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Scorpions - Unbreakable (2004) Reviewed on 11/28/04

Vewy Good

Nation: Germany

Album Genre: Traditional Metal/Hard Rock

Pros: Perhaps the most solid rock group in terms of quality output on their albums, Scorpions are back with yet another fantastic album. Mixing both old school rock flare with metal licks, the German born rockers rival any modern day rock band in existence because they are just that damn good. The legendary Klaus Meine sounds....well, flawless in the vocal department (like always). SOme may say that the Rolling Stones have been the mainstay of rock n roll, while I'll say that that title should msot definitely be laid upon the Scorpions for their stable performances of great tunes.

Cons: Ballads are not the best they have done, but even the most average song on this record meets Scorpions standards. Pick this album up for an education on good rock music!


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