Por el arco de Elvira
quiero verte pasar,
para saber tu nombre
y ponerme a llorar.
¿Qué luna gris de las nueve
te desangró la mejilla?
¿Quién recoge tu semilla
de llamarada en la nieve?
¿Qué alfiler de cactus breve
asesina tu cristal?
Por el arco de Elvira
voy a verte pasar,
para beber tus ojos
y ponerme a llorar.
¡Qué voz para mi castigo
levantas por el mercado!
¡Qué clavel enajenado
en los montones de trigo!
¡Qué lejos estoy contigo,
qué cerca cuando te vas!
Por el arco de Elvira
voy a verte pasar,
para sentir tus muslos
y ponerme a llorar.

Through the Arch of Elvira 
I want to watch you go by, 
to ask you your name 
and to break down and cry. 

What grey nine o'clock moon 
has bled your cheek? 
Who is collecting your seed 
that flashes in the snow? 
What short cactus needle 
is murdering your crystal? 

Through the Arch of Elvira 
I'm going to watch you go by, 
to drink in your eyes 
and to break down and cry.

What a voice for my punishment 
do you raise in the market! 
What an outlandish carnation 
in the piles of wheat! 
How distant I am with you, 
how close when you leave! 

Through the Arch of Elvira 
I'm going to watch you go by, 
to feel the touch of your thighs 
and to break down and cry.

This poem is GACELA XII, the last gacela of the collection Diván del Tamarit. It was first published in Madrid in 1935 in the Almanaque literario, along with other poems of this collection. It was not included in the edition that was being prepared for publication by the University of Granada at the time of Franco's military rebellion. Lorca may have considered it "too anecdotal". (Eduardo Blanco-Amor, who visited Lorca in Granada in the spring of 1934, said he knew who the poem was written for and of the circumstances in which it was created.)

I did the translation and I also took the photograph (1998). The idea for this page comes from Frank Reilly, to whom I dedicate it.

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