Interview with some of the New Mexico cast & crew of
"The Missing"
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26 Nov 2003
How did you get involved with this film project?
Patricia:  I had contacted one of the casting people here locally and she got me a spot as a stand-in. I did one day's work at the Valle Caldera, where they were shooting, about the 9th of March.
Roman: I had heard about the show in January through RamFilms and had gone to the casting call that had drawn so many people. RamFilms submitted my headshot and resume a couple of times and I was contacted in Feb.  to begin work on the film when it started in March.
Cliff:  Ric at RamFilms contacted me and I went to the casting call and signed up. Then I got called near the end of March to go to wardrobe and get fitted for my costume. 
Angelina:  My agent contacted me.

How long were you working on the set?
Cliff:  Just one day as an extra in a town scene but it sure was fun.
Patricia:  Same for me, I did one day as a stand-in.
Roman:  I worked two weeks as a stand-in for Sergio Calderon (Men in Black).
Angelina:  A total  of three days.  Only one day was actually spent on the set. The other two days were delayed because of weather or something else.

What were the working conditions like ?
Patricia:  Freezing! And muddy! (laughs) My call time was 5:30am, so I'd drive up to Los Alamos to the motel and from there we'd van pool it up to the set at the Valle Caldera. Everyone there on the set was so congenial and nice.
Roman:  Just what Patricia said, cold and muddy. But they took good care of us. There were heaters in the tents for us and heaters were even provided for everybody on the set, off camera.
Cliff:  My situation was a little different. We were on set at the Cerro Pelon ranch where there is a western set there. We were staged in one of the buildings designated as a holding area for the extras. But we were well provided for there too. Plenty of refreshments. But it got very windy so we all pretty much stayed indoors and got acquainted with everybody.
Angelina: Miserable cold. But they had us comfortable in the trailer, they took good care of us.

To satisfy everyone's curiosity, did you work closely with any of the celebrities ?
Cliff:  Funny thing, nope, can't say as I did. I did see Ron Howard directing on the set and I saw Tommy Lee Jones go past as did Cate Blanchette and Ron Howard's brother, Clint Howard. But I really didn't work with them.
Patricia:  Oh yes! Cate Blanchett is fabulous, she is so down to earth. Jenna Boyd, who played Dot, was so sweet.
Roman:  I worked very closely with Sergio Calderon and I worked with Tommy Lee Jones in the barn scene, he is very business like, very professional, he gets into his character.
Angelina:  Certainly, I worked with Cate Blanchette. I admired everything she did, she was very professional. She got into her character. I also worked with the young girl who played Dot and Debra Martinez, who was my granddaughter in the film.

What was it like working with Ron Howard?
Roman:  Great! He is one of the nicest guys around. He was so polite. When we first got to the set, among all the Dos and Don'ts, we were told that Ron Howard likes to have a relaxed set.  It was true.
Angelina:  I haven't see a more professional approach to his work as I saw with him. He was so polite, it was just wonderful to work with him.
Cliff:  I really enjoyed it, from what I saw he was very professional.
Patricia:  He was very friendly and very professional.

What are your feelings towards this film? 
Patricia:  I enjoyed doing the stand-in work, I've done quite a bit of it. I'd prefer to get a speaking part later on.
Cliff:  I just wish I could've done more. By that I mean I wish I could've been there longer on the set, I just enjoy this work so much.
Roman:  I'm excited about it, I think it's gonna be a great film.
Angelina:  The movie is brilliant and the acting is incredible. Cate Blanchette made you feel what she was going through and as a mother it just tore my heart out seeing her anguish.

Do you feel the production went smoothly from start to finish?
Everyone:  Absolutely, no complaints.

Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?
Without an exception all  declared they'd like to continue working in the film industry and hopefully do more in front of the camera. They also declared they'd work with Ron Howard again, anytime, anyplace.

If you could say anything  to Ron Howard or any of the celebrities that worked on the show, what would you tell them?
Patricia:  I'd love to work with Ron Howard again, Cate Blanchette deserves an oscar for this show and Tommy Lee Jones did a great job.
Roman:  I'd like to thank Ron Howard for giving me the opportunity to be in this film.
Cliff:  I'd tell him (Ron Howard), "Come back and let's do another show."
Angelina:  I'd like to say, "Thanks for the privilege of working with you."

Do you have any predictions for this film?
Patricia:  Not at this time.
Cliff:  I think it's going to do well from  what I've seen of the promos.
Roman:  It's gonna be a classic. I feel it's going to be academy award material, maybe several awards.
Angelina:  I have hopes that it will sell New Mexico to the film industry (LA) and I hope that it will bring more film work to the state.
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Interview conducted by Richard Barela
L - R: Angelina Torres and Patricia Lopez
on the set of "The Missing"
Angelina Torres
She plays the 'viejita'  (old woman)  that is so concerned that losing her only tooth is going to mar her appearance.  It is a wonderful part that is excruciating to watch. 
Roman Solano:
A native New Mexican and decorated Vietnam veteran, Roman's heritage includes, curiously enough, Jicarilla Apache.  In addition to being Sergio Calderon's stand-in, Roman actually had two scenes in the movie but is virtually unrecognizable. He plays a dead Emiliano lying 'nude' in the forest.  He was also one of the captives shot by one of the Apache renegades.
Cliff Russell: 
Besides the 'Uncle Sam' character in the town scene, Cliff is possibly the only extra that has any actual screen time over two seconds and is recognizable.
RamFilms wishes to thank each of the local artists for giving of their valuable time now at the start of the holiday season to conduct this interview at the last minute.  RamFilms wanted this interview to be released at the same day that the movie is being released nationwide. This is probably going to be the only interview conducted with locals who were directly involved with the film.  Thanx again everybody!
Patricia Lopez:
A native Santa Fean with an
extensive amount of film experience as a background artist, a stand-in and an actress. Patricia is also SAG eligible
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