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USA, 1998
[Barry Levinson]
Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, Samual L. Jackson
Drama / Thriller
This was very poor. It seems like quite a good idea and I personally love this kind of sci-fi chiller stuff but in this case it just doesn't work. The Sphere itself is simply not scary enough in design or in execution and I frankly didn't think that it's effect on the crew members was either pronounced enough or, again, particularly terrifying. Being very similar to Event Horizon I now realise just how much better that film really is. I admit, they're aiming at different audiences but the idea itself, a freaky alien device having a dangerous and maddening effect on the crew, is pretty much the same.

Samual L. Jackson, Dustin Hoffman and Sharon Stone all deliver truly atrocious performances as the 'distinguished' scientists called in to investigate and do little other than put on diving suits and act alternatively calm and terrified. The revelation of what the craft is and where it came from are quite interesting but poorly developed and after Jackson decides to go AWOL the film descends quickly into yawn city. Why does the
Sphere do what it does? What does it do exactly? How come weird things were manifested and who was doing it and why? All good questions but sadly not answered in this made for children movie. Look elsewhere for good sci-fright.
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