What are broken links? Well, a broken link is the name of a card that isn't made yet. The best known broken link is Clone Machine, a cards referred by in the Q-Continuum set. Here you find all the broken links and their sources!

Robert DeSoto - U.S.S. Hood
Sunad - Zalkonian Vessel
U.S.S. Pegasus - Eric Pressman

Alternate Universe
Timepod Ring - Quantum Singularity Lifeforms
Dimensional Shifting - Barclay Transporter Phobia
Empathic Touch - Ophidian Cane
U.S.S. Drake - Paul Rice

Clone Machine - Doppelganger - Came out in Holodeck Adventures
K'Temok - I.K.C. T'Ong

First Contact
Orbital Bombardment - Assimilate This! - Came out in Holodeck Adventures
Bluegill Queen - Alas, Poor Queen
Bluegills - Alas, Poor Queen

Deep Space Nine
Gideon Seyetik - Reignite Dead Star
Chancellor Gowron - Treaty: Bajoran/Klingon -
Came out in Holodeck Adventures
Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel - Miradorn Raider - Came out in Holodeck Adventures
Calandon - Zef'No

Changeling Sweep - Berserk Changeling
Shape-Shift Inhibitor - Berserk Changeling
Treacherous Advice - Martok Founder

Blaze of Glory
Raymond Boone - Boone Impersonator

Rules of Acquisition
Reklar - Lemec

Trouble With Tribbles
Colonel Kira - Treaty: Romulan/Bajoran

Mirror Mirror
Vic Fontaine - Fontaine - Came out in Holodeck Adventures
Ezri Dax - Dax -
Came out in Holodeck Adventures

Naomi Wildman - Samantha Wildman - Came out in Holodeck Adventures
Environmental Suit - Hull Breach

The Borg
Miral Paris - Establish Settlement

Holodeck Adventures

Christopher Pike - Talosian Cage
Admiral Janeway - Seal Rift

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