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Coroner - R.I.P. (1987) Reviewed on 1/9/05


Nation: Switzerland

Album Genre: Technical Thrash Metal

Pros: Perhaps one of the most fluid bands I have ever heard. Coroner weaves intricate thrash riffs through an onslaught of double bass and on the verge of death vocals. However, the overwhelming technical skill of a band that beckons to be called rough as nails death metal, is in actuality is as fluid as the cold chill that runs up your spine on a chilly, spooky night. Whenever I hear Coroner, I always think it could be a good soundtrack to a good dogfighting movie (which is ironic, because their song "Aerial Combat" kind of signifies that well). Coroner is a band that never stops in their sound from beginning to end. There are no real breakdowns, no dramatic pauses or changes in riffage (which tends to happen alot in thrash) which creates a sound that simply no band has been able to re-create, thus making Coroner one of the cornerstones of the progressive side of thrash (similar to Atheist's jazz enfusion in death metal). Coroner to put in a nutshell: is the whimsical style of classical music shoved into the predatorial body of a thrash band.

Cons: These guys are the shit, no way am I going to touch this one.


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