TITLE: "Wanderlust" (1/6) BY: Crash and Ten E-MAIL ADDRESSES: crashed52@hotmail.com and kristena@ocean.com.au CATEGORY: MSR, A, H, S RATING: NC-17 overall for very adult situations. If that's not your cup of tea, or if you're underage, bail now! SUMMARY: Set after the events of "The Red and the Black", both partners are drifting in a sea of confusion and loss after the events of the last year. Will their chance meeting on a weekend lead to healing and understanding? TIMESPAN/SPOILER WARNING: mainly "Patient X"/"The Red and the Black", "Christmas Carol"/"Emily" doubles, "Home", the "Redux" trilogy, lesser so: "Dod Kalm", the Abduction Arc, "Never Again", "The Field Where I Died" and "3". ARCHIVE INFO: Can be archived anywhere as long as our names, addys and disclaimer stay intact. It goes to Gossamer and the newsgroup through xff. The whole story is available on Crash's webpage: http://www.geocities/com/Area51/Lair/4832 FEEDBACK: We love it. Thank you! DISCLAIMER: The X-Files and the characters of Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Broadcasting, and are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended, no profit will be gained. "Torn" is by Natalie Imbruglia, copyright BMG Entertainment International UK & Ireland, Ltd 1998; "Rattlesnakes" by Lloyd Cole copyright SBK Songs Ltd. 1985. "Rondeau" was written by Leigh Hunt in the 1800's. "Queen of Outer Space" was made in 1958, by Allied Artists. Ginsu Knives are produced by Quikut, a division of Scott Fetzer Company, Arkansas. Kramer Books is real too, no infringement intended. THANKS TO: Vickie Moseley, Lisa, Debbie and Mr & Mrs Frogdoggie for all their wonderful suggestions and help. Especially to Vickie and June in regard to Scully's POV in this situation. NOTE FROM TEN: (You can skip these if you want and get on with the story. We won't cry... Much.) Unlike our previous collaborations, "Steam and Ice Cream" and "The Worship of Flowers", this actually has...plot! GASP... :) You see, once there was an xf fan in Australia, who was very annoyed at the writers for overmanipulating Mulder and Scully and the viewers with the "Emily" episodes. Thanks for the Merry Christmas, boys... She wished they hadn't done it, but since they did, she wanted more resolution, and for M&S to actually have a decent conversation about everything that had happened. "All Souls" didn't deliver that for her. So, she thought, "I'm a writer, I'll do it myself!" She came up with a story, but realised she would never get it done by herself. She needed someone to pull her through the angsty scenes which she would keep putting off. So she turned to Crash, who rose to the challenge magnificently. Crash also vastly improved the storyline by rearranging the order of certain scenes so it wasn't just one big angst-fest. Thanks for all your help, dear! NOTE FROM CRASH: Regarding the above, can I have a cookie? Sorry Ten, had to be said. Seriously, I share Ten's ire at the unresolved storylines brought on by "Emily" and "All Souls". It bothered me so much I considered entering a 12-step program. "Hi, my name is Crash and I'm a romo." But, fortunately, reason (read Ten) prevailed and instead I collaborated with my Australian counterpart on this story. Bless her heart, she's been forced to put up with the bromides of the American south to the point that I think if she hears one more witticism about Moon Pie she'll cross the Pacific and shoot me. Once again, I'm forced to write the lines to my dear friend, thanks for encouraging my behavior...and thanks for putting up with it too. WANDERLUST by Ten and Crash May - September 1998 XxX Scully pushed the power-window buttons, lowering the windows to her bright blue Chevy Cavalier as she sped down Route 50 towards D.C. She wanted wind to blow through the car to air it out and hopefully air out her troubled mind. She cranked the radio up on her favorite alternative rock station, hoping a little loud music would clear up those thoughts as well. Unfortunately, the radio station had other ideas. "Her unborn child still haunts her as she speeds down the freeway..." Lloyd Cole's voice filled the car and her mind, and she gripped the steering wheel tightly. Scully's child had been born, but not to her and she'd never gotten to know Emily. Anger flushed her cheeks as she thought about the many things taken from her in recent months. She jammed a cassette into the tape deck, wanting to erase the subject of children from her mind. "There's nothing there, where you used to lie, my inspiration has run dry..." Natalie Imbruglia. Scully sighed heavily. Well, Natalie's feminine angst was a welcome change to the earlier tune. She felt her shoulders relax slightly. Scully wanted some inspiration; that's what this day was going to be about. She'd lived the last few months hiding from the rest of the world. Shopping at night. It was just too painful to be out and see happy people with their happy children when she herself felt so miserable. But today, she vowed, would be different. It was a sunny Saturday and she was going to head into town from Annapolis and do some shopping. She just wanted to spend a day doing nothing but stuff for herself. Her mother had seen to it that Scully was alone. They were supposed to have brunch together, but Maggie Scully had to cancel at the last minute. So it was going on 11 a.m., Scully hadn't eaten, and the whole day stretched before her. A whole day to herself. No aliens, no mutants, no Bureau, no Mulder. She sniffed. Mulder. He might not be around, but it wasn't like she could shake her partner from her head with a 7-scale earthquake. Scully's mouth twisted into a scowl. It vexed her Mulder was able to fill her thoughts regardless of what she tried to do to the contrary. Or did it? Despite Mulder's ability to utterly annoy her, Scully often had warm thoughts about him as well. Warm thoughts that bordered on hot. She quivered every time she thought of his warm hand surrounding hers as she lay in a hospital bed...or the feel of his warm lips on her forehead... It made her warm and led to even hotter thoughts she wasn't sure she wanted to explore. But at night, she couldn't push those thoughts away into the dark basement of her psyche. At night her dreams took over and she couldn't fight the feelings so deeply entrenched in her subconscious. Dreams of Mulder. Like the one she had the previous night. But this one was not exactly warm. It wasn't a nightmare, but the premise frightened her. Scully shook her head and sighed. /Don't go there, Dana./ "I never saw you as a Mom." Mulder's voice filled her head. That's what he had said, sitting on that bench in Home, Pennsylvania, but then later he called her 'Mom'. Of all the fantasies or memories of Mulder that her dreaming mind could have chosen, it - like the radio - had conspired to replay the memory of the one time she and Mulder had actually discussed children and parenthood. Not exactly discussed...quizzed each other under the guise of a joke. Extending feelers to see if it was something the other wanted out of life. "We all feel the need to procreate." "Do we?" His voice, so husky and loaded with... We. Us. Yes - us. "Find a man with a spotless genetic makeup and a really high tolerance for being second-guessed, and start churning out the little uber-Scullys." Then he rubbed her back. His way of putting his hand up to say he was the one? Her mind briefly wandered to the hideous thought of the woman under that bed in that horrible house. She shuddered. All those deformities, all that damage. She briefly released the steering wheel with one hand and touched her own abdomen. Damage. The damage she suffered was far less noticeable but equally devastating to Dana Scully. She always thought she was going to be like her brothers one day, with kids constantly buzzing around her feet. But no, apparently that wasn't the life chosen for her. Her pain was a deep ache; a hole in her chest area. When she saw children now, it seemed like she couldn't find enough room in her chest to move her lungs because it hurt so badly. It was tangible. And her arms would ache for the longest time afterwards too. Scully bit down on her lip. /I will not allow myself these thoughts./ She gazed out her car window and realized she had made her way into downtown. She maneuvered the car down a couple of streets and forced herself to concentrate on the fact it was a beautiful day and warm for this time of year in Washington as well. She spotted a parking space and angled her car in. She got out of the car and pushed her Ray Ban wire rim sunglasses up her nose. Even though she'd had the pair specially made, she still fought with keeping the things in place. /Curse this small body./ Scully gazed around at the throngs of twenty to thirty-somethings milling around DuPont Circle. She breathed a sigh of relief that mostly adults frequented this part of town. This was the perfect place for her to relax and make herself a part of the world again. She crossed the street with the light and headed into her favorite bookstore in town. The place had a fabulous brunch and her stomach grumbled. The thought of the omelets and fruit cups was making her mouth water, but she wasn't sure she was ready to sit at a table, in public, ALONE and have brunch. She was terrified of what dark thoughts that action might bring up. She resigned herself to browse for a book, one on UFO's she'd decided. She sniffed a little at the thought but then shrugged. So what if she wanted to try to know a little more about Mulder's obsession. /Is that really it, Dana? Or is it the man with the obsession you're obsessed with? I don't know what he believes in anymore./ She was so lost in her thoughts she nearly crashed into a bookshelf. As she caught herself, Scully noticed a very familiar tall, dark man down the row from her. He was leafing through a book on Vikings. /Vikings? Should I be worried about what our next case is?/ She braced a small hand against the hard wood frame of the shelving and took in the view of her partner in his casual finery. She couldn't help the smile that crossed her face. She briefly looked at her feet and then back up. He still hadn't noticed her, even under her intense scrutiny. XxX So much for a peaceful Saturday morning. It was usually spent lazing around the apartment, catching up on all the mail and subscription magazines that piled up during the working week. But since his public declaration that aliens weren't landing but instead were completely red blooded and part of the government, the fallout had been spectacular. Half of the mags he subscribed to (and had written articles for) clogged his answering machine and e-mail with messages of outrage. A lot kicked him off their mailing list. Mulder liked that idea so much that during lunchtimes at work when Scully wasn't around he contacted the rest with the same purpose. The thought of continuing to wade through that garbage was enough to give him indigestion. So, no more. The only one he couldn't face canceling was "The Magic Bullet". The Lone Gunmen dealt in government conspiracy too, not just little monochrome men, so it was still of some use. And they were his friends. Until the phone call two hours ago. They'd rang up - all three of them on speaker phone, Langly getting the most words in, all excited about some new sighting in Iowa...or was it Nebraska? Mulder's head ached. What did it matter? What did it matter where the government chose to stage their little setups? They could call an abductee up via the chip and have the person come to them... "Guys, I -" "Nick at NICAP got the jump on this one for us. He thinks if you come up straight away, he can get you in before clean-" "I DON'T CARE!" he screamed down the line. "Didn't you LISTEN to my speech at the convention? It's just the Government cleaning up after the Government - or even if there are aliens involved, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! I'm sick of it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Stunned silence. A muted "Uhhh..." from Frohike. Mulder slammed the phone down. He didn't know what to believe in anymore. Krycek had told him some potentially interesting things, but then again...trust Krycek? All it had led Mulder to was a military base and another blank gap in his memory... Nothing. No proof of aliens. Perhaps he should not have cut the Gunmen off - a chance perhaps to gather proof against the Government and find out more about the chips, but did he want to? At the moment it was all too much. After several long minutes of sitting with his head in his hands, he wandered over to the computer and checked his e-mail, hoping for something to channel his rage at. Bingo. One was from "Abductee" magazine, wanting his opinion on the group burnings. He quickly fired back a reply telling them very colorfully where to go. He wondered if Scully would be interested in talking to them. /Change lanes, Mulder! Think of something else./ He wasn't sure if he meant Scully or the burnings there. Or both. He needed something to do. Everything in his apartment - except perhaps the porn - was in some way connected to the paranormal. Getting through the working week was enough of a struggle these days; sick of the taste of the "paranormal bouquet", questioning himself whether or not he shouldn't just resign and be done with - there was no way he was going to OD himself on the weekend too. Lately his partner, not just the work, was really unnerving him. He loved to see her at work, but he also felt relief when they parted... /Why?/ Mulder left his apartment, passing a box full of UFO magazines. He'd dump them in the recyc bin tomorrow before his jog. He took the subway. He sat in a window seat, watching the darkness whiz by, changing to a station, more darkness, a station... Like his beliefs, they kept changing back and forth. The train cutting through them, tearing, traveling so fast that he couldn't order his thoughts. /What do I believe? What can I believe?/ The poster in his office. The classic UFO shape looked like a saucer, but it also resembled a plug, like one you'd stopper a sink with. For years, the belief in UFOs had plugged that black hole in Mulder's psyche, the emptiness where his sister and his parents should be in his life. It provided a quest, possible answers, possible reconciliation. Sightings like the Gunmen reported would usually give him a tingling rush of blood. The hunt on again. Not now. Everything he'd fought for...was nothing. The fact that Scully's cancer was in remission was a relief that COULD sustain him, a glorious victory, an easing of guilt...until he found out the chip - the chip he'd given her - was just as dangerous as any disease. Cancer versus acting like a red-haired lemming. Mulder got off the subway at DuPont Circle, headache now nicely in residence, and headed for Kramer Books. His black hole was pleading for something to fill the gap, so he would try to feed it. This was a great bookstore. It would be nice to browse the new novels. Nice and normal. Then by the time he'd had a good look here, he would be ready to feed his hunger for food. Wandering the shelves, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, Mulder began to relax. His mind labeled potential titles in the New Release Novels section. He spent a while at the Poetry bookcase. Remembering old poems, lines that had touched him. One in particular came to mind: Rondeau. "Jenny kissed me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat in; Time, you thief, who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in: Say I'm weary, say I'm sad, Say that health and wealth have missed me, Say I'm growing old, but add, Jenny kissed me." Mulder blinked angrily, hot tears suddenly in his eyes. /Well, Scully didn't exactly kiss me when we met, not in a physical sense, anyway. But that describes me. My waste of a life. I don't even have a kiss to cling to. A loser./ His mind flashed to searching the charred bodies, frantic. /I nearly didn't have her any more./ That particular memory was all too prevalent these days. Standing on Skyland Mountain with Scully. His partner wanting answers, probably wanting comfort, but everything was blotted out in his head. /I don't want to be here,/ his mind kept chanting, trying to protect him by distancing him, disassociating. He couldn't handle being back there. Not at the site he'd lost her. The memories were unbearable. He'd had to walk away. The same with when she'd woken up in the hospital after the burnings. He'd fled from her side. Loss. All was loss. And Scully was sucked into the void. She was alive. He felt dead. She had become a believer, he was... Just what were they now? Hovering, unsure of where to place their feet, what poles to align to. /Jenny kissed me...if only.../ Mulder walked out of the Poetry section, struggling to bring his breathing under control. He soon managed to and wiped the sweat away. He found himself standing in front of the history section. A large hardcover book on Vikings caught his eye. He used to love Vikings. His father read the tales to him and Sam - mainly to him because he was so fascinated. Young Fox built a longboat out of ice cream sticks for a school project and got an A. All those fascinations, phases and hobbies... Vikings, pirates, dinosaurs, rocks... It had been a long time. The book was expensive but seemed very thorough. He felt excited as he recognized pictures and names. Mulder decided to buy it. He tucked it under his arm and headed back towards the Novel section. He'd made up his mind which ones to choose. Then he noticed the section he was about to pass. The Paranormal. Grainy images on every cover. His jaw set. Pass it he did. Without hesitation. He stopped at the Novels section, heart pounding, shaking slightly as if he'd broken a sacred ritual. Then he quickly began plucking his selections off the shelves, making a nice pile in his left arm. He headed for the counter. "Mulder?" came her voice behind him. XxX END PART ONE OF SIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TITLE: "Wanderlust" (2/6) ****NC-17**** for very adult situations BY: Crash and Ten E-MAIL ADDRESSES: crashed52@hotmail.com and kristena@ocean.com.au Disclaimer in Part One /That can't have happened.../ Scully thought it was easier to believe her regression tape than the sight of Mulder stalking past the Paranormal bookcase. /He must be a clone!/ Surely there was some allure still there - if not, why was he still working on the X-Files? She hastily followed her partner, noting on the shelf the Close Encounters book she'd read about on the Net, and caught up with him just before the counter. "Mulder?" He nearly dropped his books. "Oh - hi!" She looked at him with concern. He was struggling to find something to say. She approached and pointed to the bottom book. "Vikings? Should I be worried about our next case?" She smiled. He managed one too. "No. No more meteors that make us one hundred and have the anti-wrinkle skin care companies up in arms. This is for me." "Interesting choice." "I need a hobby." He sounded flippant. Scully felt her Mulder-alarm go off. Four little words. A joke. Could it be possible to hear an edge of desperation in four quick little words, or had she imagined it? Her worry for him grew. She fine-tuned her senses, her own troubles momentarily forgotten. "Egypt used to be my big thing," she told him, hoping that if she kept him talking, he would reveal more. "Nah, never did it for me. Those flimsy see-through dresses really stirred my young imagination, but the bald heads ruined it." "And big bulky men with beards, longboats and axes succeeded?" "Nah, it was the braids and the fur, really." They both laughed. "I just loved the tales. Dad used to read them to me. Anyway, what literary material are you seeking this fine morn?" "I'll know when I see it." Scully was thinking of the Close Encounters book, but did she want to purchase it while Mulder was around? Though she did want to grab a big hardcover and whack the girls behind the counter who were eyeing him off intensely. "Just dabbling. Then I was going to have lunch." /Alone.../ "That was my plan too. Great minds, huh?" They moved over to the counter, and he handed his choices over. "The day started off pretty crappy, so I was planning on going to my favorite restaurant in Georgetown after this, but I was so distracted I forgot to drive - the subway doesn't run there. I'll get a bus." Scully wondered just what had gone wrong this morning. But this was not the place to ask him. If they had lunch together, she could. "I can drive you." "Are you sure? I mean, do you want to have lunch there?" "Why not?" But now her own personal alarms were going off behind her calm face. /Georgetown. Children. There will be children around. Is it too soon? Can I do it? How can I tell him that? Though I didn't want to be alone for lunch, and I need to find out what's bothering him. We could have brunch here, but it's not really his type of food. I want to spend time with him. So, I'll manage./ "Great, thanks." Mulder paid for his purchases. "I can wait while you have a browse." His stomach promptly protested otherwise. Scully laughed and handed him her keys. She told him where her car was, that there was a packet of peppermints in the glovebox, and that she would be just a minute. She headed back to the Paranormal section and got the book, then a historical novel she had also sought after. Mulder would see the bag, but she would put it in the trunk and lie about what she had bought. XxX Mulder stood just outside the store - munching on some sunflower seeds he'd remembered were in his pocket - but close enough to the counter to see Scully approach it. And her purchases. He saw her see him, and falter. Then she collected herself and handed the books over. He could read the loud, blaring print. Close Encounters. And some novel. Strange choices for a one minute dabble of the shelves. /I can smell intent here. Trying to woo me back to the dark side of the force so she can take up her old role again?/ Scully approached him, bag under her arm. He fancied he could smell her defiance and uncertainty. For several seconds, they faced off, staring at each other. "Is that my birthday present, Scully?" "No, it's my reading material for the weekend." Mulder fought the urge to yank the bag from her grasp and toss it out into the traffic. He had no idea what to think of this. "Where did you say your car was again?" A SHORT TIME LATER... "Are you actually admitting that you thought I was right?" Mulder couldn't help asking as he stared at his partner's flame hair blowing in the wind. /And which version of me was right? I don't know what I believe any more.../ Scully was skillfully weaving the car through cross town traffic and not focusing on him with her eyes. He was taking the rare opportunity to take in every line and plane of her face. Her beautiful, tortured face, he mused. But Mulder knew although she might not see him with her eyes, she saw him with her mind. The thought made him grip the car's armrest a little harder. Scully sighed heavily. "All I'm saying, Mulder, is after all that has happened to me, I feel I should be more open to...different ideas. For crying out loud, all I did was buy a book," she said, laughing. He managed to chuckle a little bit and then grew serious. If she wanted to know more about the Paranormal, why didn't she come and ask him? Why sneak around like that? He had all the books. Well - he thought of the pile he was close to dumping. /Wonder if she wants them?/ "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to make light of..." he trailed off. "The cancer," she finished for him. "Mulder, you can say it. I didn't die...Sorry, that was the wrong thing to say." She shook her head as they stopped at a stop light. She turned briefly to face him. "Look, I'll be the first to say I'm angry that so much has been taken from me and that there is still so much I don't understand, but if I focus on it I'll just be miserable. I just have to content myself with the fact that I have my life and my health if nothing else...I..." A woman in a green dress holding the hand of a little girl wearing a red and white polka dotted dress crossed in the cross walk in front of them. The little girl didn't have blonde hair, but that fact didn't matter. Scully bit her bottom lip and then allowed her head to drop down. She didn't cry. "Damn," she said in a shuddering breath. Mulder's hand stretched across the cavern of the car and brought his hand to her chin. His strong fingers gently forced her head around to face him. Her mouth was a thin line and Mulder felt his throat go dry as he furiously fought for something to say to her. "Scully...I'm sorry about Emily, but..." "It was never meant to be, Mulder." The stoic Scully returned and the light turned green. She drove on and seemed as though the last two minutes had never happened. But Mulder knew they had. He had evidence. His hand had left Scully's face but now rested on her knee. She'd made no move to chastise him or tell him to move it. Mulder decided this was an opening. "Don't shut me out." Her jaw set. "Don't shut you out? What have you been doing with me the last few months, Mulder?" His eyes narrowed. He moved his hand back and crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't know what you're talking about." Her eyes flicked to her right to stare at him in disbelief, then returned to the road within an instant. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Fox Mulder. You scoff the things you once so devoutly believed and me for giving them credibility." The words came quietly and not in an accusing tone. "You've grown so distant from me of late I don't even think I have a partner some days. I've lost you too." Mulder bit his lip as he realized the sad quality his partner and friend's voice had taken on. "I suppose I deserved that," he replied quietly. He'd become so unsure of himself he'd allowed himself to be unsure of her, and now he cursed himself inwardly. Unsure of Scully. That had to top the list of things completely absurd. Mulder stared out the front window of the car. He mused that he'd become a prisoner of his own fears. He had wanted to dump everything on the paranormal out of his life - and in a demented way, that included Scully. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. He winced. /Wrong image./ Mulder thought back over all the stupid, insensitive remarks he'd made to her over the last months. His stomach twisted inside his chest and he coughed. Scully sighed next to him. /Scully's not the problem, you jerk./ Mulder tightened his arms around his torso. /I'm the problem./ His career was spent chasing after little gray men and shadow conspiracies. For what? To find his sister or to find himself? The answer was immaterial. In his quest for the truth he'd found nothing and only managed to lose himself further. Now he sat looking across the abyss of his life wondering whether to stay his course or jump into oblivion. Scully's soothing voice pulled him back from the edge. "I'm sorry, Mulder. Let's not talk about this. It's making us both uncomfortable and I'd really rather just relax and enjoy your company." Scully braked the car as they came to another stoplight. She faced him and moved her hand to his knee. He turned to face her and covered her tiny hand with his. Their eyes locked, but the light turned green and Scully turned her attention back to the worrisome DC traffic. AT A BARBEQUE JOINT IN GEORGETOWN... Mulder stared at the white foam at the top of his beer. Occasionally a bubble would burst and then disappear into the rest of the foam. He identified with the bubbles. After a long while he brought his eyes up over his barely- touched meal to meet Scully's gaze. He knew she'd been staring at him the whole time. He was just hoping one of those bubbles would tell him what to say. "Are you finding truth in a bottle, Mulder? Or a beer mug in this case?" She gave him a tight, thin smile that looked more like pain than mirth to him, and he was sure it felt that way to Scully. He sighed and then barked a small laugh. "The truth, Scully? There is no truth, only lies." His voice was bitter and then he realized what he'd said, "Scully, I..." "Mulder, I can't tell you I know what you're going through, because I don't. I'd like to talk with you about it, but you've closed yourself off from me. I mean, we're sitting here, mere feet from one another, and yet I feel like you're a million miles away." She placed her palms on the table and looked down at her hands. Mulder mused at how young she looked despite all they'd been through the last five years. She never wore much make up and he could see the faint, girlish line of freckles over her cheeks. Her red hair was tucked behind her ears and one of her hands was fingering the paper tube that had covered the straw that now rested in her iced tea. Mulder dimly thought it was like looking back in time - he could almost imagine what she looked like as a child, or what a child of Dana's would look like. Mulder swallowed hard. "God, you must hate me," the words left his mouth in a strangled whisper. Scully's head snapped up, "What?" "Scully, you've deserved so much more out of your life than what's been given to you the last five years...hell, more like what's been taken. Christ, I...Dana..." He lifted his eyes to hers and pinned them. He noticed her eyebrow raise at the use of her first name. He trudged on, "All that's happened to you is my fault. God, the day you found out you were in remission...it was one of the happiest and saddest days of my life. I was so ecstatic that I wasn't going to lose you, but then I realized how selfish that was. I'm such a bastard, I've always thought of you in terms of your connection to me and not as a person who has a life, and wants and needs...and well, shit. Look, I realized that day how much pain I'd caused you with MY obsession and how unfair it was that you got pulled along for the ride. I made up my mind then and there I wasn't going to do that any more, and God, I tried. "I came to the conclusion that all of this garbage I was chasing was just that, garbage, and not only was I ruining my life chasing it, I was ruining yours as well. "But you've always been your own person." He chuckled lightly. "And somehow through this you opened your mind to all the 'garbage' I was dismissing. It scared the hell out of me, Scully. I don't want you to become me and I don't want to hurt you more than I already have." His voice quavered on unshed tears that he was only barely able to keep back. "You've lost as much, if not more than I have, thanks to this ridiculous little quest and I don't want you to lose any more...I can't bear the thought of..." Mulder's hands now lay flat on the table, inches from Scully's. She stretched her fingers over until they were touching his and then slowly covered his hands with hers. Transfixed, he watched her make the motion, and his words died in his throat. Her girlish face had suddenly grown quite serious and sad. She slid her small fingers around his large palms and gripped his hands. He watched a small tear trickle down her cheek. "Shut up, you idiot." XxX Scully watched as Mulder's jaw went slack. There were only a handful of times she'd been able to do that to her partner, and she relished every single one of them. She was less jubilant about this time though. Pain and guilt hung about Mulder's lanky frame, and it didn't suit him well. Scully DID feel pain about many of the things that had happened to her over the last five years - pain and anger. But the feelings weren't directed at Mulder. Mulder had suffered the same slings and arrows and more, all at the hands of some nameless, faceless group that skulked down the alleyways and through hidden chambers in cavernous Washington, D.C. buildings. Those men cast as large a shadow as the buildings they used to cloak their skulduggery. She composed herself and spoke softly to him, noting he had to lean forward to hear her above the din of the restaurant. "Mulder, how could you think I blame you for anything that's happened to me? We may not know precisely who is responsible for all of the things that have happened to us, but I do know precisely it wasn't you. "And I have to tell you, I'm not sure I want to carry the burden you've saddled me with here. I really don't think it's fair of you to make me feel guilty like that." "What are you talking about, Scully?" "Your crisis of faith, Mulder. You just said you didn't believe in many of the things you have for so long, and you said it was partially because you didn't want to ruin my life..." "Scully..." "No, Mulder, let me finish. I have a question to ask you. Who said I wanted you to decide what's best for me?" She was still holding his hands but there was a hint of anger in her voice - she'd made sure it was there. She had to try to snap him out of this, end the illusion he had. She hoped this was the right way to go about doing so. She felt Mulder move his large hands from under her small ones and thought that she'd blown it. Then he laced his long fingers through her small, delicate ones. She didn't protest. "No one could ever tell you what to do, Scully. I just didn't want to hurt you any more. I don't know what is 'best' for you, but this sure isn't. I thought if I took myself away from all of this I'd stop hurting you, but I couldn't seem to get far enough away from the X-Files or from you to make a difference..." "Who said you were hurting me, Mulder?" Now she made sure her voice was gentle. She watched as his eyes flicked up to hers then down again. He looked so boyish, like he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't, that she almost smiled. He started to let go of her hands but she held fast to them and his eyes came up to hers again. "Dammit, Scully, don't try to tell me you weren't hurting or that you aren't now." "I'm not trying to tell you that, Mulder, but I'm not accusing you of causing me pain either. I've had my doubts about alien life, I still do, but I can tell you with certainty I've never doubted you like this and it hurts like hell that you doubt me." "I don't doubt you, not now. I doubt me and everything there is to do with me. I wonder if my entire life is some made-up farce. That someone somewhere is having a good time fooling with me, like I'm some damn sideshow freak in a circus. "For Christ's sake, Scully, I've been told that everything I once believed was a lie and for awhile that looked like the truth and now it doesn't and...What the hell am I supposed to believe, Scully? I can't even trust myself anymore to know what the truth is - the lies have corrupted so much." Scully fought the urge to rise out of her seat and take Mulder in her arms. Looking into his face, she could see he was falling apart and she felt helpless. She wished she knew what it would take to put him back together again. The lost little boy look had swept over him again in a torrent. She could see in his face what twelve year old Fox Mulder looked like. Her hands trembled as she realized Mulder probably resembled what his own little boy would look like. /And what if he had your blue eyes...Don't go there./ Scully tried to regain her composure but her hands began to ache, and she felt hot, salty tears spill down her face. /Breathe.../ Mulder jumped from where he was sitting and slid into the booth seat beside her. She was glad they had gotten the last booth in the place and she was facing the window, so none of the patrons could really see them. She buried her face in her hands as she felt Mulder pull her close to him, and then she felt his breath close to her ear. She shuddered slightly. Her chest was leaden. "Shh. God, I'm sorry. You don't need to hear about my screwed up life any more than..." Scully elbowed him in the ribs and turned her tearstained face to his. "Mulder, it's not that, and not everything is about you, OK?" She realized too late that was probably not the best way to phrase it. She felt his hand move from her shoulder to her chin. He said nothing, but looked into her eyes. She was powerless to take her eyes from his and it was making her really uncomfortable because his eyes were begging to know what had caused her to cry. XxX "Oh Mulder, you just looked like such a little boy just then and I thought about what you looked like when you were a child and then I thought about what YOUR child would look like and it made me think of Emily and..." Mulder watched her face as her voice caught on another sob, and he pulled her closer. He ran his hands up and down her back in a soothing motion and he felt her relax slightly into him. He kissed the top of her head and tamped down thoughts of taking it further. Although at this point his mind was screaming: "Why?" What would it hurt, after all? They had so much taken from them, didn't they have the right to comfort one another, to be there for one another? They did that, but Mulder also knew they loved one another too, and that was the one thing that was never allowed to see the light of day. They both kept it buried very deep, and that suddenly made him very sad. Mulder's mind wandered back to what Scully had said about HIS child. He sighed. /The only way I'd have a child is if...Oh God, I can't go there./ His brain did though, and suddenly the vision of a red-haired girl with laughing hazel eyes popped into his mind. He squeezed his eyes shut and held Scully harder. "Mulder?" Her voice was muffled against his shirt. He backed away slightly and looked down into her face. "Yeah, Scully?" He pushed a few loose strands of her hair back behind her ear. He felt her shiver as he touched her. He desperately wanted to kiss her, but this was not the time or the place and he had no earthly idea how she'd even react to such a gesture. He blinked a few times and she spoke. "I...I need to go clean up a bit, I'm sorry, I totally came unglued. So much for relaxing and enjoying one another's company..." "Hey. None of that," he said quietly, "I'm glad we had this talk, I mean, I know it hurt, but we do have a lot out on the table now." She nodded and he pushed away from her to let her out. He stood next to the table and as she got up she stood on tip toe and kissed his cheek as she whispered, "Thanks, Mulder." His jaw dropped for the second time that day as his eyes followed her receding back towards the ladies' room. XxX The second that Scully entered the ladies', she realized she'd left her purse in the booth. She swore under her breath, because she really needed the makeup in it to mask her blotchy face. /I'll have to go back out.../ She saw that Mulder was sitting back in the booth, gazing out the window, hand lightly fingering where she'd dropped the kiss. She couldn't help smiling. Then her smile died. A few booths away, a young woman was being greeted by her friends. She was wheeling a little boy in a stroller. A gorgeous one year old with an even more gorgeous grin, lapping up the attention as he sucked and bit on a cloth clown. Scully felt her heart thud and her lungs hurt again. /Children. Oh God... I can deal with this. I can't fall apart again. Mulder needs my help. They'll disappear into their booth and me into mine, and out of sight, out of mind./ A fragment of conversation drifted over from the laughing mother. "- to see you too! I just have to go feed him, then he'll be even more of a charmer and let us have a scream-free lunch!" "Okay, Mol!" /Oh God, she's going to come over here - to the baby change rooms.../ They were right next door to the ladies. Scully watched, hypnotized, as the woman had to wheel the stroller around a table of eaters, close to Mulder. He didn't notice, staring out the window. Then the little black-haired boy threw his clown away. It sailed into the booth and whacked Mulder on the chest. Scully saw him jump, startled. "Oh, I'm sorry! Owen, why are you throwing Beanie away?" Scully watched, unable to look away. Mulder didn't see her standing there. He blinked and gazed at the clown splayed out on the tabletop. Somehow Beanie had missed his beer, but swandived into some sauce. Mulder looked up at the mother and down to the child, and Dana saw alarm in his face. /Probably hoping they're gone by the time I get back./ And suddenly she saw sadness. She felt the emotion as surely as Mulder's face registered it. He picked up the toy. "Not a problem. It's - Beanie's? - got some sauce on him though. I think I can get it off..." He slid out of the booth and walked towards them, scrubbing at the clown's bandy torso with a napkin he'd dipped in his water glass. Mol smiled at him. "Beanie's got worse than sauce on him. I think he's saturated ten times over with drool." Mulder squatted down in front of Owen, still wiping at the toy. "You've got a good arm there, fella. Make a good pitcher. Or a three pointer for the Knicks. But I think this sauce might be a little hot and spicy for you." Scully had come nearer during this exchange. Owen peered at her partner closely, weighing him up. She could see the expressions of both Mulder and toddler because they were in profile to where she was standing. Mulder smiled at Owen, then began to pull a face for him. /The Mr. Potato Face.../ Pain shot through Scully, and she saw the same memory hit her partner, as he abruptly ceased the facial gymnastics. He looked down, concentrating fiercely on the toy. She knew if he looked up, there would be tears in his eyes. Mol was fussing around with the diaper bag on the back of the stroller, so didn't notice anything amiss. Scully saw how taken Owen was with him. She saw longing in Mulder's face. Naked longing. Legs trembling, she edged around behind his back towards the booth. She had to sit down. She felt the hard wood of the booth below shoring her up, yet she trembled all over. She wrapped her arms around her body, willing the dull ache she felt in them to go away. She squeezed her eyes shut and then forced them back open to the scene before her. Mulder collected himself and reached out to gently stroke the boy's cheek, tickling under his chin gently. The baby giggled in delight. Mol finished securing the bag and was ready to go. "Do you have children?" Mulder stood up, staring at the doll, rubbing harder at it. "I can't... I can't..." he stammered. Scully caught her breath, almost as a moan of pain. /Can't what? Can't get the stain off Beanie? Can't discuss this? Can't have children?/ He whispered the rest of the sentence - she couldn't catch it. /Oh God, is he infertile too, or...does he mean...us?/ XxX END PART TWO OF SIX http://www.geocities/com/Area51/Lair/4832 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TITLE: "Wanderlust" (3/6) ****NC-17**** for very adult situations BY: Crash and Ten E-MAIL ADDRESSES: crashed52@hotmail.com and kristena@ocean.com.au Disclaimer in Part One "I can't...I can't have children. My partner and I can't have children," he clarified more softly, handing the toy back with a shaking hand. His stomach became rock. Those thoughts of seeing Scully with children... He'd ached because of the loss to her - but there was more to it than that. THEIR loss. His chance to become a father. He'd shoved it aside subconsciously as a selfish feeling, disregarded his heartbreak, channeled the anger into and against the X- Files. The revelation came like an earthquake. This disillusion, the depression. It wasn't just the loss of his belief in UFO's. It was his grief for them both as parents. /I hope Emily was ours. I have a feeling she was... I couldn't bear if she was someone else's.../ "I'm sorry..." the young mother said, her face a genuine expression of sympathy. She stammered for something else to say as she put Beanie back in with his master, but then junior began issuing quite a smell which needed immediate attention. "Excuse me," she said apologetically and wheeled the stroller into the change rooms. Mulder watched her go, arms slack at his sides. He hoped they were safely hidden in the change rooms before Scully resurfaced. He thought of his father reading the Viking tales to him. /I wanted to do that. I want to do that... Why did I leave all those ova there? Why didn't I ask a Kurt for a freezer bag... How stupid was it to carry only one vial out, and in my pocket? Heat killed the ova...stopped it being viable./ He remembered his gut felt it had been punched when the Gunmen finished checking the vial and gently gave him the bad news. Mulder knew he hadn't been thinking straight while in the clinic, that his focus was on Scully's cancer cure and not children...but still... /Our kids... Our only chance.../ He did want children. Before Scully told him she had cancer, before he found out about her sterility, he'd always thought that at the end of this long path there would be Samantha, as well as a nice little town somewhere that would welcome Scully and him as they settled down away from the rat race and produced uber- babies. The desire came up in his daydreams every so often when he thought it safe to indulge in castle- building, then was moved to one side with resigned pangs as he'd get the next case or call from an informant. But not after he knew about the cancer. He'd shoved it aside, shoved aside everything apart from trying to save her. He'd taken non-conspiracy cases on to keep her working, keep her busy, as normal as possible, respecting her, while he put in the nights gathering more information and tracking down leads to find her cure. /I can't break down. Not here. I have to help Scully. I can't drag my feelings into this. I've got to stop thinking that it's all about ME./ He turned back to the booth, hoping to use its shelter to collect himself, only to find Scully sitting in it, watching him, looking even sadder than when she'd left. XxX If his words earlier hadn't been an indication, Mulder's face was a clear sign. Scully could tell he was deeply disturbed about seeing that child. She desperately wished she'd heard all of what he'd said to the mother. The words she had heard kept playing over and over in her head. /I can't...I can't.../ "Scully...when did you get back here?" Scully shook her thoughts from her head, ignored her aching arms and lungs, and looked up at him. "Just a bit ago. You seemed kind of busy there," she said without much emotion. Mulder's face twisted and her insides did the same. He sat back down across from her in the booth. He picked up her hand lying on the table and began worrying her fingers in his, consistently running his thumb over the delicate bones of her hand. It eased the ache, or at least took her mind off it. He wouldn't look up. "Mulder, what is it?" "It bothers you, doesn't it? Seeing children. I mean, I know you wanted a family and well..." he trailed off and turned his head. He abruptly dropped her hand and ran his own through his hair in a familiar frustrated gesture as she stayed silent. Then he did the one thing she couldn't argue with - quoted her own words back at her: "I can't tell you I know what you're going through, because I don't. I'm here to talk about it if you want, but you've closed yourself off from me. You're a million miles away." /Damn. He's got me./ "Mulder. I'm sterile. I could adopt, certainly, but yes, I wanted to have children of my own and yeah, it bothers me. I think I'm entitled to be bothered..." His head snapped up and his eyes flashed angrily at her, "It's not like I can have children now either!" Scully's eyebrow arched up her forehead and her mouth formed a thin, taut line. She crossed her arms over her chest, daring him to explain himself. He brought his fist down on the table and swore under his breath. "I...I'm sorry. I..." "Mulder, no one is blaming you for my sterility. I was just trying to tell you I am angry about it. But I'm not angry with you...what do you mean you can't have children?" she blurted out suddenly. Fear crept into her voice. /Have they done something to him too?/ "I just meant...I mean it's not like there's anyone...I just don't think - given my current position - that I can be a father." He looked at her. She saw a lot of pain in his eyes and he suddenly rose. "Let's get out of here, Scully," he offered her his hand and she took it, allowing him to pull her up as she grabbed her purse. She put it in the pocket of her jacket. "We've both had a little too much sadness here," he said, forcing a smile. "Let's get outside and have some fun." XxX The bright sun hit Mulder's face, and he pulled his sunglasses from where they were clipped to his shirt. He slid them up his long nose and shortened his long strides so Scully could keep up. He placed his hand at the small of her back to guide her up next to him. Scully smiled. Mulder returned her smile brightly, but his thoughts were dark. /You almost blew it back there, Spooky./ He was kicking himself for almost telling Scully he wanted to be the father of her children. /Selfish bastard. Like she should even care I feel her loss. I caused it, for crissakes./ He sucked his bottom lip in and jammed his hands deep into his pockets. /How dumb was that? Thinking that she would be able to read my mind, understand my pain...even though I've only just realized why myself. Geez. And Oxford gave me a Doctorate... Why be angry at her? How irrational can I get? Then again...there is NOTHING rational about this scenario./ Mulder felt small, which was an amazing feat around his petite partner, so he slumped to make himself smaller and watched his feet as they walked. He dimly wondered what Scully would think of him if she knew his secret fantasy. If she knew he wanted nothing more than to sire her some children and live some sort of mundane life with her in a quiet little neighborhood. /She'd probably laugh like hell./ And Mulder had to admit to himself the whole idea of them married was a bit far-fetched. Scully was the only woman he'd been close to in five years. Kristen didn't count. Or his stupid angst over that 'soulmate'. Yet, he still called Dana by her last name. He loved her like no other woman he'd ever been involved with. Yet he'd never told her that or so many other things about him and his life. He spent long nights on his leather sofa fantasizing about what it would be like to touch her, kiss her, make love to her. Yet he felt guilty when he allowed himself the pleasure of guiding her through a doorway out of some backward chivalry that the 90's hadn't quite knocked out of him yet. He sighed heavily. /Jenny kissed me.../ Then he felt her light hand wind its way around his arm. "Dana?" he said. The name just slipped out. Scully's eyebrow arched up at him and she smiled. "Fox?" Her answer was low and throaty, and it made him feel weak in the knees. "I...I never call you that. Five years together, Scully, and I still call you by your last name." "Well, it's only fair. You won't let me call you by your first name," she said, chuckling. "I want you to call me Mulder at work. But when we're not FBI agents, like now, you can call me Fox...just don't do it a lot," he said, laughing. Scully stopped walking and jerked back on his arm. Mulder stumbled a bit and then was facing her. "Are you saying there are going to be more times like this?" she asked seriously. Mulder coughed. "Uh...well...I..." "Mulder...Fox," she corrected, "I'd like that." "Then that's what I'm saying," he said, with a toothy grin spreading across his face. "But you can only call me Fox as long as your arm's linked with mine." He chuckled, turning. He proffered his arm as he spun and she linked with him again. "OK, that's the only time you can call me Dana as well." They both laughed and fell into a light discussion about his Viking book. Mulder explained how his Dad would read the stories to him and how he'd have vivid dreams about sailing on the high seas, dressing in heavy furs and plundering villages. He noted Scully choked back a laugh at that revelation. They rounded a corner and Mulder almost tripped. Just a few doors down from them was a store that he'd had many unpure thoughts about. It was an adult shop. He'd stood outside its windows many times, staring at the wares they found tame enough to put on display in the window. Just another in a litany of places and things that led him to less than partnerly thoughts about the redhead at his side. "Well look, Mulder! Pleasure Purveyors. Do they stock those videos you're so fond of?" "Wouldn't know. I've never been in." "Liar. I bet you've been in this place at least a dozen times." "Scouts honor, Scully. I get all my stuff by mail order. So what about you, you ever sample their wares?" "NO!" she said with a large measure of indignity. Mulder laughed at the blush creeping across her face and pulled her up to the window. "Aw c'mon, Scully, are you trying to tell me you've never once bought a," He turned to the window and selected an object at random, "set of love cuffs?" XxX "I already have a perfectly good pair of handcuffs, Mulder!" Scully blushed as a passing man laughed at that, then she grinned too. "These don't chafe as much... Velvet lining," Mulder explained with a totally innocent look. "Really?" "Well, so it seems on the videos... Seriously, Scully, I've seen an ad that says this isn't your usual dungeon hideaway adult shop. It's run by women for women, but men are just as welcome." If that was the case... "You really want to go in?" He nodded. "I need a hobby, remember?" he joked. Dana studied his face and saw a healthy dose of two expressions she thought her partner had abandoned along with his UFO convictions: namely, animation and curiosity. There was a light in his eyes again. /Okay, if this is what it's gonna take, why not? I'm curious too. It might be fun - and God knows we both need some fun./ "So let's go in." She had the satisfaction of seeing his jaw drop further than she'd ever made it go. "Really?" he spluttered. She put her arm around his waist. "Yeah, Fox." She thought any form of touching would let her get away with his first name now, not just arm-linking. "Let me tell you about birds, bees and educated MD's... Come on." And she pulled him to the door of the shop. Scully was pleasantly surprised with her first impressions of the interior. The shop was a bright, medium-sized room, sectioned off into various areas. The woman behind the counter was talking on the phone, but gave them a pleasant smile. Not leering. She was wearing a stylish business suit jacket and skirt instead of leather or something low-cut. Scully could see only one other couple apart from them in the shop, over by a vase of dyed ostrich feathers, apparently choosing a sexy color. "Where do we begin?" Mulder asked. Scully relaxed her hold on him, suddenly shy about being seen in a place that would mistake them as lovers. /Dana, they're going to mistake us as lovers in here whether or not we're cozying up together! People mistake us for lovers all the time - even on duty. Maybe the rest of the world is smarter than us.../ Mulder's arm was still firmly around her though. She looked down at it and raised an eyebrow. "I intend to call you Dana a lot. And we're off duty," he explained. She was about to reply, but her gaze was caught by some products on a shelf. "I had no idea that lip balm could be so...versatile..." Mulder studied the labels. "Indeed... Body sauce, edible undies... Gee, what sort of appetite are they satisfying?" She elbowed him in the ribs. He gave her a pained look. "You break 'em, you buy 'em. Or at least tend to them." More studying of the shelves. "More food! Hey look, chocolate pe-" Before he could get the word out, Dana said, "That's fair enough. One of my grand aunts used to say 'A man only thinks with his stomach and what's attached to it!'" When Mulder recovered from cracking up, they moved on to the next display, a revolving rack of temporary tattoos. Scully felt Mulder tense up as he studied them in silence for a second, then he turned his attention to the next display. "Candles - hey, you've got a thing for candles, haven't you?" he asked quickly, moving towards them. "Mulder - Fox..." She tugged at his waist to still him. He turned back, still in her grip, but didn't look directly at her. "I - I had it removed. Several months ago." "Really?" "Yeah. I do want a tattoo, but not that one. Not what it ended up marking and representing. So I got rid of it." He looked like he wanted to say something and Scully wasn't sure if she wanted to hear it or not. To her relief, he only said, "Let's look at these candles." Her gaze was caught by a box full of cream and black stubby candles that promised to be full of wondrously arousing scents, and she bent down to look and smell, but a tug from Mulder stopped her. "Look at them!" 'Them' was right. There was a shelf of sculptured candles, beautifully realistic, of couples...coupling. Vertically. The wick was coming out of the man's head. "You love candles, Dana. But they're all so plain. Why don't you have one like that?" "Because I know you have keys to my apartment, that's why!" "So the straight candles are part of your image?" "For your information, I might have one of these hidden away for special moments." His gaze met hers full on. "Which one do you like the best?" She couldn't speak. He probably thought she was embarrassed. Aroused, more like it. Those eyes, those depths... He carefully reached up and pulled one down. "The couple in this look very happy. You should have one of these. My treat." He let go of her and she watched him carry it over to the counter. He showed it to the saleslady. "Can I leave this here while we look around? We might find more to buy." "Of course. Those candles are very popular. A lot of people say they'll never light them." Dana wanted his hands on her, not the candle. And when he returned to the shelf, that's exactly what he did. "What now, G-woman?" he whispered in her hair. "Let's see the big guns." Scully hauled him into the Over Legal Age section before she could chicken out. A bookcase of videos, several shelving displays of vibrators and dildos, leather wear... "Here are the videos..." she said faintly, overwhelmed. "Hmmm..." He started examining titles. Dana's gaze was nailed by the vibrators. /Look somewhere else!/ her brain screamed. She already had one, after all. Bought at one of those parties Ellen had hosted a few years ago, amidst much giggling and squealing. She'd bought that one specifically because it reminded her of... She'd dubbed it "Mulder". Her neighbors probably thought she was having an affair with her partner, but she just couldn't help calling his name when she and "he" got down to it... Well, if she'd wanted to be distracted from her barrenness, this place was succeeding in spades. XxX "Hey, Dana, these vids are interesting. They were written with women in mind, by women. I must have a look at one someday - for purely academic reasons, of course." He grinned, then noticed she seemed flushed and distracted. "You okay?" He traced her eyeline to the vibrator shelves. She muttered something and he asked her to repeat it. "They're hardly lifesized!" Mulder couldn't make up his mind whether she was offended as a doctor or a woman, or just amused. "The corpses you get to see aren't exactly in the best state of presentation, you know!" /Whoops, way to go. Put a floodlight onto her lack of love life./ She gave him a laser look. "I'm referring to the times I've seen YOU naked!" "Oh." He didn't know where to look. Or what to think. /They don't compare to me - I don't compare to them... NO guy could compare to them. But if she doesn't think I.../ She cracked up. He sniffed. "Okay, we're even for the candles." She flashed a victory smile and moved away to peer at a French tickler. "Looks like a sea anemone," he commented. "If that ever came out in the bedroom, I'd become frenzied with laughter, not passion." /I'll make a note of that./ Then they came to a display of protective gear. "Examination gloves," Scully remarked. "Well, that's one thing to strike off the list. I've got plenty of those to snap on." "List? Just what are we shopping for here?" "Impulse items." /I like the sound of that./ They had another look at the shelf. Condoms. Ordinary, ribbed, studded... "Scully, you ever try ribbed condoms?" The second the question left his mouth, panic hit him. /Idiot! Not only is that a very deadly and personal question, but you don't really wanna know her past sexual history - namely because you're not in it and you want to shoot any guy who's ever had his hands on her - and will condoms make her think about children?/ But the end result of her startled stare was a huge grin. "No, as a matter of fact, I haven't. What are they like?" "Ah, well..." She shrugged and picked up a box of them, then went out to the counter and placed them next to the candle. He remained at the entrance to the section, gaping at her, and thought he heard her say to the saleslady, "These will be interesting to try." He thought the saleslady replied: "I'd just like to try HIM!" Dana came back towards him, then her attention diverted to an array of clothes. "Look at these!" "In the case of that negligee, there ain't much to look at." He followed her, glad to get out of that other section - the climate control in there must have been malfunctioning because it was very stuffy. Mischievously she held up a loincloth. "Something to sleep in, Mulder?" He shook his head. "The only thing I have on in bed is the radio." "Care to tune me into it?" a female customer asked, giving him a hot look, heading past them into the video section. He knew if he followed her in, within two seconds he'd have her phone number emblazoned across his forehead in red lipstick, but that wasn't an option. Besides, even before she spoke, Scully's reaction to his comment had him mesmerized. She was staring at him, and boy, had her breathing quickened. She blinked and put the loincloth back. "Nothing else?" she asked huskily. "No." /Omigod, she's thinking of me like that. And...she LIKES the idea! I hope one of these aromatherapy aphrodisiacs doubles as smelling salts, because I'm going to need them in a second./ They were standing over on opposite sides of a clothing rack, a safe distance between their reactions. /If I went and put my arm around her now... It won't be the same as we were just a few minutes ago. We've crossed a line./ "On the road?" she asked. /Hey, we can do it anywhere you like - the road, the back of a Taurus... Oh./ "When we're on a case I always wear my boxers at least. As you can probably remember from all the times I've burst in on you with an idea or when one of us has had a nightmare... Courtesy." "No need to be polite on my account..." she murmured. "I always thought..." "What?" "That you WERE the sort who would sleep naked. Back to nature..." "Nature? In space no one can hear you scream, and in the woods no one can hear you coming. So, you mean you think of me - of what I wear, or don't - in bed?" /Why AM I asking this?/ "Oh, look at this outfit..." He'd pushed too hard - her chest was rising and falling as if he was making her sprint. But he did have his answer. She didn't JUST think about him in that sort of way...she fantasized? He hastily turned his focus to the outfit, hoping it was the equivalent of a torrent of cold water. Ha. A teeny bikini set made of little gold coins, like a bellydancer might wear. "Um, there's certainly enough room for everything to fit OUT of it..." "True." /So, are you suggesting that if I sleep naked on the next case, that you'll wear that? The gold would look great against your hair and skin./ He wanted to carry it to the counter. He didn't quite dare. He stared from her to the outfit and back again. So did she. "Let's have a look at the book section," Scully suggested, and he hastily agreed. At least with books they couldn't say "That would look great on you...or hanging off you." There were a wide variety of sections. Books about finding the right partner in whatever sort of relationship, how to keep them, erotic art, alternate sex, positions, outercourse, hot novels, humor, everything. Mulder spotted a shelf full of books on sterility. /Was I thinking we can avoid it - hide away from all the kids in the world for the rest of our lives? If I show her these books, will it upset her or help her? Could these books help ME?/ He glanced over to where Scully was reading the back of a romance novel. She put it down and moved towards him. Then he saw her eye get caught by a book title. He wasn't 100% sure, but he thought she was looking directly at "Women Who Love Too Much". Then she smiled and turned back to stand next to him. He didn't dare put his arm around her, even though he ached to. To his relief, her arm stole around his waist, and his automatically responded. "What is it?" he asked. "Feels like a waist to me..." She lightly tickled his side. /Sometimes I do feel like a waste.../ "I mean back there." "Just saw something amusing. Something I don't need." /You're not in love with me that much? But that book - I'm not sure, but isn't that when a woman feels she lets the guy get away with too much that isn't good for her because she loves him too much to put her foot down? Or is she thinking that 'too much' is a dumb term? God, I'm confused./ He picked up a book at random. A version of the Kama Sutra. With the poses done in photos by models. He went to put it back down. "Open it." Scully had that intrigued look on her face. He did so, at random. The pose before their eyes left him wondering whether he was holding the book the right way up. "You ever done that?" she asked. "No." /But it's looking better and better./ XxX END PART THREE OF SIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TITLE: "Wanderlust" (4/6) ****NC-17**** for very adult situations BY: Crash and Ten E-MAIL ADDRESSES: crashed52@hotmail.com and kristena@ocean.com.au Disclaimer in Part One She didn't know if she was teasing Mulder or not. "Open to another one." He obeyed her. Were his hands shaking? The Position of the Wife of Indra. 'Suitable for the highest possible congress.' The man was kneeling, the woman was on her back, with her legs bent, feet resting against his torso. "You work out, don't you, Scully?" Mulder suddenly said. Very softly. /God, I want THAT workout! Fox in the hole... DANA! I'd be small and flexible enough to tuck up against him like that, with him in -/ "Let's buy it," she found herself saying. "I mean - a copy each! Otherwise, we'll wear this one out staring at it." "There's only one left." His voice was like an unconscious caress over her skin. "We'll share it then - until another copy is ordered in." /I hope I sound practical...because I really don't want anything except him. Too bad he wasn't for sale. If there was a price tag on him, I'd snap him up in a second./ She thought for a moment. /There IS a price tag on loving him, choosing to stand beside him. A very high one./ "Okay," Mulder agreed, closing the book and heading for the counter. He saw her hesitation and stopped. "Dana?" "Yes. Yes, it is okay." Mulder stood there blinking at her. /Oh God. I hate it when he does that. He looks positively...Don't go there./ Scully knew she had to get them out of there. She felt like her body was electrified and only Mulder would ground her. /Preferably against his hips.../ "Are you hungry?" she blurted out. His eyes widened and she turned crimson. She meant no double entendre, but given their situation, she could see why he thought what he did. "I mean, we barely touched our lunches. Mom brought over some turkey lasagna the other night and there's more than enough for both of us." /Please say yes./ His eyes were so soft and she felt the electricity jump up another notch. /We have to get out of here. Or is the place really to blame, Dana? Get real, you've been having hot dreams about ol' Spooky here for quite some time. You're just REALLY close to realizing them here./ Mulder reached over and stroked her arm and she nearly jumped out of her skin. "Sure, Dana. I'd like that." XxX Mulder watched as Scully once again deftly manuevered the car through thick traffic. But something was wrong and had been since she'd invited him to have dinner with her. She was painfully quiet. All through their sordid tour of the adult shop she'd been quite loquacious, teasing him even. He'd really liked it. But suddenly she was withdrawn and chewing on her bottom lip. /What happened?/ He'd been stunned when she suggested they buy that book "together." His mind was marveling over what that could mean. And even after he'd made the remark about her "working out" she hadn't pulled back, in fact she invited him to her place for dinner. /Get lucid, Spooky, Dana's hardly the 'your place or mine' kind of girl./ But there had been definite signs in that shop. He knew she loved him and he was hopelessly in love with her. Almost every little reaction in that shop had suggested they both might want to take things in an "un-partnerly" direction. So why now was she suddenly withdrawing from him? /Did I do something? Have I pushed too hard and she's just being overaccomodating to me once again?/ "Scully?" She jumped and sputtered, "Yeah, Mulder?" /Oh way to go. It's been Dana all afternoon and now suddenly you've lapsed into formality.../ "Dana...you OK?" he asked, reaching over and touching her shoulder. He let his fingers rest there. She drew in a sharp breath, but then seemed to relax. "Yeah Mul...Fox. I'm fine." /Oh God. She's fine./ "Do you know how much I hate those two words coming from your mouth?" The traffic light turned red and she stopped the car. She reluctantly turned to face him. "What?" "'I'm fine'. It means anything but when you say it, Dana. Did I say or do something in the store to upset you?" Her face looked blank and confused. He noted it had the same look she reserved for puzzling over a new strain of alien virus on some corpse he'd forced her to autopsy. /So what's she trying to figure out here? Is she scared I now expect something from her?/ "Nnno. I'm sorry. My mind was just wandering. I hate all this traffic." "Dana, you don't have to take me home and fix me dinner. I can cook for myself and if you'd rather be alone, I don't want to..." "Fox," she pinned him with her eyes, "Nonsense. I WANT to have dinner with you and I've seen how you cook for yourself. Sweet and sour bologna CAN'T have any nutritional value, OK?" She laughed at her own joke and he chuckled along with her. The light turned green and she turned her attention back to the road, but not before placing a reassuring hand on his knee. He felt like someone had shocked him. XxX Scully was fumbling with her keys and a million thoughts were racing through her head. /God, I can't believe I'm even thinking this./ She supposed she was sunk from the moment they walked into that adult shop. There wasn't going to be any turning back now. But still, dozens of bad thoughts were running through her head. After all, Dana Katherine Scully was a good Catholic girl. She was a doctor and respected as one of the FBI's top pathologists and instructors. Sure, she'd gotten a tattoo and almost had a one night stand...well the tattoo was gone and her near fall from grace wasn't a complete one. But here she was, on the precipice again, ready to jump in with both feet. But this wasn't a one night stand. She was actually wanting her partner. Completely, unabashedly. For tonight and for every other night to follow. /Smooth Dana. Invite him to dinner so you can seduce him. You don't have the first clue how to go about that./ The whole thing went against everything she'd ever believed about herself. She actually wanted to throw caution to the wind and break a whole lot of rules. /Remember that price tag./ But it wasn't just that tumbling into bed with her partner was risky. She was troubled over what would happen if they allowed this relationship to blossom. What would happen with their careers? How would they handle it? What would they do if the Bureau or, worse, the Consortium found out? But one fact was drowning all of the others out. /I can't pretend I don't love him any more. I can't go on living this lie./ She managed to get the door open, and she and Mulder made their way into the apartment. He shrugged out of his jacket and gently placed his shoulder holster on her coffee table. He plopped down on the sofa and went immediately for the remote, channel surfing with the efficiency of a pro. She smiled and sighed a little at her own weakness for this brown-haired monster invading her living room. "Make yourself at home." She chuckled. "Mmmhmm." He was already completely engrossed in a science fiction movie on the Sci-Fi channel. She set their purchases down on the coffee table as well as her own gun and headed for the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink?" Mulder looked in her direction and smiled. "Nope, I'm good. Uh, can I help with anything in the kitchen?" "I don't think so, Mulder," she said, laughing. She laughed harder when he looked relieved. She turned to the refrigerator and pulled out the lasagna and popped it into the oven. She located the lettuce and some veggies and began to prepare a salad. The last few hours she had been so distracted she hadn't thought about food, but now it was looking good. When she paused in chopping the carrots, she heard a paper bag rustling in the living room over the sound of laser rays. Scully turned her head to see Mulder intensely scrutinizing their purchases. He turned the box of ribbed condoms over in his hands several times as he chewed on his bottom lip. She felt her own breathing quicken and she had to choke back a groan when he put them down. Next he picked up the candle and a broad grin crossed his full lips. /What I wouldn't give to be that grin./ He put the candle down and picked up the book - the grin became even wider as he flipped from page to page. He wasn't looking at her and didn't even know she was watching him. He flipped over one page and his eyes got really wide. Scully quickly finished the salad and stuck it back in the fridge to keep cool while the lasagna finished heating up. She headed back to the living room, making a quick stop to make sure the table looked presentable for company. She had set it for two that morning expecting her mother for brunch, but after her mom canceled Scully had just left on her outing without picking up the place settings. Mulder saw her coming and started to close the book. "Now, now Mulder. I want to see what you've found that's good enough to tear your attention away from 'Queen of Outer Space'." /Is that a challenge in my voice?/ She settled in next to him on the sofa. She got an eyeful of page 64. "Oh my..." Mulder laughed, "Can't take the heat, Scully, stay IN the kitchen. This recipe here's kinda spicy." She slugged him playfully. "How do you know I haven't tried that particular position?" She leered. "Oh? Have you? Why don't you tell me how it works then, Agent Scully? He leaned in just a bit too close. His breath was hitting her lips and they opened of their own accord. She began to lean forward towards him and the phone rang. She blinked twice and then quickly got up and walked around the sofa. She picked the squawking phone up from its cradle on a sofa table just behind the couch. "Hello." "Dana, honey, it's Mom." "Hi, Mom." /Perfect timing, Mother dear./ "I'm really sorry I couldn't come for lunch today. What did you wind up doing?" "Oh, it's OK, Mom. I went into town and ran into Mulder so we had lunch. We wound up going to a bunch of...bookshops." She pinned Mulder with her eyes, threatening him to keep his mouth shut. He grinned evilly at her. "He's here now, and we're going to finish off that lasagna you brought over." "Oh, good. Tell Fox I hope he likes it. So did you buy any good books while you were shopping, dear?" "Did I buy any good books..." She paused long enough for Mulder to take his cue and hold up the Kama Sutra and point wickedly at it. Scully flushed crimson and shot him a glare. Mulder smiled even more broadly and spoke for her. "She found this really cool recipe book, Mrs. Scully...and I can't wait for her to try the recipe on page 64." Scully picked a pillow up off the couch and throttled him with it. Just then the oven's buzzer went off. "Mom, I've got to go, the lasagna's ready. I'll call you tomorrow. Bye now." She turned her gaze to Mulder, who was still smiling wickedly. She tried very hard to be angry and look angry, but then they both dissolved into laughter. XxX Mulder was glad Scully wasn't too angry with him. A few empty threats but he'd managed to make her laugh, which was a vast improvement over her earlier mood. She'd made her way back to the kitchen and had just finished putting the food on the table. He was hesitating to go over because he was truly enjoying watching her move about in her own home. She was comfortable here in her own surroundings and Mulder wished he could see her looking like she did at this moment more often. "Queen of Outer Space" had just gone off, and a commercial invaded the television's screen. It was one for Ginsu knives and Mulder suddenly became interested. He always thought the ads were so corny they were funny. "Hey Scully, c'mere, it's the Ginsu knife commercial!" She crossed the room to him and he regarded her seriously, and did his best commercial announcer voice, "It can cut a tin can in half!" They both cracked up. Mulder stared at her eyes. He never could quite get over her eyes. They said so much when she said so little with her voice. He touched her hand and then held it. She smiled at him. He stood up and tried not to feel awkward towering over her in their close proximity. His eidetic memory was reminding him they'd almost kissed just before Maggie Scully's call. He wanted to finish what he'd started. He gently placed a hand on her cheek and stroked it lightly. Their eyes were still locked. Scully looked at him for a long moment as his head moved still closer to hers...and then a squealing little girl on the television quickly diverted her attention. Mulder held in a swear, and then he practically had to catch Scully. His eyes flicked to the screen and saw a four year old blonde girl. She looked just like Emily. Scully was trembling as she stared, her mouth agape at the screen. Mulder placed his other hand on her cheek and pulled her face around to look at him. He could see tears welling up in her eyes. "Don't..." he said and then quickly let her go long enough to fumble for the remote and click the television off. Scully turned away from him and started to walk away. He rushed up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. She stopped. She was shaking. He moved his hands to her waist and gently pulled her into him, placing a light kiss in her hair. "I'm sorry, Dana." "It's not your fault..." "I know, but it doesn't mean I can't care about how you feel." She spun in his arms to face him. "Mulder...Fox, that's part of the problem. I don't even know how I feel. I...I mean...she was my daughter and I felt pain at her loss, but sometimes I wonder if it was enough...I know I can't stop my life just because hers ended but sometimes I feel like I haven't done enough to grieve her loss. "I mean, God, I lost a child. But I barely knew her AS my child...a few days... How am I supposed to feel? I mean, I feel terrible, but I didn't...is it wrong to feel ambivalent about her yet...oh, God I just don't..." "I don't really think it's her loss you're grieving, Dana. Yes, you're sad - she was your daughter, but you didn't really know her. You never had a chance to form a strong bond with her." He slid his hands back up to cup her face and kept speaking. "Most mothers get to carry their child for nine months. Then go through birth. Feed and care for their baby. That and all those nights of rocking and soothing to come leads to the bonding. The father is out of the loop a little until after the birth, then he gets to start building up a connection with his child. Women who give their children up for adoption have to go through the carrying and the birth, the forming bond. Surrogates...a lot distance themselves from it. 'This is not my child, I'm the carrier.'" Scully was silent, blank. Mulder took a deep breath and continued, hoping he was helping. "Egg donors can be anonymous and not know if they have children walking around or not. I had a friend in high school - Justine - she phones occasionally to catch up. Last time she told me that she had given some of her eggs to a couple whom she became friends with in Atlanta when she was traveling last year. He could conceive, she was barren. Justine said she would do it for them, but not for one of her cousins, for example, because that would be too close for her. But with those friends a distance away, she could distance herself and see any children as theirs. "But with Emily... There are no case studies for this situation. I think you're really grieving the loss for the chance to have more like her. And you're so confused and guilty because society expects a mother to grieve a certain way. But there is no right or wrong way in this." Scully looked down and Mulder saw tears trickle down her face. He saw her dawning realization. /God, hit the nail on the head./ He sighed and pulled her in closer. He felt her arms grip him tightly and her shoulders worked up and down as she sobbed. He smoothed her hair and kissed the top of her head again. He knew exactly how she felt. He'd been grieving her loss as if it was his own. In his mind, it was his own. Deep down, Mulder did want children. But not just any children. He wanted to father Scully's children. Granted they could adopt. /That's making the huge assumption she'd ever decide to share her life with you./ But it wasn't quite the same as conceiving a child of their own. "Scul...Dana. Look, I can't pretend that I know what you're going through but I...this hurts me to see you like this...I..." He felt her slide her hands along the cotton of his shirt and he stopped talking. "You're right, that's what hurts the most. I wanted to settle down eventually and have a family, like Bill. I wanted to be a Mom and do all the things my Mom did for me when I was a kid. I wanted to have a family and share my life..." She backed slightly away from him and gripped his shoulders. She pinned him with her eyes. "What did you mean in the restaurant this afternoon?" "What?" "You said it 'wasn't like I can have kids now either'. What did you mean by that?" "Dana..." he sucked in a sharp breath. /Just tell her. What have you got to lose now?/ "Look, it's just that I want kids too, but I never thought I'd actually get to have them...I never wanted...with this quest... OK, if I was going to have children, I'd want them to be yours. I'd want you to be their mother. No one else." He blushed and looked down until he felt a small, but very strong, finger lift his chin up. Her bottom lip was trembling and tears were falling in earnest again. She cupped his face with her hands and then kissed him ever so lightly on the lips. And then she hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and rocked her a bit until her sobs and breathing calmed. She slowly backed away from him and looked deep into his eyes. "I love you." She said it in barely a whisper. "I love you too," he whispered back. His stomach let loose with a loud growl. They both gaped at one another and then laughed. "On that note," she told him, "Dinner is getting cold." XxX Dinner was eaten with appetite in near-silence. They spent a lot of the time studying each other, enjoying being together with no paperwork in the way. No hiding behind barriers. /Looking at the man who I know loves me. He loves me!/ The dishes were done in the same manner. When they finished, she noticed Mulder watching her, shifting slightly on his feet. /He wants to know if he can stay./ Dana realized that whatever she asked of him tonight, he would give, but he would not take advantage. The ball was in her court. He would hold her with just as much love in a fully-clothed embrace as in one of those Kama Sutra positions. "Mulder...can we...can we just - sit on the sofa and hold each other for a while? I want to feel your arms around me. I want to feel your heart and breathing against me." She watched the change in his eyes, how they shone, and marveled. So they did. His t-shirt was warm against her cheek. His heart was strong, if a little fast. His breathing was content. His hands gently stroked her hair and back. Both happy with this new level. She dimly realized this was another thing that had made her arms ache. Just like that child in the restaurant she ached to hold, she had often ached to hold Mulder. Certainly she didn't see him as a child, it wasn't that. This ache was different. The void was altogether different. "Fox?" "Hmmmm?" against her ear, raising the hairs on her neck. "Thank you. What you said earlier -" She couldn't, wouldn't raise her head to see his face. "About how and why I'm grieving... You're right. I didn't think of it like that. I was guilty and confused. I still am in a way, but things are clearer. A weight's gone from me." It still brought tears to her eyes, and Mulder held and rocked her, whispering. They were still holding eons later when Scully became aware that Mulder was the one crying now, and rocked him, taking over as he mourned their lost children. He tried to stop, to pull himself together - Dana knew he was trying not to upset her further - but he needed the release as much as she did, and she told him so. A while later Mulder suddenly began to talk. He kept his face over her shoulder and haltingly began to explain the reasons for his behavior over these months, what he had realized today, his terror and guilt about giving her the chip. How he stayed in the X-Files in the hope of finding the bastards who abducted her. She reassured him over and over that it wasn't his fault. His flow eased down to quiet phrases about having to apologize to the Gunmen and something cryptic about her loving him too much. She managed to get out of him that he'd seen the book peeking out of an old stack on her end table, and quickly reassured him that it was a title she had once thought she needed but soon realized she didn't. And especially now; she knew for sure that their love was something special - not 'too much'. They had both been damaged. But together they formed a wholeness. Sleep came. The dream came. The bench again. Talk about children. This time it was different, more than memory, crushing, frightened - Mulder moved in his sleep, waking her. Dana scooted closer to him, trying to clamp down on her rapid breathing so she wouldn't disturb or alarm him. He murmured and wrapped his arms more tightly around her. Pain - she had felt real pain. /Oh God, please don't let it be the abduction memories surfacing. Not now. Too much.../ She let the knowledge that she was in Mulder's arms comfort her. Gradually she calmed down. Scully couldn't get back to sleep. She didn't really want to anyway. She lay thinking for a while. Eventually her thoughts turned to Emily. Her daughter had been doomed from the start. Whatever the bastards had done to change her body chemistry, she could not exist in society. But if she had been anything else...she wouldn't have been Emily... A strange calm settled over her. Eventually she reluctantly eased out of her partner's now slack embrace. Quietly, with the still-lit lamps to guide her, she went into her bedroom, turned on one lamp there and turned down the sheets. She came back into the living room for the adult shop candle, which she put beside the lamp with a book of matches. /Should I rub the wax guy's butt for luck?/ She moved their other purchases onto the bedside stand as well. Now to move the most important ingredient, whose legs were currently sprawled off onto the floor because they wouldn't fit on the upholstery. She gently stroked his forehead. "Hey, partner." "Hmmmmph?" She grinned. "Let's go to bed." That got the eyes open. "Huh?" "Bed's more comfortable. Come on." "Oh. Okay." Scully nearly burst out laughing. His expression was befuddled. He was obeying, but it was clear he had no idea just what was in store for him - whether they were just going to bed, or REALLY going to bed. He saw the candle and the rest and turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "Your assessment of the evidence is correct, Agent Mulder. I have every intention of trying to seduce you. Now or later or in the morning. Whenever. I'm prepared to be patient. To a degree." Mulder took a deep breath. "Are you sure? That it's not just because... We can wait, take our time..." "Seducing you is NOT a new idea to my mind. I value the truth, and I don't want to live a lie any longer. I want us. This is about us; it's not a distraction or diversion or a rash move." "Well now... I'd better get a good seat - I certainly wouldn't want to miss this!" His shoes had been kicked off under the coffee table hours ago, so he just removed his socks and climbed beneath the covers still in his t- shirt and jeans. He sat up against the pillows and looked at her expectantly. Waiting. "Were you born in a barn? At least take your jeans off!" "Oh, sorry - I thought you were going to do that for me." "You're a big boy, Fox. That I do know." He pouted. "Not according to you in the adult shop." "I was making a comparison. I didn't say that I compared you unfavorably." He blinked, considered this, then fumbled around under the covers. "Besides, those jeans are so tight, I don't think I could peel them off you. I don't have the patience. And if they get stuck in your ankle holster, I'd scream." She watched as his jeans were sent sailing across the room. "Can't wear the holster with these jeans. Too tight." He smirked. "I kind of noticed - though more around your rear..." Dana had to come close to him to reach the matches. Her hand shook as she struck one and lit the candle wick. "Nervous?" he worriedly asked. "Excited," she replied, and set about proving it. END PART FOUR OF SIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TITLE: "Wanderlust" (5/6) ****NC-17**** for very adult situations BY: Crash and Ten E-MAIL ADDRESSES: crashed52@hotmail.com and kristena@ocean.com.au Disclaimer in Part One She toed her socks off and unbuttoned her own jeans, blushing slightly. /I can't believe I'm doing this.../ She unzipped them slowly and pushed them down, stepping out of them. She reveled in the feel of his eyes on the light blue triangle of material revealed. "Nothing fancy. Just cotton, sorry." He shrugged. "I always wanted to go through your underwear collection, Scully. But I much prefer doing so while you're in them..." Scully suddenly realized she wasn't wearing matching underwear and felt mortified. For a second. /What am I going on about? I hardly EVER wear matching underwear! It's a romance cliche. HE'S not going to notice, and the minute that I slip into his arms, I'm only gonna care about him getting them off me ASAP!/ "Move over," she whispered. He did. She crawled in next to him, into his embrace. "Wanna neck?" His words were offset by the tender, almost worshipful, look he was giving her. "No - I want your whole damn body!" She leaned down towards him in a world that had suddenly become very small and silent. A world that was only them. At last, their lips met without interruption. A tender, exploring kiss: tasting, testing, reveling. Then more. Mulder showered her face with quick little kisses that got deeper and deeper and made her smile wider and wider until she had to have his lips on hers again. Serious necking ensued. Again they held, but this time with the sensation of their bare legs entwined, sliding up and down, their hands roaming. They rolled around under the covers, mouths locked, tongues meeting. Lit by the lamp and the candlelight. "What do you like, Dana? Where do you want to be touched? What do you want?" "I like your hands on me, Fox. Anything, as long as it's you touching me..." XxX Mulder raked his hands through her hair. He pulled his mouth from hers, bypassing her neck entirely as he pulled her t-shirt up and engulfed her bra-clad breast. She gave a short scream and writhed, grabbing her own shirt to pull it off completely over her head and arms. Her elbow accidentally hit his chin and they burst out laughing. The shirt disappeared, and so did the cream bra in short order. His mouth pulled nearly all of her breast in, then eased back and suckled at the nipple. "Mulder...Mulder...swallowing...me whole..." Her tone wasn't of complaint. "What happened to 'Fox'? 'Cause I'm definitely touching you now..." He licked her breast. "You're touching me..." She started laughing and crying at once - almost panicking him for a second before he realized just how happy she was looking. "I can't believe it... Don't stop touching me...ever." He lovingly obeyed. She was beneath him now as he moved his attention to her other breast and stroked her side. Scully tugged at his shirt. A minute of awkward fumbling and amusement followed as they tried to get it off him, eyes meeting in amazement that yes, this was happening, that they were actually getting naked together. Scully was kissing, sucking and stroking every inch of his skin that she could reach. His fingers hit a sensitive spot and she jumped slightly, then laughed again. "Stop that!" he ordered with a mock hurt tone. "There's not a French tickler in sight..." He moved his hand again, down her outer thighs, then his hand moved to her inner thighs, which definitely cut off the laughter. He stroked there, nearer and nearer to their goal, but then felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her mouth again, so raised back up to do so, his hands now around her waist and at her breast again. She eagerly accepted his kiss, but seized the hand at her breast and moved it. Mulder stopped kissing her and rose up off her, to the side, to watch as she firmly guided his hand downwards. His hand was palm down on the smoothness of her skin, flat, while hers was on top, fingers in between his, steering with assurity. The covers threatened to block their view, so Mulder tossed them off with his free hand, and continued watching in fascination and anticipation. Both watched as their joined hands reached the top of her panties, slipped under, and disappeared between her legs. Then Scully stopped looking, eyes clamping shut, back arching. A strangled cry issued from her. Mulder moved his fingers, eyes still open. He saw her legs moving restlessly, seeking, reacting. The same with her hands, as her right hand reappeared, too overwhelmed to guide or contribute. He saw her face and thanked God for the sight. He stroked her core, discovering what brought about the best reactions. He somehow managed to get the panties down her legs without having to interrupt his handwork, now sliding fingers inside her. One, two. Up and down. Faster. While his thumb kept working her core. "Mulder...Fox...us. Now. Us!" He frowned momentarily, worried. He was certainly ready. She was certainly wet, very wet, but was she ready enough? They hadn't been at it very long - it just seemed like it. Her small hands were suddenly inside his boxers, finding and grasping. He abandoned what he was doing to yank the material down and kick them off in short order. "Yes...this... I'm ready - do you...have any idea...how long...I've been...ready?" She groaned. "Okay..." he whispered, then sat up and moved away from her. XxX "Mulder...what are you doing?" She watched in confusion and alarm as he reached for the bedtable. "It's okay, just getting one of these..." He held up the packet of ribbed condoms, suddenly looking very self- conscious. She was stunned. "But - Mulder...Fox... You don't have to... I mean, there's no danger of me getting..." Both blinked dangerously at that. "I mean, neither of us have AIDS or... I appreciate the gesture..." "Dana, I don't mean to upset you, but - I think I need it. Um, I'm so worked up...the second I'm inside you, I think that could be it, unless I use one of these to draw it out - give us more time to enjoy it. Next time will be fine, but this first time..." "Fox, if it's quick or slow, I don't care how long it takes, as long as it's with you." "I want it to last. And you always wanted to try ribbed condoms!" "Okay then. If you do this for us, then it's only fair that you choose what position we do it in..." "Really?" "Yeah. How do you want it, Agent Mulder? How do you want me?" She shifted provocatively - no Catholic guilt surfaced; this was with the man she loved and it felt so right - and reached out to trail her fingers down his skin. "When you've been alone on your couch, how have you fantasized about me?" She was getting hotter from asking this. She couldn't wait to find out which exotic pose he wanted them in. Mulder looked suddenly bashful. "Um...well, I - I...you're gonna think this really weird..." "What one, Mulder? Tell me. I'll do it. Remember, I work out..." "Well, I'm not even sure if it's IN the Kama Sutra... It's so..." Her eyebrows nearly leapt off her forehead. /Just how kinky IS this?/ "Tell me, Fox." He leaned forward and whispered it into her ear. This time her eyebrows did whack the ceiling. "You're kidding..." He was blushing furiously, averting his eyes. "No." She managed to blurt it out. "The missionary position?!" "Yeah. I don't even think it's in the KS, it's considered so plain..." She burst out laughing. She howled with mirth. Mulder just watched her. Finally when she could draw breath, she said, "I don't believe it! After all that rampant curiosity and all those videos and rule breaking and rebelling against society and the Consortium and the Bureau and so on...you're really just a traditionalist at heart!" Mulder stared at her uncertainly for a moment, then they both cracked up. "That's fine, lover. Missionary it is." She touched his face. "Always knew you had some faith in you... Now let's put it in me..." A few minutes of stroking followed, to rebuild themselves to fever pitch. Then they sensuously put the condom on Mulder, and his hand went to work her core, until very quickly she could barely gasp "Us!" again. Scully lay on her back and spread her legs, raising her knees. She reached for him, breathing hard. Gently, carefully, her partner entered her. "Oh God! Yes, Fox..." It had been years, but she was so ready... He leaned down to kiss her, then slowly began to move. Over her, on her, in her. "Mulder, oh... Mulder, oh...!" It was all she was capable of saying at each thrust. Then she could produce nothing but nonsensical moans and noises. It felt wonderful. He was hard and big. He was going to give her such a big - "God, Scully!" Then Mulder lost his ability to speak too. Moving. Scully splayed her legs to feel the sensation, then wrapped them around Mulder's moving waist. She didn't know where to put her hands. She remembered the poles that made up the headboard - how she'd always wanted to wrap her hands around them while making love to Mulder - but the one fatal flaw in doing that would be that she'd have to stop touching him to do so. No way. Not this time. Because as long as she was touching him, the ache to do so was gone. She wanted that feeling to stay gone. So she clutched him to her, brought her hands up and down his back, hoping she wasn't clawing him (then quickly past caring if she did), and down to rest on his buttocks to feel the power of his muscles moving, driving at her. Deeper, faster as her body accepted the change. Moaning, gasping. She thrust back and moved and touched and squeezed with every muscle she possessed, giving him everything of herself. One of his hands came up to cup her cheek, run through her hair. Their eyes flickered open occasionally, wanting to see the other's expression. She had never seen such intensity and emotion in Mulder's eyes. Not to mention feeling it... She was close. She opened her mouth, trying to find the few words to tell him to touch her core. All her other sexual experiences - two lovers over five years gone, her own touching and the vibrator - had required that stimulation to bring her to climax. But Mulder was reading her face and braced himself on one elbow. She felt his hand slide between them, heading for exactly where she wanted it. But before his hand got near, something happened on his next surge forwards. Scully didn't know just what it was, but it made her cry out in delight and want more. By the time she had cried out he was already thrusting forward again, and fortunately hit the same spot. Whether it was the ribbing or the knowledge it was Mulder in her or whether he'd struck something no one or thing else had, it didn't matter - what did matter was feeling it again. Scully felt herself on the edge, beginning to convulse. She let out a cry that was as close as she could get to: "Ohmigod/that's never happened before/it feels fantastic/that's it/DO IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW!!!!" He understood, and he did. Right there. Once. Twice. Dana Scully didn't come. She detonated. XxX This was...mind-blowing. This might be considered a plain position, but not in this case - and most importantly, it allowed them both to hold each other. Mulder slowly realized there was a stinging sensation at his back, and then dimly realized Scully was raking him with those perfectly manicured nails. The feeling soon passed as he succumbed to the other sensations that were enveloping him. Her cries, his moans, her tight body squeezing him until he thought he could give no more. Suddenly his partner seemed to morph into a wild bronco. She reared up under him, screaming, bucking, clutching at him, convulsing - and he witnessed her pleasure in wonder, for a second forgetting the sensations of his own body while this show was going on below him. But his body didn't forget - it drew him back into full awareness and soon sent him off too. Intensely. He hoped his yell in her ear didn't deafen her. Well, not at the time when he made it - this thought occurred several minutes afterwards... "What...the hell...was THAT?" Mulder didn't know which one of them had spoken. Finally he worked out it was Scully. He clutched her tightly. "I don't know... But I'm praying...that we can...recreate it!" He saw that her hair had fallen in damp strands over her face. He gently stroked them away. "Are you in there?" he whispered. She opened her eyes and moved under him. "You're definitely in here!" END PART FIVE OF SIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TITLE: "Wanderlust" (6/6) ****NC-17**** for very adult situations BY: Crash and Ten E-MAIL ADDRESSES: crashed52@hotmail.com and kristena@ocean.com.au Disclaimer in Part One They laughed. Their foreheads rested together for a long moment, always in danger of slipping off due to the sweat. He nuzzled her neck and glanced over at the candle. A line of wax had run right down the man's back. /Know how you feel, buddy.../ She followed his gaze. "I love your back, Mulder. It's so long, I could ski down it." She slid her hands down from his shoulders, down down. "And that's a hell of a ramp at the base..." She gently smacked his butt with her hands. He was unsuccessful in holding back a wince of pain along the way. "Did I scratch you? Are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah, I just won't use the FBI pool for a few weeks... Not that this goofy grin I'll have plastered over my face for the next two hundred years won't give the game away more!" "Well, that position was a success. Let's try the other fifty!" He groaned. "That will be a welcome suggestion once I catch my breath..." Then he became serious. "I love you, Dana." "Me too, Fox. This...us...I feel more alive now than I have since my remission - since I can remember." They stared at each other for a long time. Then Mulder got rid of the condom and they held. She was just drifting off to sleep when he said: "Hey, Dana - we don't have to buy another copy of the book now! We really can share." She hit him with it. Late Sunday morning, when they'd slept, showered, tended to Mulder's back and recovered suitably, they tried the Position of the Wife of Indra - Scully's choice. Dana proved to be flexible indeed, and their release of the night before proved not to be a fluke. Dana commented that she hoped her cross wouldn't dissolve in all the sweat he was making her produce. Mulder woke up when Scully stirred beneath him. Both smiled in remembrance of what they'd just experienced. Then she wiggled under him, and reached out her arm to open the bottom drawer of the bedstand. "Am I too heavy? What're you doing?" "Getting rid of your namesake." Dana produced a long rectangular box and tossed it in the general direction of the trash can. A vibrator? Named after HIM? He was speechless. "Just how long have you and he been..." "A long time. Actually, my neighbors will think I'm having an affair with another man now - when I used it, I'd nearly always be screaming your name at the end, but these last two times I've been beyond screaming your name. I could only scream." "So I heard!" "Tell you what - let's memorize this whole Kama Sutra, so that if we're so heavily into foreplay that we can barely speak, all we have to do is say the page number instead of spelling out what we want." "Sounds like a plan to me." XxX Scully never wanted to leave Mulder's arms. She never had to again. Even if she did, she wouldn't ache for his touch because she knew that she only had to reach out for it. She was so peaceful and content and beginning to properly heal. He'd turned her body into one entire sensation. They were together. In everything. Then... She was on the bench with Mulder again. Talking about children. "All of a mother's hopes and dreams for her child..." But it was different. She was afraid. Pain. Crippling pain. Mulder's alarmed face. Then the bench was gone. Mulder was gone. She was in a white room, with people in gowns and masks bending over her. /Not the abduction - nopleasenoIdontwanttoremember - wake me up, please! What are you doing to me? Stop it! Mulder, where are you?/ The pain ruled her body. It gave the demands, it radiated through her. "Mulder!" "I'm here, Dana." He was at her side, in a gown and mask. "Push! You're nearly there. Our baby is nearly here! I can see the head!" Baby? Then she realized. Contractions. She was pushing. The baby - their baby - was coming. She screamed and pushed and another fragment of the bench came to her - it wasn't the one in Home after all. It was out the front of a hospital. She was sitting there, heavily pregnant, beside her partner. Mulder stroked her belly lovingly. "Perhaps we'd better go inside," he said. She could see he was trying to hide his concern. "Soon. I just want to enjoy the sunshine for a bit longer. I'm a doctor, remember? We won't have the baby on the bench, I promise! There's still time." He looked at her. "Dana, I know you're worried -" "It's a completely natural process. And I have you here. Soon we'll be holding our child. Just you remember that too when the pain really hits me. It's not your fault. This is the 'best' pain a woman can go through. I know it's hard for you to see me in labor. But this child is a gift that's worth it." "And just you remember that the tests have shown that this kid is fine. And your visions -" "I know. But having him in my arms and seeing for myself is when I'll stop worrying." "If anything is different, we'll handle it. We'll love him just as much." He rubbed her back. "I know. Oh!" She clutched his hand and shut her eyes. "Inside, Mrs. Mulder. Now," he ordered. "Okay." They stood, him aiding her. "Dana?" "Yes?" "I can't wait to see you as a mother." And she was pushing and Mulder was giving her strength and suddenly - "Congratulations - a lovely baby boy." The next few minutes were a blur, but there was a healthy little son in her arms, seeking her breast and Mulder holding them both, crying in delight. Their baby. "Look... Look at him, Dana..." He was completely awed. Then his voice changed - became frantic. "Scully? Dana, wake up! Wake up!" XxX Mulder was in full panic mode. Dana had started tossing in his arms, straining, gasping in pain, then abruptly flopped back. "Wake up! Please!" She woke with a jolt. Tears were streaming down her face. Mulder hovered over her. "You were having a nightmare - are you okay? Dana, speak to me! Please..." "Oh my God, Mulder! Oh my God!" That sent memories of her hypno-regression bursting over him. She was dreaming about the chip taking her to the bridge. The burning bodies. He wanted to scream. Why couldn't they ever lead happy lives? "I'm sorry, Dana..." He sobbed. "I'm so sorry." Her eyes were full of dazed wonder though as she reached out to touch him. "Mulder, no! I had a dream - a premonition!" "What?" /Did Dana Scully just say what I think she said?/ "Mulder, we have a baby!" she blurted out. "You mean - they do it to us again?" His brain and breathing began shutting down. /Oh God, not another Emily - she won't be able to handle it. Neither will I. The foetus in the tank!/ She shook him to get his attention. "In the future - in about a year or two - we have a baby. Our own. I give birth to him. I've seen it, felt how real it is - HE is - he's beautiful, Fox. And we're his parents! I know it! No donor eggs, no surrogacy. This one is a Mulder-Scully production." Mulder realized she wasn't upset - she was glowing. He struggled to calm his breathing. "A baby... Him - a son?" "Yes! He's perfect." She nearly squeezed the life out of him with her hug. His mind reeled. "Oh my God... Are you sure...I mean, I want to believe..." "I've had dreams before that I know are premonitions," she admitted. "I know the difference between ordinary dreams and these special ones. That's how I knew you'd be all right when you 'died' in the boxcar." "But how do we have him? A little boy... What does he look like?" She tried to explain as best she could. "I think he's got his own nose - definitely got your appetite though!" He listened in growing enchantment. "I - I...I can't believe...that you really want to have my children..." "Why not? I love you. Separate yourself from all that guilt and what you think you've done. And then you'll see what I see. A passionate man, as my lover and the father of my son. All that I ever wanted..." "I...I always dreamed about us..." He quietly told her about his castle building - or rather, domestic house building. She didn't laugh. "You could be having premonitions too. But at least they're things that we can turn into reality. I love the sound of what you're telling me... But when we were in Home...you said you'd never pictured me as a mother." "I lied. I'd wanted to say something else instead...but it was too risky. I panicked." Talk drifted into various boys names. Scully shook her head. "No, he didn't look like a Shaun..." Mulder stared at her. "But HOW...? I mean, you might have some ova left, or I might get back what was stolen from you some time in this next year... Or we find the healing aliens... Or something..." "I don't know, but it happens." She was serene in her knowledge. "We can ditch the condoms then!" He grinned, then it became more serious. She looked at him closely. "What?" "Just thinking about how we switched faiths, then switched again. We were getting closer in personalities, but missed each other in the middle and went to opposite poles - perhaps it's some universal balance! But I think we connected at last." "Agreed. And we can keep working together to find the truth, whatever it is." He nodded. A long silence. Just holding, coming to terms with such momentous changes. "We should really get up and eat and such," Dana said, without much conviction. "It's a wonder your stomach isn't complaining." "It's shocked into silence... And how do you know that last night it wasn't grumbling for some loving rather than for some food?" "We can't stay in bed forever." "You suggesting we vary things a bit by moving our gymnastics to your living room?" "Mulder..." "Why not stay in bed? I think we've earned a lie in. The world - the whole damn universe - can wait. We served them for five years. Let's serve ourselves now." "Okay...you talked me into it. Wipe the smirk off your face." "How'd you know?" He was spooned against her back, arms wrapped together, entwined with hers. "I just knew." She traced the long, large fingers that would cradle their child. Mulder chuckled. "Yesterday started off so badly...and look how it ended. Last week I never thought I'd see you smile again... And I was looking for a hobby. Well, I've found a fantastic life-long one! Much better than Vikings. Soooooo...can I pillage you again?" he asked hopefully. "No way, Fox. It's my turn to plunder!" And indeed, no village in Norse history was ever ransacked so thoroughly or willingly or joyfully... END PART SIX OF SIX.