Visual Basic MCI Command Post

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complete OFFICIAL
list of ALL MCI

AVI (Audio Visual)
WAV (Sound/Audio)
CD (CD Audio)

Last Updated December 1, 2001

    Welcome to the Visual Basic MCI Command Post. This entire website is devoted to help you create multimedia software for Windows.

Long File Names not SUPPORTED?   MCI commands do not recognize long file names. You may find yourself in this situation where you have the perfect program, but can't figure out why it isn't working. You may need to convert the file name to a short file name. The code to do this is on the DOWNLOAD page.
    PLEASE NOTE: Some of the older sample codes in the download section don't have Long to Short file name conversion. It is advisable to update your projects by adding this piece of new code to them.

    I read All E-Mail believe it or not, I do actually read all of the e-mail that comes through here. Sometimes it may take up to 3 days for a reply. I only reply when requested. If I do not reply, then the e-mail was not legible (or in clear English). I also have had mailing problems with my ISP (, which has merged with another company. Recently this problem seems to be fixed.

    As a reminder for all of the newbies out there. All of the MCI command codes on this website are very much the same. Most VB codes for each device (AVI, WAV, MIDI and CD) look identical. This is what makes MCI programming so easy. If you can't find an answer in one section, look at another section. You might find it there.

Lots of
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