Hi! Once again, I finally found the time to write in the journal... Yay! If you're wondering why there's an entry for May 4th, but no updates recorded... For the past 2 updates, I've found time to update, but no time to record it. No worries... I'm on summer vacation now (!!!!!!), and I'll have *plenty* of time to record my updates from now on. I'm making a new site with the same & more content on it, but with a different name. I've already made an awesome new layout for it. As soon as it's done, I'll post a link to the new site. With the making of the new site, that means only one thing... Silver Butterfly must close. Oh well... The new site will be much nicer. Enough about my new site... Go to the homepage & check out the new stuff I;ve added today! Updates include new calendars and some new awards! Well... That's about all. I'll try to update again A.S.A.P.!

Hi! I finally found the time to write in my journal! I've been really busy lately with homework and school, but I only have 17 � days of school left! YAY! We graduate on June 1st! I can't wait!! Anyway, about Silver Butterfly. Today I added a few new graphics... Go to the SB homepage for more details! Today I also checked the Guestbook to see who had signed it. Whoever "patrick" is should learn how to keep his negetive emotions to himself, and also learn to spell. As if I'm really going to listen to one person saying that he doesn't like my site. I doubt he could do much better. Whatever... Oh guess what?! On Wednesday I **finally** got to sing my solo in choir!! YAY! I haven't gotten to sing my solor since like 2 months ago! On the 29th we're having a choir concert during school at 2:00! Yay! We get to miss some school! Anyways... that's about all that's new with me. More news coming soon!

Hi! Sorry I haven't written in so long; it's been over a month! I've been really busy recently though: Anyways... Last week I went to Florida! I left for Florida on Saturday the 14th, and I just got home this Friday. Our flight from Tampa to Chicago was 12:20 to 3:00. We were *supposed* to take a flight from Chicago to South Bend at 3:40, but stupid United Airlines had 90 people set up for a flight that could only take 30! Of course, my family & I were in the 60 that couldn't take the flight home, so we waited until about 7:00 for a bus to come drive us to South Bend. Finally, around 9:30, we got to the South Bend airport. I got home at about 10:00, then had to go pick up Brownie from my neighbor's house. Then I unpacked my luggage & went to bed. So now you see why I didn't update much lately! I found a lot of cool stuff in Florida! I went to the mall & I got a pair of Sketcher sandals, 2 scarves, and a cool little clip from Claire's! I also was going to buy a pair of khakis with orange on the knees, but my mom said I wouldn't wair them anyway. Oh well. I also went to a place called 3 and a half Acres of Crafts & bought a paint-by-number kit with dolphins & whales on it! I might scan it if I ever get done with it. Today I did a **lot** of updating on SB! SB now has new frames, graphics, scroll bars, and even a new page! Go to the Recent Updates section on the homepage for more details! That's about all that's new right now. Type more later!

Tuesday was the first meeting of the Bible study that goes along with the prayer group I joined. It was really fun! All we did is talk about a bunch of stuff and read a few verses out of our Bibles. I like it better than the prayer group, because for prayer group, it's so silent that it makes me sort of uncomfortable. Anyways... I'll stop boring you all with my personal life! Today I made a few little corrections and changes to SB. I re-orgainized the Thanks page and added a few more things to the page. I changed the Music Box around, trying to make it be silent until someone clicks start, but it didn't work our very well. That's all that's new with the site, so back to my personal life. Confirmation is coming up in April, and I might get to sing in a special choir at Confirmation! I can't wait!! Today my dad bought me a rolly chair for the computer. Yay! No more foldy chairs! More good news: I no longer have to pet-sit on Mondays, so I'll probably be updating more often! Well, that's about all that's new with me. I'll write more later! Bye!

Today was the first meeting of the prayer group I joined. It was sooo much different than I thought it would be!! It was for a half hour after school. There are 33 people in the prayer group, but only my mom and I and my Choir/Music teacher who runs it showed up. I definitely thought there would be more people there!! This week, we had church at school every single day... and no choir at ALL!! That is SO unfair!! Oh, and in school yesterday I won a Spelling Bee, so I get to miss some of Monday (even some History!! ) The only part I don't like is that I have to miss half of choir. Today I registered a new email, [email protected] Please don't email me at my [email protected] email anymore; I was getting WAY too much junk mail on that account. I won't be checking that email as much anymore. Well... that's about all that's new with me. I have to go now. I'll write more as soon as I can!!

Ahhh! I'm sick again with the exact same thing as I had 3 weeks ago!! Oh well... it's not nearly as bad, but I still have to take medicine & rest a lot. I don't have school Monday because of Presidents' Day, so at least I won't have to miss any school. I really like to miss school, but we have like tons of tests to take & homework to do everyday. I sure don't like to have to make up the stuff. Plus then I'm totally lost in Math & hard stuff like that when I miss even 1 day of school. Well enough about sickness & school! Today I made new 2001 calendars. There used to be just the old 2000 ones. Go check out the Calendars page to see them. I'm also making brand new graphics for SB. I think they're really kool. I hope you all will too! I spent most of all last week preparing for Circle the State, which was on last Saturday the 10th. It was probably the best week of my whole life, lol. Well, anyway, I need to go update other parts of the site now! I'll write more as soon as I can. Bye, and Happy late Valentines Day!

Well... I'm finally well! I've been sick with a flu/sinus infection since my brithday, the 19th. I got to stay home from school the whole week, and I even lost 5 pounds!! I got some more gift certificates for my brithday... I feel a shopping spree coming on again! I still have a little money left over from Christmas, too. Sorry I haven't updated for so long!! I've been really busy with homework and stuff, and I couldn't come online last week. I've also sort of been grounded from the computer since I've been online so much. I *STILL* didn't make the memorials that I was planning to. Maybe I can make those today or tomorrow. Well, I'm going to try to update SB now... I hope you all have a great Monday tomorrow!

Hi! Yay... It's Friday! I STILL didn't go shopping yet... I'm waiting for Old Navy & Kohl's to get some more stuff in stock that they sold over Christmas. *lol* I hope you all had a great Christmas vacation! I had to go back to school on Wednesday... , but at least it's finally the weekend! I'm thinking up some more pages and other stuff I'm probably going to add either today or tomorrow. Today, we got assigned this HUGE assignment in History... a section review. It's due on Monday... so I'll have to spend some of the weekend on it. Life's not fair! (Actually... more like my History teacher isn't fair.) Yesterday I read on the CK Forum that Angel's cousin, Nattie from LN Babyz, and her aunt died in a car crash over Christmas. That is sooo sad! If any of you know Angel, make sure and e-mail her or post a message on the CK Forum. I think I'll make a banner in memory of them. Well... I'm going to go make some stuff to put up, now. I'll write more later.

Hi! Happy New Year! Last night I stayed up 'til 2:00 updating SB and watching TV. Hope you all like the 'Happy 2001!' banner I made on PSP! I got PSP7 and some downloads for it, so now I have a lot more stuff to make better graphics with!! I have to go back to school on Wednesday... only one more day of vacation!!!! Sorry to any of you who've emailed me about anything... I've been really busy and I'll try to get back to you once I figure out who's getting which job, and how I'm going to work all this out! lol. Well... I had a good Christmas... I got just about everything I wanted, and even 2 gift certificates! *oh joy!* One is for Kohl's and the other one's for Old Navy. I feel a shopping spree coming on! lol! Well I gotta go baby-sit now.. Oh well at least it pays good, lol. Write more later. 1
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