At its heart, Chaos Bdsm, like Chaos Magick, is cheerful, even when at its most dark and dreadful.� There is always the element of joy in the act itself, a taking of pleasure in the moment.�
There is a reason why it is called "play."
It is important to remember that reason because in our moments of madness, when we are possessed by Asmodeus and Belial, when dour Odinn guides our hand, we may lose track of ourselves and become disoriented when we come back.� This is not unusual in bottoms, after all, endorphins do strange things to the mind, but in tops it can be disconcerting and frightening to those around them.� A dom in full Lovecraftian mode is scarey.� Nyarlathotep is not nice.
This is where laughter comes in.� The act of laughing releases chemicals as well and cleanses the mind of the shadows we have invoked.� It removes the spirits that have entered and brings us back to our true humanity.� It makes us functional again.� It casts away all pomposity and gets you out of domspace so you can interact with people and not make a total ass of yourself.
It releases the energies into the void and gets the demons out of the basement.
It also reminds us that BDSM is not life, merely a part of it that is there to be celebrated with joy.
So end your scenes with laughter and don't forget to take the gag out of the bottom's mouth so she can laugh with you.
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