The Rant About Anti-Semitism

If you know me at all, you'll know this is gonna get intense. Because I can't shut up.

When I was younger and more clueless, I assumed that people had learned something from things like the Spanish Inquisition, witch burnings, and the Holocaust; that torturing and killing people because they are different is disgusting and incredibly wrong. Then I got older, and saw that for some reason, there are a lot of sick losers out there who still think that these were good ideas and that Hitler was something other than a completely insane asshole. I learned that it is supposedly acceptable to hate someone based on their religion or ethnicity, you just can't hate them for their race. And also, I learned that a frightening large chunk of these hateful morons, though they may hate pretty much anyone other than themselves, are absolutely OBSESSED with their hatred of Jews.

What the HELL, people!! It makes me this furious because, in the Western hemishere at least, Judaism has for centuries been pretty much the only alternate religion anyone ever heard about. (Besides Wicca, but how many witches ever were public about it outside of torture and burning at the stake?) You'd think after all this time people would get used to it, pull the sticks out of their asses and stop believing the ridiculous lies they hear about Jewish everything. But no, apparently they still own the world and its media and they use the blood of Muslim babies in food (oops, wrong hemisphere but I had to include it because it's amazingly stupid). Some of the things I'd like to point out are:

One: Jews do not own everything. They've had several millenia of oppurtunity - I think if they had taken things over, it would be pretty obvious by now. And I mean obvious to sane logical people, not skinheads. In the Middle Ages Christians weren't allowed to have some professions because it would be against their religion. But it wasn't against the rules of Judaism, so they became the ones lending money and such. Besides, they weren't allowed to do a lot of things Christians were allowed to do, so they kinda had to take what they could get. Wouldn't you?

Then, much much later, they weren't allowed to be in Vaudeville. So they tried out Hollywood. One just isn't around anymore. It's only when you want to look for a conspiracy and ignore facts that all these incredibly stupid ideas of World Domination come up.

Two: However individuals feel about Israel and all related hot topics, there is no reason to assume that all Jewish people have something personally to do with running it, or even support it. They aren't some huge underground organization of robots who all think the same. People all have different opinions on things, there are even Jews who are known specifically as Anti-Zionists. Again, all a person has to do is read a book.

Three: I find it almost hilarious when some group of hatemongers in the Middle East come up with things like the slogan "Hitler was right." Oh, he was right, I see. (Haven't read a history book, have we?) So then you must think that you too are an 'inferior race' and deserve to be tortured, experimented upon and wiped off the face of the earth. Don't forget kids, Hitler would have thought you were as useless as anyone else not "Aryan," and would have gladly sent you and your family off to concentration camps right alongside the people you've never even met but hate rabidly. He wouldn't give a rat's ass that you have an obsession with Judaism just like him, you'd just be a corpse waiting to happen.

Four: You can say to me that the Holocaust never happened, but the facts and evidence speak for themselves. Simply put, the Nazis had the motive, means and opportunity to do it. Read a book! Not enough coal for burning all those bodies, you say? It's only needed to start the fire. Bodies are flammable. The fat from the first corpses thrown in the pit is shovelled over the next ones to spread the fire - oil is flammable, people! And how about the piles and piles of paperwork and documents left behind? The Nazis couldn't get to all of it - there was a hell of a lot, plus they were kind of trying to um, NOT get captured or killed by the allies in the meantime. Oh, and those pesky film reels and camps that you can still see today, like I have. They do exist. Finally, please don't tell me that 'only' a hundred thousand or 'only' a million people were killed. Even if you did have the numbers right, do you mean to tell me that a certain magic number of people killed is okay? Is it justified to kill even one person because you don't like their race, or religion, or the way they looked at you? Is it okay for someone to kill YOU for those 'reasons?' Well, of course it isn't okay for someone to do it to YOU. You're important.

It drives me up the wall to hear any asshole spewing forth crap about how they hate any particular race, religious group, ethnicity, etc. But it just makes me want to dry heave when people still foam at the mouth with blind hatred about a group of people who have been consistently slaughtered and slandered throughout history, climaxing with the annihilation of 6 million men, women and children in the 1940's. How much more insane do things need to get? Maybe the more appropriate question is: how much more is it going to take for people to CARE?

AND I'm spent.

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