Notable People
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Mr Alan Arkin
"You just never know" - Seemed to be the message Mr Arkin  conveyed during his recent visit to Albq, NM   on the 15th of July, 2002.  Mr Tom Schuch, local SAG branch President was present.  About 100 people attended the entertaining event. Mr Arkin was so generous and gracious with his time and experiences that the evening was more like a bull session between old friends.  He also answered questions from the audience. Mr Arkin's tales were funny and highly informative to both seasoned actors and the newer members of the crowd.  Mr Arkin related how the film business sometmes offers something and then the end product is something totally different 
- You just never know -
Thank you Mr Arkin for a wonderful evening.
L - R:  Ric, Alan Arkin & J. Nathan Simmons
All photographs courtesy of J. Nathan Simmons
Sir Ben Kingsley
  Sir Ben Kingsley visited Albuquerque, NM  on Sept. 1st, 2002 .   Mr Kingsley's  outlook towards his profession and his observations of the human condition and it's relationship with the actor was refreshing, inspirational. and quite funny. His sense of humor only highlighted the man's gentleness and charm. The humility he brought to the discussion was surprising given the man's astounding track record but it complimented his positive and profound observations, some of which have been quoted. 
      He is currently in Albuquerque filming "Suspect Zero" with Aaron Eckhart and directed by E. Elias Merhige.  It is due to wrap in October and will probably be released sometime in 2003.
He also has two other projects that have been filmed or are close to being filmed. 
He admitted that in every case, his character bites the bullet.
      The event was presided over  by the New Mexico SAG chapter's president, Tom Schuch
Thank you Mr Kingsley for a great evening
"Acting is Storytelling"
"Acting is what I do
with what I am"
"Cinema can be a tremendous
life enhancing force"
"Theater addresses
the integrity of the event,
Cinema addresses
the integrity of the moment"
All photographs courtesy of
Santa Fe's very own Vanja Aljinovic, a long-time New Mexico resident, hears the news that "No Man's Land" has won the Academy Award for "Best Foreign Film." Vanja was the First Assistant Director on the production and was attending the Academy Awards party sponsored by The College of Santa Fe's Moving Image Arts Department. The film was written and directed by Danis Tanovic and is released in the United States by United Artists. Filmed in Ljubljana - Slovenia, the story is about the personal interactions that take place primarily in a trench in "no man's land" between the two warring sides of Bosnia and Herzegovina during their confrontation in 1993.
"My biggest dilemma became finding ways to shoot around the sun. All the action takes place in one day, so the problem of how best to use the midday time - when the sun made it impossible to shoot exteriors - became my ongoing challenge. That, and the fact we literally had lightening strike us one day! I am very proud to say we finished on time and on budget. I'm really thrilled this wonderful and poignant film was recognized by the Academy."  Vanja Aljinovic ~ 2002
Vanja Aljinovic
Photo and Text courtesy of the New Mexico Film Office
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