Sandy Denny List FAQ's Page
Late November

Subject: Late November
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997
From: Christopher Dolmetsch

>Since the topic of "different versions of Sandy songs" is timely,
>I thought I'd point out another one that many might not be aware of.
>On Hannibal's CD The Best Of Sandy Denny, is a Fotheringay
>version of "Late November" that is credited as coming from the
>Island Sampler "El Pea". I have this sampler & much to my surprise,
>the version on it is NOT the same version as the one on the
>aforementioned CD. I haven't closely compared them but its obvious
>that Sandy's vocals, at least, are from a completely different take.
>Anyone out there who can shed some light on this?
>Alan Bershaw
You're absolutely correct on this! There are _supposedly_ three versions of "Late November." One is the version issued on El Pea (and as far as I know, it's not available anywhere else); one is the Northstar version (remixed with some overdubbed instrumental bits for the "Best Of..." and box set discs); and one version is by Fotheringay, which I'm not at all sure I've actually heard...but may have. Anyway, the "Best Of..." and box set version were supposed to be based on the El Pea version, but the Northstar tape was used instead. Why? I dunno!

Subject: Late November
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997
From: "No'am Newman"

As far as I know, there are three different versions of 'Late November', all of them based on the same backing track. They are:
a. 'Elpea' - SD vocal one
b. 'Boxed set' - as (a) but with different vocal
c. 'North Star Grassman' - as (b) but with added RT guitar
Version (a) is the rarest. Joe Boyd's sleeve notes in the boxed set regarding this song are in error.

Subject: Late November
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997
From: [email protected]

(b) and (c) have clearly different vocal tracks as well, though -- on the words in the third verse, "Oh, the tears which are shed/They won't come from me." On the boxed set version Sandy ornaments the melody line there a little more. The other verses sound the same to me though Is that correct?

Subject: Late November
From: ABershaw
Date: 4 Apr 1998

The most prominent difference is an earlier & significantly different lead vocal track by Sandy. I think the instrumental is primarily the same (correct me if I'm wrong on that, folks). I remember buying "The Best Of Sandy Denny" CD strictly to upgrade that one track to CD & discovering that it was not the same as the "El Pea" version as the liner notes claimed. All the best, Alan

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