The Moche of what is now Peru were a most fascinating people.  They left no written language but their pictography and pottery, as well as their metal work, is amazingly graphic and leaves us with a wonderful record of their lives, particularly their somewhat gruesomely entertaining religious practices.

The Moche practiced not only human sacrifice, but ritual cannibalism!  And they did it with a style unlike anything seen before or since for not only were the victims sent to their heavenly reward so the priests and king could have their flesh for dinner, but their skeletons were posed in various entertaining postures for the banquet, dancing and playing musical instruments.  Come to the Moche Temple with its happy, dancing skeletons!

Now, by this time I am sure that you are wondering what in heaven�s name any of this would have to do with BDSM, even of the Chaos variety.  I mean, we rarely practice cannibalism in the scene, in spite of our attempts to convince the Concerned Wimmenfolk for Amerika that we do.  Well, maybe it�s time we did.

Ok, I�m HAVING FUN HERE folks.  Stop screaming.  I�m wearing ear protectors so all you�re doing is giving yourselves laryngitis. 

What I�m suggesting is we use the Moche imagery, which is wonderful.  You have dancing skeletons (easily found around Halloween, other wise known as Sam Hain�s day in honor of Samuel Hain, the inventor of individually wrapped small candy) doms in funny outfits with knives and other implements and naked subs in bondage with terrible things being done to them.  All in honor of the Beheading God who looks surprising like Cthulhu.

Any form of meat can substitute for human flesh, though pork is supposed to be the closest and tomato juice makes great, fake blood for decorating the subs with and drinking with the barbecued pork sandwiches.

And at the height of the festivities, when everyone goes around the block chanting �Moche! Moche!� over and over again, the poor neighbors will wonder what the hell is going on and will probably never be the same again, especially after they have been visited by the Beheading God in their dreams.
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