Table of Contents

Table of Contents about TATTOOS

  1. What Should I Get a Tattoo of... ?
  2. Where Should I Put It ... ?
  3. Aren't Tattoos Painful... ?
  4. Who Should I go to ... ?
  5. What is Sterile... ?
  6. How long does it take to Heal ... ?

What Should I Get a Tattoo of... ?

[You should get a tattoo that has meaning to you personally. I do not suggest names, unless children or passed relatives ...memories. Be sure the design fits your personality and it is not just a trend faze you are going threw...... after all... they are for life. Tattoos should be chosen for something very meaningful to you. They also represent who you are so choose wisley.]

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Where should I put It... ?

[Placement of a tattoo is also just as important as the design. Always consider how it may effect your future career in a society which doesn't appreciate the art. Place it in a spot that accents your body shape. meaning fitting to the area and shape of your body. Or a place if need be...can be covered by clothes if necessary. ]

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Aren't Tattoo Painful... ?

[YES.....they hurt!! But not so extreme there unbearable. It's really a state of mind. I would say .. the initial sting of the first few minutes are a bit painful ...but the body numbs after 10 min and the annoyance becomes a dull ache you can bear........ with train of thought .I suggest no drugs or alcohol when getting tattooed and a full stomach so you do not pass out. Some people enjoy it very much and its rare you see a person with only one tattoo. Odds are after your first you will return for a 2nd.]

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Who Should I Go to ... ?

[Only a professional....Please!!! You must go to a reputable tattoo shop. That has updated sterilization practices. And the artistic ability to give you a good design in a safe clean environment. Don't be afraid to ask questions about needles or sterilization .......if they get offended by them .... LEAVE.......Your safety comes first.]

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What is Sterile... ?

[Sterile means ...Ask If They use an autoclave to clean there instruments after every use. There needles are single use only and packaged in sterilizer bags and dated when sterilized . They where protective gloves. There tattoo chair is cleaned smooth surface material. They wipe down all spray bottles and work place after every customer. Look to see if floor is clean along with all the above. Do not be afraid to ask it is your right .There are many bad places .BUT a Serious Tattoo Shop will have all of this in check and happily answer your questions.

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How long does it take to heal ... ?

[Everyone heals a little differently. DO NOT SUFFOCATE YOUR TATTOO IT NEEDS AIR TO HEAL ........At first Its a little tender and sore for the first few days apply a triple antibiotic such as bacitracin  IN A LIGHT APPLICATION 2X A DAY. Then it's a little tight feeling ....THE scab is forming .... Only luke warm shower no soaking and Nooooo Sun ....continue bacitracin ....avoid scratching . Then  comes the itchies and scabbies...... do not pick or itch ...I know its irritating but you can ruin it by messing with it right now. After scab falls naturally.... THE  scab Is the color of tattoo ...that's normal will be a lil dry apply a skin lotion such as jergins to keep moist. Again keep it out of sun or use a good sunblock on the tattoo 35% spf or better. THE SUN BLEACHES A TATTOO BAD SO FOLLOW SUNBLOCK FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR TATTOO IN THE SUN..............Keep Tattoo clean.............Healing process averages......... 1 ..week to ........2 ...1/2 ..weeks depending on person...........ANY Pink outer edges that OOZe or Swell are a BAD thing ...Immediately return to shop where tattoo was done. Or contact Dr.]

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