Chaos brings freedom.


Order brings, well, order.


Chaos is cool.


Order is, well, orderly.


If one has a choice between chaos and order, chaos is a lot more fun.  It brings the unexpected, the mysterious, the delightful, while order, in spite of its organizational usefulness for the bureaucrats, has little to recommend it other than as a cause for sleep. 


We want to stir the pot, to rock the boat, to put the iceberg in the path of the Titanic and watch the fun as the nice people try to reorganize the deck chairs.  We invoke the joys of madness, unexpected happenings, and spontaneity.


Let the rules be overturned, let the roles be confused, let the Scene be awash in maverick, mad doms and unruly and bratty subs.  Let Protocol be trampled underfoot and propriety hit in the face with a pie and its defenders offered an exploding cigar.


Let all hell break loose so that we, good sinners that we are, may dance with our pitchforks.



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