Sabin as a Dictionary Entry

This is how to pronounce it.

Sabin as an Encylopedia Entry

Sabin as a Unit of Sound Absorption

The Sabin unit is a measurement of absorption in the range 0 to 1. An absorption coefficient of 0 indicates a material that reflects sound totally. A coefficient of 1 indicates that a material absorbs sound totally. However, these units are used not very often. One sabin is the absorption of one square foot of open window, while one metric sabin is the absorption of one square meter of open window. The unit was named in honor of Wallace Clement Sabine, who was a pioneer in architectural acoustics in the late 1800s.

Sabin as a Software Package

Sabin is a design software tool for room acoustics engineers.

Sabin as a Vaccine

Jonas Salk first developed the polio vaccine which was injected into the blood stream. It consisted of dead polio viruses from which the body makes antibodies. He used a dead strain of a virus which was uncommon at the time. Albert Sabin later came up with another polio vaccine which was taken orally. It consisted of weakened polio viruses.

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