Holodeck Adventures
-Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel
-Anastasia Komananov
-Barash x2
-Buster Kincaid
-Captain Proton
-Carlos x2
-Chancellor Gowron
-Clone Machine x2
-Crell Moset
-Dr. Noah x3
-Durango x2
-Edward Jellico
-Frank Hollander
-Ferengi Financial Data Net x2
-John Watson
-Leonardo da Vinci
-Lewis Zimmerman
-Minuet x2
-Mona Luvsitt
-Mr. Garak
-Orbital Bombardment x2
-Praetor Neral
-Professor Honey Bare
-Professor Moriarty
-Secret Agent Julian Bashir
-Sherrif Worf
-Sigmund Freud
-Teero Anaydis
-The City of B'Hala x2
-The E.C.H.
-The President of Earth
-Tongo x3
-Transwarp Hub
-Vic Fontaine

Common Set x4 $3.00
Uncommon Set x1 $8.00

The Borg

-Borg Queen
-Borg Queen's Ship
-Borg Tactical Cube x2
-Captain Chakotay
-Deanna Troi
-Fennim x2
-Four of Nine
-Gegis x2
-Harness Particle 010 x2
-I.K.C. Voq'leng
-The Think Tank's Ship x3
-Three of Nine
-Third and Fourth
-Two of Nine
-Venatic Hunter

-Ancestral Vision
-Caretaker's Array
-Cure Deadly Virus x2
-Danara Pel x2
-Delta Flyer
-Dereth x3
-Dr. Arridor x2
-Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel
-Dr. Telek R'Mor x2
-Harry Kim x2
-Investigate Quantum Singularity x3
-Karden x2
-Kazon Warship x3
-Kol x2
-Kurros x2
-Macrovirus x3
-Minnis x2
-Motura x2
-Nevala x2
-Penk x2
-Quinn x3
-Samantha Wildman x2
-Tanis x2
-The Doctor x2
The Pendari Champion UR $30.00
-Tierna x2
-Tom Paris x4
-Tuvok x2
-U.S.S. Voyager x2
-Vidiian Boarding Claw x3
-Vidiian Cruiser x4
-Vorik x2

"S" Cards
-Engineering Tricorder
-Magistrate Drang
-Male's Love Interest
-Nekrit Supply Depot x7
-Nimira x2
-Starfleet Type II Phaser

Common Set x3 $3.00
Uncommon Set x1 $8.00

Mirror Mirror
-Bajoran Warship $3.00
-Captain Bashir
-Captain Dax
-Chief Engineer Scott
-Chief Navigator Chekov
-Chief Surgeon McCoy
-Comm Officer Uhura
-Commander Charvanek
-Commander Leeta
-Construct Starship
-Dr. Farallon x2
-Fesarius x2
-Fontaine x2
-Halkan Council x2
-I.S.S. Enterprise x2
-Jake Sisko
-James Tiberius Kirk
-Luaran x2
-Marlena Moreau
-Mirror Terok Nor x2
-Mr. Sisko
-Mr. Tuvok x2
-Nurse Chapel
-Overseer Odo
-Professor Sisko x2
-Regency 1 x2
-Regent Worf
-Ruk x2
-Security Chief Sulu
-Tantalus Field x3
-Terran Rebellion HQ
-The Art of Diplomacy x2
-The Intendant
-Thomas Paris x2
-Weyoun of Borg

Common Set
x3 $3.00
Uncommon Set x2 $8.00

-D'deridex Advanced - SRF -
-Wormhole Negotiations - SRF -

Enhanced Premiere
-Alien Parasites & REM Fatigue
-Anaphasic Organism & Nagilum x2
-Ancient Computer & Microvirus x2
-Beverly and Will
-Computer Weapon & Hyper-Aging
-Covert Installation II
-Data and Geordi
-Data and Picard
-Excavation II
-Explore Black Cluster II
-Explore Typhon Expanse II
-Investigate Sighting II
-Male's Love Interest & Plague Ship
-Relief Mission II x3
-Secret Salvage II
-Test Mission II

Trouble With Tribbles
-1,000 Tribbles (Bonus) x2 $1.00
-1,000 Tribbles (Discard) x2
-1,000 Tribbles (Rescue) x2
-10,000 Tribbles (Go)
-10,000 Tribbles (Poison)
-10,000 Tribbles (Rescue)
-100,000 Tribbles (Clone)
-100,000 Tribbles (Discard)
-100,000 Tribbles (Rescue)
-Arne Darvin
-Breen Warship
-Brunt's Shuttle x2
-Captain Kirk
-Captain Koloth
P $7.00
-Chain Reaction Ricochet
-Council Of Warriors
-Deep Space Station K-7
-Dominion Battleship
-Ensign Chekov
-Ensign O'Brien
-Executive Authorization x2
-Gal Gath'thong x2
-HQ: Orbital Weapons Platform x2
-I.K.C. Gr'oth
-I.K.C. Ning'tao x2
-Lt. Bailey
-Lt. Bashir
-Lt. Sisko
P $7.00
-Lt. Uhura
-Make It So
-Orb of Time
-Resistance Is Futile
-Starship Enterprise
-Stolen Attack Ship
-The Centurion
-Third of Five
-Weyoun's Warship

Common Se
t x1 $3.00
Uncommon Set
x1 $8.00

Second Anthology
-Bashir Founder
-Legate Damar
-Luther Sloan

Rules of Acquisition

-Bractor x2
-Breen CRM114
-Chula: The Door
-Continuing Committee x3
-Elizabeth Lense
-Grand Nagus Gint
-Grand Nagus Zek
-Jovis x3
-Kasidy Yates
-Krajensky Founder
-Krayton x3
-Lurin x2
-Orb of Wisdom x4
-Phased Cloaking Device x3
-Protection Racket
-Quark's Bar x3
-Quark's Treasure
-Scepter of the Grand Nagus x2
-Senator Cretak
-Starry Night
-Tower of Commerce x3
-U.S.S. Sao Paulo
-Writ of Accountability

Blaze of Glory

-A Good Day To Live
-Admiral Ross
-Ambassador Tomalak
-Blood Oath
-Boone Impersonator
-Borg Cutting Beam
-Chart Stellar Cluster
-Chief O'Brien
-Donald Varley
-E-Band Emissions
-Enrique Muniz
-Fajo's Gallery
-Gul Madred x2
-I.K.C. Koraga x3
-I.K.C. Lukara x2
-I.K.C. Negh'Var x3
-Ilon Tandro
-Impersonate Captive x3
-Inside Operation
-Jadzia Dax
-Kang x3
-Koloth x2
-Kor x2
-Kraxon x3
-Kudak'Etan x2
-La Forge Impersonator x3
-Locutus' Borg Cube
-Long Live the Queen
-Maximum Firepower
-Miles O'Brien
-Odo Founder
-Picard Maneuver
-Quark Son of Keldar x3
-Riker Wil x2
-Ro Laren x2
-Senator Letant x3
-Sword of Kahless
-Target These Coordinates
-The Albino x2
-Torture x2
-U.S.S. Thunderchild
-Worf Son of Mogh

Ultra-Rare Foil
s $35.00 each.
-Riker Wil URF

Super Rare Foils
$8.00 each.
-La Forge Impersonator
-Maximum Firepower
-Odo Founder
-Sword of Kahless
-U.S.S. Thunderchild

Very Rare Foils
$4.00 each.
-Borg Cutting Beam
-Fajo's Gallery x2
-I.K.C. Negh'Var
-Inside Operation x2

Common Set
Uncommon Set

The Dominion

-10 and 01
-Admiral Leyton x2
-Betazed Invasion
-Ch'Pok x2
-Croden's Key x4
-D'deridex Advanced
-Empok Nor x2
-Founder Leader x2
-Garak x2
-Goran'Agar x2
-I.K.C. Rotarran
-Issue Secret Orders
-Kai Winn
-Keldon Advanced x3
-Kilana x2
-Kira Founder x2
-Leyton Founder x3
-Lovok Founder x2
-Martok Founder x2
-Michael Eddington x2
-O'Brien Founder
-Office of the President
-Office of the Proconsul
-Omet'iklan x2
-Orb of Prophecy and Change x2
-Remata'Klan x2
-Senator Vreenak x2
-Talak'talan x2
-The Earring of Li Nalas
-The Great Hall
-The Great Link
-Trager x2
-U.S.S. Defiant
-U.S.S. Rio Grande x2
-Weyoun x2
-Yelgren x2

WB Previews $10.00 each.
-Admiral Riker
-Captain Kirk
-Seven of Nine
-Worf Son of Mogh

Enhanced First Contact

-Bareil of Borg
-Dukat of Borg
-Eleven of Seventeen x2
-Gowron of Borg
-Population 9 Billion - All Borg
-Service The Collective
-Six of Nineteen
-Sphere Encounter
-Tomalak of Borg

First Anthology
-Dr. Telek R'Mor $3.00
-Ensign Tuvok
-Orb of Prophecy and Change
-Quark Son of Keldar
-Thomas Paris

Deep Space Nine

-Aamin Marritza
-Access Relay Station
-Activate Tractor Beam
-Aid Fugitives
-Alien Gambling Device x2
-Automated Security System
-Bajoran Civil War
-Benjamin Sisko
-Camping Trip
-Central Command
-Changeling Research
-Colonel Day
-Cure Blight
-Danar x3
-Deep Space 9
-Defiant Dedication Plaque
-Dukat x2
-Elim Garak
-Enabran Tain x2
-Entek x2
-Establish Tractor Lock
-Garak's Tailor Shop x4
-General Krim
-Gilora Rejal
-Going To The Top
-HQ: Return Orb to Bajor
-I.K.C. Toh'Kaht
-Investigate Rumors
-Jadzia Dax
-Jake and Nog
-Jaro Essa
-Julian Bashir
-Martus Mazur
-Mysterious Orb x2
-Namita Lang
-Orb Fragment x2
-Plain, Simple Garak
-Plans of the Obsidian Order
-Plans of the Tal Shiar
-Recruit Mercenaries
-Saltah'na Clock x2
-Shakaar Edon
-Symbiont Diagnosis
-System 5 Disruptors
-Tekeny Ghemor
-The Walls Have Ears
-Tora Ziyal
-U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang

WB Preview
-U.S.S. Defiant

DS9 Common Starter Cards
-Acquire Illicit Explosives
-Characteriza Neutrino Emissions
-Deliver Supplies
-Eliminate Virus
-Establish Station
-Intercept Maquis
-Intercept Renegade
-Kressari Rendezvous
-Reignate Dead Star
-Rescue Prisoners
-Search and Rescue
-Search for Survivors
-Study Plasma Storm

Official Tournament Sealed Deck
-Abandon Ship! x2
-Armus - Sticky Situation
-Darmok x2
-Explore Interstellar Matter x2
-Hide and Seek x2
-Hippocratic Oath
-Husnock Outpost x3
-Impose Order
-Investigate Incursion
-Make Us Go
-Mineral Survey x2
-Open Diplomatic Relations x3
-Reflection Therapy x2
-Suna x2
-Test Propulsion Systems x2
-Treaty: Federation/Romulan/Klingon x3

First Contact
-Abandon Mission
-Admiral Hayes x2
-Alas, Poor Queen
-Alyssa Ogawa
-Android Headlock
-Antique Machine Gun
-Assimilate Homeworld x3
-Assimilate This!
-Beverly Crusher
-Borg Kiss
-Borg Neuroprocessor
-Build Interplexing Beacon
-Data x2
-Deanna Troi
-Espionage Mission x2
-Geordi La Forge x2
-Jean-Luc Picard
-Lily Sloane x2
-Magic Carpet Ride OCD
-Montana Missile Complex
-Ocular Implants x2
-Paul Porter
-Queen's Borg Cube
-Queen's Borg Sphere x2
-Reginald Barclay
-Stop First Contact
-Temporal Wake
-Three-Dimensional Thinking
-U.S.S. Enterprise-E x3
-Visit Cochrane Memorial
-Weak Spot
-William T.Riker
-Zefram Cochrane
-Zefram Cochrane's Telescope

Introductory Two-Player Game

-Admiral McCoy
-Adimral Picard


-Arbiter of Succession
-Blade of Tkon
-Canar x2
-Data's Body
-Doppelganger x2
-Drag Net
-I Am Not A Merry Man!
-I.K.C. Maht-H'a x2
-Investigate Legend
-Ira Graves
-Juliana Tainer
-Katherine Pulaski
-Keiko O'Brien
-Klingon Civil War
-Madam Guinan
-Mona Lisa
-Mortal Q
-Mr.Homn x2
-Nick Locarno
-Paul Manheim
-Paxan "Wormhole"
-Plague Planet
-Samaritan Snare
-Terraforming Station
-The Sheliak
-U.S.S. Stargazer
-Zalkonian Storage Capsule x2

Alternate Universe

-Berlingoff Rasmussen
-Beverly Picard
-Brute Force
-Coalescent Organism
-Commander Tomalak x2
-Compromised Mission
-Cryosatellite x3
-Data's Head x3
-Doplomatic Conference
-Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone x2
-Edo Vessel x3
-FGC-47 Research
-Fissure Research
Future Enterprise UR
-Governor Worf
-I.K.C. Fek'Lhr
-Ian Andrew Troi
-Iconian Gateway x2
-Jack Crusher
-Major Rakal x3
-Ophidian Cane x2
-Rachel Garrett
-Receptacle Stones x2
-Ressikan Flute x2
-Revolving Door
-Risa Shore Leave x3
-Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch x2
-Seize Wesley
-Stefan DeSeve
-Tasha Yar-Alternate
-Vorgon Raiders
-Warped Space
-Wartime Conditions

Premiere WB 1995
-Complete Set

Premiere Silver Border Set 1994 in Tin - $50.00

I also have a lot of commons and uncommons,
if you're looking for anything, just ask!

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