This site is a celebration of one remarkable man: Walter Sergei Skinner. If you're a fan of the stern and stunning AD, welcome to my pages, respectfully dedicated to the Big Guy...

I'm the world's biggest romantic, so what you'll find here is Walter adored, appreciated and described in loving detail...

I love feedback, so please email me: SERGEEVA


Let's celebrate Mitch! After all, without him, we'd never have met Walter Sergei Skinner and discovered one of the most compelling, fascinating and wonderful characters ever to grace a TV screen! His fans are delighted to have been able to say a public "Thank You" in the special XF edition of Hollywood Reporter magazine, and to make a donation to Mitch's chosen charity also. To see the ad, find out about the charity and enjoy all the creative contributions made in Mitch's honour, visit to share your appreciation for this marvellous actor...


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