up a table while Hunter Boyd and Donny Hollywood sling Malachi into the guard railing. With Boyd's back turned, Hollywood knees Boyd in the back, sending The Outlaw onto the set up table. Back in the ring, Yamamoto slams Nighthawk's head against the top of the ladder, but here's Donny Hollywood! He runs into the ring and grabs the base of the ladder... AND FLIPS IT SIDEWAYS! NIGHTHAWK AND SHINJIRO YAMAMOTO FLY OFF OF THE LADDER AND BOTH CRASH THROUGH THE TABLE THAT'S SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE! Hunter Boyd had rolled off of it just moments before, avoiding a catastrophic situation.

Hacksaw Anderson: THEY'RE DEAD!


"HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" chants fill the SWF Studio.

Donny Hollywood lifts the ladder back up to its base and puts his foot on the first rung.. And then realizes he has a problem. Hunter Boyd, Malachi, and Myles Wilkins have also entered the ring. They drag him off of the ladder and begin laying down boots and clubbing forearms to the back. During the melee, Malachi sneaks away and goes to the other side of the ladder, climbing it as quickly has he can. Hunter Boyd picks Hollywood up and Irish Whips him into the ladder, shaking it enough to cause Malachi to get knocked off as he made it halfway up the ladder!

Russell Smith: Both Malachi and Donny Hollywood tried stealing a quick one there and got busted.

Myles Wilkins and Hunter Boyd both begin climbing the ladder and Malachi and Donny manage to both get grips around their legs and pull them down. Now, the four remaining men fight it out inside the ring, with Boyd and Malachi paired up, while Donny and Myles Wilkins trade right hands. Donny rakes Wilkins in the eyes and hits a super kick, sending Wilkins through the ropes to the outside! Donny and Malachi club away on Hunter Boyd and send him over the top rope as well. While Hollywood looks on at Boyd on the floor, Malachi rushes up the ladder and Donny has to give chase! They meet atop the ladder, both men getting fingertips on the North American Championship! Myles Wilkins climbs up top the turnbuckle - FLYING CLOTHESLINE KNOCKS DONNY HOLLYWOOD OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER!

Hacksaw Anderson: Malachi has an opening now!

Russell Smith: Here's Myles Wilkins!

Wilkins frantically climbs the ladder as Malachi fumbles with the hook that the title is locked on and hits a series of right hands to Malachi. Malachi slams Wilkins' head against the top of the ladder twice - SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB TO THE CANVAS! Donny Hollywood's eyes go as big as saucers as he sees Malachi practically slam Myles Wilkins through the ring!

Hacksaw Anderson: This is a damn car crash! This ain't pro wrestling!

Hunter Boyd comes back in with another ladder and floors Malachi with it! He sets it up next to the other ladder and begins climbing it. Donny Hollywood picks his spot and hops up the other ladder next to Boyd. Boyd swings wildly at Donny, trying to deter him from climbing. Donny manages to poke Boyd in the eyes and smack his head against the ladder. Donny leaps off of the ladder - HE MISSES THE HOLLYWOOD ENDING! BOYD CLINGS TO THE LADDER AND DONNY FALLS BACK-FIRST ON THE CANVAS! Boyd continues climbing, rubbing his eyes. He gets a few more rungs up and Myles Wilkins flies up and hops on Boyd's back, applying a sleeper hold!

Boyd takes a step down the ladder to the halfway range and maneuvers Boyd on his shoulders - FIREMAN'S CARRY SLAM OFF THE LADDER! Malachi is up and throws Myles Wilkins out of the ring. He then rolls Donny outside next to Wilkins. Malachi turns to Boyd and lifts him up - LUNG BLOWER! He then tosses Boyd to the outside.

Hacksaw Anderson: Malachi has the ring to himself! Climb the ladder, young man!

Malachi looks to the ladder and then the group on the outside.. He forgoes the ladder, hits the ropes, and hits a FLYING DIVE OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE THREE OTHER MEN!

Russell Smith: All six men in this match are in a heap on the outside! Nighthawk and Yamamoto haven't been seen since the initial fall from the ladder, and now Malachi has taken out everyone else!

Hacksaw Anderson: This is such a boneheaded decision, Russ! The ring was wide open for 'em!

The fans are chanting "THIS IS AWESOME!" while all four active men are rolling around on the ground. The camera gives us a shot of Yamamoto and Nighthawk, who are lifeless in a pile of debris from a broken table. Malachi is the first man up and grabs another ladder, sliding it into the ring while clutching his side. Myles Wilkins is the second man up and clubs a forearm against Malachi's back. Malachi hip tosses Wilkins on the ladder! He quickly goes up top - DOUBLE STOMP OFF THE TOP, ONTO WILKINS AND THE LADDER! Malachi begins climbing, but here's Hunter Boyd! He stops Malachi's climb with a German Suplex!

Russell Smith: Sickening German Suplex!

Donny Hollywood is back in and grabs a ladder, leaning it against the corner. Hunter Boyd puts a ladder on his shoulders, blinded by the rungs, and BEGING SPINNING AROUND LIKE A TORNADO! WHACK! DOWN GOES MYLES WILKINS! WHACK! DOWN GOES MALACHI! Shinjiro Yamamoto is on the apron, WHACK!

Hacksaw Anderson: Shades of Bruiser Bedlam!

Russell Smith: This is what Bruiser is known best for and it proves effective!

The fans are going WILD as The Outlaw lays out every person in sight with the ladder tornado! The last person he tracks down is Donny Hollywood- who gets hit with the ladder and falls backwards through the middle ropes, landing hard on the outside! Boyd slings the ladder off of his shoulders and roars like a lion, the fans exploding in cheers as he looks wobbly on his feet from all of the spinning.

Russell Smith: Donny Hollywood falls to the outside and.. goes underneath the ring? This is NOT a sound strategy!

Hacksaw Anderson: With Mac Redford and Robert Pittman banned from ringside, he's probably looking for a gun or something to help him win this match since he can't do it on his own!

Russell Smith: I have no response for that.

Seeing the ladder propped up in the corner, Malachi pushes Hunter Boyd face first into it and then rams his head against it! Malachi grabs another ladder and runs towards Boyd, sandwiching him between the ladders! Malachi pushes down the second ladder and readjusts the first one that sits dead center in the ring. He begins his climb with the other five participants down and out of the way. Malachi reaches the top.. BUT HERE'S VLADISLAV!

Russell Smith: I guess the Final Boss heard Malachi's pre-match comments!

Hacksaw Anderson: Hell, VLAD himself has talked some trash on his Jokers Wild partner!

VLADISLAV enters the ring and grabs the side of the ladder, beginning to rattle it to get Malachi's attention. Malachi has his hand on the title but stops in his tracks as he feels the ladder shift sideways ever so slightly. Malachi looks down and sees who it is and begins begging him off. VLADISLAV shows no remorse and pushes the ladder, sending it bouncing against the ropes and sling shotting Malachi off of it and to the outside!

Hacksaw Anderson: VLADISLAV is cold blooded!

VLADISLAV calmly exits the ring and begins fighting with Malachi on the outside! The two fight their way down the aisle and through the curtain, taking most of the referees ringside with them!

Russell Smith: Now what is this?

Robert L. Pittman and Mac Redford try to come out and are stopped by referees, who were trying. With Donny Hollywood nowhere to be found after going underneath the ring, his agent and bodyguard have come out to try to help!

Hacksaw Anderson: A couple of clowns, Russ. They thought they picked the perfect time with the referees distracted but they got busted! They know they're not supposed to be anywhere near the ringside area!

Russell Smith: True, but where is Donny Hollywood?!

After Mac pulls out a wad of cash and tries bribing the referees, security manages to escort Mac and Pittman back through the curtain, restoring some semblance of order at ringside. Hunter Boyd wipes the blood from his face that originates from a small slice above his right eyebrow from the collision with the ladder. He pulls himself up and begins slowly climbing the ladder, laboring with each step that he makes up towards the top. The fans are willing him on, but the climb is slow and strenuous.

Russell Smith: Come on Hunter, you're almost there!

Hacksaw Anderson: He has to be wrecked at this point in the match. Hell, all of 'em are!

Hunter Boyd reaches the top and reaches longingly for the North American Championship as it sways up above. With his hand on it, he's suddenly stopped in his tracks. WHACK! A steel chair echoes off of his wide back. The camera pans out to reveal Donny Hollywood with a chair over his head. WHACK! Another stiff shot. Boyd staggers down the ladder and to the mat.

Russell Smith: Donny Hollywood with a timely chair shot!

Hacksaw Anderson: Hold on! That's NOT DONNY HOLLYWOOD!

Russell Smith: Wait, what?

Hacksaw Anderson: He LOOKS like Donny.. He's BUILT like Donny.. But that man is NOT Donny Hollywood!

This.. unknown person.. that eerily resembles Donny Hollywood lifts the chair over his head and pops Hunter Boyd one more time. Donny Hollywood slides out from underneath the ring and hops up onto the apron, laughing at the sight. He looks into the camera and points at the unknown blonde. "THIS IS BUSTER McQUEEN AND HE'S MY STUNT DOUBLE! HE'S ALSO THE REASON I'M GOING TO WIN THIS TITLE!"

Hacksaw Anderson: A STUNT DOUBLE?!

Donny blows Hunter Boyd a kiss and begins climbing up the ladder slowly. Every rung he climbs, he blows the crowd a kiss. The garbage is beginning to collect in the ring with the fans getting infuriated that he's found a way around the ringside ban of Mac and Pittman.

Russell Smith: This son of a.. This cheater has found a loophole is secure himself the championship! This is what they were talking about earlier!

Hacksaw Anderson: I don't understand getting your ass kicked all match only to have a stunt double laying under the ring. Bring 'em out and fight!

Donny gets to the top, but Hunter Boyd gets a second life! Buster McQueen smacks him upside the head with the chair and The Outlaw no sells it! Boyd punches McQueen right in the face and gets a head start, ramming McQueen's head into the side of the ladder! Donny holds on for dear life as Boyd keeps ramming Buster's head into the ladder until it finally knocks the ladder off balance! DONNY HOLLYWOOD CROTCHES THE TOP ROPE AND FLIPS OVER, HIS LEG HOOKING THE ROPE AND GETTING HIMSELF TANGLED!


Boyd tosses McQueen out of the ring and sets the ladder back up right. He marches up the ladder as quickly as he can. Once he reaches the top, he manages to retrieve the championship and we have our first-ever North American Champion!


Hunter Boyd sits on top of the ladder and kisses the championship as the fans roar in approval. Confetti rains from the ceiling as his music hits. The camera pans over to reveal Buster McQueen, Mac Redford, and Robert Pittman trying to untangle Donny Hollywood from the ropes he found himself trapped in after falling off of the ladder.

Hacksaw Anderson: A plan like that should've worked to perfection! I'm sure Mac Redford will have something to say about this!

Bodies lie all over the ringside area, debris scattered as far as the eye can see.

Russell Smith: Look at what all Hunter Boyd overcame here tonight. Six men walked into the first ladder match in SWF history. Body scattered all over the place along with ladders, chairs, and tables. In the end, the bloodied Outlaw himself has found the Pay Window and championship gold here in SWF!

Hunter Boyd raises the title high in the air, still on the top of the ladder.

Russell Smith: What a show we had tonight ladies and gentlemen! Two new champions here in the Southern Wrestling Federation! Next month back in the SWF Studio, we'll go home and prepare for Respect is Earned! What a show it was tonight, what a show we have planned for you next month, and what a show Respect is Earned is going to be! For Hacksaw Anderson, I'm Russell Smith! Goodnight!

End transmission.