Twenty Useless Trivia Tidbits


1)Have the problem solving abilities of a two-year-old human.

2)Can survive being flushed down a toilet and can enter a house through one. (I figure if you're cruel enough to flush something alive you deserve to get bitten in the ass by it later!)

3)Can tread water for 3 days.

4)John Ashcroft is afraid of calico cats because he thinks they're a sign of the devil.

5)In Japan you can get corn on your pizza.

6)Hedgehogs are highly resistant to poisons.

7)The phrase "under God" was added to the American Pledge of Alliegence in the 1950's to further distance the US from Communism, in which the official state religion is athiesm.

8)The colours red, orange, yellow, white and brown make people hungry. That's why fast food logos include them.

9)Apes (including humans), and guinea pigs are the only mammals that don't produce their own vitamin C.

10)There's some pretty convincing evidence that Jack the Ripper may have been the English artist Walter Sickert.

11)Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges.

12)Hamsters really enjoy eating meat. (But it should be cooked.)

13)Ham is supposedly the closest equivalent in taste to human flesh. Hope you weren't eating some right now.

14)Whale songs rhyme.

15)Women started shaving their legs during World War II, to make it look like they were wearing pantyhose. Nylon was needed for parachutes. Another reason not to like Nazis.

16)Marilyn Manson had a pet chicken. Someone threw it on stage and he decided to keep it. He named it Jebediah and it got to come onstage during concerts and 'sing' into the mike. Unfortunately it escaped its cage and disappeared. He wonders if it ended up someone's dinner.

17)You're more likely to get bitten by mosquitoes if you just ate a banana.

18)Kids who torture animals may grow up to be serial killers.

19)Pink hair in anime (especially shoujo) represents love and femininity.

20)Marshmallows originated in ancient Egypt.

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