Mandosovo proročanstvo o Dagor Dagorathu, 'Bitci bitaka'

Thus spoke the prophecy of Mandos, which he declared in Valmar at the judgment of the Gods, and the rumour of it was whispered among all the Elves of the West: when the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth shall come back through the Door out of the Timeless Night; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon, but Earendil shall come upon him as a white flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the last battle be gathered on the fields of Valinor. In that day Tulkas shall strive with Melkor, and on his right shall stand Eonwe and on his left Túrin Turambar, son of Húrin, Conqueror of Fate; and it shall be the black sword of Túrin that deals unto Melkor his death and final end; and so shall the Children of Húrin and all men be avenged.

Thereafter shall the Silmarils be recovered out of sea and earth and air; for Earendil shall descend and yield up that flame that he hath had in keeping. Then Feanor shall bear the Three and yield their fire to rekindle the Two Trees, and a great light shall come forth; and the Mountains of Valinor shall be levelled, so that the light goes out over all the world. In that light the Gods will again grow young, and the Elves awake and all their dead arise, and the purpose of Ilúvatar be fulfilled concerning them. But of Men in that day the prophecy speaks not, save of Túrin only, and him it names among the Gods.

Ovako govori Mandosovo proročanstvo koje je on objavio u Valmaru na zahtjev Valara, a glasine o njemu kolale su među svim vilenjacima Zapada: kada Svijet ostari a Sile se umore, Morgoth će se vratiti kroz Dveri iz Bezvremenske tame, i uništiti će Sunce i Mjesec, ali Earendil će se sručiti na nj poput bijelog plamena i istjerati ga sa Nebesa. Tada će se posljednja bitka voditi na poljima Valinora. Tog će se dana Tulkas boriti s Melkorom, a njemu zdesna stajat će Eonwe, a slijeva Túrin Turambar, sin Húrinov, Gospodar Sudbine, a upravo će crni Túrinov mač dovesti do Melkorove smrti i konačnog kraja; i tako će Húrinova djeca i svi ljudi biti osvećeni.

Silmarili će biti povraćeni iz mora, zemlje i sa neba; jer Earendil će se spustiti da preda plamen koji mu bijaše povjeren. Tada će Feanor otključati Dragulje i iskoristiti njihov plamen da povrati život Dvama stablima, i veliko će svjetlo zaplamtjeti, i planine će Valinora biti sravnjene, te će se svjetlo rasuti po svoj zemlji. U tom će se svjetlu Valari ponovno pomladiti, vilenjaci probuditi, i svi njihovi mrtvi uzdići, i time se ispuniti svrha koju im Ilúvatar bijaše namijenio. Ali o ljudima u tom danu proročanstvo ne govori, osim o Túrinu jedino, a njega navodi među Valarima.

Sie quete apaken Mandosto i eques Valmaresse námanen Valaron, ar navillor so lussane nar imíka ilye Eldar Númeno: íre Ambar yeryuva ar Valar lumbe nauvar, Moringotto ter ' i Ando atatúluva i Lúmelóra Morniello, ar Anar Isilye askatuva, mal Earendil eryenna úrwea ninque tuluva ar niruvas i fanyarello. San Mahtale Métima hostuva i palúressen Valinóro. Enyáre Tulkas ohtuva Melkon, ar sen foryasse euva Eonwe, ar hyaryasse Túrin Turambar, yondo Húrino, Apaityamo Umbarto, ar erye nauva morímakil Túrinwa ya tulyuva Moringotto qualmenn' ar métima mettanna, ar sie híni Húrino ar ilye atani atakarne nauvar.

Silmarilli nantaluvar airello, kemello, ar menello; an Earendil untuluva ar i náre ya tirne auantuva. San Feanáro pantuva i Nelde ar lavuva urunta entintien i Aldu, ar altakále kaluva, ar i oronti Valinóro láratuvar, sie i kále pole palu ilya Ambarello. Kalmanen tana Valar envinyante nauvar, quendi koivuvar, ar ilye hessantar amortuvar, ar i selma Ilúvataro tien nauva telyaina. Mal atánion auresse tan' apaken ume quete, hequa Túrin, ar erye as Valar esta.

Isječak iz pisma 131. upućenog Miltonu Waldmanu

The great policies of world history, ' the wheels of the world', are often turned not by the Lords and Governors, even gods, but by the seemingly unknown and weak - owing to the secret life in creation, and the pan unknowable to all wisdom but One, that resides in the intrusions of the Children of God into the Drama.

Velike događaje povijesti, 'kotače Svijeta', često ne okreću Gospodari i Vladari, čak i bogovi, već naizgled neznani i slabi - dugujući time tajnom životu u stvaranju i svrsi neznanoj svima osim Jedinome, koja počiva u ulogama Djece Božje u Drami.

I alatyarier quentaleo, i quirini Ambaro, útelle lá nar querne i Herur ar Kánor, var Valainen, nan ínen ye séyar alaistaine ar milye - antala i fólima kuilen easse, ar indómen alaistaina ilye nólemín mal i Minen, ya ná kenima i tyarmessen Eruhínion Oienkarmenna .

Isječak iz epiloga Akallabetha

And tales and rumours arose along the shores of the sea concerning mariners and men forlorn upon the water who, by some fate or grace or favour of the Valar, had entered in upon the Straight Way and seen the face of the world sink below them, and so had come to the lamplit quays of Avallóne, or verily to the last beaches on the margin of Aman, and there had looked upon the White Mountain, dreadful and beautiful, before they died.

I priče i glasine stadoše kolati uzduž morskih obala o pomorcima i ljudima izgubljenima na pučini koji, usudom, milošću ili naklonošću Valara stadoše na Pravi put i ugledaše lice svijeta kako tone pod njima, te tako stigoše do svjetiljkama osvijetljenih dokova Avallónea, pa i do posljednjih obala na granicama Amana, i ondje ugledaše Bijelu planinu, strahotnu i prelijepu, prije nego umriješe.
Ar nyarnar ar quétier ortaner i ara hrestar earo earenduri ar atánion estellóre vanwe nenna i, umbartanen, erulissenen var annanen Valaron, 
anatúlier i Téna Tie ar ecénier i anta Ambaro unduvanne nún te, ar sie túlier calde calmainen i londennar Avallóneo, var i métime hrestannar 
rénassen Amano pella, ar entesse ecénier Oiolosse Orontenna, caurinqu' ar vánima, firner epe. 
(prijevod Meneldil) 
Isječak iz epiloga Quenta Silmarilliona
Here ends the Silmarillion.
If it has passed from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin, that was of old the fate of Arda Marred; 
and if any change shall come and the Marring be amended, Manwe and Varda may know; 
but they have not revealed it, and it is not declared in the dooms of Mandos. 
Ovdje završava Silmarillion.
Ako se srozala sa ljepote i uzvišenosti u tamu i propast to oduvijek i bijaše sudbina Arde Oskrvnjene;
a hoće li se išta izmijeniti i Oskrvnuće ispraviti Manwe i Varda možda znaju;
ali oni to nisu otkrili, niti je o tome išta kazano u Mandosovim presudama.
Sínome tele Silmarillion.
Ai oanties antána ar vanyallo mornie ar atalantenna, tan yárello umbartanen Arda Hastaino né; 
ar ai ahie tuluva ar i Hastie nauva térataina, Manwe  ar Varda istar cé; 
mal lá cenimatantes, ar úmes quétina Mandosto mandessen. 
(prijevod Meneldil) 
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