To everybody: If you hate Ryu, have no respect for Ryu, don't appreciate the work I go through to make this page, or just came by to curse me out cause I made a Ryu fan page....then GET OUT, this page is not for you, there is no point on being on this page! This page is for Ryu fans/SF fans or for people who at least respect the character himself(Ryu)

INFO about Ryu: Ryu is a respected character in the world Capcom and Capcom's fighting icon as well as honorable man. He always fight fair and never gives up in a fight. He has lots of potential and lots of things he must learn, he has one friend(Ken), many allies, and no family. He lives to fight.....the fight is all too him. Very rarely he attacks first, always patient and looks for weakness and when he see one, he attacks!

Info about how he should be played in the SF games: He should be played with defense/counter people's attacks(that's the way I play him), and do NOT throw firballs often, only use a firball to counter another fireball(only if the opponent throws one first)or to counter some one in the air jump towards you, but till the almost very last min to do it(but not too late), but it's best you use the Dragon Punch instead to counter air attacks. You can SOMETIMES use the hurricane kick to counter a opponent who throw firballs, it depends on the SF game, b/c some it must be done on the late, some can also be done early, and some can't go through fireballs at all....The best super move to use is the True Raising Dragon Punch

To people who face cheap Ryu players:Stop complaining, if your good you should be able to avoid/counter the cheap ass players who uses firballs after firballs none stop, if you can't, you need work.....b/c if you can't beat a cheap player than how can you except to beat the bests or yet even stand a chance? BUT NEVER BECOME A CHEAP PLAYER JUST TO WIN NO MATTER WHAT!

To people who Thinks Ryu's completely Cheap: Just b/c one fireball is thrown does not mean the player is cheap, here are some factors that makes a person cheap: 1)throws projectiles over and over and over and etc....2)beats you by chip damage 3)throws you a lot 4)beats you down when your being called on your cell phone even tho he/she knows your not ready 5) only uses special moves and NOTHING else 6) uses gliches tricks in the game to beat you 7)Beats you down when your not looking 8)distract you in some way to beat you 9) trips over and over and over, etc.... 10)ummm.....don't get a 10th one...some one else can give another example of being cheap here

How I play/use Ryu: I'M NOT CHEAP, I play fair and rarely if any throw fireballs, I play defenses ONLY! I wait for my opponents to make mistakes and then I counter them, I'm still learning how to play as him better, I'm not the best at using Ryu, but I'm good enough.

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