Please note this is for a SIM GAME, it is not real and these horses are ficticious! Certain picture collections were allowed to QCF through special permission, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THEM! Some of the pictures used were acquired through picture search engines that give no credit...If there is a picture of your horse up here, please e-mail me and I will link it back to your farm and give you credit, or take it down if neccesary! Please keep sim gamers from getting a bad reputation, ask permission for pictures from real owners and/or give them full credit!!!

Arabian Stud(s) may cross with approved mares of the following breeds:
Quarter Horse


Please inquire further if you are interested in crossbreeding with stallions of any other breed: Contact me before filling out the below form.

In-Utero Contract:
In-Utero Contract means that you choose a mare and a stallion for me to breed, and then you pay for the foal before it is born. The price is usually cheaper than after the foal is born, because the breeder cannot hike up the price due to awesome abilities or color. It is a great opportunity, and is an inexpensive way to gain a champion. Please E-mail Me for more information on mares available for this service.

Stud Service:
Stud service prices vary for each horse, and different specifications are listed on each stallion's page. When a horse earns a certain number of points, his stud fee will be relatively higher than his non-pointed peers. Please fill out the form below if you have chosen a stallion to breed to.

Breed Your Mare to a Stallion

Your name:
Your email address: (e.g.: [email protected])


Your Farm Name (or boarding barn):
Your Mare's Name:
Your Mare's Info (Mares are subject to being approved by QCF before breeding):
Check & Comments: Stunning, fast, FREE!
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If you would like more information about breeding at QCF, then please e-mail Kenna!

This website is (c) McKenna Calhoun 2004-2005. No parts may be reproduced without written permission.

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