Good question Lord Randall my son.  (Extra points to whomever can tell me where that came from.)  Back in 2000 I was pondering the difficulty of defining cultural conflicts in the Scene.  The conflicts were already there but unfortunately the words were not.  People were stuck using “Old Guard” “New Guard” definitions but those concepts did not work for hets and virtually all the material out there was either written by Gays or by traitorous, heritage denying Hets who were kissing Gay behind.  So what was a good Het Separatist like me to do?


I created new words, or rather appropriated new words.  For “Old Guard” I used “Structuralist” and for “New Guard” I used Transgressionist.  Now, Transgressionism sounded like fun.  It had a nice, academic, postmodern ring to it and it did a pretty good job of defining an attitude to both the Scene and to life in general. 


Unfortunately it did not go far enough.


There was a problem with the concept of Transgressionism.  It was reactive. 


Let me explain if I can.  To transgress is to violate, but that means there has to be something to be violated, in this context the sort of rules and protocol garbage that folks were, and are, trying to foist upon the scene.  But in defining ourselves as the rule breakers, we were in a strange way giving a nod to the rules, actually validating them by the mere fact of opposing them.  By saying we were rule-breakers we were, of necessity, implying that there were rules to break and that they had sufficient meaning in our lives to go to the trouble of opposing them.


That was a mistake.  The proper course is to simply ignore the rules, to deny their very existence in our lives.  When faced with someone trying to impose, let us say, Protocol, we do not need to go into complicated arguments about it.  All we need to do is snort, laugh, shake our heads in wonder at such nonsense and then say, “We don’t do that.”


The same is true of SSC and all the other scene bull out there.


As far as we are concerned, they simply do not exist except in the fevered imaginings of pitiful control freaks who have all the contact with reality that would fit in a flea’s condom.


And so Chaos.  We are going to create a non-community of people who are going to literally “do their own thing” without regard to the tender feelings of anyone else. 


No more books, no more codification of behavior.  That is over, gone, finished.  Within the bounds of pragmatism, anything you want to do is OK as long as you want to do it.


And for the auslanders, the ishkish and the gadje, banish them with laughter.


The Age of Chaos has begun.  Let us celebrate it.


“The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy.  Then the liberated old ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom”

H.P. Lovecraft



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