The body of this web page begins here. The body tag specifies the colours of unactivated links, activated links, visited links, and the background colour. Please view or print out the source code to see how this page was made. (Click "Source" from the View menu in MSIE).
HTML stands for hypertext markup language. It consists of tags enclosed in less than/greater than symbols.
To indicate the language being used, start each document with an <html> tag and end each document with a </html> tag. A tag beginning with a / closes the two-sided tag that was opened earlier.
Separate your page into "head" and "body" sections. Between the <head> and </head> tags, place the document's title. It should be entered as <title>Put an appropriate title here</title>
Put all the content of your page between the <body> and </body> tags.
<h1 align="center">This is an example of h1 text, centered.</h1>

This is an example of h1 text, centered.

This is an example of h2 text.

This is an example of h3 text.

This is an example of h4 text.

This is an example of h5 text.
This is an example of h6 text.
<p>This is the first paragraph.</p>

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph.

Blank lines and extra spaces are ignored in HTML. The following 3 lines will appear identical on the web page, though they look different in the source code.

To be or not to be. That is the question.

To be or not to be. That is the question.

To be or not to be. That is the question.

You can, however, put in extra spaces using non-breaking spaces:
1 1
2  2
2  2
3   3
4    4
4    4
5     5
This is an ordered list using the default numbering system:
  1. Apples
  2. Peaches
  3. Pears
  4. Plums
  5. Bananas
  6. Grapes

But I decide to take pears off the list. Let's see if the numbering changes:
  1. Apples
  2. Peaches
  3. Plums
  4. Bananas
  5. Grapes
Here is an ordered list using numbers:
  1. Hammers
  2. Nails
  3. Screws
  4. Bolts
Here is an ordered list using lowercase letters:
  1. Cats
  2. Dogs
  3. Hamsters
  4. Budgies
Here is an ordered list using uppercase letters:
  1. Salt
  2. Pepper
  3. Nutmeg
  4. Thyme
Here is an ordered list using lowercase Roman numerals:
  1. Math
  2. Chemistry
  3. Music
  4. French
Here is an ordered list using uppercase Roman numerals:
  1. Survivor
  2. Wheel of Fortune
  3. Eight Simple Rules for Dating my Teenage Daughter
  4. Cops
Here is an unordered list using the default option: Here is an unordered list using discs: Here is an unordered list using circles: Here is an unordered list using squares: Here is a hard rule:
Here is a hard rule that takes up 75% of the length of the browser window:
<hr width="75%">
Here is a hard rule that takes up 45% of the length of the browser window:
See how the length of the line changes as you adjust the size of your browser window.
Here is a left aligned line:
<hr align="left"width="50%">
Here is a right aligned line:
You can use the size attribute to get a thicker line.
<hr size="25">
You can use the noshade attribute to make a solid line.
<hr size="10"noshade>
And just for fun, here is a vertical line.
<hr size="75"width="10">

Here is a definition list: A list of terms and their definitions. Different browsers may display this differently...

<dt>Term 1<dd>Definition 1
<dt>Term 2<dd>Definition 2
Term 1
Definition 1
Term 2
Definition 2
Moves 1 space in any of 8 directions.
Moves any number of spaces in any of 8 directions.
Moves any number of spaces horizontally or vertically.
Moves any number of spaces diagonally.
Moves 2 spaces vertically and 1 space horizontally or 2 spaces horizontally and 1 space vertically.
Moves 1 space forward, but not backwards. Captures pieces by moving diagonally. May move 2 spaces on its first move. Can become a more valuable piece upon reaching the end of the board.
Term 9
Definition 9
Emphasized text Strong text Sample of code Used to offset text that the user should enter Variable Quotes or Citations
Bold text Italicized text Underlined text Typewriter text Big text Small text Subscript and Superscript
Here are some special characters.
The img tag is used to place an image on the web page. You must use the attribute src to specify the location of the image. This text is in the alt attribute of the img tag
There is no align attribute for images, but you can center them by placing them within a centered paragraph.


Here is an ordinary paragraph.

I, man, am regal; a German am I. Never odd or even. If I had a hi-fi. Madam, I'm Adam. Too hot to hoot. No lemons, no melon. Too bad I hid a boot. Lisa Bonet ate no basil. Warsaw was raw. Was it a car or a cat I saw? Rise to vote, sir. Do geese see God? Do nine men interpret? Nine men, I nod. Rats live on no evil star. Won't lovers revolt now? Race fast, safe car. Pa's a sap. Ma is as selfless as I am. May a moody baby doom a yam? Ah, Satan sees Natasha. No devil lived on. Lonely Tylenol. Not a banana baton. No X in Nixon. O stone, be not so. O Geronimo, no minor ego. Naomi, I moan. A Toyota's a Toyota. A dog, a panic in a pagoda. Oh no, Don Ho! Nurse, I spy gypsies; run! Senile felines. Now I see bees I won. UFO tofu. We panic in a pew. Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo. Gob, a red nugget; a fat egg under a bog. Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog. (Words by Weird Al Yankovic)

Here is the same paragraph using the <nobr> tag, which prevents word wrapping (line breaks).

I, man, am regal; a German am I. Never odd or even. If I had a hi-fi. Madam, I'm Adam. Too hot to hoot. No lemons, no melon. Too bad I hid a boot. Lisa Bonet ate no basil. Warsaw was raw. Was it a car or a cat I saw? Rise to vote, sir. Do geese see God? Do nine men interpret? Nine men, I nod. Rats live on no evil star. Won't lovers revolt now? Race fast, safe car. Pa's a sap. Ma is as selfless as I am. May a moody baby doom a yam? Ah, Satan sees Natasha. No devil lived on. Lonely Tylenol. Not a banana baton. No X in Nixon. O stone, be not so. O Geronimo, no minor ego. Naomi, I moan. A Toyota's a Toyota. A dog, a panic in a pagoda. Oh no, Don Ho! Nurse, I spy gypsies; run! Senile felines. Now I see bees I won. UFO tofu. We panic in a pew. Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo. Gob, a red nugget; a fat egg under a bog. Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog.

Here is the same paragraph using the <blockquote> tag, which is used for long quotations.

I, man, am regal; a German am I. Never odd or even. If I had a hi-fi. Madam, I'm Adam. Too hot to hoot. No lemons, no melon. Too bad I hid a boot. Lisa Bonet ate no basil. Warsaw was raw. Was it a car or a cat I saw? Rise to vote, sir. Do geese see God? Do nine men interpret? Nine men, I nod. Rats live on no evil star. Won't lovers revolt now? Race fast, safe car. Pa's a sap. Ma is as selfless as I am. May a moody baby doom a yam? Ah, Satan sees Natasha. No devil lived on. Lonely Tylenol. Not a banana baton. No X in Nixon. O stone, be not so. O Geronimo, no minor ego. Naomi, I moan. A Toyota's a Toyota. A dog, a panic in a pagoda. Oh no, Don Ho! Nurse, I spy gypsies; run! Senile felines. Now I see bees I won. UFO tofu. We panic in a pew. Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo. Gob, a red nugget; a fat egg under a bog. Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog. (Words by Weird Al Yankovic)

Jimmy Vermeer Here is an image with text aligned at the top.

Nick Bush Here is an image with text aligned at the middle.

David Stolp Here is an image with text aligned at the bottom.

Captain Kirk Here is an image on the left with text to the right of it.
Runner Here is an image on the right with text to the left of it.

Here is an image of me made smaller using the width and height attributes.
Little Jimmy
Here is an image of me mad larger using the same attributes.
Big Jimmy
Images may overlap like this...
Stephen Dubé
Stephen Dubé
... unless you use the <br clear="all"> tag.
Stephen Dubé
Stephen Dubé
serif sans-serif monospace cursive fantasy Arial Helvetica


<a href="..">Back to the Chip's Challenge page</a>
Back to the Chip's Challenge page This is a local link to a file in a different directory.
<a href="resume.html">Jimmy Vermeer's resumé</a>
Jimmy Vermeer's resumé This is a local link to a file in the same directory.
Stephen Dubé's Chemistry Classes
ChildLink of Las Cruces
Leonhard Euler
Frostbite Freeze
Rock Hotel of Green River
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
Diamond Health Club
Arcadium Amusement Park
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Kelsey's menu
Pixal Digital Products
Tri-State Realty listing for 22 North Shore Drive
The Park City Gazette
My course timetable
dHome Quality Geodesic Domes & Homes
The Chamberlain Civic Center February Calendar
Dunston Retreat Center
Yale Climbing School
Yale Climbing School (easier to navigate)
Doc-Centric Copiers
Browyer Realty listing for 414 Mandel Rd.
SkyWeb - The Messier Objects
<a href="">The Book Advocate, website designed by my brother</a>
The Book Advocate, website designed by my brother. This is a remote link to another site.
A link to a site that doesn't exist
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