Bethany Hamilton link

Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Road

Scarlett Road

What's happening on Scarlett Road?

Scarlett's latest movies:
Perfect Score 2003 release
Thumbsucker 2003 release
American Rhapsody - on video and DVD
Eight Legged Freaks - in theaters
The Man Who Wasn't There - on video and DVD
Ghost World - on video and DVD
My Brother the Pig - VHS apparently released, but...
(Video released in Iceland with subtitles)
After not seeing Scarlett in a movie for a while,
it was odd that she was on both screens in a local theater.

Some candid pictures of Scarlett.

Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett
Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett
Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett
Scarlett Scarlett

Celebrity Site of the Day

July 16, 1998

FYI: Scarlett Road is in Toronto.


Of all the souls that stand create
I have elected one...
(Emily Dickinson)

Scarlett - Biography - Filmography - Pictures from movies

Pictures from magazines - Links - Emily Dickinson Poems - Updates

Last updated November 5, 2003.

� 1997 Areteless

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