Gallery of Portuguese Women
Recent African Admixture Gallery
This gallery shows a few pictures of Portuguese women of African descent or with recent African admixture. Unlike the galleries that represented Northern, Central, Southern Portugal, and the Azores, the looks in these women are not representative of  the native Portuguese woman.
F�tima Silva (Angola)
Suzana Tra�a (Angola) Eli (Cape Verde)
V�nia Filipe Leles (Guinea Bissau)
Karina Barbosa (Guinea-Bissau)
Ana Sofia (Lisbon)
Lurdes Sampaio (Lisbon) M�nica (Lisbon) Patr�cia Bull (Lisbon)
Yorain (Lisbon) Nayma Mingas (Mozambique) S�nia Ratibo (Mozambique)
Sofia Baessa (unknown)
Ana Almeida (unknown) Andreia Calixto (unknown)
Refuting Kemp
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