Definite Article

The definite artilcle in Furlan (corresponding to "the" in English), varies depending on whether the noun being specified is masculine or feminine, singular or plural.

Masculine singularil
Masculine plurali
Feminine singularla
Feminine plurallis

il cjanthe dog
i cjansthe dogs
la cjasethe house
lis cjasisthe houses

Before a vowel, both il and la can be abbreviated to l'

l'�iar the wind
l'aghe the water

In parts of Friuli the article lis is often pronounced as li, but unless this pronunciation needs to be represented explicitly, it should always written as lis (compare French les).

Indefinite Article

The indefinite article in Furlan (corresponding to "a" in English) varies according to gender.


un cjana dog
une cjasea house
un agnulan angel
une �ngulea fingernail

Remember, the final -e of une is pronounced.
You may sometimes find une abbreviated to un' before a vowel: un' ore ("an hour").
You might also find it abbreviated simply to 'ne: 'ne f�mine ("a woman"), though this is more likely to occur in speech than in writing.

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