Based in Rochester, NY - The Coven of Sangha-Sho is a spiritual group that was established on Yule of 2003.  We continue to grow and evolve over the years, both as a group and also as a presence in the Wiccan Community.

It is our belief that often in society, we do not take the time to be spiritual and pause to understand the connection we have to the Goddess and God.  In such cultures as in India and Asia or in paths of enlightenment such as Yoga, Buddhism, Taoism, or Zen, there is a "built-in" time in spiritual life to be spiritual and refect on the power that humans have and how we are connected to something greater than ourselves.  For this reason, The Coven of Sangha-Sho stresses the need to
live a Wiccan life, rather than just practicing Wicca.  One of our objectives is to understand that we are connected to each other and that we continue to live according to the tradition of Sangha-Sho.

Although we are
not an Eastern Coven, we do allow for a strong influence from the Eastern School of Thought because of the reasons aformentioned; those societies already live spiritually.
Coven Membership
Coven News:

3/17 - Check out the details from our Ostara Open Circle in the Past Events section!

3/17 -  We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary! Yay!

2/11 - Our Second Annual Chocolate Festival was GREAT! Check out the "Past Events" section for some pictures!

- The Coven celebrated the Esbat and the Sabbat, Imbolc in a closed ritual this year to induct two new members...ALL IN THE SAME NIGHT!

- Yule was beautiful! Check out our 2006 Past Events Section for this past year's event details and photos!

- Those who missed our Stone Soup Party missed out on a reeeeally tasty soup this year.

- Handfasting Celebration! Our outdoor ritual was chilly but lovely nonetheless.

10/31 - 12/21
- We will be collecting canned goods to donate to Food Link. If you are interested in donating, we have a box at Psychic's Thyme and we also a box at the covenstead for those who come to Open Circles or Social Events.

- 3rd Annual Halloween Party!

- Happy Mabon! We had a gorgeous day to celebrate!

- Merry Lammas! Even though ritual had to be changed to a later date due to rain, we still had a wonderful time.

- Happy Litha! We had a great celebration!

- Wishing everyone a very Happy Beltane! Ours was sunny and absolutely wonderful!

4/21 - 4/23
- Our annual Earth Day Weekend Retreat!
Lammas 7/28/07
The Oak King and Holly King battle and the dark half of the year is begun. The Goddess offers the bounty of the fields as we celebrate the 1st Harvest.
Essence: Fruitfulness, Reaping, Prosperity, Reverence, Purification, Transformation and Change.

Goddesses: Dana, Demeter, Ceres, Corn Mother, Isis, Luna, agricultural and waxing Goddesses

Gods: Lugh, John Barleycorn, Dagon, Dionysus, Taranis, sacrificial and waning Gods
Wort Moon

Power Flow: Relaxed energy; perparing; succeeding. Dream
work; divination and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones.
Nature Spirits: hobgoblins and faeries of harvested crops
Herbs: honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon balm, hyssop
Colors: silver, blue-grey
: lotus, water lily, jasmine
Scents: orris, frankincense
: pearl, moonstone, white agate
: oak, acacia, ash
: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale
Birds: starling, ibis, swallow
Khepera, Athene, Juno, Hel, Holda, Cerridwwn, Nephthys, Venus
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