November 17, 2001 - Holy crap, has it been that long?!
Holy guacamole, here I am FINALLY, after more than 7 MONTHS of inactivity. I'm extremely sorry people, but Yr 11 is getting pretty hectic and i've had NO (and i mean NO) time to update this site. I logged on today, and I noticed that the site has recieved a little over 13100 hits. That's a big change from when I last logged on. I was shocked. Thanks for coming back even though the ball hasn't been rolling at all over the past half a year. Anyways, in 2 weeks (after my exams), expect BIG changes to the site. Thats all i'm saying. See you all very soon...

April 7, 2001 - New comic in stores now!
Issue #3 of Futurama Comics is available now!
It is entitled "New Version 3.0!", more information
can be found in the
Comic Books section of the
site. Also, I fixed the Frames version of the site
(with a little help from a friend) and it looks pretty
sweet. You are actually IN the Frames site at the
moment. Tell me if you like the Frames version,
and whether I should keep it (i have to relink
everything in the left column, so dont be alarmed
when you see the page you're looking for
crammed into the middle frame).

April 1, 2001 - You're shoe is untied...
...April Fools! Hah, I fooled you all. I love April Fools day. Moving on...
I've created a Frames version of the site. There is a top frame, a left side frame and a main frame (hehehe). Also, there's some
Merchandise news that will be put up on the site very shortly. Tomorrow I should have a picture of Futurama Comics #3, and if anything else pops up, I'll whack it onto the site faster than you can say "nohomers". Goodbye.

March 12, 2001 - Merchandise section updated.
Yes, the Merchandise section has been updated, with some great news. Check it out.

February 28, 2001 - 5000 hits!
Sorry about the lack of updates recently, i just don't seem to have much time anymore. Oh well, good news! The site has just clicked over 5000 hits! After today, there should have been about 800 hits this month alone! The best result in Futurama World's history.
In other news, I've got some new
Merchandise information to chuck up on the site soon. Keep checking back!
I have also added two new buddies down the bottom of the site. They are Cubert's Secret Laboratory and Space Station Futurama. Also, underneath the Comments form on this page, I have added my ICQ Status Indicator.

February 12, 2001 - Broken links fixed

All broken links on the site (especially in the
Character sections) have been fixed. Sound files for each character will be on the site on Sunday, which is, from now on, my weekly update day, due to school. Soon, I will find out when Futurama is starting in Australia.

February 5, 2001 - All new section!

Character section has been added to the site, finally. However, each character section only contains wallpapers at the moment, but soon they will all have scans, sounds and icons. Also, Say Argh has been added to the buddies.

February 1, 2001 - The site is complete.

I think the subject of this update says it all. I have totally redesigned each page of the site. The
Merchandise section has also been updated. As part of the redesign, I'll be adding new sections: Characters (including Fry, Leela, Bender, Amy, Professor, Nibbler, General) - and each character page will have pictures, wallpapers, sounds and scans, Funny Comments, and Home-made Futurama Figures.
Also, congrats to Josh Wheatley, his letter was published in Futurama Comics #2 (I will have a cover scan of the comic tomorrow)!
And another thing, underneath Comments on the right-hand column, there is a Send Futurama News Here form, and there is a spot underneath that reserved for a poll.
One more thing, I have added new buddies down the bottom of the page. Nothing But Nibbler, The Leela Zone.
Surly Joes is my home-made figures site. Check it out!
That is all. Enjoy the new site!

January 27, 2001 - Friends! Help! A guinea pig tricked me!

Well, I've finally got my hands on a picture of
Futurama Comics #2. It looks pretty good, lets
hope for good artwork and lots of laughs. It came
out in the USA on the 24th, and a shipment is
arriving in Australia today to my favourite comic
book store,
Quality Comics (Hay Street, Perth).
Go to the
Comics section for the plot synopsis.
In other news, I have created a new website,
which is all about authentic and homemade
Simpsons and Futurama figures. Click
here to
have a look, it's very interesting.
I'm baaaack...........
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