Your probably wondering why this site is called Sataited , well it's because sataited means jaded, the dark side of something or someone. This site is about Buffy but not the normal Buffy we all know and love, a dark side, so this site is kinda sataited, it's  the normal Buffy site gone wrong!

Whats new

22/7/01 New layout, well new graphics I like the layout. I just felt like a new fresh look and I like it, well Im in the process of finishing it so I hope by the end it looks good. Tell me what you think, ...sign my guestbook.

27/5/01 I aligned the frames a bit better they look alot neater now. I also took down the buttons I decided it would give me more space to do this daily blog or diary thing I'm doing. Just come back of a school trip to Italy so theres lots to do, see's ya's soon....9:15am Bev

23/2/01 moved a few things around the main page looks better now.I adde a new page called Lustbunnies after that famous quote by faith. It's about the loves and lifes of Buffy, well the big ones too and all my thoughts about the spike and Buffy situation.

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