;;;; Rebecca Orton
;;;; Project 1
;;;; Fall 2000 Artificial Intelligence Class
;;;; Professor Marcus Maloof

;;;;  Some functions are not available in my Xlisp environment.
;;;;  Therefore, I needed to program them myself.

;;;  A tree used to test functions

(setq G (list 'G '() '() '()  '()))
(setq E (list 'E  G  '() '(G) '()))
(setq D (list 'D  E  '() '(E) '()))
(setq F (list 'F  E  '() '(E) '()))
(setq C (list 'C  D   F  '(D) '(F)))
(setq B (list 'B  C   D  '(C) '(D)))
(setq A (list 'A  B   C  '(B) '(C)))


(defun first (a-list) 
(cond ((null a-list) nil)
      ((not (listp a-list)) nil)
      (t (car a-list))))

(first A)
(first B)
(first C)
(first D)
(first E)
(first F)
(first G)
(first 'A)
(first ())

(defun rest (a-list) 
(cond ((null a-list) nil)
      ((atom a-list) nil)
      (t(cdr a-list))))

(rest A)
(rest B)
(rest C)
(rest D)
(rest E)
(rest F)
(rest G)
(rest 'A)
(rest ())

(defun second (a-list) 
(cond ((null a-list) nil)
      ((not (listp a-list)) nil)
      (t (car (cdr a-list)))))

(second A)
(second B)
(second C)
(second D)
(second E)
(second F)
(second G)
(second 'A)
(second ())

(defun third (a-list) 
(cond ((null a-list) nil)
      ((not (listp a-list)) nil)
      (t (car (cdr (cdr a-list))))))

(third A)
(third B)
(third C)
(third D)
(third E)
(third F)
(third G)
(third 'A)
(third ())

(defun fourth (a-list) 
(cond ((null a-list) nil)
      ((not (listp a-list)) nil)
      (t (car (cdr (cdr (cdr a-list)))))))

(fourth A)
(fourth B)
(fourth C)
(fourth D)
(fourth E)
(fourth F)
(fourth G)
(fourth 'A)
(fourth ())

(defun fifth (a-list) 
(cond ((null a-list) nil)
      ((not (listp a-list)) nil)
      (t (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr a-list))))))))

(fifth A)
(fifth B)
(fifth C)
(fifth D)
(fifth E)
(fifth F)
(fifth G)
(fifth 'A)
(fifth ())

;;; The function get-1st-child gets the first child of a particular 
;;; node in a tree.

(defun get-1st-child (tree-node tree-list)
            (cond ((null tree-node) nil)
                  ((null tree-list) nil)
                  ((not (atom tree-node)) nil)
                  ((not (listp tree-list)) nil)
                  ((not (eq tree-node (car tree-list))) nil)
                  (t(car (second tree-list)))))

;;; The function get-2nd-child gets the second child of a particular 
;;; node in a tree.

(defun get-2nd-child (tree-node tree-list)
            (cond ((null tree-node) nil)
                  ((null tree-list) nil)
                  ((not (atom tree-node)) nil)
                  ((not (listp tree-list)) nil)
                  ((not (eq tree-node (car tree-list))) nil)
                  (t (car (third tree-list)))))

;;; Testing get-1st-child 

(get-1st-child 'A A)
(get-1st-child 'B B)
(get-1st-child 'C C)
(get-1st-child 'D D)
(get-1st-child 'E E)
(get-1st-child 'F F)
(get-1st-child 'G G)
(get-1st-child 'H A)
(get-1st-child () A)
(get-1st-child 'A ())
(get-1st-child A 'A)

;;; Testing get-2nd-child

(get-2nd-child 'A A)
(get-2nd-child 'B B)
(get-2nd-child 'C C)
(get-2nd-child 'D D)
(get-2nd-child 'E E)
(get-2nd-child 'F F)
(get-2nd-child 'G G)
(get-2nd-child 'H A)
(get-2nd-child () A)
(get-2nd-child 'A ())
(get-2nd-child A 'A)

;;;  The reverse function is an old function I wrote for a previous
;;;  Artificial Intelligence Topics class at the University of 
;;;  Northern Iowa.  

(defun reverse (lst)
        (cond   ((null lst) nil)
                (t      (append (reverse (cdr lst)) (list (car lst))))

(setq l1 '(a b c d e f g h i j k l))
(setq l2 '(a (b c) (d e f ) g ((h i))))

(reverse l1)
(reverse l2)

;;;; Problem 1 Encode the following tree as a list assigned to a
;;;; globally declared variable.  Write two Lisp functions, 
;;;; preorder and postorder, that print the pre-order and post-order
;;;; traversals of the tree passed in as the argument, respectively.

;;; The graph is encoded below.

(setq E1 (list 'E '(G) '(O)))
(setq E2 (list 'E '(G) '(T)))
(setq N  (list 'N '(W) '(H)))
(setq A  (list 'A '(Y) '(S)))
(setq R  (list 'R E1 E2))
(setq O  (list 'O N A))
(setq var-tree (list 'O R O))


;;; The function defvar doesn't work in my XLISP environment.

(defvar global-var-tree var-tree)

;;; Testing get-1st-child 

(get-1st-child (car A) A)
(get-1st-child (car E1) E1)
(get-1st-child (car E2) E2)
(get-1st-child (car O) O)
(get-1st-child (car N) N)
(get-1st-child (car R) R)
(get-1st-child (car var-tree) var-tree)
(get-1st-child 'H A)
(get-1st-child () A)
(get-1st-child 'A ())
(get-1st-child A 'A)

;;; Testing get-2nd-child

(get-2nd-child (car A) A)
(get-2nd-child (car E1) E1)
(get-2nd-child (car E2) E2)
(get-2nd-child (car O) O)
(get-2nd-child (car N) N)
(get-2nd-child (car R) R)
(get-2nd-child (car var-tree) var-tree)
(get-2nd-child 'H A)
(get-2nd-child () A)
(get-2nd-child 'A ())
(get-2nd-child A 'A)

;;; The function get-preorder returns a list containing the root
;;; and its two children in prefix order (for example
;;; as explained in class, the root would be a binary operator
;;; such as a '+' and the children would be its arguments
;;; such as 1 and 2 and the order in which they would appear is
;;; (+ 1 2)
;;; This function supports the preorder function below.

(defun get-preorder (node-tree)
       (cond ((null node-tree) nil)
             ((atom node-tree) nil)
             ((null (car node-tree)) nil)
             ((null (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)) nil)
             ((null (get-2nd-child (car node-tree) node-tree)) 
                 (list (car node-tree) (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)
             (t(list (car node-tree)
                     (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)
                     (get-2nd-child (car node-tree) node-tree)

(get-preorder A)
(get-preorder E1)
(get-preorder E2)
(get-preorder O)
(get-preorder N)
(get-preorder R)
(get-preorder var-tree)

;;; The function get-postorder returns a list containing the root
;;; and its two children in postfix order (for example
;;; as explained in class, the root would be a binary operator
;;; such as a '+' and the children would be its arguments
;;; such as 1 and 2 and the order in which they would appear is
;;; (1 2 +)
;;; This function supports the postorder function below.

(defun get-postorder (node-tree)
       (cond ((null node-tree) nil)
             ((atom node-tree) nil)
             ((null (car node-tree)) nil)
             ((null (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)) nil)
             ((null (get-2nd-child (car node-tree) node-tree)) 
                 (list (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)
                       (car node-tree) 
             (t(list (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)
                     (get-2nd-child (car node-tree) node-tree)
                     (car node-tree)

(get-postorder A)
(get-postorder E1)
(get-postorder E2)
(get-postorder O)
(get-postorder N)
(get-postorder R)
(get-postorder var-tree)

;;; The preorder function traverses a binary tree and returns 
;;; a list of nodes in prefix order (for example (root, root-left-
;;; branch, root-right-branch, left-sub-root, 
;;; left-sub-root-left-branch, left-sub-root-right-branch,
;;; right-sub-root, right-sub-root-left-branch, 
;;; right-sub-root-right-branch, etc)).

(defun preorder (tree-list)
       (cond ((null tree-list) nil)
             ((atom tree-list) nil)
             ((null (car tree-list)) nil) 
             ((null (second tree-list)) nil)
             ((null (third tree-list)) nil)
             ((not (atom (car tree-list))) nil) 
             ((not (listp (second tree-list))) nil)
             ((not (listp (third tree-list))) nil)       
             (t(append (get-preorder 
                               (list (car tree-list) 
                                     (list (car (second tree-list)))
                                     (list (car (third tree-list)))
                       (preorder (second tree-list))
                       (preorder (third tree-list))

(preorder A)
(preorder E1)
(preorder E2)
(preorder O)
(preorder N)
(preorder R)
(preorder var-tree)

;;; The postorder function traverses a binary tree and returns 
;;; a list of nodes in postfix order (for example (root-left-
;;; branch, root-right-branch, root, right-sub-root-left-branch, 
;;; right-sub-root-right-branch, right-sub-root, 
;;; left-sub-root-left-branch, left-sub-root-right-branch, 
;;; left-sub-root, etc)).

(defun postorder (tree-list)
       (cond ((null tree-list) nil)
             ((atom tree-list) nil)
             ((null (car tree-list)) nil) 
             ((null (second tree-list)) nil)
             ((null (third tree-list)) nil)
             ((not (atom (car tree-list))) nil) 
             ((not (listp (second tree-list))) nil)
             ((not (listp (third tree-list))) nil)       
             (t(append (get-postorder 
                               (list (car tree-list) 
                                     (list (car (second tree-list)))
                                     (list (car (third tree-list)))
                       (postorder (third tree-list))
                       (postorder (second tree-list))

(postorder A)
(postorder E1)
(postorder E2)
(postorder O)
(postorder N)
(postorder R)
(postorder var-tree)

(print (preorder var-tree))
(print (postorder var-tree))

;;; var-tree is already in prefix order if I was to ignore
;;; the nested listing.

(print var-tree)

;;; The function print-atoms-preorder prints all the atoms found 
;;; in the input in preorder and then prints -done at the end.

(defun print-atoms-preorder (input)
       (cond ((null input) '-done)
             ((atom input)(princ input) '-done) 
             (t(print-atoms-preorder (car input)) 
               (print-atoms-preorder (cdr input))
(print-atoms-preorder var-tree)
(print-atoms-preorder A)
(print-atoms-preorder E1)
(print-atoms-preorder E2)
(print-atoms-preorder O)
(print-atoms-preorder N)
(print-atoms-preorder R)
(print-atoms-preorder 'H)
(print-atoms-preorder ())

;;; The function print-atoms-postorder prints all the atoms found 
;;; in the input in postorder and then prints -done at the end.

(defun print-atoms-postorder (input)
       (cond ((null input) '-done)
             ((atom input)(princ input) '-done) 
             (t(print-atoms-postorder (cdr input)) 
               (print-atoms-postorder (car input))

(print-atoms-postorder var-tree)
(print-atoms-postorder A)
(print-atoms-postorder E1)
(print-atoms-postorder E2)
(print-atoms-postorder O)
(print-atoms-postorder N)
(print-atoms-postorder R)
(print-atoms-postorder 'H)
(print-atoms-postorder ())

;;; The function list-atoms-preorder returns of flat list of atoms 
;;; found in the tree in preorder no matter how nested it is.

(defun list-atoms-preorder (input)    
       (cond ((null input) nil)  
             ((atom input) (list input)) 
             (t (append (list-atoms-preorder (car input)) 
                       (list-atoms-preorder (cdr input)))

(print (list-atoms-preorder var-tree))
(print (list-atoms-preorder A))
(print (list-atoms-preorder E1))
(print (list-atoms-preorder E2))
(print (list-atoms-preorder O))
(print (list-atoms-preorder N))
(print (list-atoms-preorder R))
(print (list-atoms-preorder 'H))
(print (list-atoms-preorder ()))

;;; The function list-atoms-postorder returns of flat list of atoms 
;;; found in the tree in postorder no matter how nested it is.

(defun list-atoms-postorder (input)    
       (cond ((null input) nil)  
             ((atom input) (list input)) 
             (t (append (list-atoms-postorder (cdr input)) 
                       (list-atoms-postorder (car input)))

(print (list-atoms-postorder var-tree))
(print (list-atoms-postorder A))
(print (list-atoms-postorder E1))
(print (list-atoms-postorder E2))
(print (list-atoms-postorder O))
(print (list-atoms-postorder N))
(print (list-atoms-postorder R))
(print (list-atoms-postorder 'H))
(print (list-atoms-postorder ()))

;;;;  Problem 2 Encode the following graph using property lists.
;;;;  Write a Lisp function that, when given a start and an end
;;;;  node, uses depth-first search to return a path between them.

;;; The graph is encoded below.

(setq G (list 'G))
(setq E (list 'E G))
(setq D (list 'D E))
(setq F (list 'F E))
(setq C (list 'C F D))
(setq B (list 'B C D))
(setq A (list 'A C B))


;;; The match function finds all nodes with the same letter 
;;; and returns a list of those duplicate nodes.  It basically 
;;; tell me if a node is unique or not within the tree.

(defun match (tree-node tree-list)
           (cond ((null tree-node) nil)
                 ((null tree-list) nil) 
                 ((not (atom tree-node)) nil)
                 ((not (listp tree-list)) nil)
                 ((eq tree-node (car tree-list)) (list tree-node))
                 (t(append(match tree-node (second tree-list))
                          (match tree-node (third tree-list))))))

(match 'A A)
(match 'B A)
(match 'C A)
(match 'D A)
(match 'E A)
(match 'F A)
(match 'G A)
(match 'A ())
(match () 'A)
(match A 'A)

;;; The get-node-tree function returns the subtree of a particular
;;; node (including the node itself).

(defun get-node-tree (tree-node)
            (cond ((null tree-node) nil)
                  ((not (atom tree-node)) nil)
                  ((eq tree-node 'A) A)
                  ((eq tree-node 'B) B)
                  ((eq tree-node 'C) C)
                  ((eq tree-node 'D) D)
                  ((eq tree-node 'E) E)
                  ((eq tree-node 'F) F)
                  ((eq tree-node 'G) G)))

(get-node-tree 'A)
(get-node-tree 'B)
(get-node-tree 'C)
(get-node-tree 'D)
(get-node-tree 'E)
(get-node-tree 'F)
(get-node-tree 'G)
(get-node-tree 'H)
(get-node-tree ())
(get-node-tree A)

;;;  The function get-1st-nonnull-atom gets the first non-nil atom
;;;  of a list or tree no matter how deeply nested it is.
;;;  This function provides the flexibility to use nils to 
;;;  mark non-existing children within a tree if desired.
;;;  But ultimately, I found it unnecessary.

(defun get-1st-nonnull-atom (input-list)
    (cond ((null input-list) nil)
          ((atom input-list) nil)
          ((null (car input-list)) (get-1st-nonnull-atom (cdr input-list)))
          ((listp (car input-list)) (get-1st-nonnull-atom (car input-list)))
          (t(car input-list))))

(get-1st-nonnull-atom '(nil nil A B C))
(get-1st-nonnull-atom '(nil (nil A) B C))
(get-1st-nonnull-atom A)
(get-1st-nonnull-atom '(nil (nil (nil A) B C)))
(get-1st-nonnull-atom '(nil (nil (nil nil) nil nil)))
(get-1st-nonnull-atom '((A B)))
(get-1st-nonnull-atom 'A)

;;; The function get-children gets all the children of a particular 
;;; node, including grand-children, great-grandchildren, etc.

(defun get-children (tree-node tree-list)
            (cond ((null tree-node) nil)
                  ((null tree-list) nil)
                  ((not (atom tree-node)) nil)
                  ((not (listp tree-list)) nil)
                  ((not (eq tree-node (car tree-list))) nil)
                  (t(cdr tree-list))))

(get-children 'A A)
(get-children 'B (get-node-tree 'B))
(get-children 'C (get-node-tree 'C))
(get-children 'D (get-node-tree 'D))
(get-children 'E (get-node-tree 'E))
(get-children 'F (get-node-tree 'F))
(get-children 'G (get-node-tree 'G))
(get-children 'H A)
(get-children () A)
(get-children 'A ())
(get-children A 'A)

;;; Testing get-1st-child 

(get-1st-child 'A A)
(get-1st-child 'B (get-node-tree 'B))
(get-1st-child 'C (get-node-tree 'C))
(get-1st-child 'D (get-node-tree 'D))
(get-1st-child 'E (get-node-tree 'E))
(get-1st-child 'F (get-node-tree 'F))
(get-1st-child 'G (get-node-tree 'G))
(get-1st-child 'H A)
(get-1st-child () A)
(get-1st-child 'A ())
(get-1st-child A 'A)

;;; Testing get-2nd-child

(get-2nd-child 'A A)
(get-2nd-child 'B (get-node-tree 'B))
(get-2nd-child 'C (get-node-tree 'C))
(get-2nd-child 'D (get-node-tree 'D))
(get-2nd-child 'E (get-node-tree 'E))
(get-2nd-child 'F (get-node-tree 'F))
(get-2nd-child 'G (get-node-tree 'G))
(get-2nd-child 'H A)
(get-2nd-child () A)
(get-2nd-child 'A ())
(get-2nd-child A 'A)

;;; The next function is a supporting function for dfs function 
;;; below.  DFS is an abbreviation for depth first search.
;;; It gets the children of a particular node (WITHOUT all its
;;; grand-children, great grand-children, etc.).

(defun next (a-node)
       (cond ((null a-node) nil)
             ((not (atom a-node)) nil)
             ((null (get-node-tree a-node)) nil)
             ((null (get-1st-child a-node (get-node-tree a-node))) nil)
             ((null (get-2nd-child a-node (get-node-tree a-node))) 
                 (list (get-1st-child a-node (get-node-tree a-node))
             (t(list (get-1st-child a-node (get-node-tree a-node))
                     (get-2nd-child a-node (get-node-tree a-node))))))

(next 'A)
(next 'B)
(next 'C)
(next 'D)
(next 'E)
(next 'F)
(next 'G)
(next 'H)
(next ())
(next A)

;;;  The dfs function below also has a search path in its
;;;  parameter list.  The search path needs to be passed
;;;  down recursively through all of its sub-environments.
;;;  The search path is listed backwards to support efficient
;;;  removal of nils if nils are used within a tree to represent
;;;  non-existent children.

(defun dfs (goal-node start-list search-path)
    (cond ((null goal-node) nil) 
          ((null start-list) nil) 
          ((listp goal-node) nil)
          ((atom start-list) nil)
          ((null (car start-list)) 
                 (dfs goal-node (cdr start-list)(cdr search-path)))
          ((null (get-node-tree goal-node)) nil)
          ((null (get-node-tree (car start-list))) nil)
          ((eq goal-node (car start-list))
                         (append (list (car start-list)) search-path))
          (t (dfs goal-node 
                 (append (next (car start-list)) 
                         (rest start-list))
                 (append (list (car start-list)) search-path)))))

(dfs 'A A ())
(dfs 'B A ())
(dfs 'C A ())
(dfs 'D A ())
(dfs 'E A ())
(dfs 'F A ())
(dfs 'G A ())
(dfs 'H A ())
(dfs 'F C ())

;;;  The function b-parent-of-a checks to see if the second
;;;  node is a parent of the first node.  It doesn't matter
;;;  if a node has more than one parent, this function would
;;;  still work.  Returns t if true and returns nil if not.
;;;  This function is a supporting function for the function
;;;  trim below.

(defun b-parent-of-a (a-node b-node)
    (cond ((null a-node) nil)
          ((listp a-node) nil)
          ((null b-node) nil) 
          ((listp b-node) nil)
          ((eq a-node (get-1st-child b-node (get-node-tree b-node))) 't)
          ((eq a-node (get-2nd-child b-node (get-node-tree b-node))) 't)

(b-parent-of-a 'F 'G)
(b-parent-of-a 'B 'A)
(b-parent-of-a 'F 'C) 
(b-parent-of-a (car '(F G E D C)) (car (cdr '(F G E D C))))
(b-parent-of-a (car '(G E D C)) (car (cdr '(G E D C))))

(setq search-path (dfs 'B A ()))
(b-parent-of-a (car search-path) (car (cdr search-path)))

(setq search-path (dfs 'G A ()))
(b-parent-of-a (car search-path) (car (cdr search-path)))

;;; This function trim removes dead branches from the search
;;; path of the dfs function above.  It is also flexible enough  
;;; to use for trimming a list of nodes so that the list is ordered
;;; from child to parent, removing any node that is not a parent
;;; of the previous node in the list.

(defun trim (a-list)
     (cond ((null a-list) a-list)
           ((atom a-list) a-list)
           ((null (car a-list)) a-list)  
           ((null (car (cdr a-list))) a-list) 
           ((b-parent-of-a (car a-list)(car (cdr a-list))) 
                 (append (list (car a-list))
                         (trim (cdr a-list)))) 
           (t(trim (append (list (car a-list)) 
                           (cdr (cdr a-list))

(trim (dfs 'F A ()))
(trim (dfs 'G A ()))
(trim (dfs 'G F ()))
(trim (dfs 'C E ()))
(trim (reverse '(A B C D E F G)))
(trim (reverse '(F D C)))
(trim '(C D F))
(trim nil)
(trim 'A)
(trim '(A))
(trim '(B A))
(trim '(C B A))
(trim '(D C B A))
(trim '(F C B A))
(trim '(F C F A))
(trim '(F (C) F A))
(trim '(F (C) C A))
(trim '(F (C)))
(trim '(F C (C) A))
(trim '(F C A A))
(trim '(A B))
(trim '(C A))
(trim (dfs 'B A ()))
(trim '(B G E D G E F C A))
(trim (dfs 'D A ()))
(trim '(D G E F C A))

;;; This function get-path is the final solution to Problem 2
;;; as defined above.

(defun get-path (root-node goal-node)
       (cond  ((null root-node) nil)
              ((null goal-node) nil)
              ((listp root-node) nil)
              ((listp goal-node) nil)
              ((null (get-node-tree root-node)) nil)
              ((null (get-node-tree goal-node)) nil)
              (t(reverse(trim (dfs goal-node (get-node-tree root-node) ())

(get-path 'A 'G)
(get-path 'F 'G)
(get-path 'E 'C)

(get-path 'A 'G)
(get-path 'F 'G)
(get-path 'E 'C)

(get-path 'A 'A)
(get-path 'A 'B)
(get-path 'A 'C)
(get-path 'A 'D)
(get-path 'A 'E)
(get-path 'A 'F)
(get-path 'A 'G)
(get-path 'A 'H)
(get-path 'A '())
(get-path '() 'A)
(get-path A 'A)
(get-path 'A A)

(get-path 'B 'A)
(get-path 'B 'B)
(get-path 'B 'C)
(get-path 'B 'D)
(get-path 'B 'E)
(get-path 'B 'F)
(get-path 'B 'G)

(get-path 'C 'A)
(get-path 'C 'B)
(get-path 'C 'C)
(get-path 'C 'D)
(get-path 'C 'E)
(get-path 'C 'F)
(get-path 'C 'G)

(get-path 'D 'A)
(get-path 'D 'B)
(get-path 'D 'C)
(get-path 'D 'D)
(get-path 'D 'E)
(get-path 'D 'F)
(get-path 'D 'G)

(get-path 'E 'A)
(get-path 'E 'B)
(get-path 'E 'C)
(get-path 'E 'D)
(get-path 'E 'E)
(get-path 'E 'F)
(get-path 'E 'G)

(get-path 'F 'A)
(get-path 'F 'B)
(get-path 'F 'C)
(get-path 'F 'D)
(get-path 'F 'E)
(get-path 'F 'F)
(get-path 'F 'G)

(get-path 'H 'A)
(get-path 'H 'B)
(get-path 'H 'C)
(get-path 'H 'D)
(get-path 'H 'E)
(get-path 'H 'F)
(get-path 'H 'G)

;;; The dfs-b function below is an alternative depth first search
;;; without a search path in its parameter list.  It returns
;;; the node atom if found and nil otherwise.

(defun dfs-b (goal-node start-list)
    (cond ((null goal-node) nil) 
          ((null start-list) nil) 
          ((listp goal-node) nil)
          ((atom start-list) nil)
          ((null (car start-list)) (dfs-b goal-node (cdr start-list)))
          ((null (get-node-tree goal-node)) nil)
          ((null (get-node-tree (car start-list))) nil)
          ((eq goal-node (car start-list))
                         (car start-list)) 
          (t (dfs-b goal-node 
                 (append (next (car start-list)) 
                         (rest start-list))))))

(dfs-b 'A A)
(dfs-b 'B A)
(dfs-b 'C A)
(dfs-b 'D A)
(dfs-b 'E A)
(dfs-b 'F A)
(dfs-b 'G A)
(dfs-b 'H A)

(dfs-b 'A B)
(dfs-b 'B B)
(dfs-b 'C B)
(dfs-b 'D B)
(dfs-b 'E B)
(dfs-b 'F B)
(dfs-b 'G B)
(dfs-b 'H B)

(dfs-b 'A C)
(dfs-b 'B C)
(dfs-b 'C C)
(dfs-b 'D C)
(dfs-b 'E C)
(dfs-b 'F C)
(dfs-b 'G C)
(dfs-b 'H C)

(dfs-b 'A D)
(dfs-b 'B D)
(dfs-b 'C D)
(dfs-b 'D D)
(dfs-b 'E D)
(dfs-b 'F D)
(dfs-b 'G D)
(dfs-b 'H D)

(dfs-b 'A E)
(dfs-b 'B E)
(dfs-b 'C E)
(dfs-b 'D E)
(dfs-b 'E E)
(dfs-b 'F E)
(dfs-b 'G E)
(dfs-b 'H E)

(dfs-b 'A F)
(dfs-b 'B F)
(dfs-b 'C F)
(dfs-b 'D F)
(dfs-b 'E F)
(dfs-b 'F F)
(dfs-b 'G F)
(dfs-b 'H F)

(dfs-b 'A G)
(dfs-b 'B G)
(dfs-b 'C G)
(dfs-b 'D G)
(dfs-b 'E G)
(dfs-b 'F G)
(dfs-b 'G G)
(dfs-b 'H G)

;;;; Problem 3 Develop a representation for a tic-tac-toe board
;;;; Write a function that, when given a board configuration as
;;;; its argument, returns a list containing all of the next
;;;; possible moves.

;;;  The tic-tac-toe board is represented below

;;; The graph is encoded below.  It's basically a trinary tree.
;;; Currently, the board is completely empty
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))


;;; This function emptyp checks to see if the particular node
;;; is empty (=1 in the first child) or not.  It returns the
;;; a list containing the node if true and nil otherwise)

(defun emptyp (node-tree)
       (cond ((null node-tree) nil)
             ((atom node-tree) nil)
             ((null (car node-tree)) nil)
             ((null (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)) nil)
             ((eq 1 (get-1st-child (car node-tree) node-tree)) 
                     (list(car node-tree)))

(emptyp left-1)
(emptyp left-2)
(emptyp left-3)
(emptyp mide-1)
(emptyp mide-2)
(emptyp mide-3)
(emptyp rite-1)
(emptyp rite-2)
(emptyp rite-3)
(emptyp line1)
(emptyp line2)
(emptyp line3)
(emptyp board)
(emptyp 'line)
(emptyp ())

;;; This function next-moves returns a list of all possible
;;; moves in a configuration listed as a trinary tree.

(defun next-moves (tree-list)
       (cond ((null tree-list) nil)
             ((atom tree-list) nil)
             ((null (car tree-list)) nil) 
             ((null (second tree-list)) nil)
             ((null (third tree-list)) nil)
             ((null (fourth tree-list)) nil)
             ((not (atom (car tree-list))) nil) 
             ((not (listp (second tree-list))) nil)
             ((not (listp (third tree-list))) nil)       
             ((not (listp (fourth tree-list))) nil)       
             (t(append (emptyp 
                               (list (car tree-list) 
                                     (list (car (second tree-list)))
                                     (list (car (third tree-list)))
                                     (list (car (fourth tree-list)))
                       (next-moves (second tree-list))
                       (next-moves (third tree-list))
                       (next-moves (fourth tree-list))


(next-moves left-1)
(next-moves left-2)
(next-moves left-3)
(next-moves mide-1)
(next-moves mide-2)
(next-moves mide-3)
(next-moves rite-1)
(next-moves rite-2)
(next-moves rite-3)
(next-moves line1)
(next-moves line2)
(next-moves line3)
(next-moves board)

;;; Currently, the board has some X's and O's
;;;  X | 0 |
;;; -----------
;;;  0 | X |
;;; -----------
;;;    |   |
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))


(next-moves board)

;;;; Problem 4 Tanimoto defined a heuristic evaluation function for
;;;; tic-tac-toe boards as 
;;;; f=100A + 10B + C - (100D + 10E + F),
;;;; where
;;;; A is the number of lines with 3 X's,
;;;; B is the number of unblocked lines with 2 X's,
;;;; C is the number of unblocked lines with 1 X,
;;;; D is the number of lines with 3 O's,
;;;; E is the number of unblocked lines with 2 O's, and
;;;; F is the number of unblocked lines with 1 O.
;;;; Implement Tanimoto's heuristic evaluation function.
;;;; That is, when given a tic-tac-toe board configuration
;;;; the function returns f.

;;; The tanimoto function returns the value of the heuristic
;;; evaluation function for tic-tac-toe boards.

(defun tanimoto-f (board)

  (setq get-line1-num-of-X 
    (+ (car(third left-1)) (car(third mide-1)) (car(third rite-1))))
  (setq get-line2-num-of-X 
    (+ (car(third left-2)) (car(third mide-2)) (car(third rite-2))))
  (setq get-line3-num-of-X 
    (+ (car(third left-3)) (car(third mide-3)) (car(third rite-3))))
  (setq get-line1-num-of-0 
    (+ (car(fourth left-1)) (car(fourth mide-1)) (car(fourth rite-1))))
  (setq get-line2-num-of-0 
    (+ (car(fourth left-2)) (car(fourth mide-2)) (car(fourth rite-2))))
  (setq get-line3-num-of-0 
    (+ (car(fourth left-3)) (car(fourth mide-3)) (car(fourth rite-3))))

  (setq get-line1-num-of-empty
    (+ (car(second left-1)) (car(second mide-1)) (car(second rite-1))))
  (setq get-line2-num-of-empty
    (+ (car(second left-2)) (car(second mide-2)) (car(second rite-2))))
  (setq get-line3-num-of-empty
    (+ (car(second left-3)) (car(second mide-3)) (car(second rite-3))))

  (setq A 0)
  (setq B 0)
  (setq C 0)

  (cond ((eq 3 get-line1-num-of-X) (setq A (+ 1 A)))
        ((and (eq 2 get-line1-num-of-X)
              (eq 1 get-line1-num-of-empty)) (setq B (+ 1 B)))
        ((and (eq 1 get-line1-num-of-X)
              (eq 2 get-line1-num-of-empty)) (setq C (+ 1 C))))

  (setq D 0)
  (setq E 0)
  (setq F 0)

  (cond ((eq 3 get-line1-num-of-0) (setq D (+ 1 D)))
        ((and (eq 2 get-line1-num-of-0)
              (eq 1 get-line1-num-of-empty)) (setq E (+ 1 E)))
        ((and (eq 1 get-line1-num-of-0)
              (eq 2 get-line1-num-of-empty)) (setq F (+ 1 F))))

  (cond ((eq 3 get-line2-num-of-X) (setq A (+ 1 A)))
        ((and (eq 2 get-line2-num-of-X)
              (eq 1 get-line2-num-of-empty)) (setq B (+ 1 B)))
        ((and (eq 1 get-line2-num-of-X)
              (eq 2 get-line2-num-of-empty)) (setq C (+ 1 C))))

  (cond ((eq 3 get-line2-num-of-0) (setq D (+ 1 D)))
        ((and (eq 2 get-line2-num-of-0)
              (eq 1 get-line2-num-of-empty)) (setq E (+ 1 E)))
        ((and (eq 1 get-line2-num-of-0)
              (eq 2 get-line2-num-of-empty)) (setq F (+ 1 F))))

  (cond ((eq 3 get-line3-num-of-X) (setq A (+ 1 A)))
        ((and (eq 2 get-line3-num-of-X)
              (eq 1 get-line3-num-of-empty)) (setq B (+ 1 B)))
        ((and (eq 1 get-line3-num-of-X)
              (eq 2 get-line3-num-of-empty)) (setq C (+ 1 C))))

  (cond ((eq 3 get-line3-num-of-0) (setq D (+ 1 D)))
        ((and (eq 2 get-line3-num-of-0)
              (eq 1 get-line3-num-of-empty)) (setq E (+ 1 E)))
        ((and (eq 1 get-line3-num-of-0)
              (eq 2 get-line3-num-of-empty)) (setq F (+ 1 F))))

  (setq return-f (- (+ (* 100 A) (* 10 B) (* 1 C))
                    (+ (* 100 D) (* 10 E) (* 1 F))))

;;;  Testing tanimoto function

;;; Currently, the board has some X's and O's
;;;  X | 0 |
;;; -----------
;;;  0 | X |
;;; -----------
;;;    |   |X
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))

(tanimoto-f board)

;;; Currently, the board has some X's and O's
;;;  X | 0 |
;;; -----------
;;;  0 | X |
;;; -----------
;;;    | 0 |
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))

(tanimoto-f board)

;;; Currently, the board has some X's and O's
;;;  X | 0 | 0
;;; -----------
;;;  X | X |
;;; -----------
;;;    |   |
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(0) '(0) '(1)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))

(tanimoto-f board)

;;; Currently, the board has some X's and O's
;;;  0 | X | X
;;; -----------
;;;  0 | 0 |
;;; -----------
;;;    |   |
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(0) '(1) '(0)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(1) '(0) '(0)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))

(tanimoto-f board)

;;; Currently, the board has some X's and O's
;;;  X | 0 | 0
;;; -----------
;;;  X | X | X
;;; -----------
;;;    |   | 0
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(0) '(0) '(1)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(0) '(1) '(0)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))

(tanimoto-f board)

;;; Currently, the board has some X's and O's
;;;  0 | X | X
;;; -----------
;;;  0 | 0 | 0
;;; -----------
;;;    |   | X
;;;                        empty  X    O
(setq left-1 (list 'left-1 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq mide-1 (list 'mide-1 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq rite-1 (list 'rite-1 '(0) '(1) '(0)))
(setq left-2 (list 'left-2 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq mide-2 (list 'mide-2 '(0) '(0) '(1))) 
(setq rite-2 (list 'rite-2 '(0) '(0) '(1)))
(setq left-3 (list 'left-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq mide-3 (list 'mide-3 '(1) '(0) '(0))) 
(setq rite-3 (list 'rite-3 '(0) '(1) '(0))) 
(setq line1 (list 'line1 left-1 mide-1 rite-1))
(setq line2 (list 'line2 left-2 mide-2 rite-2))
(setq line3 (list 'line3 left-3 mide-3 rite-3))
(setq board (list 'board line1 line2 line3))

(tanimoto-f board)