Refuting Racial Myths
Are the Portuguese mulattos?
Refuting Racial Myths writes
The Portuguese obviously are not mulattos in the 50-50 black-white sense of the word. However, the Portuguese do have among the highest levels of Negroid admixture out of all European populations. Scientists believe most of this Negroid ancestry was introduced through the slave trade within the past 600 years.
The truth
It is interesting to notice that Refuting Racial Myths doesn't actually believe that the Portuguese are mulattos in the 50-50 black white sense of the word. Apparently, one of the authors to whom he links his site to doesn't share the same opinion. According to most genetic tests that included Portuguese samples, some Portuguese (some being the key word) do have the highest levels of Negroid admixture amongst European caucasians. However, as usual, Anon lies about the date and the events responsible for that admixture. The slave trade was obviously not the reason for the majority of the Negroid admixture. I will explain this quite clearly to the reader in the next chapters, and I will also explain why it is so important for people like Refuting Racial Myths and white supremacists like Arthur Kemp to claim that the slave blood of the XV and XVI centuries was the cause for all the Negroid DNA in Portugal.
Refuting Racial Myths writes
I'll leave it up to the reader to decide whether or not the Portuguese qualify as mulattos under the second meaning of "mulatto", "a person of mixed white and black ancestry". But, certainly, if any European nationality deserve to be called "mulattos", it is the Portuguese.
The truth
"Mulatto" comes from the Portuguese word "mulato". This word was first used by the Portuguese settlers in Cape Verde to name their mixed african offspring. Originally it was thought that mixed individuals would be sterile (like a mule - "mula" in Portuguese), hence the name "mulato". The only meaning that the word may ever have, is that of an individual that has 50% European ancestry and 50% black African ancestry. There is simply no other way.
However, if we used the second (erroneous) meaning given to the word  - "a person of mixed white and black ancestry" -, that would indeed include under the designation "mulatto" European populations like the Portuguese. It would also include the Spaniards, the French, the Germans, the English, the Scots, the vast majority of the so called white American population, and many others.
If Refuting Racial Myths wants to call the Portuguese "mulattos" using the second meaning of the word (a meaning that is completely inaccurate) he is free to do so, but if he wants to be coherent with his own stupidity he would be forced to call "mulattos" to most Europeans including his own ancestors (he claims to be of  English and Swedish extraction).
Refuting Racial Myths writes
Guenther remarked that Portugal "shows a particularly well-marked Negro strain."
The truth
Let us study some other things Guenther remarked:
About the Nordic Race
"In accordance with this picture we may take judgment, truthfulness, and energy to be the qualities which are always found marking out Nordic man. It is by a certain mastering of his own nature that he comes by his power of judgment and keeps it, standing as a free man over against himself, and still more over against the influence of others. He feels a strong urge towards truth and justice, and shows, therefore, a practical attitude, an attitude of weighing, which often makes him look cool and stiff.
His inclinations are always towards prudence, reserve, steadfastness, calm judgment. Just as he himself quickly grasps the idea of duty, so he is inclined to demand the fulfilment of duty from those around him, as he does from himself; and in this he easily becomes hard, and even ruthless, although he is never without a certain knightliness. In his intercourse with his fellows he is reserved and individualistic, shows little insight, or at any rate inclination for insight, into the nature of others, but rather a certain lack of knowledge of mankind. (...)
Fairness and trustworthiness are peculiarly Nordic virtues. His word once given after reflection he looks on as inviolable. (...)
Nordic boldness easily rises in some Nordic men to such heights that they incline to foolhardiness, carelessness of their own good, levity, and prodigality, that strongly developed forethought which is generally to be found in the race becoming less prominent. (...)
The dying out of the Nordic race (to be examined into more closely in Chapters XI and XII) is, however, brought about through the very fact that there is always a stream of Nordic blood flowing from the countryside into the towns, whither the Nordic man has always been, and always will be, led by his lust for competition, for culture, for leadership, and for distinction. The flow of population from the land whose more capable and energetic members rise by way of the middle class into the leading professions, is, judging by the appropriate anthropological investigations, at the same time a flow of the more Nordic element, which thus, along with the upper section of society, often shows a tendency towards a lowered birth-rate.  (...)
It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that it is this Nordic race that has produced so many creative men, that a quite preponderating proportion of the distinguished men in European and North American history show mainly Nordic features, and that in those people with less Nordic blood the creative men always come from a district where there has been, or is, a marked strain of this blood. The creative men of France come, according to Odin's investigations,3 from the districts of greatest height, longest skull, and fairest colouring; while, taking the class from which they spring, 78.5 per cent. are from the nobility, the official class, and the liberal professions with university education -- the classes, that is to say, which in numbers make up only a small part of the nation, but at the same time have relatively the most Nordic blood. (...)
About the Mediterranean Race
"This race is painted by all observers as passionate and excitable. It has less depth of mind and is easily aroused, and easily reconciled; loves strong, vivid colours, and vivid impressions of all kinds; tends to take a deep, often childish interest in its fellow-men (which must not, however, be long strained); takes great joy in the spoken word and in pleasing and lively movements; and is inclined to find suppleness and craft particularly worthy of interest and praise. With all these qualities the Mediterranean man looks on life with merry eyes more as a play, whereas the Nordic lives it more as a set task. The Mediterranean man is eloquent, often a skilled orator, not seldom he is (at least for the Nordic observer) talkative and somewhat superficial. His spirits are quick to rise, and quick to sink; he is very ready, too, to fall into hot strife, and forgives sooner than the men of other races; and with all this his lively feeling of honour does not forsake him, nor his ready self-expression in word and gesture. The mental energies are all turned rather outwards, in the Nordic man inwards.
The Mediterranean man is not very hard-working, often he is lazy; he likes to enjoy life the more. He is not very drawn to money-making; anyhow, he does not exert himself much over this. He has as little of the Nordic energy as he has of the industry and activity of the Alpine race; hence we have the lower dolichocephaly, that is, the stronger brachycephaly (Hither Asiatic and Alpine) of the upper classes in southern Italy.
The Mediterranean man is very strongly swayed by the sexual life, at least he is not so continent as the Nordic (who need not therefore feel the sexual urge any the less). It is with the sexual that the lively Mediterranean wit makes play (the esprit gaulois shows a great deal of this), and sex is the object of his passionateness, of his feeling for colour schemes in dress, and of his quick rather than deep artistic gifts.
A disposition to cruelty and animal torture, a not unfrequent inclination to Sadism may perhaps stand in relation to the stronger sexuality
The faith of the Mediterranean man is not so deeply rooted in conscience as with the Nordic; it belongs rather to the senses, is an expression of the joy of living and of the goodness of heart so often characterizing him. This goodness of heart shows itself first and foremost in the Mediterranean man in his love (which to the Nordic seems often exaggerated) for his children, and in general in the deep affection of the family life.
In public life the Mediterranean man shows but a slight sense of order and law, and a want of forethought. He is quickly roused to opposition, and is ever wishing for change; the south of France, predominantly Mediterranean, eagerly votes 'radical.' Mediterranean ferment (il voit rouge) stands opposed to Nordic restraint in social life also. Thus there is a tendency to lawless (anarchical) conditions, to secret plotting (Camorra and Maffia in Italy, Sinn Fein in Ireland, some of the features of Italian and French freemasonry), and to an adventurous life of robbery. [Note: I wasn't aware that the Irish were Mediterranean]
The predominantly Mediterranean south of Italy (with Sicily and Sardinia) is characterized by a higher percentage of deeds of violence and murder; and Niceforo significantly calls a district in Sardinia, where the Mediterranean element is markedly predominant, the criminal district (zona delinquente)."
About the Dinaric Race
"The Dinaric man is characterized by a warm feeling for nature, a strong love of the home, and a spirit of creativeness in fashioning the surroundings to be the ordered expression of himself in houses, implements, customs, and forms of speech. He does not, however, turn his gifts so much to the vaster undertakings, to leadership in the most varied spheres of life, or to restless progress and strenuous competition. He lives more in the present than does the provident, foreseeing Nordic. The boldness of the Dinaric is rather one of bodily achievements; a real spiritual urge to conquest, such as often characterizes Nordic men, seems to be rarer. Characteristic of the Dinaric is an inclination to sudden outbursts, to quick anger, and to combativeness -- characteristics, however, which but stand out from the general level of a disposition that is on the whole good-tempered, cheerful, and friendly. But it is not mere chance that the predominantly Dinaric south-east of the German-speaking area (like the East with its East Baltic strain) is marked by a particularly high percentage of convictions for dangerous bodily wounding, and in general by a relatively high percentage of criminal convictions.
The Dinaric nature has a range of development decidedly narrower in every direction than that of the Nordic. The signs are wanting of any great mental acumen, or of stern determination. The spiritual outlook is narrower, though the will may be as strong. On the whole the Dinaric race represents a stock which is not seldom somewhat uncouth, with a rough cheerfulness, or even wit, and is easily stirred to enthusiasm; it has a gift for coarse repartee and vivid description, showing a decided knowledge of mankind and histrionic powers as a racial endowment. Business capacity, too, seems to be not rare. The gift for music, above all for song, is particularly pronounced. The predominantly Dinaric Alpine district is where German folk-songs most flourish.8 The gift of tongues, too, would seem more frequent in the Dinaric race. The sociableness of this race is a rough and noisy one; as between man and man it is generally sincere and upright. For mental capacity I would put the Dinaric race second among the races of Europe."
About the Alpine Race
"The Alpine man may be called reflective, hard-working, and narrow-minded. The two latter are the qualities which have struck most of those who have had to do with the Alpine, together with reserve, sullenness, mistrust, slowness, and patience when he is dealing with strangers. We have here a type which on the whole shows those very qualities that are generally found in the bourgeois, using this word for a mental outlook, not for a class. The Alpine man is sober, 'practical,' a hard-working small business man, who patiently makes his way by dint of economy (not of enterprise), and not seldom shows considerable skill in acquiring 'culture' and social importance. Since his aims are narrower and he lacks any real boldness in thought or deed, he often gets on better than the more careless, daring, and not seldom unselfish Nordic and Dinaric man. The Alpine man inclines to perseverance and to ease; he is circumspect, and likes to feel that his thoughts and ideas are not different from those of the generality. He 'believes in money' (Garborg), and 'worships uniformity' (de Lapouge). In predominantly Alpine societies the class distinctions have little importance; 'all are equal,' (Arbo), and have a liking for the mediocre and the ordinary, and discourage competition. 'Their inclination towards the democratic theory of equality is grounded in the fact that they themselves never rise above the average, and have a dislike, if not hatred, for greatness which they cannot grasp, (Ammon). Thus everything noble or heroic -- generosity, light-heartedness, open-handedness, broad-mindedness -- are essentially un-Alpine attributes. For this reason the Alpine man feels more at home in everyday, ordinary life. (...)
The Alpine man and his family make up a close, busy, selfish group. All individuality is foreign to him; in political life, too, he inclines to broad mass-organization. But, generally speaking, his outlook does not go beyond the narrower group of the family; it barely takes in his village, and does not include the district or the State. As he is wanting in the qualities of leadership, he must have leaders for his groups and mass-organizations. He is far removed from any warlike inclination, as also from any wish to govern or to lead. As it is his lot to be led, he is generally a quiet follower (although with a tendency to grumble and be envious) with but little love for his country. (...) [Note: Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Octavian and Pompey were Alpines and Alpine/Dinaric]
The sexual life among them would seem to be less restrained than among the Nordics, not so fresh and healthy as it generally is among the Dinarics, nor so passionate as among the Mediterraneans, but more practical, as it were, and often more joyless.
With strangers the Alpine man is often mistrustful, uncommunicative, surly, sometimes slow and stubborn; he is seldom free from suspicion, seldom open and downright. In public life he often shows little trustworthiness, and has not a very strong disposition towards the exact fulfillment of his obligations. The Alpine child, too, is far less ingenuous and much quicker to learn from experience, watching others narrowly so as to gain its ends. The Alpine woman is even more given than the man to plodding industry and soulless toil. The Alpines show little or no sense of humor, or of jokes against themselves. 'They think they are being made fools of' (Arbo). There is always a mistrust of the stranger, that easily turns to dislike and hatred. One is struck in predominantly Alpine districts by the heaviness, and often the clumsiness, of the people moving in the streets, and by the greater lack of bodily cleanliness.
About the East Baltic Race
To the foreigner the men of the East Baltic race seem at first to be reserved, moody beings, heavy and slow, mistrustful and silent, apparently content to live on little, and ready to spend week after week in dull and dogged toil. Seen nearer, their mental life is found to be far more complicated. The East Baltic man, when his tongue has once been loosened among intimates, can change from his taciturnity to a lively flow of speech and wealth of words. He who seemed to be living so patiently and contentedly reveals a discontent that is never wholly lulled, and may grow to a boundless unrest. Above all, he reveals imaginative powers breaking out in all directions, and ever at work on a welter of images -- imaginative powers that often disclose themselves by the way in which conversation wanders off into vague, ever-changing plans for the future, and the craziest of notions.
The East Baltic man quickly changes to a confused, rambling dreamer, weaving endless tales, and full of plans; he becomes a visionary, and even in the tangle of his imaginative powers his characteristic irresoluteness and lack of any sense of reality can be seen. He cannot decide either for good or for evil, and so ends by leaving his surroundings as they were; he shows himself averse from all change, and at last puts everything into 'God's hands,' ending with a dumb belief, a belief very often of unrelieved gloom, in some destiny hanging over him. His disposition being such, particularly with its lack of resolution, the East Baltic man does not come very far even with all his industry, stubborn and determined though it often is. He can bear much suffering, privation, and oppression from those in power; and often shows great steadfastness. But there is a lack of any real creative power. Opposed to all individuality, and always cultivating a dead level of thought for all, the East Baltic man is generally a patient and long-suffering subject. He has a particularly lively sense of patriotism; but needs to be led. Well treated, he is a faithful, often a meek subordinate. To his neighbours he is usually helpful and hospitable; to his kinsfolk he is kind, not so much in word, as in deed; but even in his more intimate moments he never expresses himself decidedly or positively, but always with reservations. When he has to deal with strangers he is inclined to become cunning. He is very revengeful, and when he is after vengeance, he is far-seeing and remarkably crafty. He inclines to brutality in his sexual relations, and, indeed, to brutality in general. The German districts with most East Baltic blood have 'a heavy proportion of crime'; So it is with East Prussia, Posen, and Silesia, particularly in respect of dangerous bodily injuries, and light and serious theft.
What is particularly striking about the East Baltic man is his quick change of disposition: he may have been in a violent rage with a man a moment before, then comes repentance, and he is ready for a boundless reconciliation, and to give himself up to every kind of self-reproach. He springs in a moment from dejection to unrestrained high spirits, from a dull indifference to fanaticism. After weeks of dreary toil he will often heedlessly squander all that he has earned. His boisterousness may turn to a blind lust of destruction. 'Nihilism' lies deep in the East Baltic soul. He seldom knows how to keep the wealth he has earned; riches make him extravagant and fond of show.
His mind is not capable of quick decision, but with all its slowness it is penetrating. He reads men well, and East Baltic writers generally show themselves to be very good observers of human nature, even though there is always a touch of something confused and vague in their pictures. A gift for the histrionic, particularly in the direction of a penetrating play of gesture, is often found in the race. It shows a peculiar gift, too, for music, especially by way of a certain indefinite evanescent world of sound. It has little cleanliness, whether personal or in the home."
Anyone with a minimum of common sense will realize that Guenther had a racist agenda and will understand why his book The Racial Elements of European History published in 1927 is available online at Stormfront (which is for all purposes a deeply racist site advocating white supremacy). This view of the human races hidden behind an apparently scientific look was very much en vogue from the end of the 19th century to 1945. It would almost be amusing to read this kind of comedic pseudo-scientific work, only if one person wasn't aware of the tragedy that eventually resulted from this same line of biased pseudo-scholarship.
This mixing of races with a supposed superior culture was popular not only in the 1930s Germany, but also in Britain, in the US and in Italy. [Click here to read more about the origins of modern Nordicism] This movement started becoming popular during the French Revolution when it was claimed that the "Alpine" Gauls, kept under the yoke of the "Nordic" Frankish nobility for more than one thousand years, were now claiming what had always been theirs. This was, of course, a groundless demonization of the French nobility by the French revolutionaries looking for a "valid" and "historic" reason to erase the aristocracy from the map. Neither were the Franks completely Nordic nor the Gauls completely Alpine, and neither side kept pure lineages for more than one thousand years. Amusingly enough, history repeats itself as Arthur Kemp also claimed that the Visigoths kept their lineages pure for aproximately the same number of years.
Refuting Racial Myths lies
DNA testing confirms the longstanding belief -- captured here by Madison Grant (1933) -- that the Portuguese absorbed more slaves and have more black ancestry than any other European nation.
"During the great years of Portuguese exploration and colonization in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, it has been estimated that a million Portuguese, mainly young men, went to the tropics, and for the most part never came back. Negroes were imported to take their places and to do the work of the country. Intermarriage of these Negroes with the old population left Portugal with a larger amount of Negro blood than any other European country, and greatly impaired its ability to contribute to the progress of civilization. Thus Portugal, which, when dominated by the Nordics, had set an extraordinary example of progress in many ways, now contributes relatively little to such progress..."
The truth
Madison Grant is another example of the same racist line of thinking. Interestingly enough, Portugal's 20th century colonial policy itself helped building this myth that the Portuguese were in fact racially mixed. The reason for this lie had its roots in the British Ultimatum of 1890. In 1890, Cecil Rhodes' ambition amputated the Portuguese claims to the lands between Angola and Mozambique, eventually threatening those two Portuguese colonies themselves. In the beginning of the 20th century, countries like Britain, France, Germany and even Belgium were eagerly looking at the Portuguese colonies as a means to expand their own domains.
The Portuguese governments used all the weapons they have at their disposal: Portugal started sending colonists in large numbers to her - until then - largely unpopulated colonies to have a true claim to as much lands as she could, Portugal built an Expeditionary Corp of some 30,000 soldiers that fought in Flanders during WWI (when the country was clearly in no economic position to do so) and also sent some thousands that fought in Africa against the German troops there.
The last and probably the most lasting of all the measures adopted was the propaganda that was spread worldwide that the Portuguese had a solid claim to their colonies because the Portuguese of the 20th century were not Europeans but mixed Euro-Africans. That sort of propaganda was used to the limit during the African colonial wars of 1961-74, where Portugal refused to give up her colonies basing her claims on the already mentioned notion of the supposedly mixed blood of the Portuguese population. This was export material only. While it is true that some Portuguese settlers did have African wives, until the 1960s the Portuguese man in Portugal saw the individual of the Negroid race as a curiosity - simply because they weren't used to see any. For that same reason, several dozens of black Africans had to travel all the way from Angola during the Exposition of the Portuguese World of 1940 to portray the African native of the Portuguese Empire. Apparently there weren't any available in Portugal...
As to Madison Grant, like with Guenther, all that is needed is a quick look at his book The Passing of the Great Race, fortunately also available online. Here are some quotes for the reader's evaluation:
"In the city of New York, and elsewhere in the United States, there is a native American aristocracy resting upon layer after layer of immigrants of lower races, and the native American, while, of course, disclaiming the distinction of a patrician class, nevertheless has, up to this time, supplied the leaders of thought and the control of capital, of education, and of the religious ideals and altruistic bias of the community."
"Mankind emerged from savagery and barbarism under the leadership of selected individuals whose personal prowess, capacity, or wisdom gave them the right to lead and the power to compel obedience. Such leaders have always been a minute fraction of the whole, but as long as the tradition of their predominance persisted they were able to use the brute strength of the unthinking herd as part of their own force, and were able to direct at will the blind dynamic impulse of the slaves, peasants, or lower classes."
"There exists today a widespread and fatuous belief in the power of environment, as well as of education and opportunity to alter heredity, which arises from the dogma of the brotherhood of man, derived in turn from the loose thinkers of the French Revolution and their American mimics. Such beliefs have done much damage in the past, and if allowed to go uncontradicted, may do much more serious damage in the future. Thus the view that the Negro slave was an unfortunate cousin of the white man, deeply tanned by the tropic sun, and denied the blessings of Christianity and civilization, played no small part with the sentimentalists of the Civil War period, and it has taken us fifty years to learn that speaking English, wearing good clothes, and going to school and to church, does not transform a Negro into a white man. Nor was a Syrian or Egyptian freedman transformed into a Roman by wearing a toga, and applauding his favorite gladiator in the amphitheater. We shall have a similar experience with the Polish Jew, whose dwarf stature, peculiar mentality, and ruthless concentration on self-interest are being engrafted upon the stock of the nation."
"What the Melting Pot actually does in practice, can be seen in Mexico, where the absorption of the blood of the original Spanish conquerors by the native Indian population has produced the racial mixture which we call Mexican, and which is now engaged in demonstrating its incapacity for self-government. The world has seen many such mixtures of races, and the character of a mongrel race is only just beginning to be understood at its true value."
"Whether we like to admit it or not, the result of the mixture of two races, in the long run, gives us a race reverting to the more ancient, generalized and lower type. The cross between a white man and an Indian is an Indian; the cross between a white man and a Negro is a Negro; the cross between a white man and a Hindu is a Hindu; and the cross between any of the three European races and a Jew is a Jew."
"The fact that two distinct species of mankind both have long skulls, as have the north European and the African negro, is no necessary indication of relationship, and in that instance is merely a case of parallel specialization. The fact, however, that the Swede has a long skull and the Savoyard a round skull does prove them to be descendants of distinct subspecies." [Note: Now you know that primitive traits in Northern Europeans are coincidence, while in Southern Europeans they mean Negroid admixture.]
"Eye color is of very great importance in race determination, because all blue, gray, or green eyes in the world to-day came originally from the same source, namely, the Nordic race of northern Europe. This light colored eye has appeared nowhere else on earth, and is a specialization of this subspecies of man only, and is consequently one of extreme value in the classification of European races. Dark colored eyes are all but universal among wild mammals, and entirely so among the primates, man's nearest relatives. It is, therefore, an absolute certainty that all the original races of man had dark eyes."
"Blond hair also comes everywhere from the Nordic species, and from nowhere else. Whenever we find blondness among the darker races of the earth we may be sure some Nordic wanderer has passed that way. When individuals of perfect blond type occur, as sometimes in Greek islands, we may suspect a recent visit of sailors from a passing ship, but when only single characters remain spread thinly, but widely, over considerable areas, like the blondness of the Atlas Berbers or of the Albanian mountaineers, we must search in the dim past for the origin of these blurred traits of early invaders." [Note: Madison Grant probably never saw a blonde Australian aborigine]  
"Owners, however, of a fair skin have always been, and still are, the objects of keen envy by those whose skins are black, yellow, or red." [Note: This is obviously untrue, at least presently. A pale skin is often associated with sickness, while a tanned individual is often looked at as being healthy. This may not have been obvious to Madison Grant, but skin color as well as weight or any other traits subjected to the appreciation of any given society are also subjected to fashion. People with fair skin were admired because a fair skin meant that those people didn't get a great deal of sun. Naturally, that skin coloring was typical of members of the aristocracy or of wealthy businessmen, not because of their natural skin color, but because they spent most of their time indoors. Anyway, during the mid 19th century, aristocratic "expeditions" to the sunny countryside or to the beach became quite popular throughout Europe, and a pale skin became associated with tuberculosis.]
" Stature is another unit character of greater value than skin color, and perhaps than hair color, and is one of much importance in European classification because on that continent we have the most extreme variations of human height." [Note: Stature alone is of little importance when analyzing races. Stature is a weak element, considering that it is largely affected by mal-nutrition.]
"Mountaineers all over the world tend to be tall and vigorous, a fact probably due to the rigid elimination of defectives by the unfavorable environment."
"Almost the tallest stature in the world is found among the pure Nordic populations of the Scottish and English borders, while the native British of Pre-Nordic brunet blood are, for the most part, relatively short; and no one can question the race value of stature who observes on the streets of London the contrast between the Piccadilly gentleman of Nordic race and the cockney costermonger of the old Neolithic type."
"A bridgeless nose with wide flaring nostrils is a very primitive character, and is still retained by some of the larger divisions of mankind throughout the world. It appears occasionally in white populations of European origin, but is everywhere a very ancient, generalized, and low character."
"The absence or abundance of hair and beard and the relative absence or abundance of body hair are characters of no little value in classification. Abundant body hair is, to a large extent, peculiar to populations of the very highest as well as the very lowest species, being characteristic of the north European as well as of the Australian savages. It merely means the retention in both these groups of a very early and primitive trait which has been lost by the Negroes, Mongols, and the Amerinds.[Note: Note once again how Madison Grant tries to excuse the presence of a primitive trait in Northern Europeans]
Madison Grant on the habitat of the Nordic race
"The [Nordic] race in consequence is now and always has been, probably always will be, adjusted to certain environmental conditions. (...) Scarcely less important is the presence of a large amount of moisture, but above all a constant variety of temperature is needed. Sharp contrast between night and day temperature, and between summer and winter are necessary to maintain the vigor of the blond race at a high pitch. Uniform weather, if long continued, lessens its energy. Too great extremes, as in midwinter or midsummer in New England, are injurious. Limited but constant alternations of heat and cold, of moisture and dryness, of sun and clouds, of calm and cyclonic storms, offer the ideal surroundings for the Nordic race. (...)
In the lower classes the increasing proportion of poor whites and "crackers" are symptoms of lack of climatic adjustment. The whites in Georgia, the Bahamas, and above all the Barbados are excellent examples of the deleterious effects of residence outside the natural habitat of the Nordic race.
The poor whites of the Cumberland Mountains in Kentucky and Tennessee present a more difficult problem, because here the altitude, even though small, should modify the effects of latitude, and the climate of these mountains cannot be particularly unfavorable to men of Nordic breed. There are probably other hereditary forces at work here as yet little understood. (...) [Note: More humour.]
This type played a very large part in the settlement of the Middle West, by way of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri. Thence they passed both up the Missouri River and down the Santa Fe trail, and contributed rather more than their share of the train robbers horse thieves, and bad men of the West.
Scotland and the Bahamas are inhabited by men of precisely the same race, but the vigor of the English in the Bahamas is gone, and the beauty of their women has faded. The fact that they were not in competition with an autochthonous race better adjusted to climatic conditions has enabled them to survive, but the type could not have persisted, even during the last two hundred years, if they had been compelled to compete on terms of equality with a native and acclimated population. (...)
Many individuals who were born in unfavorable climatic surroundings, but who move back to the original habitat of their race in the north, recover their full quota of energy and vigor. New York and other Northern cities have many Southerners who are fully as efficient as pure Northerners."
"This blond race can exist outside of its native environment as land owning aristocrats who are not required to do manual labor in the fields under a blazing sun. As such an aristocracy it continues to exist under Italian skies, but as a field laborer the man of Nordic blood could not compete with his Alpine or Mediterranean rival. It is not to be supposed that the Teutonic armies which for a thousand years after the fall of Rome poured down from the Alps like the glaciers to melt in the southern sun, were composed solely of knights and gentlemen who became the landed nobility of Italy. The man in the ranks also took up his land and work in Italy, but he had to compete directly with the native under climatic conditions which were unfavorable to his race. In this competition the blue eyed Nordic giant died, and the native survived. His officer, however, lived in the castle and directed the labor of his bondsmen without other preoccupation than the chase and war, and he long maintained his vigor.
The same thing happened in our South before the Civil War. There the white men did not work in the fields or in the factory. The heavy work under the blazing sun was performed by Negro slaves, and the planter was spared exposure to an unfavorable environment. Under these conditions he was able to retain much of his vigor. When slavery was abolished, and the white man had to plough his own fields or work in the factory, deterioration began." [Note: Madison Grant found out that laziness equals retaining vigor]
Madison Grant on the habitat of the Alpine race
"The environment of the Alpine race seems to have always been the mountainous country of central and eastern Europe, as well as western Asia. This type has never flourished in the deserts of Arabia or the Sahara, nor has it succeeded in maintaining its colonies in the north of Europe within the domain of the Nordic long heads. It is, however, a sturdy and persistent stock, and, while much of it may not be over-refined or cultured, undoubtedly possesses great potentialities for future development.
The Alpines in the west of Europe, especially in Switzerland and the districts immediately surrounding, have been so thoroughly Nordicized, and so saturated with the culture of the adjoining nations, that they stand in sharp contrast to backward Alpines of Slavic speech in the Balkans and east of Europe."
Madison Grant on the habitat of the Mediterranean race
"The Mediterranean race, on the other hand, is clearly a southern type with eastern affinities. It is a type that did not flourish in the north of Europe under old agricultural conditions, nor is it suitable to the farming districts and frontiers of America and Canada. It is adjusted to subtropical and tropical countries better than any other European type, and will flourish in our Southern States and around the coasts of the Spanish Main. In France it is well known that members of the Mediterranean race are better adapted for colonization in Algeria than are French Alpines or Nordics. This subspecies of man is notoriously intolerant of extreme cold, owing to its sensibility to diseases of the lungs, and it shrinks from the blasts of the northern winter in which the Nordics revel.
The brunet Mediterranean element in the native American seems to be increasing at the expense of the blond Nordic element generally throughout the Southern States, and probably also in the large cities. This type of man, however, is scarce on our frontiers. In the Northwest, and in Alaska in the days of the gold rush, it was in the mining camps a matter of comment if a man turned up with dark eyes, so universal were blue and gray eyes among the American pioneers."
Other "interesting" statements by Madison Grant
"To what extent the Mediterranean race entered into the blood and civilization of Rome, it is now difficult to say, but the traditions of the Eternal City, its love of organization, of law and military efficiency, as well as the Roman ideals of family life, loyalty, and truth, point clearly to a Nordic rather than to a Mediterranean origin. The struggles in early Rome between Latin and Etruscan, and the endless quarrels between patrician and plebeian, arose from the existence in Rome, side by side, of two distinct and clashing races, probably Nordic and Mediterranean respectively." [Note: A look at the existing statues of Roman emperors will show mostly Alpine and Alpine-Dinaric skulls. Fortunately, someone else already refuted this lie.]
" The native Mediterranean race of the Iberian Peninsula quickly absorbed the blood of these conquering Gauls, just as it later diluted beyond recognition the vigorous physical characters of the Teutonic Vandals, Suevi, and Visigoths. A certain amount of Nordic blood still persists to-day in northwestern Spain, especially in Galicia and along the Pyrenees, as well as generally among the upper classes."
"As long as this Gothic nobility controlled the Spanish states during the endless crusades against the Moors, Spain belonged with the Nordic kingdoms, but when their blood became impaired by losses in wars waged outside of Spain and in the conquest of the Americas, the sceptre fell from this noble race into the hands of the little, dark Iberian, who had not the physical vigor or the intellectual strength to maintain the world empire built up by the stronger race." [Note: Visigoths betraying fellow Visigoths by asking for Moorish military assistance were the reason for the invasions.]
"The splendid conquistadores of the New World were of Nordic type, but their pure stock did not long survive their new surroundings, and to-day they have vanished utterly, leaving behind them only their language and their religion. After considering well these facts we shall not have to search further for the causes of the collapse of Spain" [Note: The Spanish conquistadors were no different from the average modern-day Spaniard. They were Nordic only in the minds of little people that need to steal the heritage of others in order to fill the emptiness of their lives with their own imagination]
"Chivalry and knighthood, and their still surviving but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and feudalism, class distinctions, and race pride among Europeans are traceable for the most part to the north."
"The mental characteristics of the Mediterranean race are well known, and this race, while inferior in bodily sta-mina to both the Nordic and the Alpine, is probably the superior of both, certainly of the Alpines, in intellectual attainments. In the field of art its superiority to both the other European races is unquestioned."
"The gods of Olympus were almost all described as blond, and it would be difficult to imagine a Greek artist painting a brunette Venus. In church pictures to-day all angels are blondes, while the denizens of the lower regions revel in deep brunetness. Most ancient tapestries show a blond earl on horseback and a dark haired churl holding the bridle, and in depicting the crucifixion no artist hesitates to make the two thieves brunet in contrast to the blond Savior. This latter is something more than a convention, as such quasi-authentic traditions as we have of our Lord indicate his Nordic, possibly Greek, physical and moral attributes."
After reading the above, I frankly don't give a damn about what Madison Grant thought. During the 15th century the Portuguese were busy sending colonists to Madeira, to the Azores and to Cape Verde. The number of settlers sent during the XV century was completely negligible when compared to the whole of the Portuguese population. In fact, the Portuguese even used Flemish, German and Dutch settlers in all of those islands. In some of those islanders, their blue or green eyes and in many cases their non-Portuguese surnames are the testimony of their partial northern European ancestry. During the same century the Portuguese invaded Morocco. In North Africa, the Portuguese fortresses resorted mostly to indigenous troops and to Spanish mercenaries commanded by Portuguese officers. The Portuguese naval explorations were indeed a great strain on the Portuguese treasury and on the quality of the average sailor, but not on the Portuguese population as a whole. The caravels needed very small crews (usually less than 30 individuals, even though it could work perfectly with as little as 8 or 9 men), and in fact there was never a shortage of Portuguese sailors during the XV and XVI centuries, despite the expected high death toll. Life on the fields simply wasn't any better...
In 1498 a Portuguese fleet under Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut in India, and in 1500, a large fleet under Pedro �lvares Cabral on their way to India reaches the Brazilian shores. Despite that find, the Portuguese colonization of Brazil will only start in 1530, and only because of the presence of French pirates in the area.
From 1497 to 1527, 320 naus (medium sized galleons) equipped with 250 men each left for India. That makes about 80.000 men (of which only 10% would return to Portugal). It shouldn't be assumed that this rate of immigration remained stable on the following years. From the early 1500s to the 1530s, the Portuguese were conquering strategic fortresses. After locations like Goa, Daman, Ceylan, Malacca, Ormuz (and many more) were conquered, the Portuguese were able to maintain their vast trading Empire using a relatively small number of nationals protecting important coastal cities, and resorting to their powerful fleets to strangle the Turkish presence in the Indian spice trade. The Portuguese Indian Empire needed only some permanent 40.000 soldiers, many of which were actually Moorish and Asian. More importantly, in the beginning of the XVII century the Dutch replaced the Portuguese as the masters of the Indian Ocean trade monopoly. Consequently, the Portuguese diverted their atentions (and most of their immigration) from India to Brazil.
By 1600 there were only 25,000 Portuguese settlers in Brazil. From 1500-1808 a total of 500,000 Portuguese immigrated to Brazil. [This last information is available in one of Refuting Racial Myths' own sources, Carvalho-Silva's study on the Phylogeography of the Brazilian Y Chromosome lineages]. Most of them immigrated during the 1700s, at a time when the Portuguese population was much larger. Many were actually Jewish.
It should also be said that the Portuguese population in 1540 is thought to have been of about 1.8 - 2 million. To assume that Portugal was sending overseas a number of men equivalent to its male population is hilarious.
Needless to say, Madison Grant's number of one million males miraculously "teleported" between the 15th to 17th centuries is completely inaccurate.
It doesn't really matter that Madison Grant was wrong about the number of Portuguese males that immigrated if one has into consideration that the Portuguese population has no Negroid paternal contribution. If a lonely Portuguese woman wanted to have an affair with anyone she would choose one of the many remaining Portuguese white males, not a relation with a Black slave that would turn her into a social outcast. Keep in mind that the Catholic Church of the XVI century believed that the black Africans did not even have a soul.
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