Messier Charts

There are two charts for each object:

  1. An uninverted chart covering about 10° of sky, with a 5° circle, for use with binoculars
  2. An E/W reversed chart covering about 5° of sky, with a 2° circle, for use with, e.g., an SCT with a diagonal.

If you are not familiar with the constellation in whicn the object lies, I recommend that you use the charts in conjunction (ghastly pun intended <g>) with a simple star atlas. The pocket-sized Collins Gem Night Sky is what I use – it is greatly underrated for "serious" use.
The RA and Dec on each chart is approximately that of the centre of the chart, and not necessarily the co-ordinates of the object..

The charts were made using Guide v6.0; this should be acknowledged if you reproduce any chart.

Some configurations of web browser may interpret the chart as a blank page. If this happens to you, save the chart to disk and view it with your graphics program.

Download the complete set of binocular charts.(586kb)
Download the complete set of telescope charts.(708kb)
(It is probably sensible to look at a few individual charts first to see if the format I like is what you want!)

Click hhere for Messier log sheets.

Charts for individual objects

(or several objects closely grouped) (approx. 10kb each)

M1 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M2 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M3 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M4 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M5 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M6 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M7 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M8 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M9 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M10 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M11 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M12 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M13 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M14 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M15 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M16 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M17 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M18 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M19 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M20 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M21 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M22 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M23 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M24 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M25 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M26 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M27 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M28 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M29 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M30 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M31 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M32 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M33 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M34 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M35 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M36 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M37 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M38 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M39 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M40 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M41 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M42 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M43 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M44 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M45 Binocular Chart
M46 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M47 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M48 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M49 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M50 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M51 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M52 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M53 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M54 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M55 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M56 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M57 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M58 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M59 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M60 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M61 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M62 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M63 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M64 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M65 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M66 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M67 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M68 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M69 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M70 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
MM71 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M72 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M73 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M74 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M75 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M76 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M77 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M78 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M79 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M80 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M81 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M82 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M83 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M84 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M85 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M86 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M87 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M88 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M89 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M90 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
MM91 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M92 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M93 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M94 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M95 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M96 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M97 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M98 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M99 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M100 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M101 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M102 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M103 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M104 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M105 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M106 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M107 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M108 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M109 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart
M110 Binocular Chart Telescope Chart

The Astronomical Unit

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