Sure, I could have typed some silly facts about myself. But I think it's more fun if YOU ask me things! Fill out the form below and your questions will be posted right here with, of course, my answers. You can ask ANYTHING. I'll answer EVERYTHING. So don't hold back and start typing! Your name will be added to the questions.
It's me on Crete!
Dr.Phlox: Is that scared looking baby down the bottom you?
Yes, it's me! I'm not scared though, it's my usual face =D
Dr.Phlox: Do you think you will ever have ALL the cards?
One day.
Dr.Phlox: Does Pain masturbeerd de hele dag?
This is what you get if you learn a Denobulan some Dutch. I will not translate it, but you may recognize the second word.

Boon of Bolian: Why do you still have a Christmas tree besides your pc? it's almost easter time!!
The picture was taken around Christmas, it's gone now, really!
Boon of Bolian: What is your favorit card?
"I've Been Waiting For You" at the moment, I'm sure I'm going to collect Kirk's after TMP comes out =)

K'tark-Kenobi, the Klingon-Jedi: Chop Suey! or The Pogo Song?
Chop Suey all the way!
K'tark-Kenobi, the Klingon-Jedi: Are you really the head of Kwiki-Mart?
This is supposed to be a secret, who told you?
K'tark-Kenobi, the Klingon-Jedi: You really like !exclamation points!, don't you?
No! What gave you that idea!?

Mr. ZLost: How many bans are in a cinna bun?
I have absolutely no idea what you just asked.
Mr. ZLost: Is there a positive after a negative?
In my head yes, but I'm not sure I know what you mean.
Mr. ZLost: What is your odd obbsession with Ferengi?
Well, at first I liked Quark, then I started to love the race. I mean, women can't wear clothes =P. What's there to not like?

Boothby: Ever play Russian Roulette?
Only once, my gerbil died in that action, and I never played it again.
Boothby: How many times have you seen each ST movie?
At least 2 times. II, V, VI, VII ,VII and IX a lot more often.
Boothby: Don't you hate it when you miss the urinoir and pee on your shoes?
I usually hit my pants, not my shoes, so my answer is no.

EmmySky: How can anyone NOT know how guacamole tastes?
I never had it, I don't even know what it is. Would you make it for me?
EmmySky: Where did you find the ST pics for your site?
Most are found on the web, but for my new frontpage I used which was very nice. I often change the pictures and alter things on them for use on site.
EmmySky: So how are you doing?
I'm fine thank you =)

Dr Phlox: Is realsherlock as annoying as she sounds? ;) j/k
She's worse in real life, but I love annoying people, hehe.
Dr Phlox: Why have I never signed your guestbook?
I don't know, but please do!
Dr Phlox: Are there any cards you don't have, but would like?
Well, I always said, "I won't collect the tournament and promo foils", but I wouldn't mind having them. Also, a set of BB Premiere and URF foils from Reflections and BoG would be great. And of course Dixon Hill, but I'm not worried about him yet. I like trading for cards I do have by the way, to enhance my trade stock.

Admiral Gagh: Is Amsterdam as promiscuous as it sounds?
I can't tell you, I suppose so, but I've never been there myself. Weird huh?
Admiral Gagh: Can you give me more room for questions?
Still not enough? How long are your questions?
Admiral Gagh: Isn't Jurgen a German name?
It is, but it's also a common name from Denmark. My parents met someone in Denmark with the name, and voila. I hate it.

Real_Moriarty: Could u use a BORG sphere as a snowball?
If you have big hands. I'm sorry for the person you would be throwing at though.
Real_Moriarty: What does guacomole taste like?
I have no idea?
Real_Moriarty: Would you trade us for Shatner?
I could always see him on sunday and you two on saturday. Hehehe.

Senator Letant: How the hell did I even find your site?
Uhm.. Trade board?
Senator Letant: How come nobody knows who I am?
I know who you are, I've seen you around and I'm sure there are more people who did.
Senator Letant: Still, how comes nobody seems to like me?
I like you, hehe, I dunno man, maybe your attitude? Although it doesn't bother me.

Real_Sherlock: Do you find galxy annoying?
Sometimes, I find the HEHEHEHEHEHE part most annoying!
Real_Sherlock: Why do you keep beating me at STCCG?
Because you said you'd beat me.
Real_Sherlock: Can I have your PSX when you die?
I think it'll be broken before that, the way it acts sometimes now... But you'll get my PS2, if I buy one.

Kaptain Cirk: Are you a bad trader?
Either trade with me and find out, or ask my refs.
Kaptain Cirk: What is your favorite ST episode of all time?
I'd have to say Trials and Tribble-ations, because it covers my favorite 2 shows.
Kaptain Cirk: Is real_sherlock a hottie?
Now, I can't go and discuss the sexual appearance of my best friend! I will only say one thing, she has a pretty and sweet face, although the word sweet will make her puke.

ProfessorData: What's the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is to live without thinking about the meaning of it.
ProfessorData:How do YOU eat Oreos?
I don't really like them, but I just eat them. I don't pull the shuttles off to lick out the inner stuff. Uhm...
ProfessorData: Why does my girlfriend think you're cute? (grrr)
Hehe, I dunno. Maybe she has taste, then again, maybe not. It's just her opinion I guess. Is she cute?

Souldancer: How much money is on your bank account?
At this point, more than the person who sleeps next to you =)
Souldancer: So did you buy me a string for X-mas?
Gijs, I'm going to kill you. But no we didn't, the string we meant was no where to be found. Seems like Joyce has the last one. If you ask her nicely, pherhaps you
can lend it.

Souldancer: I thought I WASN�T your girlfriend?
You're not? Since when does buying underwear for someone means you have to dat them? Gijs bought me a string once, no big deal. But who knows what's going on in the alternate universe, or even the mirror universe.... (eat that Gijs)

Real_Moriarty: What are we gonna have for X-mas dinner?
What in the world makes you think I know? Ghehehe, wait, I can see it in my fridge! Trust me, it's great, that means, I love it. The outcome of it is still open of course!
Real_Moriarty: Whats in the package that says �Gijs�?
Which one? There's more than one you ass =)
Real_Moriarty: Do I have more STCCG cards than you?
Dream on, 2 more boosterboxes should do it. But who's the one that has more unique cards? Who's the one with complete sets? Who's the one without zillion copy's of commons and uncommons? (To the readers, Moriarty is my best friend and this is the way we talk to eachother, no people were hurt during our friendship.)

Coco-dax: Your views on foil trek cards.
At first I hated them all, now I almost have a finished set of reflections. I'll never get busy with all those tournament foils though.
Coco-dax: Janeway or a Pakled?
A Pakled, more chance on a good conversation.
Coco-dax: How much dust is under your bed?
I would imagine quite some, but I do clean there, once a year.

Boothby: Can you pat your head & rub your tummy at one time?
If I'm allowed to use two hands, yes!
Boothby: What's your political affiliation?
That would be a Dutch group, but at this time, I feel loyal to none.
Boothby: If they exist, Heaven or Hell?
Both, there's only a door between them. I even have some knowledge a lot of people don't, Hell is not as hot as it seems, and Satan and God enjoy a good game of poker occasionally.

Andre: Are you gay?
If I could get a relationship with Sean or Jack I would be, but no, I'm not. That's why I'm in a relationship for 3 years now, with a girl!
Andre: Do you smoke pot?
Nope, and I never will, I do smoke though.
Andre: Do you like to suck lollipops?
No, but I like to nibble on M&M's, is that good too?

Dr.Phlox: Do you like Shatner's "singing" as well?
Oh yes, ahum, I love his version of "It was a very good year".
Dr.Phlox: What are you doing on Christmas day?
Some explaining is needed here, we celebrate 2 days of Christmas in the Netherlands, on the first I'll visit my mom and my girlfriend's mom, the second day real_sherlock, real_moriarty and his girlfriend will be at my house. My girlfriend as well, of course.
Dr.Phlox: Jadzia IS better ISN'T she?
Better than Ezri? Yes, but Lumba is the best!

Boothby: What is the capital of Assyria?
Either Calah, Nineveh or Nimrud.
Boothby: What is your favorite curse word?
Ass, that's what I call my friends all the time =D
Boothby: In five words or less describe yourself.
Pain in the Asometric Photons (I carry it for a reason you know)

MykeLen: What are your favorite bands?
Hard, I really love Rammstein, System of a Down and U2, but most of the time, I love one song from a band. Like "Iris" from the GooGoo Dolls. Really, you should download "If I had a hammer" from Leonard Nimoy! I also listen to a geat deal of movie-music, soundtracks and such.
MykeLen: What do you like other than Star Trek?
I'm a huge moviefreak, I love StarWars, used to love Batman (still, in a way), I have a thing for superheroes, the internet ofcourse and computer games.
MykeLen: Do you have a job?
Currently not, I have jobs for a while and then stop then, I still have to find a job that makes me go.

Chang: Do you go to church?
No, I don't have any religion myself. I just believe in people, for that, there's no need to go to church =)
Chang: 2+2=?
Uhm, 4. Try a hard one!
Chang: How many in your family?
Me, my mom (51), my dad (59) and my older brother (31). But family is a big word, my parents are divorced, me and my brother out of the house. Yes, I have my own appartment.

Riliss: Name a word that ends in "amburger".
Clamburger, gee I love McDonald's.
Riliss: Favorite color?
Still black, and if that's not allowed, purple.
Riliss: Average air velocity of a Swallow?
According to my friend it's 25 miles an hour. I wouldn't know.

Dr.Phlox: Why do you want loads of "I've Been Waiting For You" cards?
Well, I just love it. Many people have a single card they collect multiples from, this is going to be mine. If I get a load, I'll probably do something with them, like cover a wall or something. If that happens, you'll see a picture as proof. I'm nuts enough to do it, anyway =)
Dr.Phlox: What is the best thing you've ever done?
I like the question, but I have a hard time answering it. I think the best thing I ever did is start believing in myself. Once I did, I got much nicer to other people, and much more sure about myself, everything turned for the best. So I guess that would be my answer.
Dr.Phlox: Where did you go on holiday to last?
Crete, the Island of Greece, the picture of me in the orange shirt was taken there, hence the tan!

Real_Sherlock: What do you think of my new website?
Looks better! Easy on the eyes and I like the LCars. A very trekkie look. Which is good!
Real_Sherlock: What do you desperately want for X-mas?
I have everything I want! I have the best friends there are, I'm happy so what could I want? Wait... I'm getting a message from above... "Jurgen, you want HA..." Well, I guess that's true, but I love everything I get, because I know who it comes from!
Real_Sherlock: Why do you love X-mas so much?
I dunno. I get this warm icky feeling inside, I'm probably "Americanized" and that's a good thing. At least, it is in my book.

Labria: What is your favorite color?
Black, but a lot of people say it's not a color. So if it had to be a color I'd say purple. And I mean the purple from the Joker's long jacket in Batman.
Labria: Do you like Star Wars?
I've always been a huge Star Wars fan, long before I liked Trek. I still love it, but I'll never start with the card game.
Labria: Sirtis or Gates?
Sirtis, for sure.

Bridgekeeper: What is your name?
My real name is Jurgen Romeling, but I truly hate it. My handle on decipher is Pain in the Asometric Photons, before that it was Quarker, hence the website's title.
Bridgekeeper: What is your quest?
My single quest in life is to make sure others have a good time, I have it, and I like to share. Other quests would contain flying spaceships, watch snales mate and to truly understand the monkey brain.
Bridgekeeper: Y r th field so shor?
That would translate in the question why the entry fields are so short, I noticed too, and the problem is fixed, sorry about that!

Mr.T'sJibba-Jabba: Time-Travel: Real?
Not in this world. And I don't believe it will ever happen...
Mr.T'sJibba-Jabba: Is Keanu Reeves Satan?
Actually it's his son. But he'd wish!
MrT'sJibba-Jabba: Shatner or Stewart?
I started my personal Star Trek experience by  watching TNG, so at first Stewart. I also loved him in other movies. But now I know a lot more about Trek, I'm going for Shatner. He has something. Either you love him, or you hate him. I'm the lover, and you know that! =)

My STCCG Collection!
Me looking at my own site, Christmas time.
Look, it's me as a baby!
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