Michael Collins
This poem was inspired by Andrew Greeley's book "Irish Gold".

I'm not really sure what inspired this. I really like the last part, though.

A poem that seems the favourite among most people I share my poetry with. Inspired by passion and lust.

Lady Magdalene
This was something that came out after I read "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving (excellent book if you ever have time to read it). It's the most worked and re-worked pieces I've written, and I'm still not totally happy with it.

This started as something completely different, and became about an abused girl burning her family's home down and starting new.

Another Irish one. Inspired by Leon Uris' "Trinity" (yet another excellent book).

A very descriptive piece, I would say "opulent and dark", but that might be overly dramatic. I blush when I read this one, even though I wrote it.

Strange for me to find this during the war with Iraq. Fits very well.

Inspired by anyone in a relationship that they feel smothered in, but can't be free of it because of guilt or still being in love. Hard to explain, but read and you might understand.

Edited 03/26/03. Inspired from Bad Night by Steve Sinnicks.

She Is
Some Sacred Writing from me, about Hekate, the Dark Goddess.

More Sacred Writing, about a first meeting with Hekate.

Elemental Death
I wrote this, inspired by an oath taken in L.J. Smith's "The Secret Circle" trilogy.

Another Sacred Writing. An invocation to Brigid, Goddess of the Hearth and Smiths.

O Lady
More Sacred Writing, about Brigid as well.

What Was There
A dark day, I suppose, created this. A little nihilistic compared to my "usual" poetry.

Inspired by articles and threads dealing with "cutting". Surprisingly, this is a more common problem than anorexia among teens.
Some links on the above: Angel Tips, Self Help,Teen Line, About.com, Healthy Place.

I'm baaaack! I feel like I've been stuck in a rut of nihilistic poetry and introspective relationship crap. Here's what I thrive for: a poem about history and politics. Enjoy! (If you really want to know what it's about, email me about it...I don't feel like posting links at the moment).

Beltaine Night
A poem about the after-ritual Beltaine night. Inspired during my researching of Beltaine.

Cuchulainne's Lament
A long poem about Cuchulainne. I wrote this when I was 17--not bad for a 17 year old. I want to try to rework it, though.

"Those People"
A poem to Larry DiIanni, Hamilton's Mayor. He talks about "those people" everytime there is a protest, demonstration, or outcry regarding any decision that city council makes. I just wonder what he really thinks about "those people" (which he says as he sneers).

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